Chapter 538 Sword of the Great Ghost Soldier (second more seeking subscription)

Shi Dalong launched the separation technique and quietly pounced on the other side.

They are all 11-level powerhouses with “superior” combat power. How powerful is the three of them attacking at the same time?

Even the Lord of the Abyss must be solemn.

Zuri was a little later than them, watching them grab it, and did not compete with them, just to use them to test the strength of this abyss lord, according to the information just now, this abyss lord is not just a third-level The monarch, and still the most terrifying of the monarchs.

Even the monarch of the same level is divided into strong and weak.

This abyss lord is far more powerful than the third-level Titans.

The terrifying abyss demon thunder exploded from the hands of the abyss lord, condensing into two black thunder balls, about the size of a basketball.

Its moving speed is very fast. With a wave of its left hand, the thunderball on the left hand flew out and hit the king Celestial Immortals. The thunderball on the right hand threw it towards Shi Dalong, while it teleported by itself at the same time, bypassing the tornado pillar controlled by Lin Xinghai. , Suddenly deceived and approached him.

The king Celestial Immortals slammed, and the black hole controlled by both hands greeted the thunderball that had hit it. Although the thunderball was strong, it was still swallowed by the black hole in an instant.

You must know that the Titan giant worm fired twenty or thirty powerful magma bombs in a row, all of which were swallowed by the black hole controlled by the king Celestial Immortals at one time. Although she was shaken and retreated because of this, the black hole remained the same. Unbreakable, although this thunderball is powerful, it is not as powerful as the explosion of twenty or thirty magma bombs.

What’s more, as the strength of King Celestial Immortals increases, the power of this black hole is also Ascension.

Shi Dalong used the technique of separation and took the initiative to meet the thunderball that flew over. He touched the thunderball with both hands, constantly separating and dissolving the power of the thunderball.

The thunderball quickly shrank and disappeared between his hands.

The tornado pillar controlled by Lin Xinghai flew out and was avoided by the Abyss Lord. When it appeared again, it had already arrived in front of him.

Lin Xinghai was frightened. The speed of the Abyss Lord was really amazing. Fortunately, he was also good at speed. He was in the power of the “Speed ​​Bracelet”. His speed was also astonishing, almost approaching him in the Abyss Lord. At the same time in front of him, with his body as the center, violently shot out a series of terrifying wind blades in all directions.

This is exactly the fourth spiritual source art he understood and mastered when he was promoted to level 10. It is a group range attack. Once it is cast, countless wind blades can burst out in an instant. These wind blades are crisscrossed and densely packed. Covering a radius of 20 to 30 meters, it is powerful.Moreover, this kind of attack is a non-discriminatory attack. Once it is performed, regardless of whether it is the enemy or the enemy, as long as it is within 20 or 30 meters of his range, it will be madly cut by this terrifying wind blade.

The Abyss Lord could not expect that Lin Xinghai’s reaction was so fast. He did not know how many wind blades he had suffered in an instant. The harsh sound rang, and the wind blades slashed on its red skin, showing one by one. The scary wound, blood spilled out.

At least a hundred wounds of various sizes were added to the surface of the Abyss Lord’s body in an instant.

Lin Xinghai deserves to be a “superior” combat power. While using the “violent wind blade” of this range attack, he threw himself into the abyss lord, and the three-tooth sickle in his right hand activated the sovereign skill “Soul Slash”, He slashed his head, not giving his opponent a chance to breathe at all.

Su Li just approached, but he did not expect that Lin Xinghai would perform this large-scale attack “violent wind blade”. Suddenly, even he was within the attack range of countless wind blades. If he changed his weak point, he was instantly killed. Countless wind-blades and chaotic corpses were disgusted by Lin Xinghai’s sudden launch of this group-wide attack, but he did not care about the life and death of others around him.

With a movement of thought, the “Devil enchantment” was activated, and the six-armed Devil with six weapons descended to meet these violent wind blades.

Lin Xinghai’s three-tooth sickle smashed into the head of the Abyss Lord.

Its head was covered by black thunder light, and its true appearance was not visible. This powerful monarch skill blasted into the black thunder light, and the abyss lord stopped, his body was shaken, and it seemed that he had suffered heavy damage.

Lin Xinghai knew the power of this monarch’s skill, and “Soul Broken” merged with the power he possessed. This abyss lord suffered from this strike frontally, and he would be seriously injured if he did not die.

