Chapter 544 Crimson Monarch

Ling Yun had just shown Arhat’s golden body, and was about to attack the Titan Giant Worm. He didn’t expect a black beam of light to appear suddenly, and the black beam of light came so quickly that it was swept by this beam of light in an instant.

With a loud “boom”, Ling Yun’s muffled grunt was heard. In that dazzling golden light, Ling Yun was tumbling in the air by the black beam of light, flew sideways and a hundred meters away, hitting a building heavily.

The building covered by the blood-red giant tree, along with the blood-red giant tree, rumbling down, was hit by Lingyun and split four or five times and fell down.

Su Li opened his third eye, and immediately caught the two-meter-high red figure that suddenly appeared. He was a twentieth-level abyss lord.

According to the data, the Lord of the Abyss is known as the strongest monarch of the same level, which means that the Lord of the Abyss that appears in front of him is the most powerful existence among the twentieth-level monarchs.

Su Li has grown up to this day and has killed many monarchs, and he has also killed “superior” combat powers. He has a certain understanding of the power of the monarch. In his cognition, at the same level, The monarch’s combat power is approximately equivalent to the “superior” combat power of the same level.

The weaker monarch in the same level is actually equivalent to the ordinary strong in the “superior” combat power.

The strength of a powerful monarch is equivalent to a high-level power in the “superior” combat power.

By analogy, this abyss lord belongs to the most powerful monarch of the same level, and is actually equivalent to the top power in the “superior” combat power.

Just as Ling Yun easily killed the twentieth-level Titan Giant Worm just now, it means that his strength is at least a high-level powerhouse in the “superior” combat power, or even a top-level powerhouse.

Because the 20th-level Titan Giant Worm is actually equivalent to the “superior” ordinary combat power among the 20th-level powerhouses.

The twentieth level of the abyss lord appeared, and the thunder magnetic cannon shot through the air, instantly blasting into the clouds.

Ling Yun hummed and rolled and flew out, crashing into a building, followed by a golden light that skyrocketed, and turned into a huge golden Buddha, which was launched by his top treasure “God Buddha Coming” Now, his treasure and his own talent “Arhat Golden Body” complement each other and have a bonus effect on each other.

For super powers like them, there are too many opportunities to choose treasures, and they generally choose treasures that have a bonus effect with their own talents in order to maximize their strength.

The golden gods and Buddhas came to the world, sending out the Buddha’s name, a golden palm carved with swastikas broke through the clouds, fell from the sky, and blasted down towards the abyss lord and the Titan giant insects below.

This is a full blow of the 20th-level berserker, and the power is simply earth-shattering.

Su Li, Xuanhua and others gathered together, the number reached more than 400 people, and countless giant insects rushed in from all around, fighting with everyone.

Su Li launched a “dance of demons”, summoning the vaporized six-armed Devil, harvesting the giant insects, and quickly advancing forward.

Although Xuanhua was first-level lower than Su Li, the actual number of spiritual sources he possessed was close to breakthrough. In essence, he was only less than 2,000 spiritual sources less than Zu Li.With the endless stream of giant insects, he will soon be able to harvest two thousand spiritual sources and successfully promoted to a level 12 Berserker.

Su Li was quietly paying attention to Xuanhua, and he was still a little curious about the first “super” powerhouse he encountered.

Xuanhua held a sword in his right hand, but only had the hilt, because the blade of the ignorance of this dark attribute monarch-level weapon was transparent and invisible. Although it was real, it was invisible to the naked eye.

This makes the enemy impossible to defend, and if you are careless, you may be injured by the blade of ignorance.

Xuanhua’s figure swayed, holding the blade of ignorance in her right hand, and her left hand continuously releasing strips of black dragon-like substances. These black dragons crisscrossed around him. Wherever they rushed, the giant insects roared over and fell down. This is obviously a powerful group attacking spirit source technique, and the speed of harvesting the spirit source is not slower than Zuli’s “dancing demons”.

Su Li and the others were fighting with the giant insects that appeared in all directions, while the Lingyun in front summoned the gods and Buddhas to come and slap a hand. The power was earth-shattering and attracted the attention of many people.

Mo Liudao also immediately launched an attack from the other side, reaching out the second finger of his right hand, and playing the second magical power “Desperate”.

From the back of the abyss lord, there were strips of abyssal demon thunders. These demon thunders combined to form two huge thunder and lightning wings, reaching two to three feet in length.

