Chapter 530 Alien Armor Beetle

There are not many leaders in the ancient city that can reach advanced level 5.

Su Li saw a black ball appeared on the hands of the king Celestial Immortals. The ball on the right was about the size of a basketball, and the ball on the left was smaller, only half the size of the ball on the right, floating above her hands. , Whirling around.

Su Limingbai, this is her weapon, the monarch-level Mother-Child phantom ball.

The big ball in the right hand should be the cue ball, and the small ball in the left hand is the child ball. Watching her control the pair of Mother-Child phantom balls, the volley flew towards the large number of evil crystals coming from the sky.

The Mother-Child Illusion Balls flew off their hands and smashed into each other in mid-air. There was an earth-shaking bang, and a lot of black smoke exploded. In this big explosion, a large number of evil crystals were suddenly blown to pieces. The power is amazing.

Almost at the same time when Mother-Child turned away from the ball, she was vertical and started to accelerate, rushing forward.

Following her, Lin Xinghai also shot. A monarch-level weapon appeared in his right hand, a three-toothed sickle, and he wielded a sickle. His speed was almost no slower than that of Wang Celestial Immortals. The two of them surpassed the other dozen people in an instant. At the fastest speed, rushed into the oncoming giant worm.

Su Li silently watched and assessed the strength of these two people, but these evil crystal giant insects were still too weak for them, and it was difficult to force the true strength of a “superior” combat power.

An endless stream of evil crystal giant worms swarmed up, and soon besieged the dozens of people. The battle broke out in an instant, and there were roars, but the situation was a one-sided slaughter.

Except for King Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai, the dozens of people were all advanced level 6 experts. They were equally powerful and could crush these evil crystal giant insects. A dozen of them shot together and quickly killed a few. Ten giant worms rushed forward.

The floating island controlled by Su Li quickly approached the intestine of the abyss, the Shui Lin Beast let out a roar, jumped into the intestine of the abyss, and rushed forward.

Following more than two hundred people on the floating island, one after another, Su Li, Shi Dalong, Fulong, Ge An, Ding’s sister and brother, Jiang Shuijue, Gong Xiao, Ding Longyun and others all took out their weapons and boarded the intestines of the abyss. Towards the oncoming swarms of evil crystal giant insects killed them.

According to the previous discussion and organization, the two hundred people were divided into five groups, forming a constantly changing triangle formation, taking care of each other to ensure that casualties were avoided as much as possible.

And the more than 400 people from Shoude City were still rowing the raft desperately and were left two kilometers away. They wanted to get close here, and it would take some time.

After the last four hundred people arrived in the intestines of the abyss, the entire battlefield was divided into three groups.

The first group consisted of a dozen people including King Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai, etc. They rushed the fastest and completely plunged into the deepest part of the giant worm army. Then there were more than 200 people with Zuli and Shi Dalong head, and the last was More than 400 people in Shoude City.

Su Li still enters the first form of “devil muscle”, combining several abilities in his left hand and holding the Red Moon Dragon Slash in his right hand. At first he was still with everyone. As his speed became faster and faster, he gradually changed. Became a single person and killed towards the front of the team, slowly approaching the dozens of people in front of Celestial Immortals.Among the nearly seven hundred people, the strongest are undoubtedly Su Li, Wang Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai and Shi Dalong. Their strengths are far behind the others. In addition, they are desperate to advance and want to overwhelm each other. They won the title of the strongest among the crowd, so their performance was very crazy. After a while, the four of them slowly separated from the others, fighting on their own, and killing them toward the depths of the giant worm army.

Wang Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai had separated from the dozens of subordinates, like two sharp knives, deeply inserted into the depths of the giant insects in front, while the dragon stone dragon on the left, also slowly caught up with the ten in front. Several people.

As for the other two hundred people in the ancient city, they still maintain a triangular formation. Everyone understands that they don’t have the strength of Su Li and dare not fight alone.

Although the evil crystal giant worm is not too scary, but there are so many, and there may be stronger giant worms at any time, everyone dare not care.

And behind these two hundred people, there are more than four hundred people from Shoude City. They are also gathered together. No one dares to fight alone, facing this group of evil crystal giant insects. Most people still feel the pressure.

