Chapter 548 The Overseer

Figures appeared one after another in all directions. Each figure was shrouded in a layer of divine light. The colors of these lights were different. Some were as red as Mo Liudao, some were covered with a layer of white light, some were green and bright, and some Surrounded by blue and white electric lights.

Every kind of light represents a kind of element, and every one is super strong.

In just a short time, together with the Tan Hongri that appeared from the sun, a total of eighteen superpowers descended and besieged the Quartet.

Su Li looked at the super powers around him, and every one of them released a tyrannical aura. With a “third eye”, he looked at them and they were all 20-level “superior” combat powers.

This made him secretly surprised, how many secrets are still hidden in this world, and how can there be so many super powers.

Around Tan Hongri, the sun was constantly ascending, and all the powerful men who appeared around him shot out a burst of energy from his hands and gathered in the sun, making the power of the sun more and more powerful. A piece of space is shrouded in the power of the sun.

The one-eyed monster was struggling constantly in the sunlight. Suddenly, the one-eyed began to emit light, fighting against the sun. The two rays of light repelled each other and collided. The entire space was shaking, a large number of deep intestines shattered, and buildings in the distance. The things, together with the blood-colored giant trees, are disintegrating and disappearing in pieces.

“Here is officially taken over by our inspectors, please leave quickly!”

Tan Hongri’s voice contained a majesty that could not be violated, which spread far away.

Mo Liudao didn’t say a word, came to Su Li’s side, grabbed his arm, leaped over, and reached dozens of meters away.

Xu Tianyu and Ling Yun didn’t speak either, they just left here with Mo Liudao.

Su Li watched the sun flooding everything. In this sun, the intestine of the abyss covered on the water was disappearing, and it was slowly turning into water again.

The speed of the few people was very fast, and Zu Li hardly needed any effort. Being taken by Mo Liudao, he flew all the way. Su Li heard vibrations and explosions from behind, mixed with screams and anger.

Understand that the group of inspectors and the one-eyed monster that emerged from the abyss hole are fighting fiercely.

The three of Mo Liudao seemed to believe in the group of inspectors. After they appeared, the three of them did not pay attention to the situation in the rear. They only took Su Li, and soon returned to the previous kings Celestial Immortals and Xuanhua. A place where more than 400 people gather.

These four hundred people are still staying here, but many of them are showing anxious expressions.

They didn’t know what was going on, and the three of Mo Liudao left no words or instructions when they left. They could only wait here anxiously.

It was not until they saw that Mo Liudao and the three of them returned with Su Li again, they let out a long sigh.

Mo Liudao didn’t say much, he just put down Su Li, and then said to the king Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai and others: “The matter here is over, let’s go back.”

On the other side, Ling Yun also asked Xuanhua and others to return.

Xu Tianyu left first and disappeared here.

Unlike Mo Liudao and Ling Yun, he came here alone and didn’t bring anyone else.

Xuan Hua and other two hundred people followed Ling Yun and left quickly.

Seeing Su Li’s safe return, Jiang Shuijue, Gong Xiao and others were relieved. They just watched him leave with Mo Liudao and the three of them.

“Let’s go, let’s go back to the ancient city first.”

The floating islands of Zurich are still in the ancient city, and of course you must return to the ancient city first.

Mo Liudao let out a long howl and the fire feathered condor appeared. He put his body on the back of the condor, looked down at the people below, and said, “You go back, no accident, it should be safe on the way.”

Speaking of this, he paused slightly before looking at Su Li and the king Celestial Immortals, and said, “You have prepared for the past few days, so you have to keep your spirits up, and you may enter the base next.”

Hearing this, everyone’s hearts were shaken violently.

Enter the base?

None of them could have imagined that this day would come so quickly.

After Mo Liudao finished speaking, he rode the fire feather condor and flew towards the distance.

Watching Mo Liudao leave, the hearts of the people in Zurich were ups and downs, and they were very restless. The news of entering the base was really shocking.

But they didn’t say anything, everyone didn’t dare to put it aside and returned immediately.

Fortunately, the water surface is still covered with the intestine of the abyss, and everyone rushed along the intestine of the abyss. More than two hundred people quickly left Nanjiang City and went to the ancient city of Longqiu Mountain.

