Chapter 539 Major changes (first one)

In this case, launching such an attack, the Abyss Lord made the most fatal mistake.

Obviously, although it holds the most powerful power that can be called the third-level monarch, its fighting consciousness is not as good as the top human power after all. At least it is changed to Zurich, and it will be thought at this moment that the other party Being able to not be afraid of the attacks of thousands of demonic thunders, it is bound to possess a certain special ability. This thunder magnetic cannon is very likely to be unable to hurt him. The most important thing to do now is to defend, dodge, pull the distance and observe the situation, not Keep attacking.

It’s a pity that the Abyss Lord failed to think of it during this half a second, but instead launched the strongest attack. On the one hand, it is naturally due to the gap in combat awareness. On the other hand, it is too confident in own thunder magneto, and it can’t be solved when it encounters the abyss demon thunder. All of the enemies of the Thunder Magneto were settled in the past, so this caused it to activate the Thunder Magneto in a flash without too much thinking.

The thunder magnetic cannon pierced through Su Li’s body, but Su Li, who was in an invincible state, was unharmed, and he controlled the sword of the big ghost pawn, along the pierced belly of the Abyss Lord, and cut it all the way up. To destroy it completely.

With a “boom”, they couldn’t fly off the ground after all, and they fell almost at the same time, and the sword of the big ghost had been cut up to the chest along the belly of the abyss lord, and the terrible black lightning continued to be in it. It exploded, tearing its body.

The Thunder Magneto failed, and the Lord of the Abyss only thought of increasing the distance with Zuli at this time, and it was too late.

The “Big Ghost Sword”, which combines ten special abilities and 920,000 jin of power, is simply invincible. It easily follows the belly of the abyss lord and cuts its upper body completely from it. Then, Su Li squeezed his right hand, and the Red Moon Dragon Chop fell down closely, hitting its head and strangling it frantically.

Su Li’s eyes did not have the slightest emotional fluctuation. At this moment, he was as calm as a robot. Even if the opponent is the strongest monarch of ten third-level, he can’t let him have the slightest fear. The Lord of the Abyss mistakenly used the Thunder Magneto. When attacking the owner, Su Li knew that it had made this fatal mistake. He seized this opportunity and would never give the Abyss Lord a chance to stand up.

Flesh and flesh flew horizontally, Red Moon Dragon Slash strangling the body of the Abyss Lord, almost as a face, completely wringing the upper body that had been cut apart into a mass of rotten flesh, until a spiritual source appeared and disappeared. On his forehead, Su Li just stopped.

“Ten third-level strongest monarch? But so.” Su Li’s mind suddenly came up with this idea.

Killing the Abyss Lord, he has harvested 60 spiritual sources, and the number of spiritual sources he currently has has reached 8,170.

After this spiritual source, another energy appeared, submerged in his chest, and a message appeared.

“Name: Thunder Abyss Lord’s Ring, Quality: Sovereign, Attribute: +4000, Skill: Thunder Magneto.”

Receiving this message, Su Li was slightly startled, but he didn’t expect to kill this abyss lord, and he would harvest a monarch-level ring.

You must know that jewelry such as rings is very rare, and the probability of exploding is extremely low. This abyss lord will explode the ring. It seems that this guy is indeed not simple. Thinking of the previous encounter, if it is not a mistake, or it has an invincible state. It is not easy to kill it by myself, and even the outcome is unpredictable.

Removed the silver ring from the left middle finger, and then put on the monarch-level abyss master ring.

Although the silver ring is good, the silver power is also very special, but after all, it is just an ordinary attribute, far inferior to this monarch ring.Now, he already has three monarch-quality rings, plus weapons and armor on his body, a total of twelve monarch equipment. Among the crowd, it is necessary to purely discuss the number of monarch-quality equipment. Zuri is the highest in the audience. .

Seeing the Lord of the Abyss was beheaded, the other talents were still in shock. One Lord of the Abyss killed 27 people. Several of them were familiar to Su Li, such as Yang Dazhi, Dong Wenlu, Lin Han, Wang Zuolin and Zou Luchen. Et al.

Although Lin Xinghai was bombarded with half of his body by the Thunder Lord of the Abyss, he possessed the talent of “the true meaning of life”, let alone losing half of his body, even if his body was shattered, he could recover in an instant.

Of course, the use of “Life Essence” requires a certain price of life energy, not free use.

