Chapter 554 Teleporting Crystals (first one)

At this moment, the three parties, all the people they fancy, have already entered here.

Hundreds of people were naturally divided into three piles and gathered around the own leader.

Su Li also walked over and saluted Mo Liudao.

Mo Liudao, Ling Yun and Xu Tianyu walked to the central area one after another and stopped around the dark magic stone.

Then they began to pick people.

“Su Li, Celestial Immortals, all of you are here…” Mo Liudao said as he stretched out his fingers, and Su Li, Wang Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai, Shi Dalong and Jiang Shuijue walked out one after another.

Jiang Shuijue did not expect that Mo Liudao would also point to her.

In fact, in Mo Liudao’s eyes, there are faint runes appearing. He is observing everyone on his side. Except for Zu Li, who cannot be pryed into the information, the only person who can reach the “superior” combat power evaluation is Wang. Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai, Shi Dalong and Jiang Shuijue.

Now Jiang Shuijue has truly had a “superior” combat power evaluation, so Mo Liudao picked her out as well.

The five people from Su Li walked out and stood in front of Mo Liudao. Although they didn’t know what was going on, everyone could guess it. This must be a good thing.

Ling Yun and Xu Tianyu were also picking people, and those who were picked were all excitedly taking a step forward.

Mo Liudao picked out the five Su Li first, and then continued to patrol among the people behind.

According to the executive master’s confession, those who have “superior” combat power must enter the corner of darkness. In addition, some of the people whom the three of their guides look for, although they have not reached the “superior” combat power, they can still do it. Enter, this will be specifically grasped by the three guides.

Soon, Fu Long, Ding’s siblings, Xu Xuehui, Luo Zhanjian, and the other three were singled out.

The three people who were singled out were Yu Chengcheng, Lu Xiaojie and Li Chao. Yu Cheng and Lu Xiaojie were the right and left hands of Wang Celestial Immortals. Li Chao was from Lin Xinghai, and their strength reached the top level in the “medium” category. , Each has its own special features, and is regarded as the strongest person in the original city of Shoude except for the three heavenly kings.

Gong Xiao saw that Jiang Shuijue had been singled out, and then even Xu Xuehui had been singled out, but he had no ownership, and a huge gap in his heart. Seeing Jiang Shuijue and Su Li standing together, like a golden girl, her emotions suddenly changed. Very low, she was originally a very strong person, and now this sense of loss makes her a little unbearable.

The expressions on the faces of the people who weren’t selected are different, but everyone probably also saw it. In addition to having the “superior” combat power, the remaining people who have been selected are given priority to those with “talents.”

Fulong, Yu Chengcheng, Lu Xiaojie, and Li Chao are all talented, so they were selected by Mo Liudao.

Xu Xuehui was selected because of her hidden profession, while the Ding brothers and sisters were chosen because of their special body structure. The combined power of this body structure is no less inferior to a kind of talent, even more than ordinary talent. powerful.Luo Zhanjian was selected because of his previous adventures and obtained the centipede essence. This ability is not a talent or a treasure. This gives him more room for improvement. If he can obtain talent and treasures in the future, almost It is comparable to the existence of dual talents, so it was also picked out by Mo Liudao.

These seven people plus the five people who were singled out before make up twelve people.

The previous three leaders communicated privately, and each selected twelve people and sent them to the corner of the dark, so that they would be fair and just to the three parties.

Even though they all identified Xuanhua as Xuanhua, and the others were just a foil, they confessed the matter to them and they didn’t dare to take it carelessly, so they chose carefully.

When Mo Liudao stretched his right hand, he saw masses of energy emerging, and then he bounced it towards Fu Long, Ding’s sister and brother, Yu Cheng, Lu Xiaojie, and Li Chao.

The energy clusters he popped out represented various treasures.

This is why he chooses people to give priority to those with talent.

People with talents often have only one treasure to compete with the “superior”. For the leader, the treasure is the most common thing, and any leader can come up with a large number of treasures.

However, talent is not common and cannot be given directly. You need to kill the mysterious fourth type creature yourself before you can get the talent.

