Chapter 556 Mysterious Luck

Wei Bingying’s eyes flooded, and said: “So, it seems that this so-called dark military training ground is divided into levels. Every time you pass a level, you will get rewards. The best rewards are the top three. Now we It should be the second level. I just don’t know what the second level will test.”

At first, everyone thought it was a survival test. As long as you stay here long enough, you will definitely win. Now it seems that this is a test of surpassing cards. The more hurdles should be, who is the winner.

At this moment, suddenly the giant wall behind the crowd vibrated and began to slowly move towards the crowd.

“The test of this level has begun. Let’s go to the iron gate at the end to see what is being tested in this level!” Fu Long shouted, shaking his body and rushing forward.

The moving speed of this giant wall is comparable to that of the first level. If you want to completely move to the end, there are still ten minutes, everyone is not in a hurry, and they rush to the front in no hurry.

After rushing through the first ten meters, everyone did not feel anything. After rushing through ten meters, they soon felt something was wrong, everyone could clearly feel it, and the body became heavy.

The further forward, the heavier the body feels. It seems that this huge room is flooded with invisible power. The closer the room is to the end, the more powerful this invisible power is flooded, and the more terrifying the power that everyone needs to bear.

With everyone’s strength, the first ten meters were very relaxed, and there was almost no feeling. After 20 meters, everyone felt the pressure doubled. When they rushed to 30 meters, everyone felt the pressure doubled, almost every additional meter. This pressure has doubled.

Soon, everyone showed their own abilities and began to rush forward at full speed.

Now everyone has seen it, the first level tests the power of the people attacking the iron gate, ranked according to the strength, and the second level test should be who can withstand the invisible power first and pass the iron gate. Doors are ranked according to the chronological order of passing through the iron door.

Everyone was not a fool. After understanding, the powerful among them immediately went all out, stepped forward suddenly, and rushed towards the iron gate at full speed.

Su Li had missed the first place before, so at this time, how could he let it go again? Without hesitation, he activated the state of the overrunner, entered the strongest Heavenly Demon state, set the speed Ascension to the fastest, and then activated it. “Sacred’s Power” enters an invincible state.

But at the same moment, Zuri realized that the invincible state of Sacred’s power had no effect on the pressure state that filled the entire huge house.

This kind of pressure is more like a kind of gravitational force, but this gravitational force is too terrifying, the farther forward, the more terrifying. Although Sacred’s power is called invincible, it is not really immune to everything. The gravity is still not immune, will not escape gravity in an invincible state, will not fly.

Originally, when it was used, Su Li had already suspected that Sacred’s power might have no effect on the invisible pressure in front of him.

According to his experience these days, most of the powers that Sacred can be immune to belong to the offensive powers and abilities, which are unable to play a role in some special forces like the gravity of the earth.

Although the power of Sacred is not effective against this invisible power, Zuri has entered the two-meter-eight Heavenly Demon state, his power and speed have completely exploded, and he has still reached the level of terror, launching a “spider walking” to resist this invisible pressure. , Rushed forward.

Xuan Hua also exploded with the strongest strength at the same moment. He was confident. No one among the crowd could reach the end faster than him. This time, he must be the first.

In the first level, I made a mistake and didn’t use real power. This made King Celestial Immortals grab the first place. Now, who can compete with him?

He is the only “super-class” on the court.

And it is a berserker with a level 12 “super” combat power.

The corner of Xuanhua’s mouth curled slightly, and he rushed forward with all his strength, and instantly passed the surrounding companions, with a look of satisfaction on his face. At this moment, he suddenly shook, and his body suddenly surpassed a huge figure. The next moment, he watched. Arrived at a huge back.Someone turned away from him, and further and further away.

Xuanhua almost missed and shouted “Impossible”, and tried his best to chase forward.

At this moment, he didn’t react for a while, and he didn’t even know who the huge back was. He could only watch the other person overtake him in an instant. Under the extreme pressure of that horror, he rushed to the iron gate at the end, and then rushed into the iron gate. The door disappeared.

Xuanhua was stunned, and then rushed to the iron gate two or three seconds later than the opponent.

