Chapter 540 Abyss Lair (second more seeking subscription)

“Just now, the three of us have met and discussed, and we have decided two days in advance that we will attack Nanjiang City today to destroy the source of this Abyssal Zerg. Of course, there will be a large number of Zergs appearing along the way. I’m heading towards Nanjiang City now, and I see Zerg appearing, even if you take action, when you arrive in Nanjiang City, you are responsible for cleaning up those weaker Zergs. If there is a Zerg that you can’t fight against, I will take action to solve it.”

Mo Liudao said while straddling the Fire Feather Condor’s back, and said: “Go, go to Nanjiang City. Apart from you, there are two more people. We will meet in Nanjiang City. Do a good job. Don’t give me anything. Shame, at least you can’t lose to those two people.”

When he said this, the Fire Feather Condor spread its wings, carrying Mo Liudao, and suddenly soared into the sky.

When everyone heard this, they all looked at each other, and then they reacted, understanding that now they were going to Nanjiang City for the final battle with these Abyssal Zergs, and besides them, there were two more teams.

Listening to Mo Liudao’s tone, the nature of the other two teams might be the same as them, so Mo Liudao didn’t want them to lose to those two teams.

Thinking that it is very possible to see Mo Liudao fight against the most powerful bug in the abyss zerg, everyone is a little excited and excited.

The king Celestial Immortals screamed: “Go, let’s go to Nanjiang City.” On the surface of his body, pieces of spiritual source equipment appeared, and then the first one rushed down the mountain.

Now the entire surface of the water is completely covered by the intestine of the abyss, even the mounts that sail in the water are difficult to use, even if there are mounts, there are no mounts, and Zuri has not used the intestine that has been covered by the abyss. On the floating island, more than two hundred and seventy people rushed to the intestine of the abyss at the foot of the mountain, and then ran in the direction of Nanjiang City.

The various mounts that belonged to them also climbed to the intestines of the abyss one after another, and followed them.

Mo Liudao rode the Fire Feather Condor and flew in mid-air, but he didn’t get rid of the crowd, but maintained a speed comparable to that of the crowd, not hurriedly, patrolling in mid-air.

Everyone stepped on the intestine of the abyss covering the surface of the water and rushed towards the distance at full speed.

Now, the weakest among the crowd has reached the advanced level 8. This time, they ran at full speed, and the speed is amazing. Although Nanjiang City is 150 kilometers away, they can’t get out at the speed that they rush all the way. Unexpectedly, it only took more than an hour to follow the intestines of the abyss covered on the water to reach Nanjiang City.

In the next way, they did not encounter a giant insect. The situation seemed very abnormal and weird. After running for 20 to 30 kilometers, they finally saw the intestines of the abyss fluctuating in front of them, and swarms of giant insects appeared. Emerging from the gaps in these intestines of the abyss, and then began to block them.

All that appeared this time were tenth-level elite beasts, wolf-head violent soldiers.

With the strength of Zuli, you can only harvest one spiritual source if you kill a wolf-head tyrannical insect.

Fortunately, he mastered the large-scale destructive “Dance of Demons”, and immediately accelerated his speed. One rushed into the oncoming swarms of wolf-head mobs, and released the “Drag of the demons”. One face could kill a piece of wolf-head mobs. Harvest dozens of spiritual sources.

Others have also taken action, especially those who have been promoted to level 10. Most of them have mastered the magic of large-scale destructive spirit sources. They all like to rush into the swarms of giant insects alone, so that they can only once. Sexually hunt more monsters, and it is not easy to hurt own teammates.

Otherwise, if everyone gathers together and all use this large-scale destructive spiritual source technique, it is easy to accidentally injure each other.Mo Liudao sat on the back of the Fire Feather Eagle, slowly patrolling the bottom, watching everyone rushing into the countless wolf-head mobs, he was paying attention to the performance of these people.

Among them, the fastest rush is undoubtedly the four of Su Li, Wang Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai and Shi Dalong, then Jiang Shuijue, Fulong and others, and of course, there is also the water beast.

Regarding the Water Lin Beast, Mo Liudao had also observed and paid attention, knowing that it was a very rare alien beast, and it would be very important to grow up in the future, but he had no idea of ​​hitting the Water Lin Beast.

This level of alien beasts have an IQ that is almost human-like, and they cannot be treated as ordinary mounts. They have their own independent thinking.

