Chapter 542 Peerless Genius (second more seeking automatic subscription)

If it was to obtain enough quantity before, then the goal of Zurich now is to pursue higher quality.

For this second strengthening, Su Li did not hesitate to choose the brain, and immediately, a message appeared.

“The brain begins to strengthen, and the intellectual brain type I comprehension will gain better memory, resilience, thinking and logic ability, and mental willpower will be strengthened.”

In response to the messages in his mind, Su Li has a strange feeling. It seems that his mind has become more sober. There are many pasts that were once a little fuzzy, and they have become clear and profound, even the speed of the brain. Ascension is a lot.

He understands that this is the benefit of strengthening the brain.

“Afterwards, try to balance and strengthen the remaining parts of the eyes, ears and internal organs as much as possible.”

In the past, Su Li’s strength was not enough. I didn’t feel too deeply about strengthening one or two parts of his body blindly. On the contrary, he felt that his strength had improved by leaps and bounds. After strengthening a certain part by tenth level, he could understand a response His special ability, which strengthened his idea of ​​focusing on strengthening a certain part.

But with the constant Ascension of strength, especially the use of stone tools and the reaction of the beautiful woman’s body after the horror force after World War I, Su Li slowly discovered some drawbacks.

For example, when he was under the horrific power of stone tools, his muscles, bones, and heart could barely support for half a second to one second, but those internal organs that had not been deliberately strengthened collapsed in an instant.

Even in the future, if the power that oneself holds becomes stronger and stronger, even if one’s body can bear it, the few internal organs that have not been strengthened may not be able to bear this power.

In fact, every time you are promoted, every organ in your body will be strengthened. In principle, there will be no such phenomenon that the internal organs that have not been specially strengthened cannot withstand their own strength.

But because of his special circumstances, Zu Li didn’t have this level of strength before, and he didn’t feel that way. However, as the power he possessed became stronger and stronger, especially after acquiring the stone tools, he began to feel profoundly.

Of course, the power of the stone tool is far beyond imagination. This power is beyond the advanced 20 super powers. Even if this situation occurs originally, it will be at least after the advanced 20, and it is possible to successfully break the boundary. this circumstance occurs.

Su Li is equivalent to acquiring a stone tool and firstly felt the situation that may only appear in the future. This gave him a wake-up call, and made him realize in advance that the body needs to be strengthened in a balanced manner. The strengthening of all internal organs must be followed. Otherwise, perhaps in the future, this unreinforced place will become a weakness of the owner.

Feeling the turbulent amount of Internal Energy in his body, Su Li was refreshed. The strengthening of his brain this time made him feel particularly good. Now his normal strength has reached 64,100 jin, which means that he is in the overrun. In the strongest state, the strength can reach 951,060 catties.

The power has increased from 920,000 catties to 950,000 catties. The “Demon Flurry” has evolved to the second form, with its power doubled Ascension, the attack range has been expanded to a radius of 30 meters, and the power of Sacred has reached the limit state. It took seven seconds.

Looking up and looking into the distance, I saw that Mo Liudao had reached a distance of kilometers away, and the number of various giant insects gathered from all directions was increasing.Unfolding the “Spider Walk”, Su Li squeaked out nearly 20 meters, rushed into the oncoming giant insects, and then launched the “Dancing Demons”.

With his body as the center, six-armed Devil descended one after another in aerosol state, brandishing the six weapons in his hand, slashing in all directions frantically.

In an instant, all the giant worms within a radius of 30 meters were killed, allowing Su Li to harvest dozens of spiritual sources in one breath.

Then, he continued to launch the “spider walking”, swept forward and rushed into the densely gathered giant insects.

Now that he wants to break through again, the number of spiritual sources he needs has grown to 16,000. He must kill the giant insects and harvest the spiritual sources faster.

Su Limingbai, after today, I am afraid that there will be no suitable monsters like these giant worms to hunt for the spiritual source, and the speed of the next promotion will definitely slow down.

It has been five days since he used stone tools to kill the beautiful woman. According to Xu Xuehui’s speculation, the beautiful woman will come back to life within half a month at the earliest because of the ghost Mother-Child puppet. This means that he only now There are about ten days left.

