Chapter 526 Five Days Trial

Su Li was a little nervous, thinking that Mo Liudao had crossed the stone bridge, but saw an empty space, even the ground was dug out of a hole. In common sense, he should have no idea that there is a broken tree there. That’s right, and the giant gate on the huge rock has been ruined and turned into a horrible whirlpool, and it is impossible to gain anything.

Although there are countless possibilities in mind, he is still a little nervous when facing Mo Liudao.

If you really let him know that he had cut down the tree of broken realm, and even the hundreds of broken real fruits have been taken away, I am afraid that the consequences will be a little bad.

Mo Liudao was also looking at Su Li, looking up and down, his eyes flickered slightly, and no one knew what he was thinking.

He watched Zu Li for 30 seconds. Although Zu Li tried his best to be calm and respectful on the surface, there was already a cold sweat on his back.

Finally, Mo Liudao retracted his eyes and said: “Don’t be nervous, I came to you because of the abyss zerg, these zergs are a little troublesome and have threatened here.”

Hearing what Mo Liudao said, Su Li secretly breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had passed his level temporarily. It is not surprising that Mo Liudao knew the Abyss Zerg, and said respectfully: “As long as you make a move, it should be easy. Destroy the Zerg.”

Mo Liudao laughed and said, “Why destroy? It’s still in the controllable range. This Abyss Zerg has expanded all the way from Nanjiang City to here. It has always been in our attention, because it can be used temporarily, so it has always been Without touching them, don’t you think this is your best opponent for Ascension own?”

Su Li’s heart moved. It seemed that Mo Liudao had the same idea as own. It was true. Although these zergs were terrible, they were also used to sharpen Ascension himself and obtain the best goal for spiritual source.

“As for the Abyssal Zerg that appeared in Nanjiang City, it has now expanded to four or five cities, and it has also attracted the attention of all parties. Now these parties regard this Zerg as a place of trial, which can give you a large amount in a short period of time. Lingyuan, no monster lair is more suitable than them.”

“You are very good. I was able to realize this today. I was very satisfied with the performance just now.”

Mo Liudao was observing Su Li. He once read his information and knew that he belonged to the hidden rare class Sacred Knight. He possessed a kind of talent “enhanced favor”, and possessing a kind of talented hidden rare profession, which is also very rare. Talents.

However, he was quite surprised that Zu Li was able to grow up to this point. Looking at Zu Li’s information now, he found that he could no longer peek, and he knew that he should have mastered some kind of ability or treasure that could shield his own information. Liu Dao is not particularly concerned.

Powerful people who have reached their level, many powerful people will use various means to shield their own information. It is not uncommon for Su Li to have such abilities now.After listening to Mo Liudao’s words, Su Li realized that he had already noticed the changes in “Nanjiang City”. The expansion of the Abyssal Zerg has always been his concern, and the reason why he didn’t do anything with this Zerg was actually to stay intentionally. Drop them just to let them take these zergs to Ascension themselves.

And listening to his tone, it seems that several forces are paying attention to this “Abyss Zerg”.

“However, these zergs are expanding very rapidly, and they are somewhat beyond our expectations. By tomorrow, the intestines of the abyss will inevitably expand and reach Longqiu Mountain. The zergs of the abyss will conquer these three peaks endlessly. Wait, otherwise there will be a lot of casualties, and there will not be too many people who can escape alive.”

Mo Liudao’s words made Su Li’s heart a little shaken, but if it was really like what he said, the intestine of the abyss had expanded to surround the entire Longqiu Mountain, and the endless stream of Zerg came towards the Moon-watching Peak. Now in the ancient city It is very difficult to defend the ancient city because of the strength of Su Li and other core members, but it is devastating for most people, and the casualties will be unimaginable.

In today’s battle with the Zerg, although Zerli gained a lot of spiritual sources, he also discovered a terrible reality, that is, these Zergs are not only high in rank, but powerful, and far better than the current mainstream fighters in the ancient city. The most important thing is The number of them seems endless, which is their greatest advantage.

In the previous battle, the dead light green giant worm appeared, thousands of people suffered hundreds of casualties in a short time, and the entire line was defeated, which has already explained the problem. The people in the ancient city could not resist these abyss zergs.

As time goes by, the polarization in the ancient city has become more and more serious. The strong have become stronger and stronger, while the weak have become more and more unable to keep up. In the face of the powerful Zerg, even the mainstream fighters in the five brigade have the strength. Can’t keep up with the evolution of these zergs, and can now keep up with only their core members.

“Early tomorrow morning, everyone will move out of here and head to Shoude City.”

Su Li quietly listened to Mo Liudao’s instructions. Hearing that he said that he had moved to Shoude City, he immediately thought of the Shi Dalong and the Three Heavenly Kings of Shoude. He thought that Shi Dalong had said before that they were all people who had been keyed in cultivation by Mo Liudao. It was asserted that Su Li and the others would merge to Shoude City sooner or later, but he did not think that he would really have guessed it. Today, Mo Liudao appeared. The real purpose is to get them to move out of the ancient city and everyone to Shoude City.

