Chapter 545 Breakthrough (first one)

Xu Tianyu shook his head and said: “This matter is very troublesome. I have just searched for a long time, but I can only determine that it is to the west of Nanjiang City, but I can’t locate it specifically.”

“This is troublesome.” Mo Liudao said, looking into the distance.

Ling Yun said: “The longer the time drags on, the more monarchs will appear. It seems that we can only act separately and use clumsy methods to enter the depths of the water and search for a region by region.”

Xu Tianyu said: “These guys won’t give us such an opportunity at all. With the three of us, can we deal with more than a dozen monarchs of the same level? This challenge seems a bit big.”

Ling Yun said: “The most troublesome thing is that Abyss Lord, whose strength is about the same as ours…”

When he said this, he suddenly seemed to have thought of something. He looked at Mo Liudao and said, “Lao Mo…Are you…broken?” His tone was a little uncertain.

His words made Xu Tianyu immediately look at Mo Liudao, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Mo Liudao shook his head and said lightly: “It’s coming soon.”

As soon as these two words came out, Ling Yun and Xu Tianyu couldn’t help taking a deep breath, with an expression of envy that could not be concealed in their eyes.

For super powers of level 20, breaking the realm is like a moat in front of them, whether it can break the realm represents the difference between the world and the earth.

Since Mo Liudao can say “almost”, it means that he is on the verge of breaking through, and he may succeed at any time. This makes Ling Yun and Xu Tianyu extremely envious.

“Lao Mo…no, Mo Ge, congratulations, once you succeed in breaking the border, you will be different from us.” Ling Yun’s tone became very fast, he had always been commensurate with Lao Mo before, and now he changed his mind and became Mo Ge. , Once Mo Liudao succeeded in breaking the boundary, it was too significant, and Ling Yun had to stand up solemnly.

Mo Liudao looked at Ling Yun’s transformation, smiled faintly, and said: “Let’s call me Lao Mo, besides, I haven’t succeeded in breaking the boundary now, or… it’s a little worse.”

He raised his head as he said, and continued: “Lord of the Abyss, leave it to me, Ling Yun, you entangle the other Crimson Monarchs first. As long as you can entangle them for a minute, I will be able to free up my hand to deal with them, Tianyu, you Taking advantage of this time, enter the underwater search, and you can’t drag it any longer, otherwise you don’t know what will happen next.”

As soon as Mo Liudao said this, Xu Tianyu nodded, Ling Tian’s eyes revealed a look of surprise, the strength of the abyss lord is known as the strongest monarch in the 20th level, and the strength is comparable to the top of the “superior” combat power of the same level. The strong one is equal to him.

Ling Tian is confident that he can not lose to the Abyss Lord, but when it comes to whether he can kill or not, he is not completely sure, and Mo Liudao only allows him to entangle other Crimson Monarchs for a minute, and he can free his hands. Doesn’t it mean that he is confident that he can solve the Abyss Lord in a minute?

Before Mo Liudao was equal to his strength, no one dared to say that he could beat anyone. Could it be said that in this short period of time, his strength has been so terribly diligent? Knowing that he did not succeed in breaking the border, there is such a change?

Ling Yun was half-believing, doubting whether Mo Liudao could solve the Abyss Lord in one minute, but he did not question it, but nodded and said: “Okay, that’s the decision.”

The Crimson Monarch was just an ordinary monarch of the same level. He had no confidence with a couple of dozen or so, but he could barely manage to do it by entangled in them for a minute.

After the three of them negotiated, they acted immediately. Su Li and the others gathered below, and the voice of their conversation also came to their ears. After hearing that their biggest trouble now was that they could not find the source of the abyss, Su Li couldn’t help but think about it. After I saw the underground abyss that sprayed countless white worm eggs, if there were no accidents, there should be the source of the abyss.Just how should I tell them? Will they believe in themselves?

Su Li was considering how to make them believe in himself, and realized that the three of them had jumped up abruptly and rushed towards the distance.

According to the previous discussion, Ling Yun once again summoned the gods and Buddhas to come, combined with the golden body of the Luohan, the Samsara beads in his right hand was spinning, releasing twelve golden lights, and hitting the group of scarlet monarchs in the distance.

Mo Liudao’s goal is the Abyss Lord among them.

Xu Tianyu’s figure flickered. His talent is “moving at the speed of light.” Although it is impossible to really have the same speed as light, he does have the fastest speed among the three. , Into the bottom of the water.

A group of Crimson Monarchs immediately issued terrible screams one after another, followed by crimson forces one after another towards Lingyun and Mo Liudao.

