Chapter 532 Heavenly Demon (second more seeking subscription)

Lin Xinghai’s power is not only because of his extremely high speed with his precious “speed bracelet”, but the three spiritual sources he masters are all powerful.

Just as Su Li can reach his level of strength today, the two spiritual source arts he possesses, “Devil Muscle” and “Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone” are very important. This Lin Xinghai can get the evaluation of superior combat power, half It was because of the treasure “speed bracelet”, and the other half was because of the spiritual source art he mastered.

As for his talent “The Truth of Life” is not a combat type, it does not enhance his combat power. Of course, this talent is similar to Wang Di’s “Gift of Life”, which makes him not afraid of Death and has a high fault tolerance rate. No matter how strong the Titan Worm was, he dared to rush forward without hesitation.

The spiritual source art that Lin Xinghai masters is related to wind. He manipulates a powerful wind pillar to form a huge tornado that swept the Titan Dragon in. He holds a three-toothed sickle in both hands and carries the monarch’s skills. The power of “Broken Soul Slash” slashed in the face.

The speed bracelet allows him to approach the Titan Giant Worm in an instant, without giving the opponent an extra chance to react or defend.

Although the king Celestial Immortals propped a pair of black wings behind his back, he was still a step behind Lin Xinghai, and the king Celestial Immortals was also afraid of Lin Xinghai’s tyrannical strength.

The Titan giant worm opened its mouth and let out a sharp scream, fire-red magma rose from its back, and the magma surrounded its body, completely covering it.

The three-tooth sickle cut out by Lin Xinghai volleyed on the flaming red magma shield, and immediately sank in. The terrifying “Soul Slash” combined with his own power and the tearing force of the wind blade, and immediately broke open. The magma shield of the Titan Worm.

At this moment, the huge body of the Titan giant worm suddenly rose up, like Mount Tai pressing on the top, and hitting Lin Xinghai sturdily.

Lin Xinghai did not expect that the Titan Giant Worm would have such an astonishing behavior, and was caught off guard. It felt like being hit and crushed directly by a heavy tank that had hit it at high speed.

Lin Xinghai screamed and screamed, his body tumbled in the air, blood spurted from his mouth, pieces of spiritual source equipment on the surface of his body burst into pieces immediately, and his body was torn apart.

At this time, the great power of his talent “True Essence of Life” appeared, healed his body at a terrifying speed, and waited for him to roll over thirty to forty meters before stopping, and his body had returned to its normal appearance.

Only this point can be certain that this Lin Xinghai is definitely a strong man in the “superior” combat power.

Lin Xinghai was knocked into flight, and Celestial Immortals was already closely following. In her huge black wings, terrible black rays shot out in the sky, and what was even more terrifying was that a black hole was in between her hands. forming.

Compared with Lin Xinghai, Wang Celestial Immortals’ talents and treasures are the most top-notch. The black wings of the treasure behind it can emit the black light of Death, and her talent “black hole” is claimed to be able to swallow everything.

To deal with such a powerful monarch, the king Celestial Immortals did not hide his secrets, and immediately launched the “black hole”.

This “black hole” had just formed and appeared between her hands, already showing incredible power. All kinds of materials were sucked in in all directions, and a terrible vortex began to form.Regardless of the intestines of the abyss below, the oncoming magma and the giant worms, they all felt the incomparable suction force. The force of terror was absorbed.

Su Li and Shi Dalong also rushed up.

Shi Dalong activated the Giant Deer Sword’s skills from a distance, and the large Giant Deer Sword outside in his right hand flew out quickly, and a smaller Giant Deer Sword appeared in his hand.

There was an invisible thread pulling between these two giant deer swords. With a squeak, he suddenly flew out sideways, and instantly caught up with the large giant deer sword, the small giant deer sword. Inserted into it, the two swords merged into one, and a terrible Sword Qi burst out suddenly, stabbing like a horse into the fiery red magma surrounding the body of the Titan giant.

Between the hands of King Celestial Immortals, the black hole grew bigger and bigger, and the Titan giant worm was sucked and smashed into the black hole. Even if the opponent was a ninth-level monarch, if he touched the black hole, the King Celestial Immortals was confident that he would be able to destroy the Titan giant. The worm swallows the black hole.

But I don’t want to. At this moment, the Titan Giant Worm’s back has already condensed magma bombs, which have just been covered by the magma shield surrounding it. When it rushed to the black hole of King Celestial Immortals, it suddenly opened. The magma shield covering the outside reveals the magma bombs inside.

