Chapter 549 White-haired man (first one)

Out of the area covered by the intestine of the abyss, the floating island drifted faster. When Zuri looked into the distance, he could vaguely see a monster lair appearing on the water surface in the distance, but it was too far away and only a vague outline could be seen. .

Ge An, Ding’s sister and brother, Gao Shengyi, Zhang Haohao and others all gathered around Su Li and asked him what he meant in a low voice.

At the speed of the floating island, without accident, you should be able to reach Shoude City in two or three hours.

Ge An’s idea is to reintegrate the original five brigade men and horses immediately after arriving in Shoude to form a team that belongs to them. In addition, the logistics personnel must be independent, and they must not be taken by Shoude casually. These people in the city have assimilated.

He asked Su Li what he meant and hoped to get Su Li’s support.

Now only Su Li can fight against the Three Heavenly Kings of Shou De. If Su Li does not support it, Ge An and the others will not do it, and they cannot fight against King Celestial Immortals and others.

Ge An also has a little selfishness. If all the people in the ancient city are independent, he can continue to lead these people. On the contrary, if the tens of thousands of people in the ancient city really merge with the original people in Shoude City, with his current strength, basically If you can’t rank up, you won’t have much right to speak, let alone be a leader-level figure.

Ge An’s thoughts Su Limingbai, after thinking for a while, said: “When it comes to Shoude City, let’s take a look at the situation and talk about it.”

Wang Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai have always been faintly repelling themselves, and that is the case, Ge An’s proposal is not bad, they can follow Mo Liudao’s order to move to Shoude City, but they can completely gather tens of thousands of people in the ancient city. Occupying an area of ​​Shoude City, forming own independent forces, and the original king Celestial Immortals and others, do not interfere with each other, so that may be a good thing for both parties.

Su Li faintly understood that the reason why Wang Celestial Immortals and others rejected own was that he was afraid that he would enter Shoude City and take away the rights that belonged to them.

Seeing Su Li’s statement, Ge An and his colleagues didn’t say anything. Anyway, they are united by Su Li. They must be right. Let the king Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai be strong, but when they meet Su Li, that’s also true. To be regulated.

There was no danger all the way, only occasionally some monster lairs could be seen far away.

These days, although they have been growing stronger, this monster lair is also constantly evolving, and now it is not known what kind of monsters these monster lairs have evolved.

After nearly three hours, everyone finally arrived in Shoude City.

When seeing the city of Shoude from a distance, Zuli and others were surprised. They did not expect that this place had become a small city floating on the water.

The essence is similar to his floating island, but it is many times larger. The area is at least a few kilometers, and there are many tall buildings on it. Zuri opened his “third eye” to observe and immediately understood.

This is a kind of super life form similar to the blood crystal beast, named “Earth Giant Beast”.

However, compared to the blood crystal beast, the behemoth of the earth is much gentler. It can perfectly blend these buildings, swallow all the buildings soaked in water, and evolve a huge body, but those floating on the water High-rise buildings, it has kept it intact and merged into the surface of the own body.

So when everyone saw it, it was like a city floating on the water, just because the high-rise buildings exposed on the water were preserved, and the buildings stood tall, making this place full of modern atmosphere. Everyone sees At the first glance, I felt a little excited.

Receiving the message of the giant beast of the earth, Su Li had a thought in his mind, is the base similar to the situation in front of him? Will it also float on the water.As it approached, the floating island slowed down, facing the edge of the floating city formed by the giant beasts of the earth, many people had already appeared, fully armed, and waiting.

Before seeing this floating island from afar, the soldiers who guarded Shoude City knew nothing about their enemies and friends and immediately became alert, but soon one of them recognized the three leaders of Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai, and Shi Dalong. , And then they knew that they had returned, and the original rigorous waiting became a line-up welcome.

The floating island slowly approached, and Su Li stopped it aside. Everyone successively boarded the giant earth beast. The surface of the giant earth beast appeared very flat, just like a solid ground.

Many people rushed forward and saluted the king Celestial Immortals and others.

