Chapter 541 Wisdom Brain (first one)

The giant insects that appeared this time were of various species, including the Dihorned Fairy Giant Worm, the Wolf Head Tyrant Worm, the Abyssal Carrion Worm, the Devouring Troll Worm and the Abyssal Scarab, as well as the Vajra that was first encountered in Zurich. Giant King Worm, Crimson Acid Giant Worm and Evil Crystal Giant Worm.

It can be said that all kinds of giant worms have appeared here, and the levels of these giant worms are very high, at least they are ten first-level elites, there are ten first-level leaders, and ten second-level ones. Ordinary and elite, of course, there are also bosses who have evolved to ten second-level or tenth-level ordinary and elite.

This immediately caused everyone to encounter strong resistance.

Fortunately, the dozens of people headed by Su Li, each of them mastered the powerful spiritual source art, group attacks, and pushed them all the way.

This time Mo Liudao didn’t observe them carefully, but instead rode the Fire Feather Condor, speeding up and flying towards the distance.

Soon, there was a terrible sound. Above the massive blood-red giant tree below, a buzzing sound suddenly appeared. There was a giant insect that opened the wings on the back, flapped its wings, and flew toward the Mo Liudao and Fire Feathers above. Condor intercepted.

While performing the “Dancing of Demons”, Su Li pushed forward at a great speed, and opened the “third eye” one step far away, capturing the information of the giant winged insect.

The distance was too far, his “peeping rune” could not capture the information of this giant insect, so he could only use the “third eye”.

Immediately, a message appeared in his mind.

“Name: Blue Blood Horror, Level: Ten third-level elite beast generals. The name of Blue Blood Horror comes from its blue blood, a terrifying face, like being pressed into a two-dimensional image. The human face, with strangely distorted facial features, looks very scary, so it has the name of the blue scary face. The blue blood scary face can fly in a short period of time, and its blue blood is strongly corrosive. Its spine is very different from the general Zerg. The exoskeleton with obvious T features is harder than ordinary steel. Although the eyes are small, only the size of a mung bean, it has limited viewing angle, but it attacks the target or locks in. The target depends not on eyesight, but on smell. It can smell blood from dozens of kilometers away. It looks like paper-thin wings, but it has extremely terrifying power. It can easily cut through steel plates and kill blue. There is a very small probability that the blood horror worm can comprehend the special ability “Blue Blood Power”.”

The blue blood horror, ten third-level elite beasts, appeared in groups, whizzing towards Mo Liudao and the Fire Feather Eagle in mid-air, trying to stop them here.

What kind of existence is Mo Liudao, he doesn’t need him to do anything at all. The fire feather condor suddenly opened its mouth and let out an eagle howl. A terrible flame burst out of its opened mouth. Where did this flame spray? The blue blood horror worm screamed, caught fire all over, and fell down.

The Fire Feather Condor is a rare existence at level twentieth. How can this ten third-level blue blood horror be able to stop it?

A flame sprayed out, and immediately burned a large number of blue blood horror worms.

The two hundred people below, headed by Zuri and King Celestial Immortals and others, rushed forward at full speed.

In all directions, various giant insects have appeared endlessly, and Zuri has activated the “Devil Muscle” and “Heavenly Demon Holy Ghost”, forming the real state of Heavenly Demon.

Under this circumstance, activating the “Quan Demon Flurry” can obtain additional bonuses, making the “Quan Demon Flurry” more powerful.

Pieces of giant insects were killed by him, and he kept approaching forward.

The king Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai, Shi Dalong and others all showed their talents and treasures one after another, and they tried their best. With them as the leader, they smashed a bloody path among the swarms of giant insects, and they are flying far west. Going fire feather condor.

Those blue-blooded horror worms in mid-air may have realized that they couldn’t stop the Fire Feather Eagle and Mo Liudao. They suddenly changed their direction and gave up attacking them. Instead, they pounced downward, towards the two hundred in Zurich. Many people attacked.Although it could not withstand a single blow in the face of the Fire Feather Eagle, it immediately caused casualties when it attacked everyone.

After all, this is the ten third-level elite beasts. Among the crowd, only those who reach or exceed the advanced tenth level can fight against them. Those who have not reached this level are not their opponents at all, not to mention, they are still The sky rushes down, taking advantage of the sky, making them even more terrifying.

