Chapter 546 Fifth Supernatural Power (second more seeking subscription)

“Name: Lord of Liuli, Level: Twenty, Race: Abyss Zerg, Abyss Zerg is one of the eight tribes, Lord of Liuli is the monarch of the Evil Crystal Giant Worm, able to drive other ordinary monarchs, Lord of the Glazed Master controls the Evil Crystal The power of the evil crystal contains a special power called’healing inhibition’. Once hit by it, the wounds caused are extremely difficult to heal. Even if the spiritual source is drawn, it cannot be healed in a short time. What’s more terrifying is that this kind of crystallization will also appear around the wound, and it will fuse with the flesh and blood tissue. The only way is to remove the flesh and crystals around the wound together.”

There is no doubt that the strength of the Liuli Monarch is even higher than that of the Crimson Monarch and the Vajra Monarch. If the Crimson Monarch and the Vajra Monarch are only equivalent to the ordinary powerhouses in the “superior” combat power, then the strength of the Liuli Monarch has already reached The level of senior powerhouse among them.

Now that ten animals appeared at once, even Mo Liudao felt the pressure and changed his complexion.

In a short time, the three of them were surrounded by these monarchs.

“Brother Mo, what do you do now?” It was confirmed that Mo Liudao was really about to break through, and Ling Yun’s attitude and tone were completely different. He approached Mo Liudao and asked him what he meant.

Mo Liudao was all shrouded in the fiery red armor, shrouded in fiery red light, and he couldn’t see the look on his face.

“Retreat, the matters here can only be handled by the inspectors.”

Mo Liudao’s tone was very heavy, and said, “We are guides after all, and we are not professionally handling these matters. The situation is already serious now. I will immediately go to Tan Hongri, and let their inspectors take over. .”

“Unexpectedly, we have to let the inspectors clean up the mess. This means that the three of us can’t handle this matter, and this matter was negotiated and finalized by the three of us. Now our faces are lost.” Ling Yun smiled bitterly. .

“The situation is urgent, and it’s no longer serious to lose it.”

Mo Liudao flickered as he spoke, and in an instant he left the monarchs far away and rushed towards the place where Su Li and the others were.

The monarchs were roaring, some monarchs stayed in place, and some monarchs roared towards them.

All this changed in the eyes of everyone in the distance.

Soon, Mo Liudao fell in front of Su Li, Wang Celestial Immortals and others, with a heavy tone, and said: “The plan has changed. The situation here is far more serious than we thought. It is temporarily impossible to determine the source of the abyss. You continue to stay. It’s too dangerous here, I’ll escort you out.”

Immediately after Ling Yun appeared, he fell in front of Xuanhua and the others, and said helplessly: “Let’s go, get out of here quickly.”

He was a little unwilling, but even Mo Liudao had to retreat, and he had no choice.

Su Li suddenly said: “If the source of the abyss can be determined, can it be solved?”

Mo Liudao glanced at him, wondering why he suddenly asked this, but he still replied: “Yes, if the source of the abyss can be determined, and only need to seal there, these zergs will lose their reinforcements. It is not a concern. It is a pity to say now. These are useless, and it is difficult to determine the source at the moment.”

Su Li said, “I may know where the source is.”He has just been thinking about the specific location of the source. After all, the entire “new development zone” has undergone earth-shaking changes. It is not easy to determine the B building of Golden Eagle One and the source of the abyss, and his sense of direction has not been strong. , It is more difficult to accurately locate the position.

Fortunately, he strengthened his brain once, and the intellectual brain played a role at this moment. The vague memories of the past are clearly emerging at this moment. The scene of the previous “Nanjiang City” reappeared in his mind like a movie. Here, corresponding to the current situation, finally found the exact location of the source of the abyss, and immediately said it.

“Huh?” Ling Yun, who was about to escort Xuanhua and the others away, also looked towards Su Li. If Teleport suddenly came to Su Li, he said: “Boy, what are you talking about, you know the source of the abyss? ?”

Ling Yun carried a terrifying aura on his body, and suddenly rushed in front of him, making Su Li feel a great sense of oppression, but Su Li still nodded and said: “Yes, I stayed in Nanjiang City before. I used to accidentally. Entering the bottom of the water, I found a gap in the abyss, and from there I saw a large number of glowing insect eggs being sprayed out. I suspect that this is the source of the abyss?”

