Chapter 529 Miracles

Su Li’s heart shuddered, and immediately opened the peep rune to observe, and found that the flawless “peep rune” could not see their information, so she quietly activated the overrunner and opened the third eye in his forehead. .

Of course, he covered the open eye of his forehead with his right hand, so as not to attract too much attention.

In the third eye, he immediately saw the cute and furry white alien like a giant snowball. The name was “Xueshang Beast”, and it was a rare beast at level twentieth.

But even if he opened the third eye, he still couldn’t peep into any information of the coming person, only reminding him that the peeping ability of the third eye was blocked.

With the third eye of his own, even Namo Liudao and the beautiful woman can peep, but they cannot see the information of the person. It seems that the ability of the other party to block information is very powerful, even if it is the third eye. through.

Everyone on the shore showed a vigilant look. Although they didn’t know who the other party was, they all felt it. The strength of the other party, the powerful aura naturally exuded by the super power, is instinctively awe-inspiring.

“Don’t be nervous, it’s your guide. The guy Mo Liudao asked me to come. It is said that there are tens of thousands of people here and they will be transported to Shoude City. Considering that you have difficulties going there, let me help you.”

This person turned over his right hand while talking, and a blank sheet of paper appeared in his right hand. He flipped over with both hands, and in the blink of an eye he folded the blank paper into a small paper boat, and then he moved towards the paper boat. After blowing a breath, he threw it into the water on one side.

An incredible scene appeared.

This small paper boat fell into the water, swelled violently, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge white ship. The ship was built without knowing what material it was made of. An aircraft carrier can completely squeeze tens of thousands of people.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them and saw their mouths stunned, and it felt like they were looking at the myth. The small paper boat folded on the spot turned into a huge ship that can accommodate tens of thousands of people. The miracle in the legend is no more than this. .

Seeing the stunned look of everyone’s big mouth, this person seemed to feel very satisfied, and smiled and said: “Don’t be stunned there, hurry up on the boat, I will send you to Shoude City.”

After witnessing this man’s miracle, he also said that he was entrusted by Mo Liudao to help the people. Where did everyone dare to hesitate, they rushed to board the boat.

Su Li silently looked at this mysterious person. The paper ship just now reminded him of a strong man of the Forgotten Human race that he killed before. He possessed the treasure of the ancient temple of Sumeru. This treasure can also be big and small. Turned into a huge ancient temple, it can also carry a lot of people and cross the flood. From the perspective of ability, it is somewhat similar to the paper boat turned into a huge ship.

Seeing everyone boarding the giant wheel, this man rode the furry snow beast, looked at the crowd, and quickly noticed Su Li, the king Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai and Shi Dalong in the crowd.

Pay attention to the three of Celestial Immortals, because in his observation, all three of them are evaluated by the same level of “superior” combat power.

And I noticed Su Li because his information was blocked, and he couldn’t even look at it, which aroused his curiosity.

“The four people that Mo Liudao focused on cultivation are the four of you, right? Report your own name and tell me about it.”

The king Celestial Immortals, who had always been arrogant and cold, completely changed his appearance at this moment, and immediately took away the spirit source equipment of his whole body, revealing that wonderfully strong carcass and a beautiful face.As Shi Dalong said, she is indeed very beautiful, and it is not exaggerating to say that Meiruo Celestial Immortals.

Purely speaking, she is not inferior to Gong Xiao and Jiang Shuijue, and compared to the two girls, she has a faint seductiveness that radiates from her bones. If she did not see her true face, it would be hard to imagine that she would be that kind of tall. Cold people.

But at this moment, she didn’t have the slightest way of doing it before. She took the initiative to step forward, leaning slightly, looking very respectful, and her voice was very sweet, with a faintly sweet smell, and reported her own name.

Although she is arrogant and cold, she is divided. The amazing method of this person just now can be called a miracle. Even the Eagle Lord is in his mouth, but he is called the guy Mo Liudao. From this point of view, This person’s status will definitely not be below Mo Liudao, or even higher. For such a big man, how can Wang Celestial Immortals dare to stand in front of him?

