Chapter 553 Son of Luck

At this moment, at this jade table, a person is sitting, immersing himself in writing.

Xu Tianyu and Ling Yun stood by the jade table and waited on them.

Mo Liudao hurriedly stepped forward and respectfully saluted the person who was writing at the desk: “See Executive Master.”

This is a man wearing a white robe. He looks about forty or fifty. He heard the voice of Mo Liudao. Then he stopped writing and raised his head. Then he smiled slightly and said, “You three are here, and I am also temporary. After receiving the notice, it concerns Jiangdong Province, so I called you over.”

“Jiangdong Province has always been in charge of your three guides, and the performance is remarkable. This time there is a great opportunity to fall to your Jiangdong Province.”

The executive man in the white robe said this, he paused slightly, tapped the pen in his hand, and then continued: “There have been some changes in the competition between the upper head and the dark power, and the dark corner has been knocked down. It happened to be in Jiangdong Province, and the above thought it was a sign and symptom.”

Mo Liudao originally thought that the executive officer called him back to discuss with him about the candidate to take over as his leader, but he didn’t expect to hear this news. Both he and Ling Yun and Xu Tianyu were shocked.

Although they are the guides, they are responsible for almost the entire Jiangdong Province, but the race for the top that the executive master said is still far beyond their imagination.

Ling Yun couldn’t help but said, “Executive sir, what are the signs and signs that the above thinks?”

The smile on the face of the executive in white robe slowly became serious. He glanced at Ling Yun and said, “The competition above is beyond your imagination. It is not accidental that this dark corner fell to Jiangdong Province. Some kind of prophecy, the prophet has already given a prophecy. This is a terrible prophecy. Of course, this is also a sign. It means that Jiangdong Province may give birth to a person related to darkness. This person may become a child of darkness. , May also become the person who bury the darkness.”

“As for whether the future is good or evil, whether it is good or bad, even a prophet cannot give an accurate answer. There are many kinds of futures, and each of them is possible.”

Mo Liudao said in a deep voice, “Executive sir, what does it mean now?”

“The upper hand now needs to find out this person, carry out key training and guidance. According to the prophet’s prediction, this person has great luck. If he is bewitched by the darkness, it will be a disaster for us. On the contrary, he will stand in our camp. , The upper part can also contaminate his luck, and his chances of winning will be greatly increased in the future.”

“So, I didn’t think that our little Jiangdong province actually had a son of luck that might affect the future situation? We listened to the brilliance on our faces.” Xu Tianyu said half-jokingly.

Ling Yun said, “If you say there is such a son of luck, you don’t need to look for it. It must be Xuanhua, a rare dual talent, and a hidden career. I can’t think of anyone besides him?”

Mo Liudao and Xu Tianyu both glanced at Ling Yun, wanting to refute, but thinking about the people who led and were responsible for them, it was true that no one could compete with Xuanhua.

The law enforcement adult tapped the pen in his hand and said: “Xuanhua, I have also paid attention to… Dual talents and hidden occupations are indeed rare. They are the only one in Jiangdong Province, but they are limited to Jiangdong Province.”

Ling Yun was a little surprised: “Executive sir, you mean that other provinces also have dual talents and hidden occupations? Can you compare with Xuanhua?”

“Not bad.” Executive master said: “I know there are only five of them at the moment. Before the change, this was simply impossible…”

When he said this, he pointed the pen in his hand upward, and said, “This shows that this is changing.”Ling Yun didn’t speak anymore, just showing a look of shock.

Xu Tianyu said: “Although the dual talents and hidden occupations are not the only one of Xuanhua, he is indeed the only one in Jiangdong Province. The above thinks that this chosen son will appear in Jiangdong Province, and it can only be him. .”

Executive Master said: “This is also a place that I can’t guess. This dark corner has fallen into Jiangdong Province. There is always a reason. The upper side decided to use this dark corner to test and find this out. This time I call you to come. I want you to perform this task.”

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, and in his palm, suddenly, white crystals the size of a finger appeared one after another.