Hearing what he said, Mo Liudao and Ling Yun looked at each other with a dubious look in their eyes.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, you can try it.” Suddenly, a voice sounded, but Xu Tianyu appeared, and a roar came not far behind him, and a Vajra monarch was viciously rushing towards him.

Xu Tianyu controlled the purple halo in his hand and slammed out.

Lord Vajra relied on Vajra’s defense and hit the purple circle. He didn’t want the purple circle to hit his body. Suddenly it became as heavy as a mountain, and it couldn’t bear it. The surface of his body immediately cracked and began to crack.

Mo Liudao nodded and said, “Since this is the case, we will try again. If we still can’t find the source, we will immediately evacuate here.”

While talking, he looked at Su Li and said, “Do you still remember where the gap in the abyss was that you saw that day?”

Su Li pointed to the west and said, “About fifteen kilometers forward from here, probably in that area. As for the precise location, I won’t be able to determine the exact location until there.”

“Okay, Tianyu, take him with you, and I will open the way.” After Mo Liudao finished speaking, he turned around aggressively and took the initiative to face the hordes of monarchs in the distance. The six fingers of his right hand were stretched out.

Xu Tianyu has the fastest speed. He suddenly came to Su Li and said, “Boy, it’s up to you to find the source of the abyss.”

While talking, stretched out his left hand, grabbed Su Li’s arm, dragged him to rush forward.

The hundreds of people from Wang Celestial Immortals, Lin Haixing, and Xuanhua can only stare blankly. No one would have thought that Su Li would say that he knew the source of the abyss, and the three of Mo Liudao really believed him and let him be there. There was a big show in front of everyone, and if it really found the source of the abyss, it would definitely be a great achievement.

Of course, some people think this is too risky. If you find it, it will be a great achievement. If you can’t find it, you will be offended by the three of Mo Liudao.

After all, the three of them took a huge risk during this operation. If they couldn’t find it, would they think that Su Li was fooling them?

Maybe it won’t kill him because of this, but at least I won’t be able to see him in the future.

Many people have reported in their hearts that more is worse than less. Anyway, no matter how serious the situation is here, there is a base to worry about. It feels that it is not a wise move for Zurich to take the initiative.

Of course, anyone who knows Su Li’s character knows that since he has said it, he must be sure that he can find the source of the abyss, otherwise he would not say it rashly with his character.

Su Li was grabbed by Xu Tianyu’s arm, and only felt a cry to the ground, and he swept out dozens of meters in a flash. Xu Tianyu’s speed was really amazing.

He has already used the natural ability to move at the speed of light. Although he is carrying a person, he is still as fast as lightning, rushing in the direction that Su Li pointed out just now.

Those monarchs were roaring, Lord Vajra, Crimson Lord, and Liuli Monarch gathered one after another. The power of Vajra, the power of Crimson, and the power of the terrible Evil Crystal were intertwined with each other, trying to stop Xu Tianyu.

Mo Liudao’s figure flickered, as if stepping in the air, he suddenly let out a long howl. His talent is “Martial Dao”. With the blessing of this talent, all the abilities related to Martial Dao reached his hands. It can turn decay into magic, introduce the old and bring forth the new, and surpass the original shackles.

The combination of the Six Fingers of the Universe and his “Martial Dao”, burst out unimaginable power.

As soon as the fourth finger stretched out, a “sky fire” fell from the sky, and it fell like a fire dragon.

With a sound of “bear”, the crimson monarch rushing in front was enveloped in flames, and there was no chance of struggling. It instantly vaporized and disappeared in ashes.

Ling Yun showed the arrival of Arhat’s golden body and the gods and Buddha, turning into a huge golden Buddha, with both palms struck forward.

With every palm shot, it possesses an earth-shattering power, setting off a huge wave over a hundred meters high.

Ling Yun is the top powerhouse in the “superior” category, and his strength is comparable to that of the abyss lord, the strongest among the monarchs.

Whether it is the Scarlet Monarch, the Vajra Monarch or the Liuli Monarch, they are far less powerful than the Abyss Lord, and they can’t resist his full attack.

Su Li was taken by Xu Tianyu and rushed at full speed, watching the terrifying energy fall to both sides, and several times when he was hit by the energy in danger, the whole process was thrilling.

Mo Liudao cleared his way in front, his “Sky Fire” was really terrifying, and the monarch in front was hard to resist. In a short time, he killed two red monarchs and one glazed monarch.

