Chapter 547

Confirm the disappearance of Building B through Building A, and then go three kilometers southwest through Building B, which is the source of the abyss.

“How about it, where do you go next?” Xu Tianyu fell on a deep intestine, stopped, and looked at Su Li.

Su Li had captured the exact coordinates of the source of the abyss in an instant, stretched out his hand and said, “There.”

“Okay.” Xu Tianyu took him again and slid out. There was a terrible roar in all directions. The monarchs seemed to realize something and began to rush towards them frantically.

Xu Tianyu took Su Li and quickly came to the place he designated.

“Go down.” Su Li was sure that his memory was correct, and immediately spoke.

Xu Tianyu stomped his foot, and the deep intestines below broke and exploded, exposing the water below, and then he took Su Li and sank.

Immediately after descending, he was attacked by the monarch who had long been hidden in the water.

This monarch, with black swelling muscles all over his body, possessed a human shape, suddenly burst, swinging a pair of black giant fists, and hitting Xu Tianyu and Su Li.

Before the fist fell, Su Li felt suffocated.

The twentieth-level monarch is not yet capable of confronting him with his current strength.

Xu Tianyu had been prepared for a long time, and the purple halo flew out on the head, launching the “prajna”.

The black monarch suddenly stiffened, and sank suddenly as if under pressure from hundreds of thousands of catties.

Su Li opened the “third eye” at the same moment, and found that the black monarch was the twentieth-level giant Demon Monarch, the monarch of the family of devouring troll insects.

Mo Liudao and Ling Tian appeared immediately, rushing towards the bottom on their own initiative.

The entire waters fluctuates endlessly, and one after another giant Demon Monarch masters appear below them, trying to stop them from going up.

Mo Liudao stretched out his fifth finger again and activated the legendary forbidden fifth supernatural power, hoping to kill the monarchs below with one blow.

With his current strength, activating this fifth magical power is also a bit difficult and requires a lot of energy to be consumed.

On this fifth finger, a thin light shot like a white laser. Then, he waved his right arm in the water and waved it crosswise, silently, and soon, the giant Demon Monarch appeared below. The Lord didn’t understand what was happening, and suddenly it began to shatter, and a large amount of black blood spurted out, like ink.

The power of this fifth magical power was so terrifying, Xu Tianyu and Ling Yun were also stunned, let alone Su Li.

Resolve the large number of giant Demon Monarch masters below, a large number of spiritual sources and those pieces of monarch equipment or treasures flying towards Mo Liudao, he went down first, Xu Tianyu also followed with Su Li.

Soon, Su Li saw the underwater abyss he had seen before.Although the entire Nanjiang City has undergone earth-shaking changes, the abyss hole at the bottom of the water has not changed. It is still squirming slightly, opening and closing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With the knowledge and knowledge of the three of Mo Liudao, this is the first time I have seen it. I never expected the source of the abyss, it looked like alive.

They all opened up their own special means, peeking at the source of this abyssal information.

Su Li also opened the “third eye”, hoping to see more information.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t capture any useful information.

The surrounding waters seemed to boil, and a series of terrifying auras gathered here.

They found the source of the abyss, triggered the madness of these monarchs, and all gathered here desperately.

Before he could think about it, Mo Liudao made a gesture towards Xu Tianyu and Ling Yun.

Xu Tianyu immediately put down Su Li’s arms, and the three of them floated above the source of the abyss in three directions, and began to work together to seal the abyss hole.

A light rose from all three of them. What Mo Liudao released was a fiery red light, shaped like a flame, Ling Yun’s body ascending was a golden light, golden, like a god like a Buddha, and Xu Tianyu’s body appeared on the surface. A pure white light.

The three different lights represent the different elemental powers that the three have mastered, each occupying different positions. The three lights gathered together and immediately turned into a huge circular magic circle, and began to rotate.

Su Li watched as the monarchs from all directions were approaching here at full speed, knowing that she was about to use the “Sacred power”, and first entered the invincible state. Suddenly the circular circle formed by the three types of light scattered from above. The light curtain formed an incomparably huge light shield, shaped like a bell, which protected the three people and Zuri in it.

The surrounding monarchs hit the bell-shaped photomask. Although the photomask was fluctuating violently, it was As steady as Mount Tai.

Following the trio, they stretched out their left hands, and there was something floating in their palms.

This is a crystal about the size of a fist. It is green and shiny, with various complex runes appearing on the surface.