At this moment, Su Li doesn’t care whether he wants to perform better than others. All he wants is to get as many spiritual sources as possible. He wants to break through and become stronger.

Several people from Wang Celestial Immortals wanted to break through, and maybe they also wanted to gain Mo Liudao’s recognition and key cultivation, but Su Li’s idea was not. He was facing the pressure of that beautiful woman. If he could not be strong in this half month When he got up, he was about to face Death most likely.

He is currently the highest level, the only advanced 8-level among the nearly seven hundred people. Killing an evil crystal giant insect can only obtain one spiritual source, and the king Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai and Shi Dalong three hit Kill the evil crystal giant insects, but you can get two.

And Zuli couldn’t kill two of them at the same time when they killed one giant insect, so at the beginning, he could harvest the spiritual source faster than the king Celestial Immortals.

When the number of spiritual sources owned by Zu Li had increased to 1,000, he had surpassed the dozen or so core powerhouses in Shoude City, and gradually approached the king Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai in front.

He heard a scream coming from the front. Among the groups of evil crystal giant insects ahead, a new giant insect crawled out. It was the eighth-level elite beast general that appeared yesterday, the dead green giant insect.

The strength of the Death Green Giant Worm is much stronger than that of the Evil Crystal Giant Worm, and their strength is even higher than that of the fifth-level rare beasts. Even the general advanced 5th-level powerhouses are not their opponents.

Su Li saw the dead light green giant worm, and immediately accelerated, and instantly surpassed the king Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai in front of him, rushed into the dead light green giant worm, and integrated the nine special offensive abilities in the body. , Broke out unimaginable lethality, massacred.

Killing this dead light green giant worm, one can harvest two spiritual sources, and the efficiency of harvesting spiritual sources is much higher than killing the evil crystal giant worms.

King Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai saw that Su Li rushed into the swarms of dead green giant worms faster than them, and immediately followed quickly and rushed forward.

In order to deal with this more powerful dead light green giant worm, the king Celestial Immortals finally took out his true strength. Behind her, a pair of black wings grew out. The pair of black wings seemed to be formed by the gathering of black light. Weird.

The pair of giant black wings spread out, and she rushed out almost like a gliding, and the speed immediately doubled Ascension. On the wings, black rays of light shot out.

The body of the dead green giant worm that was irradiated by these black rays of light seemed to be infected.

Su Li took a look, and based on the information she had previously observed about the king Celestial Immortals, it could be guessed that this pair of black wings should be the power of the top treasure black wings she holds.

Being able to become a superior combat power, whether it is talent or treasure, is basically top-notch. This king Celestial Immortals can beat Shi Dalong, and Zu Li can be sure that her strength is indeed terrifying, this The black light released by Black Wing is a bit terrifying.

Looking at Lin Xinghai again, his speed has become faster than the king Celestial Immortals who has cast black wings, because the treasure he possesses is the speed bracelet, a terrible treasure that can continuously increase his speed.

Holding a three-tooth sickle in his right hand, under the effect of the speed bracelet, his speed is getting faster and faster, rushing into the oncoming swarms of dead light green giant insects, the sickle in his hand bursts with terrible winds, The wind blade was released endlessly from the outside source, and it was killed continuously.

He was under the speed bracelet, and his speed was so fast that even Zuli felt surprised.

Shi Dalong had already used the ability of his talented “constructor” at this moment, and the intestines of the abyss around him were changing. He waved the giant deer sword with both hands and rushed forward.

All four of them rushed into these dead green giant worms, even eighth-level elite beasts could not stop them.

Following the emergence of these dead light green giant insects, there is also a new kind of giant insect, which is a kind of humanoid giant insect, with a worm-like head, a human-shaped body, and the whole body is covered with layers of purple-red armor. .

Su Li opened the peeping runes and peeked into their information. Like the Dead Glitter, they are the same eight elite beasts, named Alien Armor Beetles.

The Death Hulk is mainly good at long-range attacks, and the melee strength is average, while the alien armor beetles are just the opposite of them. They are a powerful melee type.

At this moment, groups of alien armor beetles appeared, mixed among these dead green giant worms, increasing in number, and gradually began to replace the evil crystal giant worms.

