Chapter 531 Heart Melting Pot (first one)

Su Li is already only less than a thousand soul sources away to be promoted to a level 9 Sacred knight, which makes him very excited.

Now it’s noon, fighting for so long, although everyone can continue to alternate to rest, but still feel more and more tired, this is not only physical, but also spiritual.

Although the corpses of the killed giant worms are piled up like a mountain, the giant worms still appear in an endless stream.

The newly-appearing giant insect, which looks exactly like a scarab, is the eighth-level leader of the beast, the abyss scarab, killing the abyss scarab, there is a certain probability that he will gain the special ability “Power of the Abyss”.

The strength of the Abyssal Scarab is much stronger than that of the eighth-level Dead Green Giant Worm and Alien Armored Beetle. Even the rare beasts at the sixth-level are far less horrible than the Abyssal Scarab. They have With the strength close to the seventh-level rare beast general, even with the current strength of Zuli, to deal with this abyss scarab, he has to immediately enter the second form of “devil muscle”.

Four times the physical energy loss, three times the combat power Ascension.

Even if Su Li’s physical stamina is at its peak, maintaining the second form of “devil muscle” fighting, it can only last less than twenty-five minutes.

Those who were stronger than him and the king Celestial Immortals also began to feel pressure.

Fortunately, the number of Abyssal Scarabs that have appeared at present is not many, and they are still dominated by Dead Light Green Giant Worms and Alien Armor Beetles.

In half a day, the number of Death has unknowingly exceeded fifty people, but in this kind of stressful melee, everyone can’t bother to regret and grieve the death of their companions. Everyone has only one purpose in their hearts, that is, Fighting desperately, squeezing own potential as much as possible, becoming stronger.

In fact, when the decision was made yesterday, everyone had the consciousness that they would face Death.

In the second form of “Devil Muscles”, Su Li looks like crazy. The red moon dragon in his hand is slashed with slashes from time to time. These slashes are all energy fused into nine abilities, which is simply invincible. , Even the eighth-level leader-level Abyssal Scarab could not resist it.

The faces of Wang Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai were getting more and more ugly. They had already seen that Zuri possessed a stronger physical stamina than them, and was able to slaughter the Abyssal Scarab so madly. Their demonstrated strength made them feel surprised.

Although it is not difficult to kill the Abyssal Scarab, they can easily do it with their strength, but they can’t do it if they can face the hordes of Abyssal Scarabs like this and can continue for so long.

Now, they finally understand why Shi Dalong admires Zuli so much. On the one hand, he deliberately raised Zuli to suppress them. On the other hand, the strength of Zuli is indeed not simple. From their perspective, this Among the “superior” combat power, Su Li’s strength also surpasses the existence of ordinary powerhouses.

An abyss scarab can bring four spiritual sources to Zuri, which makes the speed of reaping spiritual sources quicker again. For Zuri, kill an abyss scarab and kill the death light before. The green giant worm or the alien armor beetle takes about the same time.

It’s just that the time he can continue to fight will be shortened a lot.

He was able to fight for at least 30 minutes before, and now he has been able to fight for 20 minutes, and he needs to start to retreat and prepare to return to rest.

When the Red Moon Dragon Slash on the right hand of Su Li once again killed an Abyssal Scarab, he finally received the 6000 spiritual sources needed for promotion. He successfully broke through, and messages appeared in his mind.

“Level 8 Sacred Knight: Spirit Source 60006000”

“Start promotion”

“Muscles begin to strengthen, bones begin to strengthen, internal organs begin to strengthen”

“Strength Increase, Defense Ascension”

“Basic strength Ascension reaches 11,500 catties”

“The basic defense Ascension reaches 11,500 catties”

“Physical strength increased, and the basic duration of the outbreak was extended to 23 minutes”

“The vital capacity increases, and the basic suffocation time is extended to 23 minutes”

“Speed ​​Ascension, Vision Enhancement, Hearing Enhancement”


“Promotion complete”

“Level 9 Sacred Knight: Spiritual Source 07000”

“First Talent: Strengthen Care”

“Second Talent: Those who exceed the limit”

“Third Talent: Unknown”

“Basic Strengthening: Muscle Gain MAX, Super Heart Type Ⅸ, Steel Bone Type Ⅲ, Strong Lung Type Ⅰ, Violent Liver Type Ⅰ, Glandular Control Type Ⅰ, Sacred Power Eighth Layer”