Shoude City is not close to Longqiu Mountain, but even further away from Nanjiang City. At present, everyone can only return to Longqiu Mountain and obtain water transportation before returning to Shoude City.

Just as Mo Liudao guessed, no one encountered a giant insect interception attack or encountered other dangers along the way.

Following the intestines of the abyss that covered the water, everyone finally returned to Longqiu Mountain safely before dark.

Because it was getting late, everyone decided to stay in the ancient city tonight and head to Shoude City tomorrow morning.

Back in the ancient city, everyone decided to take a good night’s rest. Based on the current situation, there will be no monsters to attack the city tonight.

Many people gathered around Su Li and asked curiously what happened after he followed Mo Liudao to the source of the abyss.

Even Wang Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai were very concerned. Although they were embarrassed to ask, they also listened with their ears sideways.

Su Li smiled slightly, this is not a secret, so she probably said it.

“There is a one-eyed monster in the source of the abyss, how powerful is it?” Everyone was surprised when they heard Su Li’s description.

Zhang Haohao said: “I can’t think of a patroller in addition to the guide, but I don’t know what the identity of the patroller is. It sounds like it’s better than the guide.”

Gao Shengyi pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said, “I don’t think it is necessarily. I guess their identities should be similar, but they are in charge of different affairs.”

Zhang Haohao said, “Do you know it again?”

Gao Shengyi said: “According to some of the three conversations we heard before, as well as the situation just mentioned by Brother Su, I guess that the leader should be responsible mainly for guiding us people, and then discovering people worthy of cultivation, and patrolling It is possible that they were dealing with certain emergencies, such as the Abyss Zerg incident. Both parties performed their duties and did not interfere with each other. Therefore, I said, they should be equal, and it is impossible to say who is more powerful.”

Su Li nodded towards Gao Shengyi, feeling that his judgment was reasonable.

Gao Shengyi said: “Whether they are the guides or the inspectors, they belong to the base. If you really want to say the cow, this base is the real cow. I don’t know where the base is. I really want to go to this base to see. Look.”

When he said this, many people groaned.

Zhang Haohao said: “You said that the eagle master said that he might enter the base in a few days before he left. Did he tell Brother Su or all of us?”

Ge An smiled bitterly: “Does this still need to be said?”

Shi Dalong said: “I heard Lord Eagle say that only the people they like can enter the base in the future. It seems that they need to have ‘superior’ combat power.”

With that said, Gao Shengyi was startled, and said, “Superb combat power…”

If it is true as Shi Dalong said, there are more than two hundred people at the scene, and only a few qualified, which means that Mo Liudao’s sentence before leaving refers to the people in Zurich, not everyone.

Ge An said: “In this way, the so-called guides, what they actually do is discover talents, and then guide them into the base? Becoming a member of the base, so they are called guides.”

Xia Zhihan said: “It should be like this. It seems that most of us have no chance.”

This sentence made everyone very frustrated.

Everyone was full of curiosity about this mysterious base, and they all wanted to take a look, but according to Shi Dalong, only those who are guided can fancy it, and they need to have “superior” combat power before they can enter. Among the crowd, only Su Li and Wang Celestial Immortals were qualified.

After all, “superior” combat power is not Chinese cabbage. It can be said that it is very difficult to have “superior” combat power at the same level, all conditions must meet the standards.

After that, everyone talked about the “base”, but they didn’t know much about the base. They could only imagine the situation of the base out of thin air. Some people guessed whether it would be a modern city with very science fiction, and some people guessed it would. In the depths of the water, some people speculated that it might be an ancient city, and some even speculated that it might be a city in the sky.

There were different opinions, and they couldn’t say a result. In the end, the night passed safely, and as everyone had previously guessed, no monsters appeared.

Early the next morning, everyone was ready, and more than 250 people left the ancient city.

Recalling that they gathered here five days ago, the total number was nearly 700 people, all of whom were elites in Shoude City and the ancient city, but in just a few days, there are only more than two hundred people left, and everyone is a little bit emotional.

