Chapter 557 Dark Creature (first one)

Su Li was the first and received the best reward, followed by Xuanhua, who was second, and obtained a treasure similar to the life-giving scroll, but the effect was only half that.

Further down, the rewards obtained get worse and worse.

After 22 people received own rewards one after another, Zuri felt that the invisible barrier that was blocking the front had disappeared. Then, a message rang in everyone’s mind, that is to rush at the fastest speed. The iron gate to the end.

After sensing this message, everyone understood that the third test had begun, and they all rushed forward in the first place.

At almost the same moment, above the head, black beams of light were suddenly emitted, criss-crossing, just like black lasers, blasting towards the people below irregularly.

Su Li understood in an instant that this third level tested everyone’s speed and reaction avoidance ability.

All this happened so quickly. The crowd heard a scream as soon as they rushed out a few meters, but one person reacted a little later, and instinctively opened up the shield to resist, not wanting the power of the black laser to be incredible.

This person is a strong man with “superior” combat power, but the defense he opened with all his strength was unexpectedly vulnerable. He was instantly swept by the black laser, and even the shield and body were cut open from it.

Although he was cut open, he did not die. In panic, he desperately took out the teleportation crystal to start, wanting to escape from here, and at the same time, he activated the special ability he possessed to restore his body.

I didn’t want the teleportation crystal just to appear white light, and several black lasers shot past. This person was too late to scream, was tragically divided into several pieces, and died immediately.

One face to face, a dignified “superior” powerhouse died, and the rest were shocked. Although several people avoided the black laser several times in a row, they already felt strenuous. Continue to retreat, and then take out the teleportation crystal to escape here.

The closer the black laser is to the iron gate, the denser it accumulates. They just rushed out a few meters before they almost got the trick, where they dared to go forward, they immediately backed up and gave up.

And Su Li, Xuanhua, Wei Bingying, Liu Jie, Wang Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai, and others, went all out, shuttled through the black laser shots, constantly rushing to the iron gate at the end.

Although the black laser shot is terrifying, unpredictable, and fast, these people have an unimaginable reaction ability. They accurately grasped every black laser shot, shuttled through the gap, and moved towards The iron gate is approaching.

Luo Zhanjian also rushed forward two steps. Hearing someone screaming, he also thought of giving up. Suddenly he realized that he didn’t know if it was luck or something. Where he stood, it happened to be the place where the black laser showed the gap.

“Could it really be that lucky abilities have come into play again?” Luo Zhanjian was surprised and delighted, feeling that with his strength, he could walk a few meters to the limit, but now he even rushed forward more than a dozen meters without incident.

Coincidentally, it didn’t seem that he was avoiding these lasers. On the contrary, it seemed that these lasers were avoiding him. Many lasers were very coincidentally past his body.

Luo Zhanjian gave up the idea of ​​leaving, and ran forward with some dizziness in his mind.

He saw that the fastest rushes were Su Li, Xuan Hua and Wei Bingying, among which Su Li and Xuan Hua performed the most amazing.

This time, both of them went all out. Before this level was different, they were a little careless but there was a danger of Death. It can be said that people who were not sure about basically gave up directly and were confident in themselves and dare to go forward. There are only about ten people.Of course, there is also the special accident of Luo Zhanjian.

In that huge space, everyone was paying attention to the mother crystal, and saw a light spot on it suddenly disappeared, and no one appeared here. Everyone was puzzled and didn’t know what happened.

Then another light spot disappeared.

Xu Tianyu suddenly said: “It is No. 32 and No. 18 that have disappeared.” Among them, No. 32 is a person under his hand, and No. 18 is a person under Ling Yun.

Ling Yun’s face was a bit ugly, and said: “It seems that there are finally casualties. Is it too late to use the teleportation crystal? What happened to this?”

Hearing what Ling Yun said, hundreds of people around were in an uproar, only then did they know that the person holding the No. 32 crystal and the No. 18 crystal had died in this dark refining ground.

You know, this is an elite with “superior” combat power.