The fourth type of creature is the most mysterious existence. Even if it is a guide, it is difficult to determine their specific location. Therefore, being able to kill the fourth type of creature and gain talents at least means that this person has a certain amount of luck.

This is also the reason why Gong Xiao’s theory of strength is never below them, but she was not selected, just because she has no talent.

Although Mo Liudao had been paying attention to these people in secret, he had never directly given them their treasures. He hoped that they would rely on their own abilities to obtain the treasures and grow up step by step on their own.

But right now they need to enter the dark corner. With the strength that they can’t even reach the “superior” level, they obviously don’t even have the qualifications to enter. He can only send out matching treasures based on their talents and abilities to help them Ascension breakthrough, hope They can have a good performance.

Fulong integrated Mo Liudao to his own treasure. This treasure is very close to his talent “Dragon Translator”. It is called “Dragon Wing”. The talent and the treasure complement each other, and the strength immediately becomes Ascension. At the level, he was originally the top power in the “medium” combat power, and now he has reached the “high-end” combat power in an instant.

The Ding brothers and sisters received two treasures. They are connected together, but they are actually two. The most heaven-defying part of them is that they can obtain treasures, even talents, respectively.

This is also the reason why they have no talent, but Mo Liudao likes it.

If they are lucky in the future and can get talents one after another, then the achievements are almost limitless. Of course, whether they can get talents depends on whether they are lucky. What Mo Liudao can help them is to give them two treasures.

Mo Liudao had observed the siblings secretly, and knew the spiritual source art they mastered, and the treasure he gave them was also related to it.

One is “Ice Lotus”, suitable for Ding Yang to use, because the spirit source arts he has mastered are all ice attributes. After obtaining this “Ice Lotus”, his ice attribute spirit source arts are instantly multiplied in power. .

One piece named “Blood Sha” is suitable for Ding Hui to use, because the several spiritual source arts that Ding Hui masters are all related to blood. Although it is powerful, it has obvious shortcomings and has great sequelae. “It solved her troubles in this regard.

The Ding brothers and sisters had two kinds of treasures at once, and they could also use them at the same time. It can be said that their strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and they immediately reached the “superior” level.

These people without treasures, Mo Liudao, can give away treasures, but like Xu Xuehui who already possesses treasures, plus hidden occupations, they are still people with “medium” combat power, so he can’t help it.

Mo Liudao will select her, one of the reasons is that she has taken a fancy to her hidden career, of course, this is not the main reason.

Although, hidden occupations are actually rarer than those with talents, and even quite rare.

Xuanhua can be so valued, on the one hand, it is naturally because of his dual talents, on the other hand, it is also because of his hidden profession.

However, hidden occupations are special, and they may be strong, but they may also be weak.

Therefore, for the senior level, to determine the size of a person’s future potential, the real decisive judgment is still to observe his talents, and for hidden occupations, most of them are regarded as icing on the cake.

Because the strength of a person’s talent actually represents the size of the person’s potential. As for the hidden occupation, it is not.

If you want to get a hidden job, you actually only need to strengthen a certain part when you are a spiritual source. After ten times, you can change your job to a hidden job. Everyone can strengthen different parts. The hidden occupations of the transfer are different.

Of course, even if it is to strengthen the same part, the hidden occupations of the transfer will only be similar, but not exactly the same. It can be said that the hidden occupations are unique.

It sounds like the hidden profession is very special and precious, but in reality it has nothing to do with the person’s own potential.

From this point of view, anyone can obtain hidden occupations, and because of this, some hidden occupations may be very strong, but some hidden occupations are very tasteless, and may even be equal to or not as good as ordinary occupations.

But after becoming a hidden profession, the difficulty of breaking through is several times that of ordinary professions.

It can be said that with a slightly stronger ability than an ordinary job, a breakthrough that is several times more difficult is equivalent to losing a watermelon and picking up a sesame.

Because of this, they are actually not too optimistic about hidden professions. If they are not the kind of amazing talents, it can be said that once they become hidden professions, it is completely impossible to break through, then their lifetime achievements. , That is, a level 20 powerhouse.