Although there are casualties from time to time, everyone is still rushing forward. Zuli is very familiar with Nanjiang City, but now it has undergone earth-shaking changes, and it is difficult for him to recognize it. He can only guess based on the location and distance, knowing that everyone is now The direction to go should be where their “Golden Eagle Alliance” was on that day.

Su Li thought of the abyss hole deep in the bottom of the water, which was three kilometers southwest of Building B of Golden Eagle One, where Mo Liudao was heading now should be there.

As they continue to rush into the swarms of giant insects in front of them, and continue to perform the “dance of demons”, the number of spiritual sources that Su Li has is changing, increasing, and gradually approaching the 13,000 mark.

As long as he has gained 13,000 spiritual sources, he will be able to successfully break through and be promoted again.

With repeated screams, these ten third-level elite blue blood horror worms caused a lot of casualties to everyone. Mo Liudao rode the Fire Feather Condor, swiftly spinning in the air and swooping down.

Mo Liudao punched in the air with a bang, and a terrifying energy rushed into the swarms of blue blood horror worms. It exploded, killing at least hundreds of blue blood horror worms in an instant. Worms, causing panic among these giant worms.

Mo Liudao hit three punches in a row, and quickly defeated the blue-blooded horror worms that had gathered in mid-air, and relieved the pressure on everyone. After that, he rode the Fire Feather Eagle and rushed forward again.

A sharp and piercing scream came from a distance, this is a terrible insect scream.

With this insect howl, Su Li raised his head and saw a building with a huge blood-red tree growing on the surface was shaking in the distance, and then it rumblingly collapsed.

As the building and the giant blood tree growing on it collapsed, a behemoth rose from below.

This is a huge titan giant insect, the body length reached an astonishing fifty meters, the whole body is surrounded by fiery red magma, and there are piles of magma bombs suspended behind it. It is the monarch of the abyss zerg, the titan giant insect.

Su Li just glanced at it and understood that this must be a twentieth-level monarch, able to grow to such a huge body shape. It is not comparable to the Titan giants that appeared before. Compared with the previous giants, this Titan giant The momentum and coercion of the insects are simply unimaginable.

That terrible insect scream was made by this Titan giant insect, followed by the magma bomb behind it lifted into the sky, suddenly cut through the sky, and flew towards the distance.

The target of its attack was not the Fire Feather Eagle and Mo Liudao in mid-air, nor was it the two hundred people in Zurich, but another area.

Obviously, there is another goal there.

A long howl sounded from that area, followed by a loud voice.

“Old Mo, you are finally here, today this situation is a bit complicated—”

This is a man’s voice, coming from a distance, but it seems to be very clear and sent to everyone’s ears, so that everyone can hear clearly.

Mo Liudao suddenly jumped up and fell from the back of the Fire Feather Eagle. Below him, there was a huge scarlet tree growing on a building.

As he fell, the blood-colored giant tree was cracking and shattering, disappearing at an incredible speed. Soon, the building that was originally covered on the surface reappeared from the endless intestines of the abyss, and Mo Liudao fell to it. On the top of this building.

In the distance, huge explosions continued to sound. The Titan giant worm exploded the intestines of the abyss, and the flames rose to the sky, forming one after another huge huge ray of light. Obviously, in There was a fierce fight in the distance.

Su Li and more than two hundred people were all advancing towards the distance with all their strength. More and more giant insects gathered around. Su Li was harvesting the spiritual source frantically. Suddenly, a message appeared in his mind.

“Level 11 Sacred Knight: Spirit Source 1300013000”

He finally collected 13,000 spiritual sources and successfully promoted to the 12th-level Sacred knight.

Immediately afterwards, one message after another sounded.

“Start promotion”

“Muscles begin to strengthen, bones begin to strengthen, internal organs begin to strengthen”

“Strength Increase, Defense Ascension”

“Basic strength Ascension reaches 13,000 jin”

“Basic Defense Ascension reaches 13,000 Jin”

“Physical strength increased, and the basic duration of the outbreak was extended to 26 minutes”

“The vital capacity increases, and the basic suffocation time is extended to 26 minutes”

“Speed ​​Ascension, Vision Enhancement, Hearing Enhancement”


“Promotion complete”

“Level 12 Sacred Knight: Spirit Source 016000”

“First Talent: Strengthen Care”

“Second Talent: Those who exceed the limit”

“Third Talent: Unknown”