Zu Li is observing the surrounding buildings. The tallest buildings are about 20 to 30 stories, most of which are 10 stories or less.

Although Shoude City is not as developed as Nanjiang City, it has a lot of tall buildings. Now because of the special ability of the giant beasts, these tall buildings that are out of the water are merged together. Because the whole is only a few kilometers in size, the tall buildings appear to be densely packed. , It looks like a very prosperous town.

Celestial Immortals, the king who was in charge of receiving Zu Li and others, was given full responsibility to Shi Dalong. She was a bit repulsive from the arrival of Zu Li and the others, but she was not so obvious now, so she could only look out of sight and indulge.

It happened that Su Li didn’t wait much to see the king Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai. It happened that they didn’t come to be wordy, and Shi Dalong accompanied him to visit the scaled-down version of Shoude City in front of him.

Shoude City originally had more than 20,000 people. This time it has merged into the ancient city of 10,000 people. Now the entire population has exceeded 30,000, which is quite lively.

Although it covers only a few kilometers now, there are many tall buildings in Shoude City, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

Ten thousand people who moved from the ancient city are now settled in the northern area of ​​Shoude City.

When Su Li, Ge An and others arrived here, a large number of people gathered here to greet them, and many people who were close to each other were very excited to meet again.

When Zhou Yan saw Xu Haihai, she immediately rushed forward, with a look of excitement on her face.

Ding Longyun also saw Li Xiaoya who had been waiting there early, and was so happy that he hurried up.

There were more than two hundred people left in the ancient city before, but now there are fewer than one hundred people alive.

Next, Ge An, Fulong, Ding’s siblings, Gao Shengyi, Wen Ying, and Jing Mingxuan began to gather their subordinates to regroup the five previous brigades.

Although they have now moved to Shoude City, they are not really ready to merge with these people in Shoude City.

Without the existence of Su Li, with the strength of King Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai, these 10,000 people could be easily annexed. People like Ge An and Fulong were simply powerless to fight against them, and only for inclusion.

But now that there is Su Li, the king Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai know they can’t swallow them, and they are not ready to merge, otherwise they are afraid that it will be counterproductive.

With the reassembly of the five brigades, the area in the North District of Shoude City has now become a site for everyone in the ancient city.

Ge An sent a patrol and guard team to maintain the safety of the North District. Now even if the king Celestial Immortals and others want to enter here, they will be blocked by these teams and need to be notified.

It can be said that the North District has become a small independent kingdom within Shoude City, and the king Celestial Immortals and others cannot control them at all.

Of course, they did not intend to interfere with the more than 20,000 people who originally belonged to this Shoude. It can be said that the two sides are almost equal to their own affairs and do not interfere with each other’s affairs.

Su Li delegated the power to let Ge An and the others worry about these things. His current mind was not on this at all, what he pursued was power.

Now he is a 12th-level Sacred knight, and he needs more and more spiritual sources to be promoted. Now he needs a full 16,000 spiritual sources, and he only has about 1,000, which is far from wanting to be promoted.

Standing on the balcony, condescendingly watching the people below are busy, Ge An is reorganizing the five brigade, fighting with the Zerg these days, many of the elite and powerful men who were the leaders of the fifth brigade have died, now Need to re-select personnel to make up.

Seeing that they were busy, Su Li gave the Ding Brothers, Gao Shengyi and Zhang Haohao the responsibility of the Tigers. What he thought was what Mo Liudao said before leaving.

Let them replenish their vitality these few days, take a good rest, and then they may enter the base.

What does it mean to enter the base?

Does it mean that these few of them who have reached the “superior” combat power will become a member of the base?

Or just enter the base to have a look? Or what else does it mean?

Mo Liudao’s words were rather vague, and everyone had even wondered whether his words were specifically referring to Su Li and the king Celestial Immortals, or to all the members of the two hundred people.

Regarding the base, Su Li is also full of curiosity. If he really just selects a few of them to enter the base, doesn’t it mean that he will be separated from Ding Longyun, Xu Xuehui and others?

Thinking of this possibility, Su Li stretched out his hand and gently rubbed the center of his eyebrows. Feeling some headaches, he couldn’t help but sigh secretly.