“Special skills: peeping rune, gluttonous tooth, spider walk, silver armor cover, hunting ghost claw, high voltage electric shock, shark king ghost step, liquefied muscle, super regeneration, thousand shadows, black mysterious light, black thunder energy, hidden breath, ten thousand Electric shock, power of darkness, self-healing of life, information shielding, glazed spikes”

“The Art of Spiritual Origin 1: The Third Form of Devil’s Muscle”

“Spiritual Art 2: Devil Enchantment Third Form”

“Spiritual Technique 3: Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone Second Form”

“Basic strengthening options: Super Heart Type IX, Steel Bone Type Ⅲ, Strong Lung Type Ⅰ, Violent Liver Type Ⅰ, Glandular Control Type Ⅰ, Sacred Power Eighth Layer, Stomach”

Sensing the messages in my mind, my whole body is getting comprehensive strengthening, whether it is speed, strength, defense, five internal organs, six lungs, sight and hearing, all in Ascension.

Immediately afterwards, a new message appeared in his mind again.

“The third form of the Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone begins to comprehend.”

With the sound of this message, Su Li’s “Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone” finally evolved into the third form.

Compared with the second form of “Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone”, which increases the power and defense by 5000, the third form of “Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone” will directly increase the power and defense by 10,000 catties.

This means that even if Zuri is not in the state of overrun, he can simultaneously activate the third form of the “devil muscle” and the third form of the “Heavenly Demon” to enter the 2.5-meter Heavenly Demon state.

Both of these two spiritual techniques have reached the limit of the third form of Ascension, forming a balance, so that the current Heavenly Demon body of Zurich is finally perfect, and it is no longer the muscles that are particularly swollen like before. Now Zurich, Heavenly Demon In the real body state, although there are muscles, the muscles are not very exaggerated. As the height increases, the muscle lines become more reasonable and perfect, which is the best combination of strength and beauty.

For the Sacred knight who has been promoted from level 8 to level 9, the changes and Ascension are very obvious. In addition to comprehending the third form of the “Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone”, Zuri’s first enhancement still strengthened Sacred’s power, strengthening it nine times. The power of Sacred, the extended time now reached four and a half seconds, and it was five and a half seconds in the over-limit state.

After stimulating the power of talent, and getting the second strengthening, Zuli continued to strengthen the heart.

Immediately, a message appeared in his mind.

“Super-heart type IX is strengthened to super-heart type Ⅹ, gaining extra physical strength for 30 minutes and a strength of 1,000 catties.”

“The super heart has been strengthened to the limit, and the achievement Super Heart MAX will be obtained, and the special ability: the heart melting pot will be comprehended.”

Then, there is information about the “heart melting pot” of the special ability of this comprehension.

Sensing this information, Su Li only felt that his own heart was undergoing earth-shaking changes.

The heart becomes extremely hot, as if it is completely energized, and then collapses into a huge energy furnace, which can continuously draw energy, and can also deliver energy.

In response to this change, Su Li was secretly shocked. After strengthening this heart to the limit ten times, the special ability he obtained was really powerful.

Not only did the super heart’s ability change from an extra 30 minutes of physical strength to 40 minutes in one fell swoop, the most important thing is that this “heart melting pot” comprehend, so that his heart has a new ability. This ability is Absorbing and storing energy, it can be delivered at a critical moment, enhancing his physical energy, accelerating his recovery ability, and even at the critical moment when his physical strength is exhausted, the energy stored in the heart can be used and turned into physical energy. , Can make him continue to fight.

This ability is too important, and the Ascension brought to him is simply a world-shaking change.

The current level 9 Sacred knight in Zurich has a strongest strength of 58,200 jin and a defense of 45,300 jin under normal conditions. His physical fitness can sustain him for an astonishing 110 minutes in battle.

This means that if he does not use the devil’s muscles, but fights and fights in a normal state, he can fight for nearly two hours.

Of course, even if he had all his abilities fully utilized and he was in the strongest state of overrunner, he could still maintain his strongest state for about three minutes.

Feeling the changes in his body, Su Li was in a good mood, his strength was turbulent, and he only felt uncomfortable. He suddenly let out a long roar, and his figure shot out like an electric charge, and rushed into the swarms of abyss scarabs facing him. With unparalleled strength, Red Moon Dragon cut across it all the way.

