Chapter 537 Abyss Lord (first one)

On a table in front of Su Li, familiar people such as Ding Longyun, Jiang Shuijue, Gong Xiao, Xu Haihai, and Qi Mengyu were sitting around. The surrounding tables were all full of Ding’s sisters and brothers, Zhang Haohao and others. Toasting, chatting and talking, it was very lively.

Suddenly, not far away came the sound of a group of people clapping and applauding.

But these people are in the boxing competition, whoever loses will have a talent show.

Jiang Shuijue sat beside Su Li and looked at Su Li affectionately. In her eyes, there was only him.

Gong Xiao was silently watching the wine in the glass, slowly turning, seeming to be silly.

The crowd rioted for a full hour or two before it slowly ended and dispersed one after another, leaving only a mess in the square.

A new day has begun.

The situation was very similar to yesterday. An endless stream of monsters surrounded the entire Moonwatching Peak. The Abyss Scarab and Abyss Carrivore that appeared last night were gone. The monsters that appeared at the beginning were the tenth-level elite wolf-head violent soldiers. Worms, and the Devouring Troll Worms of the tenth boss level.

Su Li quickly gained 2,000 spiritual sources, plus the 8,000 he had originally, to reach the 10,000 spiritual sources required for promotion to level 11, and successfully broke through and was promoted to level 11 Sacred knight.

However, from level 10 to level 11, only a small amount of Ascension was obtained, and Ascension did not change much.

After two enhancements, Zuri strengthened the power of Sacred to eleven levels, the invincibility time was extended to five and a half seconds, the overrun state was six and a half seconds, and the other strengthening was used to strengthen the stomach, comprehending the iron stomach type I.

To become a level 11 Sacred knight, the number of spirit sources needed to be promoted again has grown to 13,000.

Fortunately, he mastered the group attack “Dancing Demons” and could kill a giant insect at one time. The more the giant insects, the faster he can kill, and the more spiritual sources he can harvest.

After the king Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai and Shi Dalong were promoted to level 10, like Su Li, they all mastered this large-scale killing spirit source art. They rushed down the mountain and each selected an area, and they could harvest endlessly. Spiritual source, the speed of obtaining spiritual source is almost a qualitative change compared to before.

After the battle on this day was about to end, Zuri had once again harvested 8,000 spiritual sources, but still 5,000 spiritual sources were still short of the Sacred knight who wanted to be promoted to level 12.

King Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai, and Shi Dalong also successfully advanced to level 11 before today’s battle is about to end. Of course, compared to Zuli, they are still seven or eight thousand spiritual sources apart.

Jiang Shuijue and Fulong successfully reached level 10 and began to comprehend and master the fourth powerful spiritual source art.

Although Gong Xiao, Ding Longyun, Ge An and others have not been promoted to level 10, they are all close to the edge of being promoted to breakthrough. They only need to harvest a little more spiritual source, and there will be a group of people who can successfully breakthrough.It can be said that today, all the people who are still alive have gained an amazing Ascension. Of course, the number of Death is also amazing. After this battle, there are only about 300 people still alive.

Before the end, there were two tenth-level Titan worms and one tenth-level Titan worm. Although they were all successfully killed in the end, they still caused a lot of casualties.

The two tenth-level titans were jointly beheaded by the king Celestial Immortals and others, while the ten first-level titans were killed by Zuri, and they obtained a monarch-level fire-attribute Titan armor. Then it was given to Gong Xiao, and Gong Xiao stripped off his poisonous blood armor and gave it to Ding Longyun.

Because the powers Gong Xiao currently holds are all fire attributes, the fire attribute monarch equipment is most suitable for her.

The Shui Lin Beast was also successfully promoted to the ten first-level before the end of today. Now its weight has reached 350 kilograms, and it truly has the spirit of a holy beast.

As the bloodline continues to be stimulated, its strength has been tyrannical to an ordinary monarch of the same level, and it may not be its opponent.

As these three monarch-level giant worms were killed, the giant worms retreated like a tide, and never appeared again.

The battle on that day ended, and three hundred people still alive returned to the ancient city.

The night is still quiet, no monsters appear, everyone is rushing to rest.