The hordes of monarchs united, and they couldn’t stop them. The three were not in love with each other, and they passed through their blockade in an instant.

A terrible roar sounded. Suddenly, the three Liuli monarchs broke through the water and shot together, mobilizing the power of the evil crystals, blocking Xu Tianyu and Su Li.

Seeing that Xu Tianyu and Su Li were about to be swallowed by the power of this evil crystal, suddenly Mo Liudao appeared in front of them, and he stretched out the fifth finger of his right hand.

This finger was shining, and quickly emitted a thin white light from the tip of the finger. This white light shot out from afar, and then he waved his right hand, and shook it across the void. Bai Guang followed his gesture and fired across the void. Then, the three Liuli monarchs who had just broken through the water suddenly broke apart, silently, and broke into pieces.

This scene was too strange and shocking, and even the other monarchs around him stopped for a while and seemed to be startled.

You must know that the strength of the Liuli monarch can almost match the advanced power in the “superior” combat power, and is far stronger than the Crimson Monarch and the Vajra monarch. Together, the three can be barely able to compete with the top power in the “superior” combat power. The war is over.

And now, a face suddenly shattered?

What power does this Mo Liudao use?

Xu Tianyu looked at Mo Liudao’s eyes with a little shock.”Hurry up.” Mo Liudao sipped, and there was a hint of fatigue in his voice. It seemed that it was not easy for him to use that power to kill three Liuli monarchs instantly.

Xu Tianyu also knows some information about Mo Liudao, and understands that he has “six fingers in the universe”, and each finger represents a kind of magical power. His previous limit was to barely play the fourth magical power “Sky Fire”. As for the fifth and sixth magical powers, he has always It is a mystery, it is said that it belongs to the taboo power, he is not strong enough to be able to send it out.

Now that Mo Liudao began to touch the Dao of Breakthrough, the fourth supernatural power “Sky Fire” that was barely able to be played before could be easily and instantaneously, and he just used the fifth finger.

There is no doubt that his method of killing the three Liuli monarchs should be the fifth magical power.

Xu Tianyu sighed secretly, knowing that Mo Liudao is really getting stronger and stronger, maybe he can successfully break through the boundary at any time, taking advantage of the stagnation and shock of these monarchs, he took Su Li and walked away. In a flash, he was a hundred meters away and rushed towards the distance at a very fast speed.

Su Li’s task is to find an accurate location and guide Xu Tianyu.

Mo Liudao and Ling Yun didn’t worry about it either, and they didn’t fall in love with these monarchs. They also chased Xu Tianyu and Su Li at full speed.

These monarchs stopped for a second or two, reacted, roared repeatedly, and then chased them.

As for the king Celestial Immortals and Xuanhua, more than 400 people were left here and no one cared.

Ling Yun and the three can take Su Li away with confidence and leave everyone here, not afraid that they will encounter danger, because of the existence of Xuanhua among these people.

Xuanhua got the attention of the base high-level managers. A hidden career with dual talents like him is really rare.

There must be a master dispatched by the base hidden secretly to ensure that he does not die prematurely.

If there is a monarch who has no enemies with Magic power, this hidden existence will inevitably take action.

Therefore, the three of them felt very relieved of the safety of Xuanhua and others, and left without worry.

For a distance of 15 kilometers, Mo Liudao and Xu Tianyu would be able to arrive soon.

On their way, the monarch broke out from time to time, trying to block them, but Mo Liudao solved them first.

He doesn’t use the fifth magical power casually, and more often uses “breaking law” or “sky fire”.

In Su Li’s mind, he constantly captured the four directions and observed the buildings.

Now the landscape has changed drastically. Many tall buildings have been destroyed. Even if they are not destroyed, these buildings are covered by the giant blood tree and the intestines of the abyss. It can be said that if it were not for the “intelligence”, Zuli was not strong in the first place. A sense of direction, it is extremely difficult to determine the three tall buildings of the “Golden Eagle Alliance”, let alone find the source of the abyss.

But now I have a “smart brain”, the whole brain is running at speeding speed, and all the information collected in front of me corresponds to the situation in memory. I quickly determined the accurate information of these remaining buildings, and then found the once “Golden Eagle”. Where the “Union” is located.

There used to be buildings A and B of “Golden Eagle One” and the three buildings of Shimao Center. Now two buildings have collapsed and disappeared. Zurich can barely confirm that the only remaining building should be “Golden Eagle One” A. building.

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