The abyss lord fired the thunder magnetic cannon again and fired at the two.

With super fast speed, Mo Liudao took the initiative to meet the Thunder Magneto, stretched out his right hand, first stretched out his thumb, and activated the first magical power “Shield Wall”.

Summon “shield wall” to resist thunder magnetism.

With a “boom”, the thunder magnetic cannon hit the “shield wall”, and a loud noise erupted. Mo Liudao’s body speeded up again, and his second finger immediately bounced out, launching the second magical power to “break the law”.

With a blow of the “Breaching Method”, the Abyss Lord did not show weakness, exploding thousands of magical lightning all over his body, forming a huge and incomparable thunderball, and greeted the “Breaching Method”.

When its body moved upward, it was about to pounce towards Mo Liudao. Suddenly, under it, a huge python-like substance appeared, from bottom to top, entangled its feet and arms.

It is Mo Liudao’s third magical power “Earth Bond”.

Mo Liudao kept getting closer, constantly narrowing the distance between the two sides.

The “Earthbound” magical power only entangled the Abyss Lord for a moment, and the demon thunder that erupted from it tore the snakes apart.

Almost at the same time it got rid of the “ground bond”, Mo Liudao bounced out the fourth finger of his right hand.

This finger popped out, and suddenly, a fire appeared in the void, and this fire fell from the sky, like a huge fire dragon, about to swallow the abyss lord who had just escaped below.

Although Ling Tian was fully attacking these Crimson Monarchs, he had actually been paying attention to Mo Liudao.

When he saw Mo Liudao pop up his fourth finger, his heart shook slightly.

“It seems that he is really about to break through, and he is able to use the fourth magical power in such an instant…”

The feeling in his heart was a little unspeakable. Originally, both sides were on the same seat. Once Mo Liudao broke through, the situation would be different.

Mo Liudao’s six-finger universe is too powerful, even if he is already a level 20 paladin, only the first three magical powers can be instantiated. The fourth magical power is too powerful to be instantaneous. As for the fifth and sixth magical powers, legend has it. Zhong is even more horrible, let alone, even Ling Yun has never seen it. It is said that Mo Liudao can’t grasp it, but now the situation has obviously changed.

Before Mo Liudao used “Sky Fire” to kill the Titan Giant Worm, Ling Yun was fighting with the Abyss Lord at that time, and he didn’t pay too much attention to it. But at this moment, he saw it in his eyes, and his heart was greatly shocked.

I immediately understood that Mo Liudao said that he was about to “break the realm”, it was not a vain, and this was a change in front of him.

The fourth magical power can be instantaneous, it can be said that the strength of Mo Liudao, Ascension has more than doubled, and it has entered an unimaginable terrifying level.

Mo Liudao instantly activated the fourth magical power, the flame fell from the sky, and immediately swallowed the Abyss Lord.

This is his fourth magical power, “Sky Fire”.

The power of “Sky Fire” is even stronger than the three god-tiers before.

The Lord of the Abyss was swallowed by the “Sky Fire”, and he let out a roar of earth-shattering, exploding the abyss demon thunder all over his body, desperately trying to tear the “Sky Fire” apart.

But this “sky fire” is too terrible, it is known as the flames from the sky, and the abyss lord is enveloped by the “sky fire”, and he sacrifices the most powerful abyss demon thunder, but he persisted for two or three seconds, and then he was burned. The ashes disappeared.

Originally, Mo Liudao asked Ling Yun to hold these Crimson Monarchs for a minute, but he actually solved the Abyss Lord in less than ten seconds.

Ling Yun saw in his eyes, his heart trembled, and Mo Liudao had already stretched out his fourth finger, and once again bounced towards one of the scarlet monarchs.

This “Sky Fire” supernatural power can’t stop even the most powerful Abyss Lord, let alone a Crimson Monarch of ordinary rank.

Was swallowed by the “sky fire” falling from the sky, and immediately disappeared in ashes.

Easily killed the Abyss Lord and a Crimson Monarch, Mo Liudao’s figure was erratic, and he entered the group of Crimson Monarchs. With a flick of the second finger, he launched a “breaking spell” blow, and a Crimson Monarch could not dodge in time. “Broken the law” hit and began to fall apart.

Ling Yun was shocked, but also began to go all out. He was the “superior” top existence among the 20 superpowers, and he made all his efforts to shoot. How these crimson monarchs are his opponents, and soon he and Mo Liudao joined forces. Kill the Crimson Lord.