I have been fighting for three days and staying here. Although everyone is constantly resting, they still feel that the spirit in their hearts is getting more and more tired, and there is an indescribable sense of boredom.

It’s just that everyone tells himself in his heart that he has been insisting on it for three days, and it is still two days away. In any case, he must persevere and become stronger.

The people who are still alive have indeed become very powerful, and many of them are able to break through and reach the level of medium combat power.

On the fourth day, the situation was quietly changing. Everyone woke up early in the morning, prepared everything, boarded the city wall, looked outside, and found that the intestines of the abyss had extended to the edge of the crack at the top of the mountain, approaching below the city wall. , There was silence around, and there was no giant worm in sight.

This situation is somewhat abnormal.

Yesterday, at this point in time, everyone was able to see a large number of giant insects approaching the top of the mountain, but today, at first glance, they are all intestines of the abyss, but no giant insect can be seen.

“No longer, let’s take the initiative, as long as we destroy the intestines of the abyss, we can force these giant worms out.”

Shi Dalong said loudly, and then jumped off the wall and activated the powerful spiritual source art he has newly mastered, under a single strike, the terrible air wave spread in all directions, and instantly, with his body As the center, the surrounding intestines of the abyss shattered and a large amount of pink material spewed out.

Seeing Shi Dalong’s move, everyone also jumped down and began to clear the intestine of the abyss that extended into the crack, and quickly cleared the intestine of the abyss in the crack, and then went down the crack, cleaning and destroying all the way.

Everyone worked together to clean the intestines of the abyss, and in a short while, they followed the top of the mountain to half the mountainside. What was surprising was that so many intestines of the abyss were destroyed, and the distance was still quiet, without a giant insect appearing. The situation seems a bit abnormal.

“Do you think there is something wrong with this today?” Zhang Hao couldn’t help but speak. A few days ago, they only needed to destroy the intestine of the abyss, and soon swarms of giant insects appeared, and today it destroys the intestine of the abyss. Up to now, there hasn’t even been a giant insect appearing, which is really abnormal.

Su Li stopped, frowned slightly, and looked towards the water in the distance.

The surface of the water is completely covered by the intestine of the abyss, and all that can be seen is the endless intestine of the abyss.

“It seems something is wrong.” Ge An’s eyes flashed dazzlingly, looking into the distance.

He is now a powerhouse who is about to be close to level 10. He only needs to harvest a few hundred more spiritual sources to be able to break through. His aura becomes more and more majestic, and his two-meter strong body makes him stand among the crowd, like a crowd of chickens, which is particularly outstanding. .

Although he is no longer the leader of the crowd, but from a distance, the first thing others see is still him.

“It’s not that we killed too many insects in the past few days. This Abyssal Zerg was scared away, right now, I dare not come out?” Shi Dalong couldn’t help laughing, and said in a half-joking tone.

Lin Xinghai glanced at him and said: “What Brother Shi said is not unreasonable. If this is the case, then I see that today’s five days of hard work will end ahead of schedule.”

Everyone stopped one after another, looking at the invisible intestine of the abyss, they all lost their interest in continuing to clean up.

“Then what should we do? Are we going to continue destroying these things, or do we think of other ways to see if we can find these bugs? I remember that when these bugs retreated yesterday, they were still crushed. Are they all hidden under the water?” Shi Dalong stretched out his hand and pointed towards the distance.

“Now I can only go down and look for it, I can’t just give up.”

Everyone was discussing, suddenly there was a loud bang from the water in the distance, but an area of ​​the intestines of the abyss exploded suddenly.

When something happened suddenly, everyone was slightly surprised, busy looking up, but saw that pink substance mixed with water splashed in the intestines of the blasted abyss, and a red figure appeared from it.

This figure broke through the intestine of the abyss from below, rose to the top, and then slowly fell to the intestine of the abyss in front, separated from the crowd by a distance of thousands of meters, and then began to step, approaching towards the Moon-watching Peak.

Everyone’s eyesight is extremely strong now, even though they are separated by a kilometer, they can still see the appearance of the red figure that suddenly appeared in an instant.

The red figure, about two meters tall, had red skin like magma, unable to see its head, because its head was surrounded by black lightning, completely concealing it.