With the increasing number of dead green giant insects and alien armor beetles, although the four people in Zurich who are the fastest rushing are not threatened at present, but for the more than 200 people in the ancient city behind and the 400 people from Shoude City. Many people, but a serious threat.

A large number of dead light rays shone toward them, and two giant insects were approaching them.

As the screams sounded, soon there were casualties among the crowd.

Su Li didn’t know how many monsters he had killed, and the number of spiritual sources he possessed slowly reached two thousand.

And the king Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai, and Shi Dalong began to retreat. They did not rush forward like Yiqi in the beginning, because as the battle continued, despite their level, the number of spiritual sources they harvested even exceeded Su Li, but slowly felt exhausted, they needed to retreat to rest.

Soon, the three of King Celestial Immortals turned back and rushed towards the rear team, reunited with the hundreds of people behind, returned to rest and regained their strength.

Su Li’s physical stamina is far more abundant than them. In addition, he now only uses the first form of “devil muscles”. The loss of physical stamina is not serious. He fought and fought for nearly ten minutes longer than them before he began to retreat and return to those two. In the circle formed by more than one hundred people, began to rest.At this moment, the three of the king Celestial Immortals recovered their stamina and shot again and rushed out.

Su Li now has a spiritual source of about 2500. Judging from the speed in front of him, it is no accident. As long as this is repeated several times, he can successfully break through and be promoted to level 9.

Now there are a large number of dead green giant insects and alien armor beetles around everyone. With the increasing pressure, people continue to die. More than 400 people in Shoude City began to slowly rendezvous with more than 200 people in the ancient city. .

Now the people in Shoude City understand the cruelty of this battle. If they can’t unite together, they will only die faster and faster. Together, the number of people immediately reached more than 600, forming a huge and incomparable one. As long as you are tired, you can retreat and rest at any time. Once you have a good rest, you will immediately rush up to continue fighting. In this way, you can continue to fight and fight even if you are in an endless stream of giant insects.

Although the emergence of the dead light green giant insect and the alien armor beetle caused casualties, but in this crazy fight, many people have achieved great results and made a breakthrough.

A batch of core successes such as Zhang Haohao, and now they have successfully breakthrough to advanced level 6.

The two siblings of the Ding family have all become advanced level 5, and now their next step is to make Ding Hui breakthrough to level 6 first.

Fulong was already infinitely close to Advanced Level 7, possessing more than 3,000 spiritual sources, and only a few hundred of them could make a breakthrough.

Ge An now also has about 2500, while Jiang Shuijue is behind, surpassing Ge An, and now has about 2,700 spiritual sources.

Su Li rested for a while, his physical strength recovered, and he rushed out again.

When the number of spiritual sources he possessed reached about 3,500, the king Celestial Immortals screamed, and finally became the first person to break through and advance to the advanced level 8 among the crowd, outside of Zurich.

After reaching the advanced 8th level, the speed at which the king Celestial Immortals could harvest the spiritual source was immediately halved, and the speed of harvesting the spiritual source was surpassed by Su Li.

When the spiritual source owned by Su Li reached around 4000, Lin Xinghai also successfully broke through to Advanced 8.

This battle is very fierce, people screaming Death from time to time, but more people are constantly breaking through. This is a real big wave scouring the sand. There is almost no trick at all. Either it will become stronger or it will be cruel. disuse.

The Shui Lin Beast made a long and screaming sound, and its whole body was swelling. It finally broke through and was promoted to eighth-level.

The eighth-level water beast has a larger body, weighing more than 260 kilograms, one size bigger than the average adult liger, and even more majestic. Now it does not need to be with everyone, but with Su Like Li Ji, breaking into these giant worms alone, it has enough strength to fight a group of giant worms alone.

Every time, Su Li would fight for half an hour, then retreat to rest for five to ten minutes, and then continue to fight and fight. After such a few rounds, the number of spiritual sources he possessed had already reached 5,000 unknowingly.

At this moment, Shi Dalong also succeeded in breaking through and was promoted to level 8. Fulong was promoted to the powerhouse of advanced level 7. Jiang Shuijue was only a few minutes later than him, and he was promoted to level 7.

The core powerhouses of the ancient city, such as Wenying, Xu Haihai, Qi Mengyu, Jing Mingxuan, etc., have also begun to be promoted to level 6.

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