As soon as he touched the iron gate, he found that he rushed in without hindrance and left here.

Others watched Su Li and Xuanhua rushing into the iron gate so quickly, and felt shocked as well. Almost everyone was desperately trying their best to use their magical powers.

A little later than Su Li and Xuanhua, Wei Bingying also rushed in after the third one, and then Liu Jie.

Jiang Shuijue used all kinds of abilities, but when he reached more than 40 meters, he couldn’t go any further. He even felt that his internal organs seemed to start to shatter and he had to retreat.

She is able to have superior combat power because it can be reduced to three, but at this moment, this ability has no effect when facing the challenges of this level.

There are many people like her, and when they reach about forty meters, they can’t move an inch.

This level is much more difficult than the first level.

After trying twice in a row, someone determined that they could not enter, and without hesitation they activated the teleport crystal and began to leave the field.

Some people successfully reached the iron gate at the end one after another, entered it, and others left one after another.

Shi Dalong sighed. Although he was a “superior” fighter, when he rushed to more than 40 meters, he saw the iron gate in front of him, but he could not go further. He understood that as long as he went further, own The body will be crushed.

Forced to be helpless, he gave up and activated the teleportation crystal.

Even with the same combat power, if the body is more powerful, the probability of passing this level is much higher. On the contrary, if it is because of mastering special abilities to become a “superior” strong, the body is weaker and it is almost impossible. Pass this pass.

This level obviously tests the body’s endurance.

The endurance is not enough, no matter how strong it is, it can’t be close to the end of the iron gate.

Only at this level, at least nearly ten people were eliminated. Luo Zhanjian had only medium combat power. He was lucky enough to pass the first level. He hardly reported much hope for this level. When he rushed to 30 meters, he just He couldn’t move forward anymore. Just when he was about to give up, he suddenly realized that the left and right pressures of own were not the same. It seemed that the right side was much stronger, while the left was much weaker.

It was strange that Luo Zhanjian thought it was an illusion of own. Some unbelievers moved two steps to the left. Sure enough, the pressure on his body was reduced and he was much more relaxed, so that he could continue to walk forward, and then raised his head and suddenly noticed. To the top of the upper part, a crack loomed.

The crack was winding like a snake, extending to the iron gate. The crack was not obvious. In addition to the darkness of the space, everyone was engrossed in approaching the front iron gate. No one would be okay to look at the top carefully, even if they accidentally saw it. , I would never think that the narrow area below this crack corresponds to the low pressure, and according to the trend of the crack above, it is twisted to lead to the iron gate.

It was like opening a back door, and Luo Zhan knew what was going on right away.

It seemed that this dark refining field had loopholes, or it was incomplete, and for some unknown reason, it was damaged. With good luck, he unexpectedly discovered it, giving him a chance to take advantage of it.

Luo Zhanjian has a special ability called Luck. This ability is very weird and cannot be activated on the initiative. Even he himself doesn’t know when it will take effect.

Sometimes he even feels that this lucky ability does not exist at all. Otherwise, why hasn’t he even obtained the treasure until now? It was just bestowed by Mo Liudao.

This ability seems to appear suddenly only when he is about to suffer a life-and-death crisis, allowing himself to escape, so although his natural ability is average, he has been able to live until now.

The last time he was able to get the centipede essence was also because of this lucky ability. Unexpectedly, when he wanted to give up at this moment, this luck finally took care of him again, allowing him to find the only loophole and follow the direction of the winding crack above. , Keep approaching the iron gate.

The others are squeezing forward with all their strength, and no one will deliberately pay attention to Luo Zhanjian.

Luo Zhanjian also pretended to be very hard, and then approached the iron gate, secretly relieved, and passed the second test.

Jiang Shuijue opened the teleporting crystal, but regretfully gave up.

In this level, a total of nine people failed, and those who succeeded in reaching the next level became 22 people.

Nine people including Jiang Shuijue and Shi Dalong left and appeared in the huge space before.

Mo Liudao saw Shi Dalong also coming out, frowning slightly.

After all, Shi Dalong was the person he had cultivated, and he failed the second level before he thought of it, which made him feel a little have no face.

