Chapter 527 Three Heavenly Kings (first one)

“This place is getting more and more dangerous. The Intestines of the Abyss will soon besiege this place. It is too dangerous to stay here. Those who can evacuate are ready tonight. Tomorrow morning, all evacuate here and head to Shoude City. ”

“Those who are willing to stay must be prepared to stay here for five days. In these five days, we may face endless attacks of giant insects. We may become stronger. Of course, we may also lose our lives. Die here.”

Thousands of people gathered in the square, and Su Li directly said what Mo Liudao meant. It is all based on voluntary principles. Those who are willing to leave will prepare everything tonight. Tomorrow morning, move out of the ancient city and go to In the safer city of Shoude, people have been arranged to respond to them, and there are more people to protect them secretly, so there will be no danger on the way.

On the contrary, if you want to stay, you must be prepared to die here. Of course, if you stay here for five days and survive to the end, your strength will inevitably gain a qualitative leap.

Su Li’s words spread all over the square from afar, and thousands of people heard them with different expressions on their faces.

For those who have been in charge of logistics, there is nothing to entangle. Naturally, they relocate and leave here. The only regret in my heart is that I have finally gotten used to staying here, and now I am moving away again, which is inevitable.

As for the fighters of the five brigade, then they were faced with a choice.

Moving out of here is naturally much safer, but it will also miss a potentially powerful opportunity. Of course, if you want to be powerful, you may die here.

During the day to fight with those giant worms, everyone has a deeper understanding of the strength of these giant worms. At that time, they collapsed across the board, not to mention the next five days to stay here, and they will face an endless stream of giant worms. , This is simply The Underworld mode.

Su Li gave everyone five minutes to consider, and then asked those who chose to stay to come out and stand together. As his voice spread far away, many of the Tiger Guards who originally belonged to the Tigers immediately walked out.

Then Ge An took Xia Zhihan, Wang Zuolin, Lou Shuwan and other core members, Fulong also took his own group of people, Jing Mingxuan, Song Muyuan, Ding’s sister and brother, Zhang Haohao and others all walked out first.

Su Li saw that all those who came out were people he knew very well, and he had expected these people to stay as early as he expected. It has not yet reached the “medium” level, but it is also the top powerhouse among the leader-level powerhouses. It is one step away from the “medium” level, which is enough to fight those giant insects.

Secondly, they all have the heart of being strong. After being unwilling, they will naturally not miss this opportunity now that they have such an opportunity.

These core members together, there are about sixty or seventy people. After they came out, fewer and fewer people came out. Only a few people came out one after another, and many people showed hesitation and entanglement on their faces. , It seems difficult to choose for a while.

In the end, there were two hundred and thirty-six people who were willing to stay, including Su Li.

This number was a little beyond his expectation. Originally, Zuli thought that only a hundred people would choose to stay. After all, the five soldiers in the five brigade encountered during the day were personally experienced, and naturally understood that they would stay in the ancient city for five days. How dangerous it will be, without enough strength, staying here is simply looking for death.

But Su Li still saw the two hundred and thirty-six people who chose to stay, and some of them were advanced level 4.It seems that although their strength and level are not outstanding, they still have an unyielding heart and want to become stronger.

Undoubtedly, Li Xinyu, Zou Yingying and Sun Guowei were the ones who surprised Su Li the most.

Their current level has only reached the advanced level 3. With their current strength, staying here is simply looking for a dead end, but they still choose to stay, which makes him frown slightly, and he is already thinking about whether it is right or not. I wanted to persuade them to leave, but gave up after thinking about it.

After all, this is their own choice.

For them who were once leaders, they would rather die in battle than be reconciled to the crowd. For them, this is an excellent opportunity to give it a try, and there is a great chance to get ahead.

Except for these two hundred and thirty-six people, all the rest chose to move out of the ancient city tomorrow and head to Shoude City.

Although many people were reluctant to give up, after experiencing the daytime battle today, everyone understood that with their own strength to stay, there is only one dead end. The wisest choice in front of them is to leave temporarily.