“What are you thinking about?” Jiang Shuijue appeared behind him, gently hugging his waist from behind.

“I’m thinking about the base, what kind of organization, guides, inspectors, and where did these people come from?” Su Li slightly raised his head and looked at the blue sky, feeling a hint of coolness. Qi, it is now the end of November, and the temperature is getting lower and lower.

“Maybe you’ll figure it out when you go to the base. Now that I think so much, I’m only asking for trouble.” Jiang Shuijue smiled slightly, leaned his face on his back, and said: “I think you can keep this base These people can imagine that they are from another world.”

“Like the Abyss Zerg, doesn’t it come from the Abyss World?”

Listening to Jiang Shuijue’s words, Su Li nodded slightly, feeling that what she said also made sense.

“Forget it, don’t think about it, you will understand it one day.” Su Li smiled, and he had a hunch that it was not far from this day.

Perhaps, he will soon be able to understand what the base is.


At this moment, in a place that Su Li can’t imagine at this moment, there is a secret room that looks a little gloomy.

In the secret room, there is a stone platform on which is placed a glassware two meters long, one meter wide, and one meter high, like a huge transparent box.

At this moment, in this huge transparent box, there is a small white bone puppet, and at this moment, it is continuously releasing white silk-like light upwards.

These lights are intertwined with each other and converge upwards. In this huge transparent box, a woman’s head and neck are intertwined.

This woman closed her eyes, her face was peerless, she could hardly pick out a flaw. The only regret is that the white silk thread below her is now only forming her head and neck. Other than that, the rest is still the same. It has not yet been intertwined to show up.

This woman with only a head and neck is the exquisitely beautiful woman who was previously beheaded by a stone tool by Su Li.

At this moment, her head was re-constructed in this glassware, and the white bone puppet below that was continuously releasing white silk threads. These silk threads were running along her neck, like weaving. It takes a long time to knit the body parts like a sweater, but it will take a long time to knit the whole body completely.

At this moment, in front of this glassware, there is a futon with a Daoist shadow sitting on the Lotus Position.

This is a man with white hair. The white hair is tied into a braid and hung behind him. Although he has white hair and should be young, his complexion is ruddy like a baby, and no wrinkles are visible.

The man with white hair and braids closed his eyes and seemed to be in Meditation.

After a while, the white-haired braided man suddenly frowned slightly, and did not see how he moved, and suddenly disappeared on the futon.

Outside the secret room is a somewhat empty Great Hall. When the white-haired braided man reappeared, he stood in this Great Hall. In front of him, a man wearing an angel mask took off the angel mask. One side was bowing respectfully and bowing down.

This angel-masked man is one of the leaders of the “Holy Land” as the beautiful woman. In Qingshan City, he once appeared to prevent the beautiful woman from breaking the rules. As the guide of the “Holy Land”, It can be said that his status is extremely high, almost equivalent to Mo Liudao, Ling Yun and others in the base.

But at this moment, he bowed to the man with white hair and braids.

“Master Bai, you asked me to find out about it.” After the angel mask man took off the mask, he revealed a pretty handsome face, about 30 years old, and said respectfully.

“Oh?” The man with white hair and braids who was called Lord Bai moved slightly, and said, “Is there a clue to that treasure?”

“Yes, the subordinates got the exact news. This time the base auction will have this treasure.”

“Okay.” Master Bai nodded slightly: “With this treasure, Lu Xue will be able to recover quickly, and you have done a good job.”

The man with the angel mask seemed to be a little puzzled and couldn’t help but said, “Master Bai, you once gave Lu Xuegui Mother-Child puppet. With this, no matter what happens, it only takes half a month to recover. No matter how slow it is, it will only take a month at most. Why do you still need that treasure to assist this time?”

Lord Bai said: “It was a terrible force that killed her. Even the ancient force I gave her could not save her life. It is this force that affected the effect of the ghost Mother-Child puppet. If it were not for this A treasure, she wants to fully recover, it will take at least one or two months, I can’t wait…so long.”

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