It stepped on the intestines of the abyss, approaching the Moon-watching Peak at an astonishing speed. The speed was so fast that everyone could not help but take a deep breath.

Su Li immediately opened the “Peeping Rune” to capture the information of the red figure that suddenly appeared from a distance.

Immediately, a message appeared in his mind.”Name: Lord of the Abyss, Level: Ten third-level, it is the Lord in the Abyss World, cruel by nature, like a tyrant, even if it is a monarch of the same level, no one dares to provoke it at will, it can easily kill the same level The monarch Titan Giant Worm, although it has a magma-like skin, the power it holds is not flames, but lightning, but what it releases is not an ordinary lightning, but a very terrifying abyssal demon thunder. A kind of thunder and lightning originating from the abyss world. When it fully displays the abyss demon thunder, this kind of thunder and lightning can even affect the weather and become lightning and thunder. In addition to the abyss demon thunder, it can also launch a thunder magnetic cannon from its head. This is the black energy beam released by compressing the energy of the Abyssal Demon Thunder to the extreme. Its power is no less than that of a missile, but it needs to compress the energy in advance to release it, because it needs a lot of energy to be lost, so it does not Will be easy to use.”

Sensing the information in his mind and looking at the abyss lord approaching at a terrifying speed, Su Li’s face changed.

He has made great strenuous efforts in these three days and is now an 11th-level Sacred knight, but he never expected that a tenth-level Abyss Lord would appear now.

This is two levels higher than his current level.

With his current strength, the monarch of the same level can be killed easily, and the more first-level the monarch is, it is not impossible, but he has never encountered a monarch of two levels whether he can fight.

The speed of the abyss lord was too fast, and in the blink of an eye, it rushed to the foot of the mountain, and Ge An’s eyes shot dazzling divine light, opened his divine eyes, and was also observing the information of the abyss lord.

Many of the people have similar abilities, but the level is not as high as Su Li’s “peep rune”, but they can also observe some basic information about monsters. At this moment, they also see the abyss lord’s The name, knowing that it is a tenth-level monarch, many people were surprised at the same first reaction as Su Li.

After being shocked, the abyss lord had already rushed into the crowd within 100 meters. Many people reacted and started to attack one after another.

How powerful is everyone’s strength now?

After these three days of elimination, it can be said that there is no weak person who can survive now.

The four people who reached level 11 were Su Li, Wang Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai and Shi Dalong.

The six people at level 10, in addition to Jiang Shuijue and Fulong, the other four are from Shoude City. They are all strong people second only to the four in Zurich. Their strength is at least the top strong in the “medium” category. It is even infinitely close to the “superior” combat power.

The vast majority of the remaining people have successfully promoted to level 9.

The Shui Lin Beast was still fearless, and the first one rushed forward, opened his mouth, and let out a beast roar. The golden unicorn above his head was shining, and a powerful golden lightning struck out from the air.

Faced with the lightning fired by the water monster in the air and the various long-range attacks from the oncoming people, the abyss lord lifted his hands and suddenly exploded the black magic thunder, which came from the abyss interweaving and greeted him.

The piercing sound of “cracking” sounded continuously, and the golden lightning and all the long-range attacks from the crowd were blocked by this demon thunder. Following the flash of the red shadow, the abyss lord a hundred meters away suddenly bypassed and turned into a circle. The arc, approaching everyone tens of meters away, was so fast that everyone was surprised.

King Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai, and Shi Dalong shouted one after another. They all knew how terrible the Lord of the Abyss was, but in the same way, the stronger the existence, the more able to express themselves. They even suspect that Lord Eagle is most likely to be peeping in the dark, and they are evaluating Based on their performance in the past few days, this is the best opportunity for them to show their strength.

Everyone has their own power Ascension to the limit, facing ten third-level monarchs, who dares to hide themselves, that is to find their own death.

Behind the king Celestial Immortals, a pair of giant black wings opened, a black hole appeared between his hands, and several special abilities of Ascension’s own strength were used in succession to maximize his own strength and sprint up at full speed.

Lin Xinghai also activated the speed bracelet, the speed even surpassed the king Celestial Immortals, with both hands controlling the mighty tornado storm, swept past with a whistling sound.

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