Ge An looked at these people in front of him, and between his expressions, there was something indescribable.

After so many days of hard work, the ancient city has finally gathered tens of thousands of people and formed a five-thousand-man brigade, which has a lot of effort and blood and sweat of his own, but I don’t want to disappear overnight, and no longer exist. These people leave. The ancient city, relocated to Shoude City, I don’t know what the situation is over there.

And more than two hundred of them stayed. After these five days, who else is still alive?

Ge An looked sad when he thought of this.

Confirming that no one will come out again, Su Li said solemnly: “Okay, now you go back immediately, be prepared, pack the things you want to take, and go to Shoude City tomorrow morning.”

Under his order, the people on the square began to disperse, each to prepare what they needed to take away tomorrow. In addition, he arranged for several people to go to the city wall to inspect the guards and observe the surrounding situation at all times.

Soon there were only 236 of them who were going to stay in the square.

Su Li looked at the people in front of him. Many of them were familiar to him. They were among the most elite group of people in the ancient city. Everyone wanted to become stronger, and even tried their best.

Ge An looked at Su Li and said, “From the daytime conditions today, these giant insects are second to none. The main reason is that they are almost endless. Since we have chosen to stay, I think we need to discuss the battle. You can’t act recklessly.”

Ding Hui said: “Yes, I think we can form several groups, we can take turns at that time, and we can also form a triangle formation. The tired people will immediately return to the formation to rest. This way, as long as there is no big deal By accident, even if we are caught in a sea of ​​worms, we can keep going.”

Zhang Haohao said with some excitement: “Based on today’s situation, the number of these giant insects is indeed amazing, and the level is high enough. If we manage well these five days, there is hope for raising three fourth-level. ”

After that, everyone began to discuss with each other, how to assign teams, and how to cooperate between the teams. While they were discussing, the few people who stayed on the wall to patrol the guards suddenly heard news that a group of people were approaching here on the water in the distance.

“Oh?” After receiving the news, Su Li and others immediately went to the city wall, condescending, and looking from a distance, they found that a team appeared on the water in the distance. Many of them were riding various water mounts. A huge wooden boat, crowded with people, with a total of about four or five hundred people, is approaching.

“Is it the Forgotten Terran again? These guys are not dead.” Fu Long frowned.

Su Li thought of Mo Liudao before leaving. He once said that people from Shoude City will come here today. Is it possible that these people are from Shoude City?

Ge An said: “They are still far away, and they will know when they get closer.”

Everyone gathered on the city wall and watched the changes. As the group of people in the distance slowly approached, Su Li’s sharp eyes finally saw a familiar figure in it.

It was a man riding a shark. It was Shi Dalong, whom he had met before. He claimed to be one of the three heavenly kings of Shoude City.

Recognizing Shi Dalong, the identity of this group of people is ready to be revealed.

“These people are from Shoude City, they are friends and not enemies.” Su Li knew that these people came here because they should have obeyed Mo Liudao’s orders. Out of the friendship of the landlord, he led everyone down to the ancient city and greeted the foot of the mountain. .

Soon, these four to five hundred people appeared.

Shi Dalong saw Su Li at a glance, haha ​​laughed: “Brother Su, we meet again.”

Brother Su smiled and greeted him while quietly observing the information of these people. He could see that some of the other people had similar abilities and were observing them, but he had the ability to block information. Even if he has the ability to peep, he can’t see his message data.

Su Li looked at it and immediately found that Shi Dalong had been promoted to a level 7 berserker.

When he met Shi Dalong that day, both of them were advanced level 5. Now he is promoted to level 8. Shi Dalong is not idle, and has broken through to level 7. Although he is less first-level than himself, he is better than Fulong. He and Ge An and others are both high first-level.

You must know that you can break through to level 8, not only because you hunted a large number of giant insects during the day, but also because of the adventures in the inner city, but it is only first-level higher than Shi Dalong. It is conceivable that this Shi Dalong must be desperate these days. Ascension level, there is even some kind of adventure, otherwise it is not easy to promote to level 7.