After that, white rays of light began to appear one after another. In the rays of light, people kept appearing, and those who fled back looked terrified.

Those black laser shots are really terrifying, as long as they escape a little later, I don’t know if they can come back alive.

There were a total of nine people who had escaped alive, plus the two who died, which meant that the number of people still in the dark refining field had been reduced to eleven.

Inquiring about the situation of these nine people, they learned that the third level was terrible, but as for who was the first, they didn’t know, because when they fled back, the eleven people who did not escape were still quickly approaching the iron gate in front. No one passed successfully.

When these people handed in the teleport crystal, there were only eleven light spots left on the mother crystal.

Suddenly, another light spot disappeared.

Everyone changed their faces, which meant that another person died.

Each of these people is a “superior” powerhouse, and it can be said to be very precious. Whichever one died, the three guides felt a pain in the flesh.

Mo Liudao’s face was very strange.

He stared at the number 12 spot on the mother crystal.

This light spot represents Luo Zhanjian.

Even a group of “superior” fighters fled back, and some even died. Why didn’t Luo Zhanjian, who had only “medium” combat power, escaped back? And it’s still alive there.

This is so strange, it’s completely unreasonable, unless…

“Could it be…” Mo Liu suddenly had a crazy thought in Dao’s heart.

Could it be that the son of luck mentioned above, the person who is close to the darkness, may become the child of darkness or bury the darkness, is not unexpectedly stunning Xuanhua, but this looks ordinary Luo Zhanjian?

Only in this way can he explain why he can survive to the third level with his “medium” combat power, and he has not failed yet.

“If he is really a son of luck and is close to the darkness, this dark refining field will naturally not hurt him… and even take the initiative to release water to him… This can explain why he has been there until now. Of course, all of this Just guessing…”

Mo Liudao silently thought, staring at the last ten remaining light spots on the mother crystal.

At this moment, the remaining ten spots are Celestial Immortals, No. 1, Su Li, No. 3, Lin Xinghai, No. 7 Ding’s sister and brother, No. 12 Luo Zhanjian, No. 13 Xuanhua, and No. 14 Liu Jie. No. 25 Wei Bingying, No. 27 Li Haihui, No. 28 Yu Mingze.

Except for Luo Zhanjian, the other nine people are all “superior” or higher combat powers.

Even Fulong had already initiated the transmission of crystals and left here, but the Ding brothers and sisters were still insisting.

They obtained two treasures at the same time, plus their double spiritual source art, double strengthening, it can be said that their strength has got a terrible Ascension.

Everyone passed through the bursts of Death rays one after another, and successfully reached the iron gate, passed through, and passed the test of the third pass.

As before, it was still Su Li who won the first place, and Xuanhua ranked second, but the third place became Lin Xinghai, the fourth place was Wei Bingying, and the fifth place was Liu Jie.

Although Luo Zhanjian was the last one, everyone looked at him with weird eyes.

Everyone could see that he was only an evaluation of “medium” combat power, but he passed the test of the third level just now, which is really unbelievable.

Lin Xinghai’s “speed bracelet” allowed him to successfully win the third place.

Xuanhua’s expression was a bit ugly. He was behind in the second level. He also suspected that it was a coincidence. Perhaps Su Li was lucky, but he did not expect that this third level would be defeated by him.

As everyone successfully passed the third level, a message soon appeared in everyone’s mind, reminding them of their ranking and rewards in the third level.

The reward that Su Li gets is a special fusion crystal of monarch quality with armor, but there is a little difference from the fusion crystal he obtained before, that is, he can choose his own attributes.

Regarding the attributes, Zuli did not hesitate to choose the dragon attribute.

His main attribute now is the dragon. Since he can choose freely, he will naturally choose the dragon attribute. After obtaining the dragon attribute fusion crystal, Su Li did not immediately proceed with the equipment fusion.

Because with his current strength, it is not difficult to hunt monarch-level monsters to obtain monarch-quality equipment. As he has more and more monarch equipment, the possibility of duplication will increase, so he will use this dragon attribute His fusion crystal is temporarily preserved, ready to be fused at an appropriate time in the future, anyway, an additional piece of monarch equipment is not big to his Ascension.