With the help of the terrifying energy of these thunder and lightning wings, its body was suspended in mid-air for a short time. It is conceivable that the abyss lord has reached a terrifying level with the manipulation of this abyss demon thunder.

The head is slightly upward, unlike other levels of the abyss lord, the abyss lord who has evolved to the 20th level in front of him, the thunder magnet cannon can be fired instantaneously, and no preparation time is required.

A sky-thundering demon thunder turned into a beam of light, blasting upward, and greeted the golden Buddha palm with swastika pattern that broke through the air.

The powerful thunder magnetic gun pierced the golden Buddha’s palm in the air, causing a loud noise in the air. The black thunder and lightning and the golden Buddha power slammed in all directions.

Ling Yun raised a right hand and wrapped a string of golden Buddhist beads on his right wrist. It was his weapon, Samsara Buddhist beads.

He seldom used Samsara beads. Now that all Samsara beads were revealed, Ling Yun finally used his true power.

The talent “Arhat Golden Body” combined with the top treasure “God and Buddha Coming”, combined with his weapon Samsara beads and his mastering of several powerful spiritual sources, his combat power has finally been pushed to the peak state.

The thunder magnetic gun pierced the golden Buddha palm that blasted down in the air, but the Samsara Buddha beads wrapped around Ling Yun’s right hand had already rotated, and a dazzling golden light lit up on each Buddha beads.

A full twelve golden lights gathered and merged with the giant Buddha shrouded outside his body, causing this giant golden Buddha to suddenly step forward, lifting a pair of giant golden palms, and blasting down towards the lord of the abyss in turn.

Mo Liudao’s “Dharma Breaking Magical Ability” hit the Titan Giant Worm in the air.

The surface of this Titan giant worm was surrounded by fiery red magma, forming a magma shield. Mo Liudao’s “magic power” attack broke the magma shield.

In the next instant, he appeared beside the Titan Giant Worm, and the fourth finger of his right hand suddenly stretched out. It was just a shot in the air. Suddenly, a fire appeared above the void, and the fire fell from the sky and covered it violently. Lived the Titan Giant Worm below.

The body of the Titan Giant Worm is full of magma, and its body can withstand unimaginable high temperatures, but at the moment it was swallowed by this flame, and it was instantly vaporized and evaporated, and the huge body of fifty meters long was burned to ashes in a short time.

Mo Liudao solved the Titan giant insect and harvested the spiritual source and top treasures, but for his level, he already had enough spiritual source, and now the spiritual source harvested has no effect on him.

The gods and Buddhas summoned by Ling Yun continued to attack, and the mighty power was overwhelming, but the abyss lord was equally powerful. His understanding of the power of the abyss demon thunder reached perfection, and the highly compressed thunderballs continuously condensed in his hands, and continued to go up. Booming, against the golden giant palm that blew down, for a while, the two sides were evenly matched, and it was difficult to distinguish between each other.

Mo Liudao was about to help. Suddenly if he noticed something, he raised his head and looked into the distance, only to see that in the intestines of the endless abyss in the distance, a crimson light suddenly rose, followed by a sound of terrible insects. The whistle spread far away.

Every insect roar is sharp and piercing, and contains terrifying power. It is only possible for a twentieth-level zerg monarch to be able to issue such a terrible insect roar.

Mo Liudao frowned slightly, and he could feel the powerful auras suddenly appearing in the distance. These were all monarch-level auras, and they were also very strange. Obviously, a new monarch appeared in the Zerg, or not before. The type seen.

Immediately afterwards, he heard a long howl from afar, and in this long howl, there was a faint anxiety.

“Xu Tianyu is asking for help?” Ling Yun suddenly retreated and opened the distance from the Abyss Lord. He was shocked and cried out.

Xu Tianyu has the same existence as him and Mo Liudao. This time it is their tripartite alliance, preparing to solve the source of the Abyss Zerg. Unexpectedly, Xu Tianyu will send out a long scream for help. Obviously, he has encountered difficulties, even Danger.

At almost the same moment, the abyss lord jumped up suddenly, a pair of magic thunder wings behind him, screamed to the ground, broke through the air, and disappeared in an instant.

“Go!” Mo Liudao let out a low drink, immediately unfolded his figure, and rushed towards the distance at full speed.

Ling Yun didn’t dare to stay slow, and followed closely.

