Chapter 555 Trial begins (second more seeking subscription)

Thirty-six people look at each other.

King Celestial Immortals said: “My lord, what is the test of this dark refining field? What are the specific contents? Is it to kill some monsters, to see the number of monsters killed? Or is it just to see who has the most time? Win?”

Mo Liudao glanced at her and said, “What is the content of the test in the Dark Refining Ground, even we don’t know.”

As soon as this sentence was said, everyone was in a daze. They never expected that there would be such a thing. They were sent to the trial. They didn’t even know the content of the trial. They finally understood why they sent them this teleportation crystal. , It seems absolutely dangerous inside.

“The conditions for winning are very simple. Who stays in it the longest, who comes out last, is the winner, is there anything else you don’t understand now?”

This time everyone nodded their heads one after another. It was a complete understanding. Entering the dark refining field does not require you to kill many monsters or perform well, as long as you stay in it for a long enough time.

Strictly speaking, this is a big test of survival. What is tested is not all strength, but survivability.

“All report the number of own transmission crystal.”

Following Mo Liudao’s words, everyone began to count.

First, it started with the twelve selected by Mo Liudao. Wang Celestial Immortals received the teleportation crystal numbered No. 1, Zuri was No. 2, Lin Xinghai was No. 3, Shi Dalong No. 4, Jiang Shuijue No. 5, Xu Xuehui No. 6, Ding The siblings are No. 7, Fulong No. 8, Yu Chengcheng No. 9, Lu Xiaojie No. 10, Li Chao No. 11, Luo Zhanjian is the last, is the No. 12. Obviously, Mo Liudao is the least optimistic about him, purely pulling He came to make up the count.

In Lingyun’s place, Xuanhua deservedly ranked first, number 13, then Liu Jie on the 14th, and the others went down in turn.

Su Li was surprised by those people under Xu Tianyu. Wei Bingying was ranked first, at No. 25, which meant that under Xu Tianyu, Wei Bingying turned out to be his most optimistic person.

Thirty-six people reported their own number, and more than 400 people who had only watched around were remembering their number. Everyone was also curious about the results of this experiment, who performed the best, and who performed the best. Worst.

The three guides also wrote down those who were printed with these numbers.

“Okay, now you are all standing on this dark magic stone.” Mo Liudao said as he pointed to the huge dark magic stone in the center.

Because the dark magic stone was not big enough, 36 people entered in batches, and the first batch was the twelve people, Su Li and King Celestial Immortals.

Mo Liudao, Ling Yun, and Xu Tianyu sub-stationed in the three directions of the dark magic stone, and then, according to the confession of the executor, punched the power into the dark magic stone, and activated the spell power in it according to a special method.

Soon, a black light appeared, ascended up, and drowned the twelve people of Zuli. Then the black light disappeared, and the dark magic stone returned to its original shape. The twelve people such as Zuli who had originally stood above disappeared.

Obviously, they have entered the dark training ground.

As the twelve people disappeared, twelve small light spots immediately lit up on the large crystal suspended in mid-air, and each light spot contained a number symbol corresponding to the twelve crystals. It also means that the energy of the twelve crystals has been excited, and as long as they are activated, they can return to the area where the mother crystal is located.

The twelve people sent away in the second batch were Xuanhua and Liu Jie, and then Wei Bingying and other twelve people.

All three groups of people were sent away, and the mother crystal was densely packed with tiny symbols of light.The eyes of the three of Mo Liudao now fell on this large crystal.

Once they entered the dark refining field, even they couldn’t sense the situation there, let alone enter. They could only obey the orders from above, and they didn’t dare to ask.

Su Li, Celestial Immortals and other twelve people entered the dark magic stone and stood there, and then they felt a black light rising into the sky. They were submerged in the black light, and then waited for the surrounding black light to converge, they had already noticed the soles of their feet. It is no longer a dark magic stone, and the surrounding area is no longer the huge dark space before, but into another huge house that is completely unfamiliar.

The house is about ten meters high, twenty meters wide, and fifty meters long. At the end is a tightly closed iron door. Right now is a huge, completely sealed space, which looks very empty and huge, with blood stains on the surrounding walls. There are even all kinds of weird and ugly graffiti, which seem indescribably weird.