Among these people, in addition to Shi Dalong, he also saw two advanced 7-level powerhouses, one man and one woman, all of whom were superior in combat power evaluation. He immediately understood that these two people should be Shi Dalong. The other two of the three heavenly kings, Lin Xinghai and Wang Celestial Immortals.

That king Celestial Immortals was indeed just as Shi Dalong said, a little arrogant, his whole body was covered in the spirit source equipment, even his head and face were covered.

Under normal circumstances, when everyone meets, they will converge their spiritual source equipment and at least show their heads and faces. However, this king Celestial Immortals only shows a pair of eyes, which makes Fulong, Ge An and the others see it. There are some inexplicable discomforts in my heart, and I feel that this woman disrespects them very much.Su Li has a smile on her face. Look at the detailed information of the king Celestial Immortals. She is a 7th-level paladin, with a talent of “Black Hole”, a treasure of “Black Wing”, and a weapon of the monarch-level Mother-Child Phantom Ball. , Superior combat power evaluation.

Looking at the information of Lin Xinghai, the guardian of level 7 has the talent “True Life”, the treasure is the “speed bracelet”, the weapon is the monarch-level three-tooth sickle, and the power evaluation is also the same level. .

It is not easy to get the evaluation of superior combat power. At least it is to master both talents and treasures. Moreover, both talents and treasures are basically top-notch. Coupled with a strong and top-level combat awareness, this is possible. Eligibility to obtain superior combat power evaluation.

It can be said that people who can become superior combat power, truly no weak, have their own special methods, whoever loses to anyone is possible, even if it is now Zurich, he dare not slap his chest with a 100% guarantee. He must be able to defeat the superior powerhouse at the same level.

After all, if one encounters someone who has some special means, the possibility of causing his own gutter to capsize is not non-existent.

Just like that beautiful woman is so much stronger than herself, she was beaten to ashes by herself.

This made him more vigilant, and he should not be negligent in the face of any opponent, otherwise he would be the one who might fail.

Shi Dalong was in a good mood. He jumped to the shore first, and then introduced King Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai to Su Li.

Su Li’s face was smiling, Lin Xinghai was more polite, smiling cupped hands, Wang Celestial Immortals didn’t say a word, just nodded, which was regarded as a response.

Su Li didn’t care too much, but just introduced Ge An and a few people around him.

After that, he accompanied them and began to walk towards the ancient city.

“We came here under the order of Lord Eagle. He said that for the next five days, we will all stay here. The task is to defend this ancient city. I heard that the other party is a Zerg from the abyss. I heard it at the time. I was already very excited by that time.”

Shi Dalong laughed and said: “I have seen a movie before, which is to fight alien monsters. Those monsters are huge insects in an endless stream. At that time, I watched with enthusiasm, but I didn’t expect it to become a reality now. The worms fight together.”

Seeing that there are more than 400 people in Su Li, it can be said that there is no weak person. It seems that these people are carefully selected by them. In the next five days, these more than 400 people will be with more than 200 of them, the total number of people. Nearly 700 people guard this ancient city, accept the test, and survive the fittest. I don’t know how many people will survive in five days.

After five days, those who can survive will inevitably have a leap in level and strength. On the contrary, the losers will never be able to leave alive again.

Inviting these four hundred people into the ancient city, Shi Dalong was already a little excited to ask him about the Abyss Zerg.

Su Li boarded the city wall and pointed towards the distance. In only half a day, the intestine of the abyss was pushed a lot from Longqiu Mountain. According to this speed, before dark tomorrow, the entire water surface around Longqiu Mountain must be covered. Countless intestines of the abyss are covered.

Shi Dalong, Wang Celestial Immortals, and Lin Xinghai were all on the city wall, looking from a distance, looking at the intestine of the abyss, their eyes were a little surprised. It was the first time they saw the intestine of the abyss, it was inevitable that they would be surprised.

These more than 400 powerful people from Shoude City gathered together, and they were clearly separated from the more than 200 people who belonged to the ancient city. They were all looking at each other quietly, and there was even a faint taste of comparison in their hearts, and they all wanted to suppress each other. One end.

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