With the death of the Titan Giant Worm just now, and the evacuation of the Abyss Lord, the surrounding giant worms also collapsed. Su Li and others immediately rushed forward, chasing these giant worms, and harvesting the spiritual source.

The number of spiritual sources owned by Su Li slowly reached 1,000.

There was a terrifying insect roar from a distance. Su Li opened his third eye and observed the situation far away. Then, he saw the intestines of the abyss shattered in the distance, and the surface of the water reappeared below. On the surface of the water, it was ascending. One after another crimson figure came up.

At the same moment, he captured the information data of these crimson figures.

“Name: Crimson Sovereign, Level: Twenty, Race: Abyss Zerg. The Abyss Zerg is one of the eight tribes. The Crimson Sovereign is the monarch of the Crimson Acid Giant Worm in the Abyss Zerg. He possesses tremendous power beyond imagination. The Crimson Sovereign The most terrifying attack is that it can control and manipulate a crimson acid force, which is called the crimson force. This crimson force is not a corrosive liquid, but its essence is a special microbial composition, which is in contact with the object. It will be eaten up by this microorganism. This microorganism is cultivated in a special organ in its body. After spitting it out, it eats a certain amount of things and returns to the owner’s body again.”

Receiving this message, Su Li immediately understood that the crimson figures that appeared in the distance were all twentieth-level crimson monarchs. They were the monarchs of the crimson acid giant worms, and they held similarities to the crimson acid giant worms. Ability, of course, their horror and power are not comparable to the Crimson Acid Giant Worm.

At this moment, Su Li glanced at it, and there were as many as a dozen of the Crimson Monarchs emerging from the water.

This number is simply appalling.Not to mention him, even if Mo Liudao and Ling Yun looked at them, their expressions changed, and they finally understood why Xu Tianyu would send a signal for help.

The abyss lord rushed to the distance, and it was meeting with these crimson monarchs.

Among the dozen crimson monarchs, a Daoist shadow appeared, and they were flying in the air. These crimson monarchs attacked the figure.

One after another, the crimson power is like a red changhong, attacking endlessly.

In a very thrilling way, this figure didn’t dare to love war at all, and escaped from these crimson powers.

After all, no matter how strong this figure is, it is impossible to attack a dozen or so twentieth-level monarchs, which is no less than hitting a rock with an egg.

Although this figure did not dare to love the battle, his speed was too amazing. In fleeing with all his strength, he quickly opened the distance from these crimson monarchs and rushed towards Mo Liudao and Lingyun.

Although the dozens of scarlet monarchs surfaced, the formation was shocking, but they did not chase the figure, and they stopped when they saw the other party fleeing.

It seems that their main task is to patrol and guard that area, as long as the opponent escapes from this area, they will not chase after it.

Soon, the visitor joined Mo Liudao and Ling Yun who rushed over, and the three of them landed on a large roof one after another and stopped.

Su Li and Xuanhua also rushed over with more than four hundred people, then stopped, raised their heads one after another, and looked at the top of the building.

Su Li quietly opened his third eye, and immediately caught the profile of the figure that had escaped from the dozen Crimson Monarchs, and understood that the other party should be Xu Tianyu as mentioned by Mo Liudao and Ling Yun.

A message appeared, it was this Xu Tianyu’s information.

“Name: Guardian, Level: 20, Talent: Moving at the speed of light, Treasure: Prajna, Weapon: Light·Purple Aperture, Evaluation of the same level of combat power: Superior.”

Being a level 20 super power again, Su Li took a breath and understood that Mo Liudao had mentioned the three-way rendezvous before, and he was talking about the three people in front of him.

The lord of the distant abyss and the scarlet monarchs met and gathered there. The two sides were separated by a distance of several kilometers, watching each other.

In comparison, Mo Liudao, Ling Yun, and Xu Tianyu had only three people, but the other party was a dozen monarchs.

Although they couldn’t get involved, Zu Li and others felt a great pressure.

I don’t know how the three of Mo Liudao would find the source of the abyss and solve it in the face of these dozen or so monarchs.

“The other party seems to know that we are going to act. So many monarchs have appeared in a short time. The situation is very wrong.” Xu Tianyu was enveloped in a layer of brilliance. When he saw Mo Liudao and Ling Yun, he immediately spoke. Some dignified.

Ling Yun said: “How about, have you found the source of these zergs? As long as the source is found, and with the strength of the three of us, it should be possible to seal there. As long as the source is sealed, these zergs will lose their support.

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