Seeing her face turning so fast, Shi Dalong secretly dismissed himself, but he also did not dare to be disrespectful of such an existence in front of him, and respectfully reported his own name.

Lin Xinghai respectfully said: “Return to your lord, my name is Lin Xinghai.”

Su Li also reported own name: “My name is Su Li.”

Among the four, this person’s vision is more focused on Zu Li, because he can’t see the information on Zu Li, which makes him a little bit tickled. Although the king Celestial Immortals is indeed beautiful, he is beautiful for their existence. There are too many women in, and they are already a little immune. The beauty of the king Celestial Immortals doesn’t make him take a second look.

“Your name is Su Li, isn’t it? It’s interesting. You must work hard and perform well in the next five days. They are all good seedlings and worthy of cultivation.”

With a look of satisfaction in the voice of this person, he said, “My name is Tan Hongri. You can call me Mr. Tan. We will see you again if you have a chance.”

Seeing Tan Hongri, Wang Celestial Immortals seemed to admire Su Li. He was puzzled and a little envious. He didn’t understand what Su Li had done. Why could he let Tan Hongri pay attention to him at a glance. His own beauty made him indifferent. .

Tens of thousands of people boarded the giant wheel one after another, and only six or seven hundred people remained at the foot of the mountain. Tan Hongri moved onto the giant wheel and the snow beast jumped on it. Soon, the giant wheel There was a rumbling sound, and under Tan Hongri’s control, he began to slowly move towards the distance.

This huge wheel started very slowly, and gradually, faster and faster.

Many people crowded the side of the boat and waved at the people on the shore.

Xu Haihai, Ding Longyun and others also kept waving, waving goodbye to Zhou Li and Li Xiaoya.

Hundreds of people have been watching this huge wheel leave and disappear into the distance.

Xu Haihai put down his hand, his heart was empty and a little lost.

Ding Longyun sighed, hey.

Now, in the entire Longqiu Mountain, there are only 223 people left from the ancient city, plus 472 people from Shoude City, for a total of 695 people, plus a water beast.

The intestine of the abyss has been approaching within four or five kilometers of Guanyue Peak, and everyone standing on the bank of the foot of the mountain can clearly see the intestine of the abyss that is densely covered on the surface of the water.

“Master Eagle commanded us. There are only five days. During these five days, we must hunt down the Abyssal Zerg as much as possible. Ascension itself, we can’t stay here and wait forever, right? Shall we take the initiative to go there and see? Look?”

Lin Xinghai looked at the intestines of the abyss four or five kilometers away, then looked at the king Celestial Immortals, and put forward his own opinion.

Wang Celestial Immortals felt a little lost because he saw Tan Hongri admiring Zuri. His head, face and whole body reappeared with a full set of spiritual source equipment, covering it completely. Listening to Lin Xinghai’s words, he nodded and said: “Okay!”

Tan Hongri’s absence, she resumed her arrogant and cold manner.

Soon, a group of mounts appeared, and the king Celestial Immortals boarded his own mount. The hundreds of people from Shoude City also took out the raft they used when they came and boarded it.

Ge An looked at this group of people in Shoude City and they were totally out of group. It seemed that it was very difficult for the two sides to work together. They could only fight separately, secretly shook his head, and then looked at Su Li.

Su Li smiled faintly: “Let’s set off too, there are only five days, so we can’t waste it.”

While talking, he headed towards the floating island.

More than 200 people in the ancient city immediately followed him to the floating island.

At this moment, some people led by King Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai all mounted their own mounts, and the other four hundred people all got on the raft and started to head towards the intestine of the abyss four or five kilometers away.

They acted on their own, and did not invite Zu Li and others to go with them. Obviously, for the two hundred people in Gucheng and Zuli, their repelling behavior was obvious.

Shi Dalong hesitated slightly, and then stayed with his own group of people, followed Su Li, and said with a smile: “Brother Su, I’ll be with you.”

He didn’t know what the floating island was at the moment, but seeing a group of people from Zuri coming towards here, guessing that they must have a reason.

He followed Zuli to the floating island. Shi Dalong was surprised when he saw the floating island move, and then he laughed and said, “That’s it, with this mobile fortress, it’s much more convenient.”