“Basic Strengthening: Muscle Gain MAX, Super Heart MAX, Steel Bone Type Ⅲ, Strong Lung Type Ⅰ, Violent Liver Type Ⅰ, Adenosine Control Type Ⅰ, Baoshen Type Ⅰ, Iron Stomach Type Ⅰ, Sacred Power Level 11 ”

“Special skills: peeping rune, gluttonous tooth, spider walk, silver armor cover, hunting ghost claw, high voltage electric shock, shark king ghost step, liquefied muscle, super regeneration, thousand shadows, black mysterious light, black thunder energy, hidden breath, ten thousand Electric shock, power of darkness, self-healing of life, information shielding, glazed spikes, heart furnace, power of the abyss”

“The Art of Spiritual Origin 1: The Third Form of Devil’s Muscle”

“Spiritual Art 2: Devil Enchantment Third Form”

“Spiritual Technique 3: Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone Third Form”

“The Art of Spiritual Origin 4: The First Form of the Flurry of Demons”

“Basic strengthening options: Steel Bone Type III, Strong Lung Type I, Violent Liver Type I, Glandular Control Type I, Baoshen Type I, Iron Stomach Type I, Sacred Power Eleventh Floor, Teeth”

“Qun Demon Flurry began to comprehend the second form.”

Sensing the messages that appeared in his mind, Zuri quickly chose to continue to strengthen Sacred’s power for the first strengthening opportunity.

For him, this invincible Sacred power is naturally the more times it is strengthened, the more useful it is to him.

Sacred’s power has been strengthened to the twelfth level, and the invincibility time has been extended to six seconds, in an over-limit state, this invincibility time will be as long as seven seconds.

Thinking of being in the invincible state for these seven seconds, what kind of destructive power can it cause within seven seconds if the power of the stone tool is used?

Thinking about this, Su Li felt a little excited.

At this moment, his spiritual source art “Quan Devil Flurry” has successfully comprehended the second form. The group of Devils that were originally summoned are in a state of phantom. With the comprehension of the second form, these Devils have become formed by black fog, and their power has doubled. The scope of killing has grown further.

“The first talent’Strengthening and Favoring’ is activated, which triggers additional enhancement opportunities. The available enhancements are: Steel Bone Type Ⅲ, Strong Lung Type Ⅰ, Violent Liver Type Ⅰ, Glandular Control Type Ⅰ, Baoshen Type Ⅰ, Iron Stomach type I, Sacred power twelfth layer, brain.”

“Brain?” Su Li’s heart shook slightly, and there was a hint of excitement in his heart, and finally a part of his interest appeared.

The last time he was promoted, he chose to strengthen his stomach. Although there is no good strengthening part at present, the treasure kidney is good, but after strengthening once, he temporarily does not want to continue strengthening. Secondly, he thought A way to brush out better parts.

Because according to the rules of strengthening parts, every time you choose to strengthen, in addition to the parts that have been strengthened, an unreinforced part will be randomly selected.

Every time before strengthening, the probability of the appearance of the stomach is relatively high, so he simply chooses to strengthen the stomach once, so that the next random part will never come out of the stomach again, and the stomach and the previously strengthened parts will change. It can be said that the more parts he chooses to strengthen, the fewer parts that can appear randomly, and the greater the probability of ideal strengthening parts.

Sure enough, this time the brain finally appeared, which is definitely an ideal strengthening part for Su Li.

The brain, eyes, and ears are all what he wants to strengthen. In addition, the remaining unstrengthened parts of the internal organs, such as the spleen, intestines, gallbladder, and bladder, he decided to gradually strengthen them.

The muscles and heart have been strengthened to the limit. Because of the Heavenly Demon sacred bones, the bones can be temporarily slowed down. Next, he wants to strengthen the brain, eyes, ears and the remaining four parts of the spleen, intestines, bladder and gallbladder. .

As his strength becomes stronger and his vision broadens, he is now destined to balance and strengthen. Unlike before, even if he knows that blindly strengthening muscles is not the best choice, it may cause imbalance, but he still makes such a choice. Just because he needs enough power, he needs to make sure that he can survive first, it is impossible to slowly strengthen the whole body in all aspects.

Although that is the most reasonable for the body, in the short term, the strength that can be gained is far less than that of purely strengthening muscles.

And now, as the strength is getting stronger and stronger, as he continues to enter the Heavenly Demon state, he has a deeper understanding of the body, and Su Li has gradually realized that only when the body develops in a balanced way, can he exert his strongest strength more perfectly.

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