“Which good seedlings do you have that can reach the’superior’ combat power? Of course, what you think is possible or possible. Each one will send them into the dark corner. These crystals can ensure that they can return safely. Since this son has great luck and might even become the son of darkness, he must be close to the darkness, so whoever is sent in will stay in it for the longest time, and which one is the person above.”

“This matter is very important, and I will personally pay attention to it. You must earnestly implement it.”

When the executive said this, his face showed a solemn expression.

Mo Liudao, Ling Yun, and Xu Tianyu all obeyed one by one, thinking about who they had and how many to get, and then picked up the small crystals placed on the table one after another, and put them away.

Then the executive master gave Mo Liudao a large crystal.

“Once you enter the dark corner, no one can see what’s going on inside. Even the power above can’t penetrate the darkness. They want to come back, and they can only rely on the power of this crystal. You must explain it clearly. Once the crystal is lost Or shattered, then you will be lost in the dark forever and never come back.”

“This matter, all parties are paying attention. If there are any mistakes, even I will be held accountable.”

When the executive officer said this, the three of Mo Liudao understood that the incident was not handled properly or something went wrong, and even he would be held accountable, so don’t directly execute the people’s Mo Liudao, Ling Yun and Xu Tianyu.

When the three of them heard this, they all felt the pressure in their hearts, and even faintly felt that there were countless pairs of eyes staring at them.

After that, the executive officer gave a detailed account of some matters needing attention, and then the three talents left one after another.

In that huge dark space, Su Li, Liu Jie, and Wei Bingying were studying the dark magic stone.

After talking, the three parties can basically be sure that they are friends and not enemies. They are from different cities, but they are all humans and have no conflicts of interest. Now they have gathered together and began to study how to enter the dark refining field through the dark magic stone.

They are not stupid, knowing that if they can enter this dark refining field, they will have a chance.

The question now is how to start.

Everyone tried many methods, either sending energy, or studying spells, or trying to drip blood. They tried all kinds of methods, but they couldn’t activate this dark magic stone, but they didn’t want one of the spells around the dark giant gate to suddenly shine. Then, a group of people came out one after another.

Just like when Wei Bingying came in before, when these people entered, they suddenly saw a large group of people here. They were first shocked, and then they realized that there were acquaintances among them.

Su Li looked up and realized that this group of people were the Ding brothers and sisters, Lin Feng, Chen Mo, Li Fatty and others.

It seems that they also discovered this dark castle, entered it, passed the dark giant gate, and came here.

“Brother Su?” Lin Feng saw Su Li with a look of surprise and hurriedly screamed.

Seeing that it was someone Su Li knew, Liu Jie and Wei Bingying let out a sigh of relief.

Su Li nodded towards them. Upon questioning, it turned out that they were looking for a monster lair on the water, and then they found the dark castle and entered here.

Moreover, they were found in the dark castle about fifty or sixty kilometers south of Shoude City, not the dark castle that Zuli and others entered.

“In this way, there are at least two dark castles around Shoude City, and they are not far from Shoude City.”

Su Li looked at the huge dark gates around him. If every huge dark gate corresponds to a dark castle, it means that there are at least more than twenty dark castles.

After that, people entered through the huge dark gates around these people one after another. These people either knew Wei Bingying, or knew Liu Jie, or Su Li, who belonged to Shoude City.

Su Limingbai, now the entire Jiangdong Province should be divided into three spheres of influence, mainly concentrated in three cities, namely Shoude City, Donglong City and Wuling City.

According to Su Li’s guess, these three forces should be compared to the three leaders. The leader of Shoude City is Mo Liudao, the leader of Longlong City is Ling Yun, and the leader of Wuling City is Xu Tianyu.

When I went to Nanjiang City that day, only they and the people from Longlong City went. These people from Wuling City, which belonged to Xu Tianyu, obviously did not go there. Therefore, Su Li was completely unfamiliar with Wei Bingying, and it was the first time I saw him today.

More and more people gathered here, and soon, Shi Dalong came with some core subordinates belonging to own.

When he came, he found Su Li. Upon asking, Su Li knew that Shi Dalong would come by the order of Mo Liudao.

