Chapter 536 Night Carnival

On the other side, the Titan Giant Worm, which was fighting with the Shui Lin Beast, suddenly uttered a scream. It actually gave up the attack, turned around at full speed, and fled towards the foot of the mountain.

The army of giant insects that had attacked the mountain retreated like a tide.

Immediately after this spiritual source, an energy group appeared and plunged into Su Li’s chest, and then a message sounded.

“Name: Dark·Enlightenment Circle, Quality: Sovereign, Attribute: +4000 Strength, Skill: Advanced Will.”

Killing the worm of enlightenment and harvesting a monarch-level weapon, sensing the ring of enlightenment, Su Li’s first reaction is that this weapon is suitable for Xu Xuehui’s use.

The various abilities that Xu Xuehui currently masters are almost all related to spiritual will. This weapon can complement her abilities and is more suitable for her than the ice-bound rod she has now.

Seeing the swarms of giant insects retreating, Su Li did not chase after him, took out the ring of enlightenment, and handed it to Xu Xuehui.

Sensing the information of this enlightenment ring, Xu Xuehui was a little excited, busy taking off the ice-bound rod she had now, and handing it to Su Li, and then began to fuse this enlightenment ring.

Xu Xuehui is very happy, this ring of enlightenment can strengthen her mental attack, and her treasures of Ecstasy and Spiritual Source are complementary to each other, and it is the most suitable weapon for her.

Seeing the giant worms that have receded and disappeared, everyone feels like a survivor. The appearance of the enlightened worm just now, coupled with the Titan giant worm, caused a large number of casualties, which is stronger than the king Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai and Shi Dalong. Almost planted, if it weren’t for Su Li and Xu Xuehui, it can be said that the result of this time is very likely to be the army’s ambush.

The strong men from Shoude City had a little awe in their eyes when they looked at Su Li, and that sense of superiority was completely lost when they came before.

Although Lin Xinghai was hit hard by Su Li, he grasped the true meaning of life and quickly recovered. After he became sober, he didn’t even know that he was hit hard by Su Li.

However, his confidants are watching them. In their eyes, they originally thought that Lin Xinghai’s strength was almost the same as that of the king Celestial Immortals. He was one of the most powerful three heavenly kings in Shoude, except for the mysterious high above. Leaders, no one is stronger than them.

But today, they were hit hard by Su Li. Doesn’t it mean that Su Li’s strength completely crushed them?

The king Celestial Immortals woke up, feeling that he fell to the ground, his body weak, and slowly understood what was going on in his mind. He was controlled by the worm of enlightenment. This was unbearable to her proud, she Feeling the loss of face, I couldn’t speak for a long while.

Su Li didn’t even think about what they were thinking. He watched the giant insect retreat, and immediately returned to the ancient city to rest, eat something, and then prepare to fight again an hour later.

He is now a level 10 Sacred knight, but this is far from enough. There is still a ten level gap from that beautiful woman.

At level 10, the number of spirit sources needed to be promoted suddenly became 10,000.

If based on the previous hunting speed, two thousand can be harvested in one hour, which means that he needs to fight for five hours to harvest 10,000 spiritual sources.

Of course, there are also big variables in this. For example, with his level of Ascension, he has to kill tenth-level beasts, or ninth-level elites, or eighth-level leaders, in order to harvest the spiritual source, here None of the monsters below could bring him an effective spiritual source.This will inevitably cause him to slow down the speed of harvesting spiritual sources, but fortunately, he now understands that he has mastered the fourth type of spiritual source, “Flurry of Demons”, which is a large-scale attack. As long as he has enough giant insects, he can kill an area in an instant. Giant worm.

“If there are enough suitable giant insects, there is hope to hit level 11 today.” Su Li silently looked forward to it in his heart.

Everyone returned to the ancient city one after another to rest. Just now, the worm of enlightenment caused a great blow to the self-confidence of King Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai. Compared with them, Zuli clearly performed better, which made them very unwilling.

The battle that lasted for just two hours, especially when the worm of enlightenment and the giant worm appeared together, caused a lot of casualties. There are now less than 500 people alive. This means that nearly a hundred people have been lost in the battle just now. .