Su Li was in the state of “peeping runes” turned on, and immediately caught the information message of the green crystal.

“Name: Sealed Crystal, Quality: Lower Grade, a treasure that contains a large number of complex runes that can be used to bless the seal formation. It is divided into upper grade, middle grade and lower grade. Lower grade seal crystals are the most common, with a sealing effect and a radius of no more than One kilometer, the medium-grade seal can be effective for more than ten kilometers. As for the top-grade seal crystal, it is the rarest, and it can directly ban a space.”

At this moment, the three seal crystals taken out by the three of Mo Liudao belonged to the low-grade. The effect of this low-grade seal crystal was within one kilometer, and it was enough to seal the source of the abyss below.

The three of Mo Liudao are proficient in a certain formation, and the three of them work together. This formation is extremely powerful and unbreakable. Together with the three sealing crystals, they are used to seal the source of the abyss. As long as they succeed, it will be a group of monarchs. , Don’t even want to destroy this Third Stage seal.

As long as the source of this abyss is sealed and the endless supply of support is lost, the remaining zergs are not to be feared at all.

The three of them moved the seal crystals in their hands at the same time, and the rotating circular formation pressed downwards. At this moment, from the slightly open and closed abyss hole below, a creature resembling a python rushed out from it. .

Mo Liudao, Ling Yun, and Xu Tianyu were shocked when they hit the compressed circular formation with a “boom”. The big formation they joined together collapsed in an instant, and the three of them were shaken back at the same moment. Turned out.

The Zerg monarchs who had originally gathered here all retreated at this moment, seeming to be frightened.

Su Li opened his eyes wide, and was shocked to realize that it was not a giant python rushing out of the abyss hole below, but something similar to the intestine of the abyss, but it was much larger than the normal intestine of the abyss. The top was a sucker, and the sucker was in the middle and long. With a huge giant eye, this giant eye is still turning steadily, seeming indescribably weird and ugly.

It was just when it rushed out from the abyss hole below, carrying an unimaginable force of terror, and while the seal formation was not yet formed, it broke the seal formation in one fell swoop, and even the three of Mo Liudao were shaken away.

Immediately after turning down in the water, he rushed towards Lingyun in it.

Ling Yun was busy activating the Arhat’s golden body. Just as the golden body was sacrificed, it was hit by it before it was too late to dodge.

In the water, Ling Yun could not make a sound. Su Li could see the golden armor on the surface of his body shattering, blood spurted from his mouth, huge splashes of water exploded in the water, and his body was rolling backwards.

With just one blow, Ling Yun was severely wounded and vomited blood, and Lohan Jin was almost shattered by the blow. The monster turned around, and the next moment arrived in front of Su Li.

Seeing the turning one eye pounced, Su Li wanted to activate the power of Sacred to enter the invincible state, and the “third eye” opened at the same time to capture the monster’s data, but didn’t want to fail to capture any data.

The figure flashed in front of him, and Mo Liudao appeared, shielding him, showing all the six fingers of his right hand, and first activated the first magical power “Shield Wall” to resist the one-eyed monster that rushed over.

This one-eyed monster hit the shield wall, and the shield wall appeared vulnerable and shattered instantly.

Mo Liudao immediately activated the fourth magical power “Sky Fire”, and a flame appeared from the water, suddenly fell, and swallowed the one-eyed monster.

Swallowed by the skyfire, this one-eyed monster resembling the intestines of the abyss was twisting and wriggling.

Mo Liudao stretched out his left hand, grabbed Su Li, and rushed upward.

Xu Tianyu threw his own purple halo and hit the one-eyed monster. The one-eyed monster swallowed by skyfire slammed into it and knocked the purple halo into the air.

Xu Tianyu mobilized the power of the treasured “Pharaoh”, making the purple circle as heavy as Mount Tai, but he never expected to be hit by this one-eyed monster, with a look of shock in his eyes, and he rushed up.

He understood that this one-eyed monster was too terrifying, and he couldn’t fight it at all.

On the other side, the shattered Luohan Jin body, which was severely damaged by Lingyun, quickly returned to normal. With his strength and the treasures he held, as long as he did not lose his life in an instant, he would easily recover again, and then rushed to the surface of the water. go.

This one-eyed monster didn’t know how long it was, and it continued to extend upward. Although the fire burned on its surface that day, it was still unable to burn it down. Obviously, although this “sky fire” was terrifying, it couldn’t burn it.

