Chapter 528

The people from Shoude City are the orthodox subordinates of Lord Eagle, who belong to the big place. From the bones, there are some people who look down on the ancient city. In this subtle heart, they are like a group of people born in a big city. When I came to a small city, there was an inexplicable sense of superiority in my bones.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Su Li invited everyone to dinner. The ancient city had already prepared plenty of food, which could be considered as a cleansing for them.

The king Celestial Immortals didn’t speak directly, Lin Xinghai smiled and shook his head and declined. The hundreds of people from Shoude City also took out food with them and ate them. They all brought their own food and refused the invitation of Su Li with action.

Only Shi Dalong laughed, and took 20 or 30 people to follow Su Li after being invited. Obviously, these 20 or 30 people were his confidants, but from the more than 400 people, these 20 or 30 people seemed too much. not enough.

It seems that among the so-called Three Heavenly Kings, Shi Dalong’s power is the weakest.

Su Li suddenly felt sympathy for him. No wonder Shi Dalong was looking forward to his incorporation into Shoude City. He wanted to change the situation. It seemed that his life in Shoude City was not so smooth.

Regarding the arrogance of the king Celestial Immortals and the indifference of Lin Xinghai, Fu Long, Ge An and others were very uncomfortable looking at them. Ding Longyun moved his lips several times and almost talked, but Su Li’s eyes stopped him.

Now both parties are under Mo Liudao’s order to stay here for five days. The two parties are considered to be a cooperative relationship. He doesn’t want to have a sudden conflict with these lives and cause more troubles.

His main energy now is all on how to hunt down giant insects. He wants to be at the Ascension level earlier. He has no interest in fighting with these people, let alone their attitudes.

With the gradual Ascension of strength and vision, he has slowly felt how ridiculously naive these people are fighting each other.

He was a bit disdain from the bottom of his bones.

Night fell gradually. This time, Ge An did not organize the five brigades. These people will leave early tomorrow morning. From now on, the task of guarding this ancient city has fallen to more than two hundred of them plus Shoude City. On the shoulders of more than 400 people who came.

On the edge of the crack on the city wall and outside the city, people from Shoude City were everywhere. They looked a little anxious and full of expectations, hoping to wait for the monster to appear.

Su Li, Shi Dalong and others had dinner and rested for a while. Seeing that it was almost seven o’clock, everyone came to the wall one after another.

The lighthouse in the center of the square released a soft light. Tens of thousands of people in the ancient city stayed in their respective rooms honestly, watching the situation outside from a distance.

Tonight’s monster siege and defensive tasks will be solely in charge of these people in Zurich and Shoude.

The Shui Lin Beast appeared, jumped up and steadily jumped onto the city wall, and came to Su Li’s side.

The appearance of the Shui Lin Beast attracted the attention of King Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai, and many people showed surprise in their eyes.Looking at this strange beast covered in blue scales, I can see that it resembles the legendary Qilin, and it is inevitable to be surprised.

Even the king Celestial Immortals, who has always been more arrogant and cold, couldn’t help but look at the water monster a few more times, and then looked at Su Li again.

She saw that the Shui Lin beast followed Su Li after it appeared, and it seemed that Su Li was its owner.

The current Shui Lin Beast stood beside Su Li, no longer much shorter than him, with a golden unicorn on its first, green scales, and four hoofs surrounded by clouds and mist, making it look majestic and majestic.

Shi Dalong smiled and said: “Last time I said that if Brother Su merges into our Shoude City, then our Three Heavenly Kings of Shoude will become the Four Heavenly Kings. Our head of the Four Heavenly Kings is none other than Brother Su.”

Shi Dalong’s words spread far and wide. It was heard in the ears of Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai, and they suddenly frowned. The more than 400 people who followed them all showed a surprised look, never expected. Shi Dalong admired Su Li so much.

We must know that although Shi Dalong was squeezed out in Shoude City, there are not many people sincerely following him, but after all, he is one of the three strongest people. In Shoude City, no one dares except Wang Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai. Saying that he can beat Shi Dalong, and now that Su Li can be so respected by him, naturally aroused the surprise of others.

Su Li secretly smiled, knowing that Shi Dalong was crushed by the king Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai, so he deliberately said this in front of them. In this way, in the hearts of the king Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai, I was afraid that they would immediately See yourself as a competitor.