Suddenly a muffled sound came from the depths of the bottom of the water, followed by a splash of water exploding, Xu Tianyu, who had just dived into the water, broke through the water again, and behind him, two giant insects appeared, chasing them from the bottom of the water. come out.

These are two golden giant insects, capable of chasing Xu Tianyu, at least a 20th-level monarch. Su Li opened his third eye to observe from a distance, and immediately captured their information.

“Name: Lord Vajra, Level: Twenty, Race: Abyss Zerg, Abyss Zerg is one of the eight tribes, Vajra Sovereign is the monarch of the Vajra giant insects in the Abyss Zerg, they have the power of Vajra, known as Absolute defense, ordinary attacks can’t destroy their Vajra defense at all. They have extremely terrifying speed and powerful strength. Their favorite attack is to rush up at extreme speed, simple and rough, straight forward, they have a special ability of’energy absorption’ , All kinds of element and energy attacks can be absorbed by them and converted into own energy. They feed on energy. Monarch Vajra is difficult to be killed, and it is known as the most difficult monarch to be killed among the monarchs of the Abyss Zerg.”

Seeing these two Vajra monarchs chasing Xu Tianyu out of the water, Su Li immediately understood that Xu Tianyu was patrolling underwater looking for the source of the abyss. He was chased and killed by these two Vajra monarchs. The underwater fight was obviously not conducive to Xu Tianyu’s speed. Unable to kill the two Vajra monarchs in a very short time, so he broke the water and escaped immediately.

In terms of strength, the Vajra Monarch is stronger than the Crimson Monarch, and they claim to have absolute Vajra defense, which is the most difficult type of monarch to kill.

“How about below? Have you noticed?” Ling Yun immediately cried out when he saw Xu Tianyu rising up into the sky.”There is no area below. The source of the abyss is not here. Let’s take a look at another place.”

Xu Tianyu answered while turning around, and suddenly rushed up to meet a Vajra monarch.

Out of the water, Xu Tianyu was not afraid of the two Vajra monarchs and began to fight back.

He flipped his right hand, and a purple shiny circle appeared, and he threw it towards the Lord Vajra.

The purple halo flew out with a whirr, hitting Lord Vajra, who was rushing up, suddenly becoming heavy as a mountain.

With the power of Lord Vajra, he couldn’t bear the weight of the purple halo, and was pressed to sink. The body of Vajra began to sink in.

This purple halo actually seemed to weigh hundreds of millions of catties. Sovereign Vajra didn’t expect it, and when he was pressed by one, he immediately fell down. Cracks appeared in the body of the worm that it claimed to be defending by Vajra.

This is the power of Xu Tianyu’s treasure, the “prajna”, which can become as light as nothing, or heavier as a mountain. Once it is covered by his “prajna”, it is almost equivalent to announcing the time of death.

This is a top treasure, extremely terrifying.

This monarch Vajra was held down by the purple halo, and the other monarch Vajra rushed towards Xu Tianyu from the other side.

At this moment, Mo Liudao had killed four Scarlet Monarchs in a row, and Ling Yun also killed two. At this moment, the deep intestines on the water surface burst open, and one after another Vajra Monarch broke the water. Then, in the blink of an eye, more than ten Vajra monarchs appeared.

A group of Vajra monarchs appeared, screaming terribly, and suddenly they rushed towards the three of them madly.

Mo Liudao played the fourth magical power, “Sky Fire” came, and immediately enveloped a lord Vajra who had come forward. I didn’t want to be in this “Sky Fire”. Lord Vajra was harmless, but broke out of the fire and continued to move towards Mo. Six roads rushed.

Mo Liudao frowned, struck out a “shield wall” to resist, his body retreated in a flash.

He understood that Lord Vajra has absolute elemental defense. Although “Sky Fire” is terrifying, it is ultimately a kind of fire element. If you want to deal with this Lord Vajra, you can only use brute force to defeat its Vajra defense.

There are more and more Zerg monarchs, and the situation has become more and more sinister. Now the ordinary giant insects have disappeared. Su Li and others can’t get in at all. They can only watch from a distance. Fortunately, no monarch wants to attack them.

Their main targets were placed on the three of Mo Liudao.

“The source must be sealed quickly, otherwise the situation is not good—”

Xu Tianyu yelled loudly. The purple halo had just crushed a Vajra monarch, and he was busy launching the “prajna” again and rushed towards the other Vajra monarch.

Before Xu Tianyu’s words fell, a terrible sound suddenly rushed into the distance again. Following this sound, more than ten terrifying giant insects appeared.

These giant worms, full of glaze color, released a ray of glaze light, and their coercion was even higher than that of Lord Vajra.

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