And now it’s only at noon the next day. There were nearly 700 people, and the rest is no more than 500 people. Now everyone has an idea in their hearts, that is, how many people are there after the cruelest five days. Alive?

After resting for an hour, everyone was about to leave the ancient city to continue hunting giant insects, but they didn’t want to hear a lot of rustling noises. When they climbed the city wall, they found that an endless stream of giant insects appeared from the cracks on the top of the mountain. Coming along the city wall.

The entire Guanyue Peak has become a sea of ​​giant insects.

Not only this mountain, including Yuping Peak and Tianjing Peak, has become a nest of abyssal giant insects and is completely occupied by them.

This was the first time. It was not that they came to look for the giant insects, but the giant army of giant insects appeared on their own initiative, surrounded and occupied Guanyue Peak, and came towards the ancient city.

This change gave many people an ominous premonition that the giant worm army became stronger again.

The dead light green giant worm and alien armor beetle that had always appeared before are gone, and the giant worms that emerged from the crack and rushed towards the giant city are all abyss scarabs.

Abyss Scarab, the eighth-level leader level, at the current level of Zurich, killing an Abyss Scarab can only harvest one spiritual source, while the Dead Light Green Giant Worm and Alien Armor Beetle are completely affected by this Abyss Scarab. Replacement also means that the giant worm army is getting more and more terrifying.

Nearly five hundred people jumped over the city wall and rushed toward the swarming abyss scarabs.

Su Li was the fastest, and he was most delighted with this endless abyss scarab, and immediately launched the “dance of demons.”

Combining the nine abilities of the fusion into one, and injecting them into the group of six-armed Devil phantoms that appeared in the summoning, countless Devils roared and rushed in all directions, and soon, a radius of 20 to 30 meters centered on him. Inside, all the abyss scarabs that rushed up were beheaded.

Dozens of spiritual sources appeared, rushing toward his forehead together.

There was a message flashing in his mind, and nearly 30 spiritual sources were harvested in one blow. Su Li jumped and jumped actively into the edge of the crack, staying there, gathering the energy in the body, and launching the “dance of demons” again. .

Although the power of this “dancing demons” is amazing, every time it is activated, a large amount of energy needs to be gathered before it can be activated again. It cannot be activated continuously and instantaneously like other abilities.

This is so, the speed of harvesting the spiritual source is also amazing. With the current momentum, it can harvest hundreds of Abyssal Scarabs in one minute with ease.

Ten minutes passed quickly, and Su Li was guarding this crack, and the number of spiritual sources he possessed easily broke through 1,000.

The more you use it, the more you feel that this “Demon Flurry” is easy to use. It is simply a super weapon for spawning monsters. Only if you have enough monsters, and even the more monsters and denser, the faster this “Demon Flurry” can harvest spiritual sources.

Zu Li was guarding the crack alone, and almost killed the remaining Abyss Scarab. Soon the giant insects that had attacked were removed by everyone. There was no way, Zu Li could only jump off the crack and jump into the bottom. Among the densely packed giant insects.

Countless Devil phantoms roared and rushed out from his body, how did the abyss scarabs resist this six-armed Devil phantom, which was almost a little weaker than Zuli, and was crushed almost side by side. Immediately died.

Su Li continued to leap, and wherever he jumped, he launched a “dance of demons”, harvested a lot of spiritual source, and died a large area of ​​the abyss scarab, and then rushed towards other places.

Suddenly, an energy appeared, submerged in his chest, and a message rang in his mind.

“Material special ability,’power of the abyss” comprehend and master. ”

Killing the leader-level Abyssal Scarab can comprehend the special ability “Power of the Abyss”, killing so many Abyssal Scarabs, and finally comprehending this “Power of the Abyss”.

This is the tenth special offensive ability he has comprehended. This ability is not particularly powerful, but for Zuli, who holds the top treasures of outlaws, with every additional offensive ability, he will Become strong.

Soon, the number of spiritual sources owned by Zuri became 2,000.

Jiang Shuijue made the breakthrough and became the fifth powerhouse to be promoted to level 9 after Su Li, Wang Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai, and Shi Dalong.

Jiang Shuijue’s strength is becoming stronger and stronger.