For an instant, I could only hear the sound of humming, at least twenty or thirty magma bombs flew out and blasted into the black hole controlled by the king Celestial Immortals.

These twenty or thirty magma bombs exploded collectively in this black hole, and the explosive power contained in them had reached an incredible Realm.

Although it seemed that the black hole hadn’t changed on the surface, Celestial Immortals, the king who controlled the black hole, let out a muffled grunt and staggered back.

Su Li saw this scene in his eyes, and his heart was slightly shaken.

Although it seems that the king Celestial Immortals suffered a big loss, but at what level the power of the twenty or thirty magma bombs exploded together, this black hole can swallow them all in one fell swoop, the king Celestial Immortals just swayed back, even with blood. He didn’t spit out a mouthful, but this hand was horrible.

Shi Dalong activated the Giant Deer Sword, and almost at the moment when the Titan Giant insect fired 20 or 30 magma bombs into the king’s Celestial Immortals black hole, the Giant Deer Sword smashed the Titan Giant insect with a piercing sound, and there was a long roar in his mouth. , Abandoned the sword and launched the treasure to “separate” ability.

This separation was very strange and terrifying. His hands touched the Titan giant worm. The giant worm’s body surface, like a granite-like hard shell, immediately began to separate and disappear, as if two large pieces had been dug out.

Su Li also arrived at almost the same moment, realizing that this ninth-level monarch was very important, he did not hesitate at all, and immediately entered the strongest state of the overrun.

The talent “Over-Limited” is activated, “Demon Muscle” enters the Over-Limited form from the third form, and the “Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone” enters the Over-Limited form from the third form. The Heavenly Demon body formed by the combination of these two abilities expands again. The change, the instant growth reached 2.8 meters, and it was completely transformed into a true giant, this is the true body of Heavenly Demon beyond the limit, more than twice as tall as the average person, just like the same demon and mighty demon god.

In the over-limit state, the Heavenly Demon body, with a body height of 2.8 meters, gains an additional 80,000 jin of strength. After the ascension of the “devil muscle” in the over-limit state, six times the Ascension, Zurich’s current strongest strength has reached 912,120 jin. .

Previously his strongest strength was 670,000 jin, now breakthrough has been promoted to the 9th level Sacred knight, the strongest strength instantly Ascension reached an appalling 910,000 jin, feeling the boiling terrifying power in his body, nine kinds of attacks The special abilities of sex are integrated, holding the Red Moon Dragon Slash with both hands.

A sword aura stretched out like a horse, and Su Li took a step, and the intestine of the abyss below shattered and exploded. He rose into the air, holding the Red Moon Dragon Slash with both hands together, and slashed in the air.

The Titan giant worm lifted up slightly, and a pair of front paws covered with flaming magma protruded out, and the right paw slammed into Shi Dalong with a slap.

The separation of Shi Dalong encountered the front claws of the giant worm covered in flaming red magma. Although the magma was separated into a huge hole in an instant, he was also hit by the front claws, and blood spurted from his mouth, as if broken. The kite on the string was shot and flew directly.

The giant worm’s left claw covered in flaming magma lifted upwards, and it was about to overthrow Zuli and the red moon dragon that he had slashed down.

With a harsh sound, the Titan Giant’s right claw easily slapped Shi Dalong, but the left claw failed to overturn Zuli. The red moon dragon cut off the fiery red armor instantly, hitting the Titan Giant’s. Left paw.

The mouthparts of the Titan worm suddenly opened and shook violently. The left front paw, which resembled a granite carving, broke at the sound, split from it in an instant, and flew far away.

No blood can be seen in its body, and all that flows out is fiery red magma.

Su Li slashed the left front paw of the Titan Giant Worm, landed on both feet, waved the Red Moon Dragon Slash with both hands, and then swept out horizontally.

The Red Moon Dragon Slash that was swept out not only contained his power of over 900,000 catties, but also nine powerful special abilities. Zuli also revealed the two blood rings in his left hand and activated the two blood crystal cannons. Fuse them together.

The light of the sword that the Red Moon Dragon slashed on had been extended to two feet, and cut across the body of the Titan Giant Worm.

Its open mouthparts suddenly cracked horizontally, and billowing magma gushed out.