Secretly shook his head, Su Li was not interested in these struggles, with a smile on his face, and said: “What Brother Shi said, I am not necessarily your opponent. The head of the four heavenly kings, and only Brother Shi you are the name. To the truth.”

When Su Li said this, King Celestial Immortals looked at Shi Dalong with a slight sneer, but Lin Xinghai smiled and said: “Yes, with the strength of Brother Dalong, it is indeed the highest among everyone.”

Although it sounds like a compliment to Shi Dalong, it’s just the tone of the words, which can be heard by the individual. This is ironic, and the irony is very strong.

Shi Dalong’s face blushed, and his expression was slightly embarrassed.

“Brother Lin is laughing at me. Who doesn’t know that my strength is the lowest among us? You said, will this abyss giant worm come tonight? I think it’s past seven o’clock, why is there no movement at all. ”

Shi Dalong knew that he wouldn’t be pleased anymore, so he immediately changed the subject.

Su Li looked at the subtle situation of fighting between the three people, feeling a little boring, looked towards the water in the distance, and said: “It is possible that there will be no monsters tonight.”

Ge An said: “Yes, this intestine of the abyss is getting closer and closer. These giant insects have not appeared, and the possibility of other monsters appearing is very small. I guess there should be no monsters coming tonight.”

“Boring!” The king Celestial Immortals finally said a word, her voice is very nice, after saying this, she turned and walked down the city wall.

As soon as she left, a large number of people immediately followed her and left, and these people accounted for at least half of the more than 400 people.

The elite of Shoude City who came this trip, together with Wang Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai and Shi Dalong, totaled 472 people.

When Su Li saw at least two hundred and fifty people leaving with King Celestial Immortals, he knew that in this city of Shoude, King Celestial Immortals should have the upper hand.

King Celestial Immortals took the people belonging to own down the city wall, and then went to the building arranged by Ge An and the others, while Su Li, Shi Dalong, Lin Xinghai and others remained on the city wall to continue watching.

Su Li felt that the situation in Shoude City was a bit complicated, and if the forces of the ancient city merged into it, it would become more complicated in the future.

Where there are people, there are struggles. It seems that this sentence is really a well-known saying.

“There are tens of thousands of people in the ancient city, and only 236 people are willing to stay. This Shoude City can come to more than 470 people at one time. It seems that the scale of Shoude City is not small. I am afraid the total number of people. There must be tens of thousands of people.”

While thinking about it, Su Li watched on the wall. Seeing that the time was approaching eight o’clock, there was still no movement, and he understood that there should be no monsters to attack the city tonight, and then began to rest.

After Su Li left, more than 200 people belonging to the ancient city, such as Fulong, Ge An, Jing Mingxuan, and Ding’s siblings, also began to disperse one after another.

Shi Dalong also left afterwards.

Lin Xinghai persisted until more than eight o’clock, then shook his head slightly, revealing a look of disappointment, and finally left with someone.

All the forces left, the original lively city wall suddenly became deserted, only some people who patrolled the guards at night from the ancient city continued to stay on the wall.

No monsters appeared this night, but most people couldn’t sleep. Thinking of leaving the ancient city tomorrow for a completely stranger Shoude City, many people felt a little uneasy.

Ge An, Fulong and others also ordered these people who were about to leave, and then appointed some temporary leaders to ensure that the team could not disperse. After only five days, they would also go to Shoude City to meet everyone.

Of course, there are more people who are reluctant to say goodbye to each other.

Such as Xu Haihai and Zhou Li.

Xu Haihai chose to stay, but asked Zhou Li to follow the army to Shoude City.

Although the two have been fighting side by side these days, Xu Haihai also helped Zhou Li Ascension as much as possible, but Zhou Li’s own combat awareness and talents are average, and he is not particularly willing to kill monsters. Now he has barely reached the goal. Level 3 level.

Instead of guarding the ancient city on weekdays, those siege monsters weren’t too powerful. With her strength mixed in the team, and Xu Haihai took care of it, there was no big problem.

But it was different from the slaying of the Abyssal Zerg. Even Xu Haihai had a lingering fear during the daytime encounter. He knew that he would not be able to take care of her for the next five days. Letting her stay was almost equal to death, so Zhou Li had to leave.