Another accident was Fulong. Originally, Su Li thought that Fulong suffered a blow from the thunderball, and his body was broken and undoubtedly died, but he didn’t want Fulong to fall to the ground and his broken body was recovering, although it could not be compared. Lin Xinghai’s “True Essence of Life” is so heaven-defying, but it also possesses amazing resilience.

Su Li guessed that he didn’t know when he had obtained a treasure like his own surviving crystal, and then he escaped.

There are only less than two hundred and eighty people who are still alive. The faces of King Celestial Immortals and the recovered Lin Xinghai are getting more and more ugly, watching this powerful and terrifying Abyss Lord be killed by Su Li again, which makes them My heart is getting frustrated.

They have always wanted to compete with Zuli for the strongest among the people. As a result, the insect of enlightenment that appeared before was killed by Zuli, and the stronger Abyss Lord that appeared now was killed by Zuli. In contrast, they The performance of Lin Xinghai was unsatisfactory, especially Lin Xinghai, if it hadn’t been for the “True Essence of Life”, he would have died long ago.

Everyone was watching all this in silence. For everyone in the ancient city, it was naturally a kind of excitement and pride. Knowing that Zuli is still the strongest among the people, and stabilizing the limelight of the Three Heavenly Kings of Shoude. For everyone in Shoude City, they can see the leader they are following. Judging from the performance these days, it seems that they are not as good as the ancient city of Zurich.

Shi Dalong had no idea of ​​competing with Su Li at all. Seeing Su Li’s expressive power overwhelming King Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai, this was exactly what he expected to see. He had always been upset with King Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai.

At this moment, his face looked a little shocked, and said: “Today is too abnormal. I haven’t seen a giant insect, but I don’t want such a powerful monster to suddenly come.”

He just said this, suddenly if he felt something, he suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance.

In the distance of this endless intestine of the abyss, they saw a behemoth protruding, lifting the intestine of the abyss high, and with a thud, this was smashed and exploded by the raised intestine of the abyss, a huge Titan. The giant worm appeared.

This Titan Giant Worm was bigger than the ones they had seen before. It was already over thirty meters long, and the length of its head and tail was between thirty and thirty-five meters.

Although it is still not as large as the one that Zuli saw in Nanjiang City that day, it is much larger than the ones previously seen.

Su Li opened the “Peeping Rune” and looked at it from a distance, and immediately observed the level of the Titan Giant Worm.

Ten fourth-level.

This is a ten fourth-level Titan Giant Worm, three levels higher than him, and first-level higher than the Abyss Lord who was just killed by him.

Among the crowd, a few people, like Su Li, also captured the level information of this Titan Giant Worm, their complexion immediately changed, and they instinctively retreated.

Ten fourth-level monarchs, this is not something they can deal with at all. The first reaction is to step back and leave the terrifying monarch to Zuli and others to deal with. Of course, there are more people who can’t see the information of this Titan giant insect. .

Among the crowd, many people have similar capabilities that can peek at information, such as Ge An’s God Eye, such as Jiang Shuijue’s Eye of Value, etc. Of course, among the crowd, no one can compare with Su in terms of peeping ability. Li this has evolved to a flawless “peep rune”.

The peeping ability is different, which determines that the information that everyone peeks is different, and not everyone sees the information as detailed as that seen by Su Li.

With the most elementary peeping ability, against this monarch-level monster, it is possible to only see the opponent’s name, not even the level.

Of course, there are people who can see the level, but cannot see the detailed introduction.

This tenth-level titan giant worm appeared and approached everyone. After following the titan giant worm, a figure suddenly appeared from the bottom of the water. When she saw the red figure about two meters high, this time Lian Su Li Du’s expression changed.

The tenth-level Titan Worm is certainly terrifying, but compared to other monarchs, the Titan Worm’s performance among monarchs of the same level is very average. The fourth-level Titan is one level lower, but not necessarily weaker, so Zuri is not too afraid of these ten fourth-level Titans.

But what he didn’t expect was that after the Titan Giant Worm, another Abyss Lord appeared. Moreover, he checked the information and it turned out to be a ten fifth-level Abyss Lord.

Just killed the ten third-level abyss lord, Su Limingbai had something to do with the opponent’s misjudgment. Otherwise, the ten third-level abyss lord is not weaker than him in terms of the strength of both parties. To be fair, he can kill. The tenth third-level Abyss Lord should be the limit of his current strength.