At the foot of the mountain, everyone unexpectedly discovered that the intestine of the abyss still exists on the water surface, but it has not expanded further. From this point of view, sealing the source of the abyss in Nanjiang City should have played some role.As for the specific result, whether it was really completely sealed, even Zuli didn’t know.

After clearing all the intestines of the abyss covering the floating island, Su Li showed the blood ring on his left hand, sensing the sacred earthmother, and suddenly realized that the intestines of the abyss that covered the central area had been swallowed by the sacred earthmother.

This made him feel astonished. It seemed that this blood crystal earthmother had nothing to swallow, even this creature from the abyss could swallow it.

Within the steel city wall, in the central area of ​​the floating island, there are hundreds of ground berry trees, and each fruit tree bears a lot of fruit, and it is not known whether it is because of the fusion of the blood crystal beast and the ground mother. The fruit is slightly different from the previous fruit. On the surface of each fruit, there are faint bloodshots, which look like countless capillaries in the human body.

The fruit is not yet fully mature, only the size of a baby’s fist, and it looks a little green, but when I get close, I can smell the fragrance of the fruit.

When everyone looked at these fruits, they couldn’t help showing excitement and drooling, but they all knew that this was Su Li’s property. Without his many, no one would dare to move.

Su Li’s performance in the past few days can even be seen by people in Shoude City. Especially when he went to Nanjiang City yesterday, he took Mo Liudao and the three of them to find the source of the abyss, and he really found it, which made many people think. They all came up with an idea, feeling that this Zuli is so magical that even the three guides can’t do anything. He has done it. His performance is difficult to not want to receive high-level attention, at least it may be rewarded.

This made everyone look at him in awe.

Although Wang Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai were dissatisfied in their hearts, they could only endure them right now and stay away from the group of people like Su Li as much as possible.

She now feels uncomfortable for the people like Su Li to merge into Shoude City.

Before Shoude City, she and Lin Xinghai had the final say, Shi Dalong had no right to speak, but now that people like Zuli are merged into Shoude City, I’m afraid the situation will change.

Their right to speak will inevitably be severely weakened. This is already foreseeable. Even Wang Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai can see that the eyes of own subordinates now looking at Su Li are full of awe. This is definitely not one. good phenomenon.

With all the things that can be taken away from the ancient city, everyone moved them to the floating islands one after another, even some rafts.

For the ancient city, many people are still very nostalgic, especially people from Ge An’s line.

In the ancient city, Ge An was the leader before. Later, when Zuli came, the two sides were equal. Zuli has always shown respect for him. He did not ignore Ge An because of his strength, and did not seize power. Ge An was very grateful to Su Li, and felt that he was benevolent.

Later, Fulong merged in, and the situation changed again. The status of Zurich was ascending and became very detached in the entire ancient city. However, at this time, Zurich had rarely intervened in the specific affairs of the ancient city, and the real power was still in the hands of Ge An. .

Now everyone will relocate to Shoude City, and the powers of several parties have shuffled. Ge An understands that the next situation is not knowing how to go, which makes him inevitably a little bit worried about gains and losses.

Everyone came to the floating island, and Zuri began to control the floating island and left Longqiu Mountain.

This Longqiu Mountain is surrounded by the intestines of the abyss. Everyone shot and exploded the intestines of the abyss on the water surface to clear a way.

A few days ago, they only needed to destroy the intestine of the abyss, and a large number of giant insects would soon appear, but today they destroyed the intestine of the abyss, but no giant insects appeared. Obviously, the situation in Nanjiang City has changed.

“It seems that those patrols should have sealed the source of the abyss.” Su Li thought of the last eighteen people including Tan Hongri, who were all super powers. With so many powers working together, they should be able to level the abyss zerg.

Shoude City is located to the west of Longqiu Mountain, a bit farther than Nanjiang City. Su Li sensed the Blood Crystal Earth Mother and slowly bypassed Longqiu Mountain and headed towards Shoude City.

After about seven or eight kilometers away from Longqiu Mountain, the intestine of the abyss covered by the water became less and less, and finally the surface of the water was completely exposed, and the intestine of the abyss did not continue to expand until it was covered here.

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