Chapter 543 Super Battle Power

In Mo Liudao’s view, Su Li worked very hard and had a lot of momentum. As long as he didn’t die halfway, his future achievements would not be small.

“They are here too.” Ling Yun said here, suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance.

Now the giant worms around have disappeared, and Su Li and others are standing silently, listening to Mo Liudao and Ling Yun’s conversation, knowing that Lingyun should be the same as Mo Liudao, and they are all guides from the “base”.

After hearing them talk about the hidden profession with dual talents, Su Li’s heart moved slightly, but he didn’t expect that there would be such a character.

You must know that although he has three talents now, the third talent is unknown and has not really been revealed. He is actually equivalent to a hidden job with dual talents.

Unexpectedly, there is now a character who is almost equal to himself.

It even got the focus of the high-level base of the base. It is conceivable that such a character is absolutely stunning.

This is a real genius.

With Ling Yun’s voice, a group of people appeared in the distance, about two hundred people, and they were approaching them here at an extremely fast speed.

Among these people, there were five people at the head, four men and one woman. When they saw Ling Yun, they immediately saluted.

Su Li quietly opened the “Peeping Rune” and was watching these people. Soon, his target was locked on the one among the top five.

A message immediately appeared in my mind.

“Name: Berserker, Level: Level 11, Talent: Seal of Immortality, Dark Contract, Treasure: Gate of Darkness, Weapon: Blade of Darkness and Ignorance, Evaluation of Battle Power at the same level: Superior.”

Sensing the message data that appeared in his mind, Su Li’s heart shuddered slightly, and he immediately understood that the person standing in the middle was the peerless genius with dual talents and hidden professions mentioned in the conversation between Ling Yun and Mo Liudao. Xuanhua.

Among them, what attracted Su Li the most was his evaluation of the combat power of his peers, which turned out to be “superior.”

This is the first time that Su Li has discovered a person with a “super” combat power evaluation. Other people, whether they are beautiful women from the Holy Land, or super powers such as Mo Liudao or Ling Yun, are just “supreme”. Wait”.

“It turns out that, above the’superior’ combat power, there is also a’superior’.”

Su Li stared at this Xuanhua from afar and saw that his whole body was covered in equipment. Half of the equipment was dark, with a faint light flowing on the surface. He immediately understood that these should be dark-attributed monarch equipment, and he had at least five pieces of equipment. The above activates its special ability, so its surface will have such a black gloom visible to the naked eye.”Weak, inferior, medium, superior, super.”

For the five levels of combat power at the same level, Su Li finally had a very clear understanding.

The so-called weak class refers to the vast majority of ordinary fighters with ordinary equipment, ordinary combat awareness, no talents, and no treasures. Such people are basically weak.

Inferior refers to the level that has reached the leader level. Generally speaking, compared to weak fighters, they can reach the inferior, or have a good combat awareness, or have a good set of equipment, or have A monarch weapon can reach one of them, basically it can reach “inferior” combat power.

Most of the two hundred people who are still alive now have reached the “inferior” evaluation.

As for the desire to become a “medium” combat power in the same level, generally speaking, on the premise of having a good combat awareness, you also need to have a set of fairly good equipment, and then have a kind of talent, or master With a kind of treasure, as long as you can own one of them, you can basically achieve “medium” combat power.

For example, Fulong can become a strong man in the “medium” combat power because he has the talent “Dragon Transforming”, and Ding Longyun can now become a “medium” strong man because he has the treasure “green worm”.

If you want to become a “superior” combat power at the same level, you need combat awareness, talent, treasures, and equipment. These four are almost indispensable to become a “superior” combatant.

For example, Jiang Shuijue has a good fighting consciousness, a treasure “Evil Summoning”, and the whole body equipment is at least rare quality. Although she has no talent, she can be divided into three because of the special ability of the big water drop, although it is not a talent. , But not inferior to the general top talent, all the conditions are complete, which allows her to have “superior” combat power.

Although Gong Xiao is not lacking in equipment, combat awareness, and treasures, and even strengthened his body through that drop of blood, because he was the only one who failed to successfully unlock his talents, he was still lacking compared to the “superior” combat power. His strength can only be said to be between the “medium” top and the “superior”, and it is not really a “superior” combat power.