Su Li controlled the floating island, much faster than the hundreds of people like King Celestial Immortals rowing a raft, and soon overtook them, and then surpassed them.

The water surface fluctuations that were lifted by the floating island made the rafts that many people were riding on shook violently, and they were almost thrown into the water.

Shi Dalong stood on the steel city wall in front of the floating island, seeing all this in his eyes, and couldn’t help laughing.

The dozens of people who followed him laughed, and they all felt exuberant.

I had been suppressed by the people of Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai before, but now seeing their embarrassed appearance makes my heart happy.

Wang Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai also looked astonished. They never expected that these people in the ancient city would have such a mobile fortress. Compared with the power of this mobile fortress, some of them headed by riding mounts, but hundreds of people. He was still paddling the raft, and at this moment, he was even more embarrassed. Someone was almost thrown off the raft. Then, listening to the big dragon laugh, the faces of Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai became a little ugly.The people on the floating island have long been unable to understand the arrogance of the king Celestial Immortals and others. At this moment, seeing these people being left behind, they all feel more comfortable.

Suddenly, the king Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai and others increased their speed. The dozens of them headed by them all had mounts, and they immediately caught up. In terms of speed, these mounts were much faster than the floating island, and they surpassed the floating island again. Island, heading towards the far intestine of the abyss.

However, the hundreds of people who paddled the raft were left far behind by the floating island.

Obviously, in order to surpass the people on the floating island, Wang Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai and a dozen others threw off their own subordinates and chased them in front of the floating island.

Shi Dalong saw it in his eyes, laughed, and shook his head as he said, “They are a little bit eager to win, and they don’t even want Own’s subordinates, but only a few kilometers. Does this have to be a match for us?”

There was a slight smile on Su Li’s face, noncommittal.

Fu Long said heyly: “What’s the meaning of now than these, in five days, who can Ascension the fastest, who can survive, is the truth.”

As soon as this sentence was said, everyone around him felt a little cold, and even Shi Dalong, who had always been smiling, showed a solemn look, thinking of Lord Eagle’s instructions.

They are here not to be competitive, but to seize the opportunity and ascension themselves as much as possible.

In these five days, whoever performed the most prominently and who was the best must be able to obtain the best cultivation of Lord Eagle, and even the tilt of the base resources, which is the most important.

Thinking of this, Shi Dalong also lost his leisure time compared with these people, and he focused on how to ascension own strength as much as possible.

Su Li watched the king Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai and more than a dozen people riding their mounts, approaching at full speed toward the intestine of the abyss that completely covered the water. At their speed, they quickly reached the intestine of the abyss.

These more than a dozen people are the true core members of Shoude City. Except for Wang Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai who have reached advanced level 7, the other dozen people have reached advanced level 6. All of them have reached the “medium” level in power evaluation. It can be said that they are all strong men who have the hope to go further and attack the “superior” combat power.

These people arrived in the intestines of the abyss and immediately jumped up, showing their spirit source equipment one after another, and took out their weapons.

There was no giant insect in the intestine of the abyss now, and the dozen of them did not wait for others to arrive.

The dozen or so mounts quickly backed away, leaving this area, they could feel the danger, and they couldn’t stay here for long.

King Celestial Immortals and a dozen others advanced about 20 to 30 meters toward the intestine of the abyss. Immediately, there was a rustling sound in front of them, and giant insects began to appear in the gap of the intestine of the abyss.

At this moment, the floating island was approaching within two kilometers, and Zuri saw from a distance that these giant worms appeared were seventh-level elite beasts, evil crystal giant worms.

Swarms of evil crystal giant worms appeared on the intestines of the abyss, their backs were shining, emitting two rows of evil crystals on their backs, covering the sky and shooting towards a dozen people headed by the king Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai.

Many people are standing on the steel city wall of the floating island, looking at the dozens of people in the distance. Everyone knows that this evil crystal giant is not weak, and can at least fight the advanced 5th-level leader-level powerhouse. The general advanced level 4 is not their opponent at all, so this time, most people in the ancient city have left, because the mainstream level in the ancient city is advanced level 4, and even these evil crystal giant insects are invincible. , Not to mention the more powerful giant insects.

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