Su Li activated the power of Sacred and strengthened the power of Sacred nine times. The invincibility state was four and a half seconds, and when it was cast in the over-limit state, the invincibility time reached an astonishing five and a half seconds.

In the invincible state, Su Li ignored the boiling magma, allowing the magma to pour on his body, holding the Red Moon Dragon Slash in both hands, slashing towards the Titan Giant Worm madly.

The king Celestial Immortals, who staggered and withdrew, finally stabilized his body and controlled the black hole. He was about to move on, and suddenly saw a shocking scene.

She saw that Su Li actually rushed towards the flaming red magma spewing from the body of the Titan Giant Worm. He stood in the magma, holding a weapon with both hands, and the weapon slashed out frantically.

A giant giant worm the size of a small hill, every time it is hit, a terrible crack of six or seven meters long occurs in its body. After a few slashes, its smaller half of its body is disintegrated, and more magma is sprayed out in the body. Come out, like a volcanic eruption.

Su Li was soaked in the erupting flaming magma, and continued to beheaded towards the front. The giant giant worm’s huge body was cut one by one and fell down.

Within a second or two, most of the Titan Giant Worm’s body became fragmented, and it no longer had the power to struggle and resist, and a spiritual source suddenly appeared and sank into Su Li’s forehead.

Before, whether it was Lin Xinghai, Wang Celestial Immortals, or Shi Dalong who rushed up later, they were all bombarded by the Titan giant insects. Only Su Li, not only was not overthrown by it, but seemed to be very relaxed with a stab from the left to the right. The giant giant worm’s huge and hard body like a rocky hill was dismantled, and the terrifying flaming lava was poured on the body, unharmed. This scene saw the king Celestial Immortals wide-eyed, revealing an incredible face. expression.

She was really shocked, and she didn’t understand how Su Li did it.Sensing the spiritual source harvested in his mind and beheading the monarch of the same level, Su Li harvested 20 spiritual sources at one time, and then he stepped forward and calmly left the fiery red magma that continued to gush from the body of the Titan giant.

At this moment, most of the Titan giant worm’s body was cracked into seventeen or eighteen pieces. Because of the magma, the intestines of the abyss below were melted. This giant corpse piece resembling granite was sinking into the water.

Following this spiritual source, another energy appeared and plunged into Su Li’s chest, followed by a message.

“Name: Fire Titan Armguards (right), Quality: Sovereign, Attributes: +2000 Strength, +2000 Defense.”

Sensing the message in his mind, he killed this ninth-level Titan giant insect, and once again harvested a piece of monarch equipment. The right armguard just happened to be used. Zuli immediately began to strip off the rare quality crystal guard he had. arm.

As he had guessed, with the death of the giant worm, swarms of giant worms began to retreat like a tide in all directions.

The king Celestial Immortals was stunned for a moment, and then continued to rush to hunt down the fleeing giant worm.

Su Li was not idle either, and rushed to chase after him.

After chasing one kilometer away, the number of spiritual sources he possessed once again became 200. These giant insects that had receded like a tide escaped cleanly, and then Zuri stopped.

The crystal armguards were stripped off, and Zuri outfitted the Titan Armguards he had just obtained.

As the Titan Armguards are equipped, Zuri now has a full eleven pieces of monarch-quality equipment, and his power has once again obtained Ascension, the power in the strongest state, from just nine hundred and one hundred thousand in one fell swoop The breakthrough reached nine hundred twenty thousand.

Seeing the giant insects all around retreat, Su Li withdrew from the Heavenly Demon physical state and put away the Red Moon Dragon Slash. Only then did he feel tired.

It’s not just physical, it’s more spiritual.

Although being promoted to the 9th level Sacred Knight made him excited, but now it is letting go, the feeling of exhaustion is invading from all directions, now I just want to find a loose and soft big bed, and fall down for a good night’s sleep.

Those who are still alive, looking at the giant insects retreating like a tide, can say that everyone is full of blood, looking embarrassed, and there is a terrible feeling like a restless life in their hearts.

The eyes of Wang Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai looking at Su Li were even more weird.

If at first they looked down on Zu Li, and later rejected Zu Li, then now they are more shocked and jealous.

The power of Su Li’s killing of the Titan Giant Worm really gave them a great visual impact, and their mood was very uneasy.

Everyone gathered again one after another, and they all returned to the floating island. The hundreds of people from Shoude City no longer had the initial sense of superiority in their hearts.

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