Mo Liudao rushed out of the water with Su Li, followed Xu Tianyu and Ling Yun one after another, and the one-eyed monster also rushed out. At this moment, the length of its body exposed outside the abyss hole has exceeded a hundred meters. But it still hasn’t escaped from the abyss hole, and no one knows how long it really is.

The fifth finger of Mo Liudao’s right hand stretched out, and a slender light was shot from it, and the fifth magical power was activated, facing the one-eyed monster that had just broken through the water, and swung across the air in a volley.

This is the fifth supernatural power “Zhu Xian” among the six fingers of Mo Liu Dao Qiankun. Its power is already incredible. Just now, it can kill so many giant Demon Monarch masters in one fell swoop, relying on the great power of this “Zhu Xian” supernatural power.

With Mo Liudao’s current strength, it is not easy to send out and control “Zhu Xian” supernatural powers.

I saw that slender light intertwined and danced in mid-air. The one-eyed monster chasing a few people out of the water suddenly twisted its body. Following the dozen meters that rushed out of the water, it suddenly broke into knots. Drop down.

Seeing that “Zhu Xian” was effective, several people were relieved.I didn’t want the remaining body of the monster in the water below to rush out again, and the cut cut quickly changed into a new sucker, and a huge one-eyed appeared in the sucker.

This monster came out from the sky, so fast that it was almost indistinguishable from lightning, and it was in front of Mo Liudao in an instant.

Mo Liudao had just issued the “Zhuxian” supernatural power, his physical strength was exhausted, and it was difficult to dodge at this moment.

Reluctantly played the “Shield Wall” magical powers.

With a “pop”, the shield wall in front of him ruptured, and Mo Liudao was hit by the one-eyed monster. The fiery red armor of his whole body broke and exploded, and his body rolled and flew out 100 meters in the air.

Su Li was on one side, activating the power of Sacred in shock, while retreating violently behind the intestines of the abyss covered on the water, pulling away.

He understood that this one-eyed monster was too terrifying, as long as he swept it away, if he didn’t enter the invincible state, he would burst into pieces immediately.

No one could have imagined that the source of the abyss would hide such a terrifying monster with no information. The plan of Mo Liudao and the trio to seal the source of the abyss was clearly a complete failure.

Mo Liudao who fell 100 meters quickly stabilized his body, opened his mouth, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

It was the first time that Su Li saw the true face of Mo Liudao, a man with a national character face who looked about 30 years old, and his demeanor looked a little dignified and solemn.

The blood leaking out from the corner of his mouth was slightly seen, and he quickly wiped it out with his hand, and stretched out the sixth finger of his right hand.

The sixth finger was trembling slightly, trying to maintain it, but it couldn’t stop the trembling.

This sixth finger represented the last kind of magical power. Just looking at the appearance of Mo Liudao, this sixth magical power was very difficult to send out.

The one-eyed monster hit Mo Liudao with one blow, then hovered in the void, and flew across Zuli. Fortunately, Zuli had already entered the invincible state of Sacred’s power. The monster swept along his waist and did not. Can hurt him.

Su Li secretly screamed that it was dangerous, but fortunately, she quickly activated the power of Sacred when she saw the opportunity.

It seems that because it failed to hurt Su Li, this one-eyed monster was also a little surprised, and turned around again in the air. The huge one-eyed turned and stared at Su Li.

Almost for a moment, a round of sun suddenly rose from between Su Li and the one-eyed monster.

The sun burst out of the water, dazzling, and in an instant, the dazzling and strong sun’s rays flooded everything.

Whether it was Su Li who was in the power of Sacred, the one-eyed monster, or even Xu Tianyu and Ling Yun who were ready to attack again with all their strength, they all instinctively squinted back and pulled away from the sun.

In the sun that appeared in this round, a figure quickly stepped out.

While retreating, Su Li squinted his eyes and barely saw the man who walked out of the sun. He had seen him before, and it was astonishing that he folded a paper boat that day and changed it into a huge ship, carrying tens of thousands of people to the ancient city. Tan Hongri in Shoude City.

Unexpectedly, he would appear here, and still appear in such an amazing way.

Mo Liudao was trying to use his sixth magical powers, but he was unsuccessful. At this moment, he suddenly saw the sun and couldn’t help letting out a sigh of relief, knowing that he would no longer need to intervene after all this. .

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