She can be transformed into three. This is a special ability called heaven-defying series. It is stronger than the average top talent. With this ability, plus treasures and monarch weapons, and her Bufan Combat consciousness, Jiang Shuijue now has a real “superior” combat power.

Su Li was alone at the foot of the mountain. Looking around, there were countless giant insects in all directions.

For this Zerg from the abyss, he also felt astonishment deep in his heart.

Of course, at this moment, these zergs have become his best targets for obtaining spiritual sources, and by performing the “dance of demons,” he can harvest massive amounts of spiritual sources endlessly.

Soon, behind the endless scarabs of the abyss, three new monsters appeared.

The ninth-level elite beast general, the abyss scavenger, is about the same strength as the abyss scarab.

The tenth-level elite beast general, the wolf-head violent soldier, is stronger than the abyss scarab.

The last thing that appeared was the tenth-level leader beast general, devouring the troll insect.

In the next battle, Su Li once again harvested 6,000 spiritual sources, and the total number of spiritual sources he now has exceeded 8,000.

The king Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai, Shi Dalong and others, before the battle was about to end, finally broke through and were promoted to level 10.

Now they are equivalent to seven or eight thousand less spiritual sources than Zuli.After reaching level 10, they have successively mastered similar powerful mass attack spirit source art, and the speed of harvesting spirit source immediately increased.

At the end of this time, no giant insects of the monarch pole appeared, but an insect whistle came from a distance. The giant army of insects retreated when they heard the insect whistle and left Guanyue Peak.

Su Li and the others did not chase it anymore. Today, everyone is exhausted physically and mentally, and it is difficult to support them. They need adequate sleep and rest.

Returning to the ancient city, the number of people still alive has dropped sharply to about 420.

It’s getting late, just like last night, there are still no monsters tonight. Those giant insects seem to be like them, they will rest at night, and will not attack in the dark.

Everyone can get a good night’s sleep tonight, relax and rest well.

I don’t know who suggested it. After 8 o’clock in the evening, after confirming that there would be no monsters tonight, more than four hundred and twenty people invited one invitation, but they all gathered in the center of the square one after another. Many tables and chairs were moved out. In the ancient city, many materials were not completely taken away, including a lot of wine, which was found at this moment.

Su Li was also invited out by Ding Longyun.

After two days of brutal war, the people in the ancient city that were mutually exclusive and the group of people in Shoude City have become one, and now they will hardly be separated from each other. In the hearts of a few sporadic people, for the vast majority of people, in the past two days, everyone has worked together and lived and died together, and they have already established friendship unknowingly.

No feelings can compare to this kind of feelings generated by fighting side by side. It is so fast and strong, you don’t need to ask who the other person is, you don’t need to know the origin of the other person, just know that you can completely trust each other in the crazy fight and battle. , Handing over the back of own to his teammates, this kind of feeling came suddenly, but it was so unbreakable, at least during these five days, this is the case, it will not involve any other interests at all.

Everyone has only one goal, work together to become stronger, live, and hunt more giant insects.

There were nearly 700 people the day before yesterday. In just two days, there were only four hundred and twenty people left. In front of everyone, wine and glasses were placed.

Shi Dalong filled a glass of wine, stood up, looked around, and suddenly said loudly: “This first glass, we respect the dead brothers!”

Then, he spilled the wine in the glass on the ground in front of own.

Everyone stood up without knowing it, and spilled the wine in the glass in a tacit understanding.

After these five days are over, how many of them will die?

The lighthouse in the square released a soft light, and the atmosphere in the square became silent. After a short pause, Shi Dalong said loudly, “Brothers, I have a suggestion. Let’s have a carnival and relax tonight. What do you think?”

“Okay–” Many people yelled loudly, and then the atmosphere became warm.

Shi Dalong is inferior to the king Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai in terms of strength, but his personality is more outgoing, but he is a master at creating atmosphere.

Although in front of everyone, there is no rich wine and food, but for most people, as long as there is wine, even for many people who didn’t drink at all before, they relapsed to drink some tonight, and more people just do it for the sake of Feeling this atmosphere, the more lively atmosphere, can make everyone a lot easier and reduce mental stress.

This warm atmosphere dilutes the strong bloody atmosphere produced by the two days of fighting.

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