Originally, Shi Dalong and a group of people were looking for the monster’s lair. Mo Liudao suddenly appeared in front of them, and then sent them thirty kilometers west to a dark castle, allowing them to enter the central fortress of the dark castle.

“There is such a thing?” Su Li was slightly startled, Mo Liudao found Shi Dalong and let them enter here? Looking at more and more people gathered here, could it be said that the three guides of Mo Liudao deliberately did it?

With so many people gathered here, it must have a different meaning.

This time Su Li was not in a hurry. Since Mo Liudao let Shi Dalong’s group enter here, he will appear sooner or later. As long as he comes, he will understand.

Afterwards, people appeared one after another and asked each other. Almost all the people who entered later came in under the orders of the three guides. Unlike the previous Su Li and others, they came in purely by themselves and by coincidence.

Su Li watched King Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai also brought a group of people in, and then saw that Xuanhua was also coming.That Xuanhua came in with Ling Yun, one of the three leaders.

They entered and immediately attracted the attention of all parties. Now the number of people in the entire dark space has exceeded four hundred.

These people, it can be said that there is no weak person. There are more than ten people with the same level of “superior” combat power observed by Zuli. It can be said that the elites of the entire Jiangdong Province are almost concentrated here.

When Liu Jie saw Xuanhua, her eyes lit up. The cold and arrogant expression on her face had now completely disappeared, and she wanted to step forward, but she saw Ling Yun also coming, and immediately slowed down.

Ling Yun was a high above guide, naturally carrying a strong pressure, and the originally noisy space immediately calmed down.

“Everyone sits down and waits for the other two guides to come, and we have important things to announce later.”

Ling Yun’s eyes were filled with divine light, and he glanced at these people in front of him. As his eyes swept away, everyone around him immediately stepped back and let out the gap in between.

Those people who belonged to Ling Yun were busy gathering to Xuanhua’s side.

Ling Yun came with Xuan Hua, which obviously also represented Xuan Hua’s identity.

The look in Ling Yun’s eyes towards Xuanhua was even more unusual.

The crowd didn’t know the inside story. At most, they only thought that Xuanhua had dual talents and hidden careers. He was a rare genius. Ling Yun valued him. It’s not uncommon for Ling Yun. But Ling Yun just heard the words of the executive, and realized that this time the corner of darkness has dropped. Luo Jiangdong Province, there is such a deep inside story hidden, even involving the competition between the upper and the dark power.

“Xuanhua’s luck has always been very good, with dual talents and hidden occupations. The son of luck they said will appear in Jiangdong Province. That is, he is absolutely right. It is meaningless to use the dark corner to test, but the upper part It’s okay to be more cautious.”

Ling Yun can be sure that when the trial begins, the person who can stay in the dark corner for the longest time will only be Xuanhua. Xuanhua is also the only “superior” in the crowd, and no one can compare him.

“Originally I thought that Xuanhua’s future would be limitless, but he would be the patron saint of the base, but he didn’t expect him to be the son of luck recognized by the superiors. His position could even determine the outcome of the superiors and the darkness, such a person. Don’t say it’s me, I’m afraid that even the executive must be polite to him.”

A smile appeared at the corner of Ling Yun’s mouth. When he first found Xuanhua, although he didn’t tell the true inside story, he forced Xuanhua to match him as a brother in the future, so he almost became a brother of a different surname. He was a little confused when he saw Xuanhua. But it was not easy to violate it, Ling Yun could still see a hint of excitement in Xuanhua’s eyes.

After all, he is now a leader, and no matter how good Xuanhua is, he is only a newcomer who has just been promoted to a level 12 Berserker.

His current actions will definitely move Xuanhua. Soon, Xuanhua will soar into the sky. When the time comes, he will be able to follow suit.

Ling Yun was in a good mood. He was talking in a low voice with Xuanhua, and everyone around him was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, today this leader is so kind, especially when talking to Xuanhua, every sentence with a smile on his face, it is like a spring breeze.

Ling Yun was too polite, but Xuan Hua was faintly uneasy, feeling that the atmosphere was a little weird.

After a while, as people continue to enter, more and more people here.

Finally, Mo Liudao and Xu Tianyu also entered through the giant dark gate.

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