But he didn’t have time to be happy, and from the head of the abyss lord that was bound by the black thunder light, a dazzling light burst out suddenly.

This was a black beam of light, violently ejected, and instantly shattered the three-tooth sickle in Lin Xinghai’s hand, and then swept along his upper body.

The moment Lin Xinghai’s upper body was hit by the black light, it gasified and disappeared, and then this black beam of light swept into the crowd behind him.

It was almost too late to scream, and in an instant, more than ten people shattered and disappeared in this terrifying black beam of light.

Su Li looked in his eyes, took a deep breath, and immediately understood that this is the most terrifying power that the Lord of the Abyss holds, the Thunder Magneto.

This kind of lightning magnetic cannon is the abyssal magic mine in its compressed body. It releases the energy at one time after being highly compressed. It is powerful and indestructible. However, this kind of lightning magnetic cannon is similar to Ding Longyun’s air-burst bomb, and it takes a certain amount of time to prepare. , Cannot be fired instantaneously.

Su Li saw that among the ten or so people who were in the ashes when the thunder and magnetic cannon was hit, two of them were familiar people. One of them was Yang Dazhi, who was still in “Nanjiang City” that day. The people belonging to “Genesis” belonged to the Ding brothers and sisters. Later, because of the invasion of Dongfang Building, they were hit by themselves. This group of people returned to the “Golden Eagle Alliance” and became their own.

Among this group of people, the two most outstanding are Wang Hong and Yang Dazhi.

These Wang Hong and Yang Dazhi are very good, and they have worked very hard. They have already possessed the strength of the leader level. This time, there are two of them who stayed behind in the ancient city. The Yang Dazhi in front of him already has the strength of advanced level 9, although It hasn’t reached the mid-level combat power, but it is already infinitely close, but now facing the thunder magnetic cannon that suddenly swept over, wherever he has the ability to resist, he was instantly wiped out.

Another person he is familiar with is Dong Wenlu. He is Zhang Haohao’s right and left hand. He is mainly proficient in long-range attacks. A pair of shoulders can transform into a pair of shoulder cannons. It is powerful and has made the limelight several times. Not only that, Dong Wenlu is also the number one in the Tigers. The commander of the hundred guards of a long-range squadron, so let Zuli remember him.

Except for these two people, most of the other ten people belonged to Shoude City. He did not know him. Although there were a few people from the ancient city, Su Li felt familiar, but didn’t know their names.

Of course, none of these people are weak if they can live to this day, but now they are hit by this thunder and magnetic cannon, and all of them are wiped out in an instant.

With a single blow from the Thunder Magnetic Cannon, a dozen people were instantly killed, and the Abyss Lord’s figure swept away, barely touching the ground, and rushed into the oncoming crowd.

Fulong let out a violent roar, entered the state of a dragon transformer, and wanted to make a move. Suddenly, he was hit by a thunderball in his chest. In the scream, his chest was torn apart by the power of the thunderball, and he opened his eyes in fear. Watching Own’s body torn apart.

The Abyss Lord is really terrifying. Not only does he possess the top speed, but this Abyss Demon Thunder strike is invincible. It is stronger than Fulong and flew out in an instant. The thunderball in his left hand was thrown away. This one The power of the thunderball is even more terrifying, and it suddenly exploded from it. Thousands of demon thunders smashed in all directions, and all the people struck by this demon thunder turned into coke in an instant, flying ashes and smoke.

Among these people, Su Li once again saw a familiar person. I remember that his name was Lin Han. He originally belonged to Green Town and was considered one of the core members. Later, he joined the Tigers voluntarily and possessed the ability to master white light. After these few days of fighting and fighting, he already possessed the advanced level 8 strength, but when he encountered these ten third-level abyss lords, he had no power to fight back and he was killed immediately.

The whole team became chaotic, and many people retreated in fear. Although Zuri has entered the strongest state of overrunner, showing the real body of Heavenly Demon with a height of 2.8 meters, it is still a step slower than the abyss lord. , Was rushed into the crowd by it, and then caught up and intercepted it.

In this short period of time, it caused at least more than 20 casualties.

Su Li held the Red Moon Dragon Slash in his hands with both hands, pushing his power to its limit. The terror power of over 920,000 catties, combined with his fusion of ten kinds of offensive abilities, was condensed on the weapon. Burst shot a sword light like a horse, slashing in the air.