He has the confidence to kill ten third-level abyss lords, but further up, he can’t deal with it.

Even if there is another ten fourth-level abyss lord, Zuli estimates that he will be difficult to beat, not to mention that this time a ten fifth-level abyss lord appears.

Su Li’s first reaction was to escape, and then thought of stone tools.

If you take out the stone tools, you may be able to kill the ten fifth-level abyss lord, or you can escape from here.

The Abyss Lord’s speed is much faster than the Titan Giant Worm. Although it appeared from behind the Titan Giant Worm, it surpassed the Titan Giant Worm in a blink of an eye. It rushed towards where everyone was standing and dragged in the air. A red light and shadow appeared.

“This is the tenth fifth-level monarch, everyone, go back–” Su Li had only time to give a stern reminder.

The ten third-level abyss lord just now caused twenty-seven deaths. This ten fifth-level abyss lord mainly rushed into the crowd and could completely destroy them.

It’s a pity that when he finished saying this sentence, it was already too late. The abyss lord’s head suddenly fired a lightning magnet, a terrifying black beam of light, and it shot towards everyone.It’s shot is too fast, except for some top-notch existences that can barely dodge, even if others want to dodge, it is too late.

With a “boom”, amidst the panic and despair of many people, a flaming red shield suddenly appeared, steadily intercepting this powerful thunder magnet.

The Thunder Magneto cannon fired by this ten fifth-level Abyss Lord is more powerful than a real cannonball, but it is blocked by this shield at the moment, but the Thunder Magneto cannon can’t destroy the shield at all.

When everyone was stunned, they found a fiery red figure descending from the sky in mid-air, carrying an unimaginable horror aura, like a flame god descended, and with a violent footstep, it struck the head of the abyss lord below. superior.

The whole body was enveloped in the fiery red armor. It came too suddenly and quickly. It was stronger than the abyss lord and there was no time to react and dodge. When it reacted, the terrifying fiery red energy was destroyed from the top of its head. The momentum is like a broken bamboo.

With a “boom”, this ten fifth-level monarch, whose strength is enough to destroy the current Abyss Lord of the group of people in Zurich, exploded into pieces like this.

Everyone was watching in a daze, watching this suddenly appear, smashing the fiery red armored man of the Abyss Lord with his foot, no one thought that Mo Liudao would suddenly appear, and even shot the Abyss Lord.

Mo Liudao descended and landed on the intestines of the abyss below, and stretched out his right hand, the second magical power in “Six Fingers of the Universe”, the magical power of “Breaking Magic” shot, and blasted the Titan giant insects in the distance.

This Titan giant worm issued a huge roar, most of its body swayed into the air, and then fell like a jade pillar on a golden mountain, crashing down, and the whole body was shattered into countless pieces.

Easily killed two powerful monarchs, harvested spiritual source and two pieces of monarch equipment, Mo Liudao turned around and arrived in front of everyone.

In mid-air, an eagle roar sounded, but the fire-feathered condor appeared, retracted its wings, and slowly fell behind him.

“My lord—” Wang Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai, and Shi Dalong hurriedly stepped forward to salute, and Su Li also stepped forward to salute.

After that, everyone in Shoude City bowed and saluted, and the people in the ancient city looked at them, and followed them, bowing towards Mo Liudao.

The eyes of the king Celestial Immortals were glowing with excitement, and he said softly: “My lord, why are you here?” The head, face and various spirit source equipment on his body disappeared one after another, revealing that charming face.

To Mo Liudao, she seemed very affectionate, with excitement and admiration in her eyes.

Mo Liudao glanced at her, nodded slightly, then swept his eyes to all the people in front of him, and suddenly said in a deep voice: “The plan has changed, all of you prepare, follow me, and go to Nanjiang City.”

The king Celestial Immortals was startled and said, “Go to Nanjiang City? Don’t you want to stay here for five days?”

Mo Liudao said: “It turns out that I was going to give you five days so that you can use these Zerg Ascension yourself, but the evolution of the Abyss Zerg has been upgraded far beyond our imagination. Two monarchs, one tenth-level and one tenth-level, are far beyond what you can fight against. It is no longer realistic to let you stay here for five more days.”

After hearing Mo Liudao’s words, everyone faintly felt a little nervous, as if something major had happened.

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