Of course, the same “superior” combat power is still divided into three levels: normal, advanced, and top-level. Combat awareness, equipment, treasures, and talents are complete, and they are only equivalent to the ordinary level of “superior” combat power.

If you want to become a high-level powerhouse in the “superior” category, one of these four aspects must be particularly outstanding or outstanding. This kind of very special spiritual source technique, as for wanting to become one of the top powerhouses, it is even more difficult.

On the basis of these four types, it is necessary to belong to a hidden profession, or to master some special treasures, or to have the top combat talents, or to have dual talents and so on.

It can be said that the more difficult it is, the more difficult it is. This is why Zurich has not known how many people have met, but among them, there are very few “superior” combat powers. As for the existence of the top in “superior”, then More rare.

It can be said that for the vast majority of people, the top powerhouse in the “superior” category is the limit that can be pursued in this life.

Because the more powerful “superior” above “superior” can no longer be built by hard work or treasures.

“Superior” is really rare. The top combat consciousness and spiritual source art, dual talents, treasures, equipment, hidden occupations, or possession of some special treasures, only when all the conditions are in place. There may be a “super-class”.

Even if it is Mo Liudao and Ling Yun, who are already advanced 20 superpowers, with their strength, what kind of treasure can’t be obtained?

Just like that beautiful woman, with all kinds of treasures hidden on her body, but this is the case, their evaluation is still only “first-class”, even if you have more treasures, the limit is the top-level strong By.

“Superior” means that the real world, the right place, and the people are all in place. Not only do I need to be a peerless genius, but I also need to have good luck, heaven-defying opportunities, and various factors. Together, only one out of countless people is possible.

Such talents are hard to come by.

This Xuanhua is a “super-class” fighter of the same level, and he is rare in existence. Therefore, although he is only at level 11, he has already received the attention of the high-level base.

Even for super powers like Ling Yun and Mo Liudao, their eyes and attitudes are different when they see him.

With his “super-class” combat power at the same level, if he is promoted to a 20-level berserker, there is no doubt that his strength and status will surpass Mo Liudao and Lingyun.

If after level 20, he can succeed in breaking through the realm and become the “guardian deity” of the base, by that time, even super powerhouses like Mo Liudao and Ling Yun need to look up at him.

So for Xuanhua, Mo Liudao and Ling Yun didn’t dare to look down upon them.

Ling Yun looked at Yi Xuanhua, smiled, nodded towards them, and said, “Lao Mo and I will go to find the source of the abyss. There will be a large number of zergs appearing at that time, Xuanhua, you should be close to level 12. Strive to be promoted to first-level today.”

“Yes.” Although Xuanhua is highly regarded by all parties, he is a “super” powerhouse, and his future is limitless, but facing Ling Yun, he is still very low-key, constricting his helmet and showing his face to show respect for Ling Yun.

His face was exposed, and Su Li saw that Xuanhua had a face like a crown jade, calm and elegant, and almost no worse than himself in terms of appearance.

You must know that as people continue to evolve and become stronger, the appearance of everyone will change a little. Both their temperament and appearance will become more and more excellent and perfect. Of course, even so, everyone is different, but there is still a big difference.

Although Xuanhua mainly masters the dark attribute, his skin color is very white, as white as translucent, like jade, standing among the crowd, even facing the 20th-level super strong like Mo Liudao and Ling Yun. In terms of temperament, he still looks not inferior, and his demeanor is neither arrogant nor humble. When people see it at a glance, they can’t help but secretly praise and twist. The first feeling is that this child is definitely not a thing in the pool.

Mo Liudao waved to Su Li, Celestial Immortals and others, and said, “Come here.”

Su Li, Wang Celestial Immortals and others walked forward.

“How close you are, in the future you will all be comrades-in-arms fighting side by side.” Mo Liudao said this, looking at Ling Yun, and said: “Let’s get started and meet Xu Tianyu.”

Ling Yun said: “Okay.” After finishing speaking, pieces of golden equipment appeared on the surface of his body, and soon his whole body was covered by golden spiritual source equipment. Suddenly he jumped up and jumped tens of meters in the air, and then fell to another. On the top of a building.