The Abyss Lord felt the power of the sword behind him, his body was slightly stagnant, and he didn’t see how it moved. He twisted his upper body, flicked his right arm, and another thunderball appeared.

Perhaps it was because of the power of Zuli’s knife that he sensed, this time the thunderball became extraordinarily huge, more than twice the size of the previous basketball-sized thunderball.

Both sides are absolutely powerful and powerful, fast surpassing the scope of ordinary people’s eyesight capture, this giant thunderball hits the super two-foot-long knife light that Zuli has killed, and erupts with a loud noise.

Suddenly, a huge black fork appeared in the air, and forked it towards the head of the Abyss Lord.

In the distance, Xu Xuehui activated the treasure soul hook and volleyed against the soul of the abyss lord.

This kind of attack that directly acts on the spiritual source is impossible to prevent, very terrifying and weird.

However, the performance of the Abyss Lord was even more terrifying. While the giant thunderball blocked the light of the knife cut by Su Li, its body shook, with its feet kicked, the two-meter-high body suddenly rose into the air, bursting with thick lines behind it. The black magic thunders, gathered together, formed a pair of wings that looked exactly like wings.With the help of this pair of magic lightning wings, it not only avoided the blow of the hook, but also rushed to the sky above Su Li. Thousands of magic lightning slashed in all directions from top to bottom.

Su Li was the first to bear the brunt and was attacked by the most powerful demon thunder. In the surrounding area, other people who wanted to rush to attack were also attacked.

Among these people, Ge An, who had just cast a copper and iron head back, had no time to make a move, and found that a magical thunder was smashing at him. Knowing that he was not good, he immediately launched the treasure of “life exchange”.

Although the cost of this “life exchange” is too great, it also has an advantage, that is, in the life exchange, not only is the power getting stronger and stronger, but no matter how powerful an attack is, it is difficult to kill him.

As soon as he entered the “life exchange”, he was struck by this demon thunder and burst into a ball of coke in an instant, but the power of the “life exchange” played a role, and his body was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wang Zuolin, who was next to him, was not so lucky. Like Ge An, he was struck by demon thunder and instantly turned into coke, then exploded and killed instantly.

In addition to Wang Zuolin, the core subordinates of the Ding brothers, the powerful Zou Luchen who has been promoted to the advanced 9th level, another subordinate of Fulong, and several people from Shoude City were killed at this moment. The strong, at this moment, another seven people died.

The released Demon Thunder was so terrifying, but Su Li took the initiative to rush to meet the Demon Thunder and entered the invincible state of Sacred’s power.

Under the power of the overrunner, his invincibility state has been extended to six and a half seconds. If the power of these thousands of demon thunders is no longer affected, Zuli is not affected at all, and also soars into the sky with the fist of his left hand. The most powerful force hit the abdomen of the abyss lord above.

The power contained in this fist, in addition to the power of over 920,000 jins that he owns, there are also ten black thunder lights fused into one. In addition, Su Li also activated the ring finger of his left hand. Wearing the monarch-level “Ring of the Great Ghost Soldier”, the monarch skills integrate the power of the “Sword of the Great Ghost Soldier”, vowing to severely inflict this abyss lord with one blow.

To deal with this kind of monarch over two levels of his own, Su Li did not have the slightest reservation, and his shot was almost the strongest blow.

The monarch skill, the sword of the big ghost soldier, is the third monarch skill he has mastered. In terms of power, it is definitely not under “Dragon’s Fury” and “Black Fire Purgatory.”

The Abyss Lord did not expect that Su Li would not be afraid of the most powerful demon thunder explosion that it had exploded, and even dared to take the initiative to rush up against the demon thunder.

In an instant, a huge black sword pierced through its body and emerged from its back.

This is the skill of the monarch, the sword of the big ghost soldier.

Combining 920,000 jin of power, ten special attack abilities, and the sword of the big ghost soldier, all these energies were concentrated on a small fist. The power of this fist erupted, even the Lord of the Abyss could not bear it.

A terrible scream sounded, and a huge transparent blood hole was punched out of the abdomen of the abyss lord, and blood burst out from its back. Above its head, a dazzling black beam of light suddenly lit up, and the lightning magnetic cannon fired again. , Frantically fired at Su Li.

Obviously, the Lord of the Abyss was shocked. Under some panic, he did not think too much about why Zuli could not be afraid of his own thousands of magical lightning attacks, but directly launched the strongest lightning magnetic cannon to destroy Zuli.

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