After that, Xuan Hua and Wei Bingying also appeared here one after another.

Everyone is observing the surroundings. From the current point of view, the only way out is the iron gate that is closed at the end, but they did not immediately move forward to the iron gate, because according to the content of the test that Mo Liudao said, this time it is not How many monsters are hunted, but the survival time.

The longer who stays in this dark refining field, whoever will win.

Although the empty room looks weird and terrifying at the moment, it looks safe for the time being, so everyone didn’t plan to move around. No one knew what was in the iron gate at the end. In case of opening the iron gate, something terrible would be released from it. Monsters are not beautiful.

Everyone had a similar plan. They were going to stay here honestly. Suddenly they felt the ground shake, and then they realized that the blood-stained wall at the back had moved and was slowly approaching them.

Fulong immediately opened his mouth and said, “Is there a mechanism on this wall?”

“I understand, this wall will continue to move in the direction of the iron gate, and the space here will become smaller and smaller. This is forcing us to enter the iron gate.” Shi Dalong cried.

Lin Xinghai snorted, and suddenly waved his right hand, sending out a burst of energy, hitting the slowly advancing wall, but found that there was not even a trace left on the wall.

He immediately understood that the surrounding walls were constructed of unknown materials and were unbreakable, at least not that their power could destroy.

Originally, the entire wall at the rear was 50 meters away from the iron gate at the end. Although the speed of the entire wall was not too fast, it moved about five meters per minute and approached the iron gate at the end. It takes about ten minutes to block the wall at a distance of fifty meters.

Several people even attacked, confirming that the wall really could not be destroyed. Thinking about it only took ten minutes, if the iron gate could not be opened within ten minutes, then everyone could only launch the teleportation crystal to escape from here.

I didn’t dare to worry about it. I didn’t want to stay here all the time. They all ran towards the iron gate at the end.

When they came to the iron gate, everyone noticed that there were a large number of complicated and incomprehensible black spells floating on the surface of the iron gate, and no one knew what it meant.

Someone shot an attack from the air and hit the iron gate. The black spell on the surface shone slightly. At the same moment, a message suddenly appeared in everyone’s mind.

Su Li sensed the message that suddenly appeared in his mind, and immediately understood what the iron gate engraved with black spells was.

“It turns out that this iron gate is actually a kind of appraisal prop. It must be attacked to reach the standard before it can pass through the iron gate, otherwise it will be eliminated and cannot be entered.”

Fortunately, everyone has teleport crystals, otherwise, once they are eliminated and cannot enter the iron gate, it will be miserable, and they will have to be slowly crushed into flesh by the approaching walls.

Only ten minutes, everyone did not dare to put it aside, and immediately someone uttered a loud shout, gathered all the strength of the whole body, fists out, and slammed on the facing iron gate full of dark spells.

With a “boom”, the dark spell on the surface of the iron gate immediately glowed.

Then, the man showed joy and immediately approached the iron gate, only to see his body melt into the iron gate miraculously, and then disappeared.

After that, everyone began to vigorously attack the iron gate, as long as the dark charm on the surface shined, it meant that it had passed the test, could directly merge into the iron gate, and disappear here.

Among the thirty-six people, the vast majority have reached the “superior” combat power at the same level. For those with “superior” combat power, they can easily pass the test with a full blow.

Obviously this first level is not difficult for people with “superior” combat power.

Su Li motioned to Xu Xuehui to go up and try, and to say that among the crowd, which one is impossible, it is Xu Xuehui.

Su Li looked at Xu Xuehui with some worry.

Sure enough, Xu Xuehui tried three times and failed.

In addition to her, among the crowd, there were four others who also had a “medium” combat power evaluation, failed to reach the “superior” level, and similarly failed.

Luo Zhanjian was lucky. He gathered the centipede essence and the precious insect armor he had just obtained. With a full blow, it just barely reached the target, successfully merged into the iron gate, and left here.

In the end, only Xu Xuehui and the other four losers were left here, and then there was Su Li. He had been waiting for Xu Xuehui, so he didn’t leave.