Zhou Li also understood that she didn’t force her to stay, and understood that if she stayed, not only would he not be able to help Xu Haihai, but he might be distracted.

I just thought that I would be separated tomorrow, and Xu Haihai was guarding the ancient city for five days. It was dangerous and unpredictable. It might even be the last night they got together. Uneasy emotions rushed to my heart. Zhou Li hugged Xu Haihai and felt sad. For a long time, I felt very reluctant to give up.Not only the pair of Xu Haihai and Zhou Li, but also many similar situations, such as Ding Longyun and Li Xiaoya.

Li Xiaoya was originally Wang Xu’s girlfriend. After Wang Xu’s death, Li Xiaoya was entangled and Ding Longyun reported the injustice. Now Li Xiaoya lives next door to Ding Longyun. After coming and going, the two of them went on privately.

Su Li still admires Ding Longyun’s ability to pick up girls and fool around. This Li Xiaoya is a dozen years younger than Ding Longyun, and he was taken down by him.

However, although Li Xiaoya and Ding Longyun are better, they are not told to make it public for the time being. The two of them are still working underground. Ding Longyun only quietly talked to Su Li. Otherwise, based on his character, he would like to have a banquet so that everyone knows. .

Li Xiaoya’s strength is weaker than Zhou Li, so naturally she can’t stay. Ding Longyun and her are just getting close, and they will be separated for five days. Ding Longyun feels very sad.

This night, I don’t know how many people have insomnia, and there are also many pairs of young couples fighting all night, lingering to death, many people have a feeling in their hearts, tomorrow, this difference, maybe there will be no chance to meet again in this life.

Early the next morning, tens of thousands of people in the ancient city gathered in the square with the packages they packed up last night.

What surprised Zuri was that 236 people agreed to stay yesterday. Today, there are about a dozen people missing and 223 people.

He understood that there were a dozen people who changed their minds last night, especially some of them were lovers. Although the man wanted to be stronger, he thought twice and finally gave up this opportunity and chose to follow the own woman. Leave.

Su Li respected the decisions of these people and blessed them silently in his heart.

Beside him, Jiang Shuijue stood on the left and Gong Xiao on the right. Like him, they all chose to stay and fight together.

At this point, he didn’t need to experience the pain of separation, which made Su Li feel fortunate and realized that he had done his best to help their Ascension strength before, and he did the right thing. Otherwise, if their strength is weak, it will be the same today. Want to leave.

In just one night, the intestine of the abyss has approached within five kilometers of Longqiu Mountain. At this speed, the intestine of the abyss can surround the entire Longqiu Mountain before it gets dark today.

Tens of thousands of people left the ancient city one after another and went down along the cracks. Xu Haihai and Zhou Li hugged each other tightly. They couldn’t tell apart, and they drove her to the foot of the mountain.

Ding Longyun also silently sent Li Xiaoya away, with extreme reluctance in his heart, but he couldn’t keep her behind. Of course, he couldn’t do it if he let him leave with Li Xiaoya.

A large number of rafts have been removed from the steel city wall of the floating island. These days, all kinds of rafts have been collected within this city wall and have not been discarded. Now they are used.

But there were too many people, and all the rafts were used, and it was still not enough. Zuri also went down the mountain and frowned. Seeing that at least half of the people did not have a raft, do you want to let yourself control the floating island and take them there? Shoude City, only at the speed of this floating island, once and again, I am afraid that this day will also be over.

Compared with other people, I was lagging behind by one day. After all, this time the chance was only five days. I wasted one day. This may represent a loss of thousands or even tens of thousands of spiritual sources. Compared to Wang Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai and Shi Dalong, he still maintains a first-level lead. To waste this day, it is conceivable that this advantage will definitely not exist, and it may even be overtaken by them.

At this time, it’s too late to temporarily cut logs and build wooden rafts. When Su Li was in a dilemma, he suddenly noticed that a figure appeared in the distance. This person was covered with spiritual equipment, and the surface of the armor was faintly flowing with brilliant light, which looked very gorgeous. He was riding a white alien beast approaching at an astonishing speed, and a long white wave was set off on the surface of the water behind him, which showed how amazing the speed of this white alien beast was.

When everyone noticed, this person was riding a white alien and had already arrived in front of them for no more than a minute.

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