Of course, although the Shui Lin Beast contained the blood of the ancient sacred beast, there were also many other animals with the blood of the ancient sacred beast. In the end, it was very rare that the blood of the sacred beast in the body could be truly awakened.

Twenty level is a threshold. Whether it is for humans or alien beasts, it is a vain if it can’t cross this threshold.

While flying towards the front, Su Li performed the “dance of demons.” Numerous Devil phantoms roared and rushed out, crushing these wolf-headed tyrants and harvesting spiritual source.

The number of Spirit Sources in his body, from the original 8,170 to the constant Ascension changes, soon exceeded 8,500.

Behind the hordes of wolf-head tyrannical insects, there appeared more powerful giant worms, the tenth-level chief beasts, devouring the troll worms.

Killing a devouring troll insect can harvest two spiritual sources at once, and Su Li immediately speeds up and rushes towards these devouring troll insects.

More than two hundred people rushed to the front while killing. Now the number of strong people reaching and exceeding level 10 has reached ten. These ten people are taking the lead in the front, and the rows of giant worms are easily harvested by them. The people following behind can hardly feel the pressure, they just need to follow behind and run a distance, and they are not in their turn to take action at all.

Although there will be giant insects on both sides and the rear, because everyone needs to keep a mobile state, they are advancing in the direction of Nanjiang City while fighting, and they cannot stop and fight with the giant insects behind and on both sides. Right now, the vast majority of people have very few spiritual sources, and it is the ten people in front that really get a lot of spiritual sources.

Soon, the number of Spirit Sources owned by Zuli exceeded 9,000, which is still 4,000 short of breakthrough.

A huge roar sounded, and a behemoth appeared in the distance from everyone, but it was a giant Titan. Seeing that it was at least 35 meters in size, it can be guessed that the level of this Titan is definitely not. Low.

Su Li just observed that it was a tenth-level monarch. Mo Liudao had already taken action. He went down in the air and killed the Titan giant insect with one blow, and he harvested the giant insects around him in one fell swoop. .

As the Titan giant worm was killed, the surrounding giant worms receded like a tide.

After a while, all the giant worms disappeared, and there was no obstacle from the giant worms, and everyone focused on their journey.

After running like this for more than ten minutes, giant insects appeared again in front of them. This time, the giant insects that appeared were the tenth-level leader beast will swallow the troll insect and the ten first-level elite beast will swallow the giant worm.

The black giant worms appeared and surrounded from all sides, but they could hardly stop the ten people of Zuli and the king Celestial Immortals. They easily made a gap and pushed forward. Others followed them and fought. While walking.

Although the speed of movement has slowed down, the number of people who have harvested spiritual sources has increased. After a while, Ge An, Gong Xiao, Ding Longyun and other dozens of people have successfully made a breakthrough, and have been promoted from the original 9th ​​level to the 10th level.

From level 9 to level 10, as the fourth spiritual source art can be understood, there will be a qualitative change in strength.

The number of spiritual sources owned by Su Li reached 10,000, and the number of spiritual sources of King Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai also reached about 2,000.

This time no monarch-level monster appeared, but Mo Liudao suddenly made a move, blasting out the power of supernatural powers, exploding the huge worms together with the intestines of the abyss below, and soon these giant worms were dispersed by him. Began to flee and disperse.

When these giant insects disperse, Mo Liudao waved his hand to let them rest on the spot.

“Take a good rest and regain strength. I may have to speed up later. I have an appointment with them to arrive in Nanjiang City within two and a half hours. I can’t afford to take any more time.”

After Mo Liudao allowed everyone to rest for fifteen minutes, he continued on his way. This time, Mo Liudao rode a fire feather condor and led the way. He saw giant insects blocking the way. He took action from time to time to destroy these giant insects in the air, leaving them for everyone. Not many giant insects came to kill, and the speed of harvesting the spirit source suddenly slowed down, but because the resistance was less, the speed of everyone was faster.

After an hour and a half, everyone had rushed hundreds of kilometers away, and it was only a few tens of kilometers away from Nanjiang City. Seeing that Mo Liudao was still one hour away from the agreed time, he didn’t need to be so anxious. , Gave all the giant insects that appeared below to everyone.

Seeing countless giant insects surrounding them, everyone once again began to kill them, fighting with these giant insects with all their strength.