This is why they didn’t find everyone from the beginning and let everyone strengthen their hidden professions.

Of course, the other main reason is that there are strict Restrictions on the top. Before they are transferred, their guides will not be able to contact these spiritual sources at all, and offenders will even be obliterated.

Although Xuanhua is a hidden profession, he has dual talents. There is no one in all of these people. He is a true peerless genius. With his talent, no matter how difficult it is, there is hope to break through. In this way, his hidden Profession is not just a tasteless one, it is the icing on the cake and makes him stronger.

But such people are too rare after all. For the vast majority of people, hidden careers not only don’t add points, but they lose points.

He picked Xu Xuehui, not all because she was a hidden profession, but there was a deeper meaning in it, which was confessed by the executive, but he didn’t say much.Mo Liudao looked at the only little girl in the crowd who was less than fourteen years old, and then quickly turned around. He understood that some of the meanings of the upper class were not something he could guess now.

Some things, the more you know, the more dangerous they are.

“Only when you succeed in breaking the boundary, can you be qualified to understand. After this mission is over, it is time to resign from the position of the leader.” Mo Liudao thought silently. Looking at Ling Yun and Xu Tianyu, they also picked out twelve. Personal choice.

Like Mo Liudao, they didn’t originally have so many “superior” combat powers under them, but temporarily selecting some talents and giving them treasures can help them make a breakthrough in one fell swoop.

Thirty-six people were picked out, and the three guides began to distribute crystals to them.

Everyone got the crystals one by one, with some doubts on their faces. From the very beginning to the present, the three of Mo Liudao did not elaborate on the situation. Although everyone was full of doubts, they could only endure it.

Of these thirty-six people, it can be said that most of them have reached the level of “superior” combat power. Of course, there are some exceptions, such as Xu Xuehui and Luo Zhanjian.

Although Luo Zhanjian possesses the centipede essence that is not inferior to the general talents, plus the powerful treasures he has just obtained, in principle, he should be able to be promoted to the “superior” combat power, that is, his combat consciousness It is really average, with insufficient self-reaction ability and relatively slow, so now his evaluation is still at the “medium” level.

Mo Liudao saw it and shook his head secretly. This situation was a bit unexpected, but since he had been singled out and he was about to make up twelve people, he was too lazy to change, so he asked him to make up the number of people. Come on.

Su Li received the crystal from Mo Liudao to own, held it in his hand, and watched the crystal blend in automatically, and a message appeared.

“Name: Teleport Crystal, Number: No. 2, activate the Teleport Crystal, you can return to the location of the mother crystal.”

My heart moved slightly.

Each of these teleportation crystals is numbered. Among them, the teleportation crystals sent by Mo Liudao to the twelve people of Su Li and Wang Celestial Immortals, happen to be from No. 1 to No. 12, and Ling Yun sent to Xuanhua and the others is No. 13 By the 24th, the twelve people under Xu Tianyu got the 25th to the 36th.

Then, Mo Liudao flipped his right hand, and a large crystal floated out, which was the mother crystal corresponding to the 36th transmission crystal.

“These 36 teleportation crystals, each of you remember to integrate into your body, and you must not lose or damage them.”

Mo Liudao looked at the group of people in front of him, and slowly said, “Remember, this teleportation crystal allows you to teleport back to the area where the mother crystal is again no matter where you go, but it has a shortcoming, that is, launching. It will take a while, and it will not be able to initiate a return in an instant.”

“So, if you are in danger, you must start it in advance, otherwise it will be too late.”

“Next, we will send thirty-six of you into the dark refining field. If you feel that the situation is not right or not enough to cope with it, you will activate the teleportation crystal in advance so that you can return here immediately. Of course, that also means you. The opportunity is lost.”

“This operation is a test of the base for you. The longer you can stay in the dark training ground, the more potential you have. The next step will be vigorous cultivation of the base. Therefore, I hope you don’t give up easily.”

When Mo Liudao said this, he paused for a while before continuing: “Now, do you have any questions that you don’t understand?”

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