He now has five pieces of dragon attribute equipment. The next time he wants to obtain the third layer of special ability stimulation, he needs eight pieces of dragon attribute equipment. Do not use it in a hurry.

Xuanhua ranked second, and the reward he received was also a monarch-quality fusion crystal, but he obtained a random attribute that he could not choose.

The third place is Lin Xinghai, who won a rare quality ring, and from the fourth place onwards, everyone’s reward is a rare quality armor that can be designated by themselves. It can be said that it is very tasteless and can enter here. People are basically a full set of rare quality equipment, plus some monarch qualities.

The ten people received their own different rewards, and then looking forward, it was still the same huge room. This was already the fourth level of the Dark Refinery.When a message appeared in everyone’s mind at the same time, the invisible barrier that had prevented everyone from moving forward disappeared. At the same moment, a cloud of dark aura suddenly spewed from above, and these dark auras fell to the ground and turned into a statue. The dark creatures with different expressions opened their mouths and roared in a low voice, showing their fangs.

In an instant, these dark creatures filled the entire space, and rushed toward the ten of them violently.

The message reminder in their minds is very simple, it is still the iron gate to the end.

However, in front of him, a dense cluster of dark creatures appeared, and in front of the iron gate, there was a giant dark creature standing there. It was never easy for anyone to rush into the iron gate.

Several shouts of anger sounded, and everyone shot one after another, rushing towards the dark creatures facing them.

Su Li had already opened the peeping rune, observing the information of these dark creatures, and found that all dark creatures, regardless of their appearance, had only a simple message.

“Name: Dark creature, an existence evolved from the power of darkness, unable to peek into detailed information.”

He opened the “third eye” and the only message he observed was still this sentence.

He already understood that these dark creatures in front of him should have evolved from the power of darkness. Strictly speaking, they may not be regarded as real beings. Therefore, there is no information to peek at.

Xuanhua, Celestial Immortals, Wang Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai, Wei Bingying, Liu Jie, Ding’s sister and brother, and others all rushed up, using various methods, all wanting to break through the blockade of these dark creatures for the first time. The iron gate at the end.

Everyone understands that the reward for the first place is the most generous, and everyone wants to compete.

Su Li also instantly entered the state of overrunner and Heavenly Demon, transformed into a giant body of up to 2.8 meters high, strode and slammed into it.

After winning the first place, the rewards are getting better and better. This time the first place, he naturally didn’t want to miss it. He calculated the distance in his heart, and Su Li rushed towards a dark creature on the face, but he was about to fight back. At the time, he used the “Ghost Step of the Dragon King”, and suddenly bypassed it, and then rushed towards the iron gate in the distance.

Oncoming two dark creatures appeared, joining hands and flanking them.

As soon as he shot, Su Li’s heart sank slightly, because the strength of this dark creature was terrifying, it was almost close to the “superior” combat power, at least not inferior to the top existence of the “medium” combat power.

It can be said that now it is almost equal to that everyone is facing a group of top powerhouses in the “medium” combat power to jointly block and attack.

At this time, the difference in the strength of the people immediately became clear.

Xuanhua possessed “superior” combat power, almost crushed, and when he faced him, he exploded a dark creature, then rushed forward, and immediately rushed out ten meters, pounced on another dark creature, and beat it. It must burst into a cloud of black air.

Su Li’s performance was no worse than Xuanhua, but he activated the “Sacred Power” while the two dark creatures were flanking each other. For the invisible pressure of the previous second level, Sacred’s power was ineffective. He did not believe that dealing with these dark creatures was still invalid.

Sure enough, the attack of the dark creature hit him and couldn’t hurt him at all.

Since the attacks of these dark creatures were ineffective, Su Li didn’t care about it at all, and didn’t fight with them, but rushed straight towards the end.

No matter how strong Xuanhua was, he would eventually have to kill one by one before he could get close. Su Li never expected that Su Li would not evade the attacks of these monsters at all, and then rushed forward at full speed.

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