In a short while, the number of spiritual sources owned by Zurich has reached 11,000, which is only 2,000 short of breakthrough.

Based on this progress, he is hopeful that he will be promoted successfully before arriving in Nanjiang City.

After a fight, a ten fifth-level Titan giant worm appeared again. It was still easily killed by Mo Liudao. The giant worm collapsed and everyone continued on their way.

Repeatedly, when approaching within 20 kilometers of Nanjiang City, the number of spiritual sources owned by Zuli increased to about 12,000, and the distance from the breakthrough was getting closer, and in the fight, the breakthrough became more and more people at level 10. .

Almost all of the two hundred and seventy people who are still alive have reached the advanced level 9 or above. Three days ago, no one could believe that they would advance by leaps and bounds in just three days to reach what they are today. level.

Mo Liudao rode the Fire Feather Condor, while silently watching the performance of these people below, while estimating the time, suddenly he shot again and easily defeated the giant insects, and then ordered everyone to rush to Nanjiang City at full speed.

Without the giant worms, everyone rushed towards Nanjiang City again.

These countless intestines of the abyss covered the surface of the water, making everyone rush all the way without resorting to water vehicles, just like running on land.

Of course, the intestine of the abyss is much softer than the land, and you need to be careful when you run wildly on it, otherwise it is easy to slip and fall.

They rushed all the way for a distance of more than ten kilometers. At their speed, they quickly arrived. They were not blocked by giant insects. Mo Liudao rode the fire feather condor to lead the way.Su Li and others who originally belonged to Nanjiang City, this time revisited their old place and returned to Nanjiang City again, with a feeling in their hearts.

The place they arrived now was the “Chongyuan District” in the five districts of Nanjiang City. When they saw it from a distance, Su Li and others all showed a look of shock.

All the people along the way can see are the intestines of the abyss covering the surface of the water. The only difference is that the closer to Nanjiang City, the thicker the intestines of the abyss accumulate under the feet and appear to be larger.

But when I arrived in Nanjiang City, I was shocked to realize that the changes in the entire Nanjiang City were simply earth-shaking. Except for these huge abyssal intestines covering the entire city, the most amazing thing was the appearance of a large amount of blood-red substances, which were attached to them. Building after building, they formed the appearance of towering giant trees.

Everyone looked at it, as if they saw a huge virgin forest, but the forest was blood red.

The blood-red giant trees with a height of about tens of meters or even a hundred meters, covering the sky and covering the sun, with many intestines of the abyss attached to the surface, have turned the entire Nanjiang city into a world like an abyss and ghost territory.

Here, it has completely become a nest of the Abyssal Zerg.

Everyone couldn’t help feeling the scalp tingling at first sight, and an indescribable strange feeling came to their hearts.

Su Li opened the “Peep Rune” from afar to observe these blood-red giant trees, but failed to get useful clues of information. He could only guess that these were also substances from the abyss, and looking at the situation, they would continue to extend in all directions, and so on. Sooner or later, all places will become this abyss.

He could understand why Mo Liudao said that he couldn’t wait any longer. This change was really shocking. If he didn’t stop it, the consequences would be disastrous.

Arrived in Nanjiang City, Mo Liudao suddenly screamed and let out a long howl, seeming to be sending out some kind of signal.

Immediately in the distance to the west of the crowd, there was also a long roar in response.

“Go.” Mo Liudao pointed in the direction where the roar came, and ordered everyone to advance there.

Su Limingbai, there is the “New Development Zone” to the west, and it is also the area where their “Golden Eagle Alliance” was once.

Everyone rushed towards the “New Development Zone” to the west, because they didn’t know what those huge blood-red giant trees were.

Soon, the rustling sound rang, and in front of everyone, suddenly, groups of giant insects appeared from the gaps in the intestines of the abyss below, and not only that, the blood-colored giant trees that entangled the buildings. At the same time, a large number of giant insects also began to appear.

In a short time, everyone could see that the entire Nanjiang City seemed to come alive, with countless giant insects gushing out.

“Kill—” King Celestial Immortals let out a squeak, and rushed up first.

Su Li, Lin Xinghai, Shi Dalong, Jiang Shuijue, Fulong and others followed closely, each showing their magical powers, and smashing into the swarms of giant insects.

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