Su Li wants to be promoted to a higher level as much as possible. The stronger the strength, the greater the confidence against the beautiful women.

A thousand meters away, all kinds of explosions sounded endlessly, and a large number of giant intestines of the abyss and those blood-red giant trees were constantly collapsing and collapsing.

The giant giant worms in the distance issued terrible worms from time to time, and evolved to a twentieth-level monarch, how powerful, the magma lingering all over his body seemed infinite, making the surrounding water boil.

On the boiling water, there was a golden figure with a gleaming body, like gold casting, constantly pounced, those magma bombs continued to hit the golden figure, erupting a series of huge explosions.

As he continued to advance forward, Su Li saw the yellow cast from a distance, guessing that this figure was the person who spoke before, and it should be the person who agreed to meet with Mo Liudao in Nanjiang City.

Being able to fight against the twentieth-level monarch, the opponent’s strength is naturally strong, far from what they can expect.

Suddenly, another long roar sounded, and the golden figure completely rushed into the terrifying lava that was lifted up on the face, and merged into it. After that, the huge Titan worm issued a earth-shattering roar, and the voice was full of anger and anger. pain.

It seems that it has suffered a big loss and is not the opponent of this golden figure.

Su Li saw that the huge giant worm was swaying and retreating. Suddenly, a bright golden light rose from the flaming red lava, and a huge god and Buddha appeared in the golden light. Gorgeous and majestic, a giant golden hand engraved with a swastika fell from the sky, and hit it firmly in the gushing magma.

This scene aroused the attention of many people, and the eyes were shocked.

The power of this golden palm’s blow was simply earth-shattering. The giant giant worms stronger than twentieth level were also beaten to the granite on the body’s surface and began to crack, and the fiery red magma flowing in it gushed out along the cracked body.

Su Li opened the “third eye” and finally caught the information of the golden figure far away, and a message immediately rang out of his mind.

“Name: Berserker, Level: 20, Talent: Arhat Golden Body, Treasure: God and Buddha, Weapon: Jin·Samsara Buddha Bead, Evaluation of Battle Power at the Same Level: Superior.”

Sensing the information in his mind, he was indeed a level 20 super strong.

Moreover, this person’s talents, treasures, and weapons all complement each other and are related to gods and Buddhas, which will inevitably make his combat power even stronger.

But so far, everyone he has seen, no matter how powerful, their combat power evaluation limit turned out to be “superior”, which makes Su Li feel a little strange, can it be said that the “superior” combat power evaluation is the limit ?

Still, it is too difficult to surpass the “superior” level. Even these super-powerfuls who have reached the advanced 20 level can’t reach the “superior” evaluation.

Although the Titan Giant Worm is also a 20th-level monarch, it is obviously not the opponent of this 20th-level Berserker. The golden Buddha descended, with a blow from the Buddha’s palm engraved with the swastika pattern, and the Titan Giant Worm was beaten to the start. Torn apart.

As this Titan giant worm shattered, a huge army of various giant worms originally gathered in all directions, began to collapse, and retreated toward the distance like a tide.

In the blink of an eye, these giant insects all escaped and disappeared completely. Su Li and others, who were besieged by swarms of giant insects, breathed a sigh of relief and immediately rushed forward.

In just a while, they killed another 20 or 30 people, and now fewer than 250 people are still alive.

Without the giant insects to stop them, everyone rushed forward, and soon saw Mo Liudao jump up from the top of a building, and easily fell to a hundred meters away, standing on a deep intestine, and the whole body was enveloped. The figure in the golden light also fell in front of him, and the golden light on the surface of the body was converging.

Soon a bald man in a gray coat appeared.

Unlike Mo Liudao and others who always cover the whole body with equipment, this man has condensed the spirit source equipment of his whole body, revealing his true appearance. The most striking thing is that he does not have a single hair on his head. Bright bald head, white face without beard, big eyebrows, looks like a very handsome monk.