Mo Liudao was no slower than him, and suddenly came to Ling Yun almost silently.

The five people in the head of Xuanhua are also looking at the people in Zurich. Su Li can see that the four people around Xuanhua are all “superior” evaluations, knowing that these five people should be the ones that Lingyun focused on cultivation. However, under Xuanhua’s “superior” aura, the other four appeared desolate.

“My name is Xuanhua.” Xuanhua faced super powers like Mo Liudao and Ling Yun, neither arrogant nor humble, nor arrogant or arrogant when faced with Su Li and others. Celestial Immortals, the king of Celestial Immortals, rarely showed himself a beautiful face. A smile appeared on his face.

“My name is King Celestial Immortals, please advise me.” As he spoke, he proactively stretched out his hand.Xuan Hua was slightly startled, it seemed that Wang Celestial Immortals would take the initiative to shake hands like this, but since the lady stretched out his hand, out of a gentleman’s manner, he could only reach out and shook the king Celestial Immortals lightly.

Wang Celestial Immortals is not stupid. She also listened to the content of the conversation between Mo Liudao and Ling Yun, and immediately understood that this Xuanhua is not a trivial matter, dual talents, or a hidden career. Even the high level of the base is paying attention to him, and the future is limitless. Such a person who is destined to become a big man, while he is still weak, naturally wants to make good friends.

“Hurry up.” Lin Xinghai saw the affectionate attitude of Celestial Immortals to Xuanhua, and felt a little uncomfortable. After speaking, he ran forward.

Xuanhua glanced at Su Li, “I don’t know if you are…”

“My name is Su Li.” Su Li also reported own name, and smiled at Xuan Hua.

Xuanhua also possessed abilities similar to “peeping runes”, and it could be seen that King Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai, and Shi Dalong were all “superior” combat powers, and the only thing that could not be seen was Su Li.

Because Zu Li’s information was blocked, he paid special attention.

“Su Li? Hello.” Xuanhua grinned, and the complexion on his face became paler.

Su Li was about to respond when a terrible insect roar suddenly came from a distance. The intestines of the abyss in an area in front suddenly bulged up, and there was a behemoth underneath that was protruding.

At this moment, Ling Yun had just landed on the top of a building and suddenly realized that Mo Liudao appeared silently behind him. He didn’t even notice it. He looked terrified and turned around abruptly. In the golden mask, his eyes widened. There was a faintly different color, and he looked up and down Mo Liudao.

“You…could it be…” In his tone, there was a hint of shock that could not be concealed, as if thinking of something.

At this moment, an insect roar sounded, and the intestines of the abyss not far away protruded upwards, and there was a loud bang soon, a large number of the intestines of the abyss broke, and the pink material spewed out, a huge Titan like a hill. Giant worms appeared from the water below.

Another twentieth-level titan giant fifty meters long appeared.

Surrounded by terrible magma, this magma splits and suddenly turns into magma bombs, a dozen of which are directed at Mo Liudao and Lingyun on the top of the building, and the other dozen are directed at Zulihe Xuanhua shot from the place where hundreds of people gathered.

This was a twentieth-level monarch, suddenly firing a magma bomb, and everyone’s expressions changed.

At almost the same instant, Mo Liudao and Ling Yun on the top of the building disappeared, and then appeared in front of everyone.

Mo Liudao opened his right hand with six fingers, activated the “shield wall” magical powers, and a fiery red shield appeared, blocking the magma bombs that had been shot over.

Ling Yun uttered a long howl, strode in the void, and his whole body was shining with golden light. He had entered the state of a golden arhat, just like a golden arhat came to the world and appeared in front of the giant worm.

With the appearance of this giant worm, giant worms appeared again in all directions, like a tide, rushing toward everyone.

Mo Liudao blocked these dozen or so magma bombs for everyone, and jumped up and rushed forward, only to see a “boom”, the water exploded suddenly, setting off a huge wave up to 100 meters in height. In this huge wave, a two-meter-high red figure appeared, and the power of the black demon thunder hovered above its head. It suddenly appeared, and a terrible black beam of light was suddenly launched from the top of its head, shooting towards Lingyun.

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