Seeing that the wall behind them kept approaching, it was only five meters away from here, the four losers tried several more times, but still failed, did not dare to wait any longer, and activated the teleportation crystals they possessed one after another.

Xu Xuehui also sighed, seeming to regret that she didn’t even make it through the first level, but she didn’t feel much disappointment on her face. Instead, she showed a smile to Su Li and suddenly whispered: “Come on.” Started the teleport crystal to leave.

Light slowly appeared on the surface of the teleporting crystal, and this light gradually spread to their bodies along the teleportation crystal, then turned into a light and disappeared here.

In that gloomy space, around the dark magic stone, Mo Liudao, Ling Yun and Xu Tianyu were all looking at the mother crystal floating above, looking at the thirty-six small characters on it. Hundreds of people gathered around. None of them left. Although everyone did not have a chance to enter, they all wanted to see the results of this experiment.

Suddenly, everyone saw the sudden emergence of light after light, and then a figure appeared from this light, it was one of the 36 people selected just now.

Soon five rays of light appeared, and five spots of light disappeared from the mother crystal, representing that there were currently thirty-six people in the dark refining field, and five of them were missing all of a sudden.

The five people who returned from the teleportation were the five who had just failed, and Xu Xuehui was one of them.

After they returned, they handed over the teleporting crystal to the three guides.

Under the inquiries of the guide, they recounted the scene they had seen.

“It turns out that this first level is a basic assessment, and it’s about everyone’s basic strength.” Xu Tianyu had a sense of it.Then he raised his head and looked at the mother crystal above, watching the remaining thirty-one light spots still flashing, thinking that these thirty-one people passed the first test and should have entered the second one.

Seeing Xu Xuehui also left, Su Li used enough strength to hit the iron gate with a violent punch, stimulating the dark runes on it. A dazzling black light burst out of it, merged into the iron gate, and left here.

When he walked through the iron gate, he suddenly realized that he had once again entered a huge house that was almost exactly the same. It was still twenty meters wide and fifty meters long, with blood stains on the surrounding walls, and at the end was a closed iron gate.

The thirty people he entered first were all observing the surroundings and did not leave.

When Su Li entered, about two or three minutes later, in the giant room of the first level, when the moving wall just reached the iron gate, suddenly, the same message rang in everyone’s mind.

“The first level of the test is over, now we will start to count the results and start to issue rewards.”

Upon sensing this message, everyone was stunned, followed by the second message that appeared in Su Li’s mind: “Third place, reward a medium-sized spiritual source crystal.”

Then, in front of his chest, a white light suddenly appeared, and then turned into a crystal. He held it with his hand, and then realized that it was a medium-sized spiritual source crystal.

Thirty-one people, there were spirit source crystals in front of everyone, but the number was different. Among them, five medium spirit source crystals appeared on the chest of King Celestial Immortals. She was actually in the competition just now. , Won the first place, the reward is the most generous.

The second place is a person who doesn’t know the name of Zuri, three medium spiritual crystals, and Zuli is the third one, one medium spiritual crystal.

The rest are five small spirit source crystals.

When everyone looked at the reward, most of them were stunned, and then they felt regret.

Just trying to attack the iron gate, everyone basically did not use their real power, especially some of the strong, who have hidden their strength, no one would have thought that after passing this level, there will be rankings, and they will be rewarded according to the rankings.

Therefore, Xuanhua ranked very low, ranking only a dozen, with only five small crystals. Although Su Li did not use his real power, even with a single punch, he still ranked third.

The king Celestial Immortals loves the limelight, so he attacked with all his strength, let her pick up the bargain, and won the first place.

Everyone has merged the spiritual source crystal, a medium-sized spiritual source crystal can directly obtain a thousand spiritual sources.

King Celestial Immortals added 5,000 spiritual sources in one breath, and it is now infinitely close to level 12.

Su Li merged that medium spiritual source crystal, adding a thousand spiritual sources.

The trumpet crystal is an increase of one hundred spiritual sources, except for the top three, all the remaining people have five per person, which is equivalent to an increase of 500 spiritual sources.

In response to the hints in their minds, everyone became a little excited.

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