“How about it, what does the second level test?” Ling Yun stopped everyone and asked about the second level.

Although Jiang Shuijue had failed, he thought of the best performance of Su Li. He was in a good mood as the first one to rush through. Several others were a little depressed. Seeing the guide’s question, they talked about it in detail.

“This second level turns out to be a test of endurance.”

“You said Xuanhua was only the second one to pass?” Ling Yun was startled suddenly, with an unbelievable look on his face, and said, “Who is the first?”

“It’s No. 2, by the way, it seems to be Su Li.” The person who answered was not familiar with Su Li, so he remembered Su Li’s name after thinking about it.

Mo Liudao listened to his ears, his expression moved, he looked at Jiang Shuijue, and said, “Is Su Li the first to pass?”

“Yes.” Jiang Shuijue nodded.

Mo Liudao nodded slightly.

Ling Yun smiled and said: “I see, this kid Xuanhua is too low-key. I guess he didn’t use real power. You said he was only ranked 17th in the first level. This kid really can’t help him at this time. , Still so low-key.”

Ling Yun learned that Xuanhua was only ranked 17th in the first level and second in the second level. He immediately understood that he probably didn’t use all his strength, or didn’t pay enough attention to it, so let others grab it. First.

Thinking of Xuanhua’s usually low-key personality, Ling Yun could understand it.

“Neither of the first two levels won the first one, this third level should always be done with all strength.” Ling Yun whispered to himself, some looking forward to the next third level.

For this son of luck, he is full of expectations.

Mo Liudao looked at the fourteen people who had been eliminated, and suddenly realized that Luo Zhanjian, his least optimistic, originally thought that he should be eliminated in the first level, but he did not expect to survive the first two stubbornly.

“It’s interesting.” Mo Liudao whispered to himself, compared to Xuanhua, he suddenly became a little interested in Luo Zhanjian.

It is not uncommon for Su Li or Xuanhua to pass the first two levels with the strength of Su Li or Xuanhua. What surprised him was how Luo Zhanjian, a medium combat force, could pass the two levels?

You know, even Shi Dalong failed in the second level.

Su Li was the first to pass the second level, pass through the iron door, and reappear in an almost identical giant room. It looks almost the same as the previous two levels. It is still painted with graffiti and blood-stained walls. , There is an iron door at the end.

But when he wanted to continue forward, he found that there was an invisible force in front of him blocking him, and he couldn’t move forward, and then a message in his mind reminded him that the second level test has not ended, and the third level test has not yet opened.

“It seems that we can only wait for everyone to get results.”

Su Li stopped and returned to the Heavenly Demon state, and Xuanhua appeared.

Looking at all eyes, Xuanhua’s face looked a little weird.

He is no stranger to Su Li.

The last time the two parties met in “Nanjiang City”, Xuanhua cared about him, after all, he couldn’t get a glimpse of his message.

“How many level are you? Is the evaluation of combat power superior or what?”

Xuanhua kept asking, he was indeed dissatisfied, and wondered why Su Li was faster than him and won the first place.

Su Li just smiled, and then Wei Bingying appeared, followed by Liu Jie.

There were some surprises in their eyes looking at Su Li.

Even if Su Li was faster than herself, and rushed in faster than Xuan Hua, they did feel surprised.

Then they thought of similar reasons as Ling Yun, and suspected that Xuanhua hadn’t exhausted all his strength.

After all, they all know that Xuanhua is a “super” powerhouse.

Although I can’t see Su Li’s information, I don’t think he can surpass Xuanhua.

Seeing that Su Li did not answer, Xuanhua was a little irritated.

Now the second level is not over, they can’t move on, they can only stay here and wait.

Someone appeared one after another, and finally a total of 22 people broke into this third level. The rest of them all returned with the teleport crystal. Finally, they heard a message in their minds, reminding them that the second level test was over and they started to give out rewards.

“First place, reward the life-giving scroll.”

Su Li sensed the message in his mind, and then there was a treasure in his chest called “Life Giving Scroll”. It is a life-saving treasure, similar to the surviving crystal, but the surviving crystal can be used several times. This can only be used once, but once used, the effect is better than that of the surviving crystal.

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