“Ling Yun, how is the situation now?” Mo Liudao looked at the handsome bald man. Although he saw that he killed the 20th-level Titan Giant Worm in one blow, he was not surprised. For him, the opponent possessed such strength. Originally in his expectation, this Titan Giant Worm was just an ordinary monarch in the twentieth level. For a super power like them, it was not difficult to kill.

Ling Yun said: “The situation is very bad. These zergs are evolving faster than we thought. They have just killed a twentieth-level Titan giant insect. This is the second one.”

Mo Liudao: “Where is Xu Tianyu?”

Ling Yun said: “Xu Tianyu is locating the source of the abyss. The news should be in soon, and now it can be determined that the source is deep in the bottom of the water, right over there.” He said as he pointed to the west.

Su Li and the others were approaching, looking at the direction that Ling Yun was pointing to, it was the area where the Golden Eagle Alliance was once, and immediately understood that the source of the abyss they were talking about should be the abyss that he saw that day.Mo Liudao slightly nodded and said, “As long as you can find the source of this abyss and find a way to block it, these zergs will not be afraid.”

Ling Yun said: “The trouble is that we can only roughly determine that we should be in this area, but it is not easy to accurately locate it. There is the power of the abyss here, which is seriously interfering with our sense.”

He turned his head while talking, looked at the two hundred people in Zurich who had rushed over, with a little smile on his face, and said, “Old Mo, are these people you trained? Just now they seem to be doing pretty well. .”

Mo Liudao faintly smiled and said: “Where is the peerless genius with dual talents and hidden professions under your hand? It is said that he has already received the attention of the base. Such a genius has hope to break through. Yes, there will be another patron saint in the base, and your contribution this time will be great.”

“Hehe…” Ling Yun was obviously in a good mood when he heard these words, and he nodded slightly: “Xuanhua is indeed good. Dual talents are originally very rare. With hidden occupations, the probability is even lower. At present, we are in Jiangdong Province. Among this group of people, it seems that he is the only one.”

The tone was also full of pride.

Mo Liudao sighed secretly, couldn’t help turning his head, and glanced at Zu Li among the crowd. He had the impression that Zu Li was also a hidden class. Sacred Knight, but a single talent, of course not comparable to the hidden talents of others. Profession, although not comparable, but it is also very rare, so Mo Liudao has been paying attention to Zu Li in secret, but he did not interfere too much, and even from beginning to end, he only gave Zu Li a good fortune. .

For Su Li’s help, it is better than him to the three king Celestial Immortals.

But this doesn’t mean that Mo Liudao doesn’t pay much attention to Zu Li. On the contrary, in his opinion, Zu Li’s development prospects surpass that of the king Celestial Immortals.

Mo Liudao is also a route for the weak to evolve and become stronger. Naturally, he understands that the more talented characters, the less you should interfere too much. If you send all kinds of opportunities and good fortune to Zuli from the beginning, it seems that he will soon become stronger. However, from the perspective of long-term development, it is unfavorable.

This is like the higher the building of the same building, the more stable its foundation needs to be built, and its foundation is unstable.

So for the Su Li he really fancy, Mo Liudao did not help much. Everything was left to him to develop freely. Only after experiencing the constant test of life and death, and finally growing up, can he become a real superpower.

Just like the peerless genius Xuanhua with dual talents and hidden professions that even the top of the base paid attention to, Ling Yun’s interference and assistance were even less, and at most he only observed it in secret.

Unless the other party really encounters a crushing monster that is completely impossible to deal with, it is possible for him to secretly clean it up, otherwise he will not give you any help at all.

Of course, all of this must be concealed from the other party, and carried out in secret, without letting the other party know at all.

Otherwise, once the other party knows that there is a great person to protect him behind him, it will seriously affect his xinxing, will produce dependence, and will be detrimental to his growth.

After taking a look at Zu Li, Mo Liudao was very satisfied with Zu Li’s performance these days, and even the worm of Qizhi and the ten third-level Abyss Lord were solved by him.

In Mo Liu Dao Heart, the evaluation of Zu Li is also getting higher and higher. Although it is not as good as Ling Yun’s peerless genius with dual talents, according to Mo Liu Dao’s estimation, even if there is a gap, the gap will not be too big. .

Talent is important, but own hard work is equally important.

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