Now, he was already a 9th-level Sacred knight, with unimaginable powers. Before the change, he could hardly imagine it, and the gap between him and those guides was further narrowed.

Thinking of the first time I had captured the information data of that beautiful woman, I was only at level 6, which was 14 levels worse than her. Now, in a short time, I was already a level 9 Sacred knight, between the beautiful woman. The gap has been reduced to only 11 levels.

Although it is 11 levels short, there is still an unimaginable sky between the two sides, but it allows Su Li to see the hope of being promoted to level 10. Judging by the speed of his own spiritual source harvesting now, he is confident to pass these five days and connect again. A few levels higher, the level gap between the two sides will be further narrowed.

Maybe five days later, these guides will no longer be so far away in his eyes.

Su Li became the first among the people to advance to level 9, and Ge An followed the breakthrough and was promoted to level 7. After a while, Gong Xiao and Ding Longyun were promoted one after another, only ten times slower than Ge An. Minutes, also successfully promoted to level 7.Among the Ding brothers and sisters, Ding Hui was successfully promoted to level 6. As for Ding Yang, it was still level 5. Next, their fighting style changed. To Ding Yang, let him also be promoted from level 5 breakthrough to level 6.

Compared with other people, the promotion of Ding’s siblings is much more difficult. Of course, once they are promoted, their strength is much stronger than ordinary people.

Although everyone is constantly growing stronger, there are more and more Abyss Scarabs appearing around it, which means that the Abyss Zerg army is getting stronger.

Suddenly, there was a sharp scream in the distance, a giant insect opened up a row of intestines in the abyss, the pink fragrant substance splashed all over, and a giant insect crawled out from below.

As the giant insect appeared, the surrounding abyss scarab immediately avoided.

Su Li looked up and recognized it at a glance. This was a monarch-level Titan giant insect.

The Titan giant worm in front of me is not as huge as the one that appeared in Nanjiang City, but it is a lot bigger than the one he killed yesterday. Between the beetle, the breath of magma is already gushing between its snout.

Seeing this giant worm appeared, Su Li understood that the attack of the giant worm army was coming to an end.

As long as this giant worm is killed, the remaining giant worms will inevitably retreat, but when the giant worm appears, its lethality is too strong, and they can’t just ignore it.

It has been noon since the fight. Although everyone can retreat and rest alternately, they will still feel more and more tired.

When Wang Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai, and Shi Dalong saw the Titan giant worm appearing in the distance, without saying a word, they immediately gave up the giant worm that was fighting and rushed towards the distance at full speed.

The appearance of such a giant worm means treasure or monarch equipment, who is not jealous?

It was followed by the Shui Lin Beast, and it didn’t want to miss it.

Su Li opened the “Peeping Rune” and suddenly realized that the Titan Giant Worm that appeared was actually a ninth-level monarch.

The ninth-level monarch means that it can at least fight against the 9th-level superiors, and even the general 9th-level superiors can hardly kill it, and between the ninth-level and the eighth-level, there is another The qualitative change, one can imagine the strength of this ninth-level Titan.

Wang Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai, Shi Dalong, and Water Lin Beast are all eighth-level at present.

Although they are superior combat power, they are only the superior combat power in the eighth-level, which does not mean that they can compete with the superior power in the ninth-level.

Su Li’s thoughts were transferred, and she also accelerated the rush to shoot up.

Lin Xinghai had already activated the ability of the Treasure Speed ​​Bracelet. His speed was the fastest, and he was the first to rush up like lightning, approaching the Titan Giant Worm, which had a body length of 20 meters.

What greeted him was a powerful magma bomb.

Su Li suddenly realized that this was a good opportunity to see their true strength.

If they are at the current level, the first-level they can fight against the ninth-level monarch, which means that they are at least the strongest in the “superior” combat power, and even the top-level strong.

Faced with monarch-level monsters, Lin Xinghai was arrogant and dare not care about it. The power of Baoju Speed ​​Bracelet was exerted to the extreme. He folded his hands with the three-tooth sickle in the handshake, and he activated the monarch-level skill “Broken Soul” in one face. “Cooperating with the powerful wind blade released from the whole body, it turned into a wind column formed by the combination of countless wind blades. The magma bomb was drawn into the wind column, and it instantly entered the sea like a mud cow.

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