Regarding staying in the ancient city or moving to Shoude City, Zuli didn’t care too much. What he really cared about was how to get promoted faster. These zergs were the best targets for him to hunt. , He was reluctant to leave.

Seeing Su Li hesitating to speak, Mo Liudao seemed to see through his mind and smiled, saying: “Of course, I just said, now these Abyss Zergs are the best objects for your Ascension level and strength at the moment. Going to Shoude City does not affect your hunting and killing of the Zerg. This relocation is mainly for those who have been eliminated. They stay here, they will only die in vain and lose their lives. For those of you who are worthy of cultivation, you can continue to stay. it’s here.”

“At present, it seems that there are some things that can be made here. I have negotiated with the other two. For the time being, we will not do anything with these Zergs. We will leave you some time for Ascension yourself, but this time is not It will be too long, because these zergs are developing more and more rapidly, and amazing changes are taking place every day, especially in Nanjiang City, so we must destroy the zerg before it gets out of control, so we can leave it to you for hunting. Ascension own time, starting from tomorrow, it will not exceed five days. After five days, we will take action and completely destroy the origin of the Zerg.”

“These five days are very important to you. Whoever can stand out and who can be the leader will determine who you can get key cultivation in the future, and the resources of the base will also be tilted. All this may depend on it. Your performance in these five days, do you understand what I mean?”

Mo Liudao kept talking until this point, then stopped and looked at Su Li.

Su Li’s heart was slightly shaken, and he finally understood the meaning of Mo Liudao’s words.

The vast majority of people in the ancient city are already somewhat unable to keep up with the evolution of the monsters. They will be relocated to Shoude City. Compared with the danger that the ancient city will face the Abyss Zerg, Shoude City should be relatively safe. .

Those who hope to be cultivated can continue to stay here. They can continue to stay in the ancient city for five days, ascension themselves as much as possible.

Five days later, Mo Liudao will take action to destroy the source of these Abyssal Zerg in Nanjiang City, because the Zerg is changing every day, and Mo Liudao must destroy it before he can’t control it.

According to their estimates, five days is the limit, and by the sixth day, it must be destroyed, otherwise the consequences will be very troublesome.

“I understand.” Su Li took a deep breath, and strong fighting spirit surged in his heart.

Mo Liudao was right. For the vast majority of people in the ancient city, they were either in charge of logistics and had little combat power. Even if they were fighters from the five brigades, the mainstream is now Advanced Level 4.

In the face of the seventh-level or even eighth-level giant worms, it is almost impossible to have any power to parry. They will only sacrifice in vain if they stay. It is better to let them move out of here first.

However, this also means that the gap between these people and them will become larger and larger in the future. The monsters that appear in this world are getting stronger and stronger, and these people may be eliminated sooner or later.

Thinking of the consequences they might be facing, Su Li felt a little heavy, and continued: “It’s just that, will the gap between those who leave and the monsters grow bigger and bigger? I am afraid it will be difficult to survive in this world.”

Mo Liudao laughed and said, “What do you think? Do you think all monsters are these abyss zergs? These monsters from the abyss are a bit special, and their evolution is indeed a bit too fast, so we can only reach the limit. Give them five days, and then they will be completely destroyed. The actual world is far wider and more complex than you think. There are powerful monsters and many weak monsters. It can only be said that these zergs are not suitable for them, but there are still Other monsters are suitable for them to go to Ascension themselves, let them move away to protect them, not to let them wait to die.”

“Where there are people, there must be competition, there will be strengths and weaknesses, and this is still a constant elimination process, the waves are scouring the sand, and only the final winner is the real gold.”

He paused slightly, and continued: “You can live to this day and gather here. It can be said that you have overcome many people, and among you, there will still be a survival of the fittest, and a group of people will come to the fore and eventually become The strong, more people will be eliminated, and they can only be reduced to ordinary people. After all, resources are limited. We can only focus on cultivating some promising people.”

“The fundamental for us humans to survive in such a bad world is those truly strong…”

When Mo Liudao said this, his tone and expression were slightly groaning. He raised his head, narrowed his eyes, looked into the distance, his lips moved slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but shook his head again, as if he felt he was facing Su Li now. It is too early to say these words, and it is meaningless.

After all, the current Su Li seemed to him to be too weak and small, like the slightly stronger one among a group of ants, but after all, it was just an ant.”I have notified Shoude City that some people will come over tonight. You also hurry up. Make sure the people who will stay tonight, and prepare everything. Tomorrow morning, you must send those who leave. Go, you can rest assured for these people that someone will protect them in secret. There will be no accidents. Shoude City is also ready to respond.”

“The point is that those of you who have stayed, remember, there are only five days, work hard, you are all good seedlings who have the hope of entering the base.”

When Mo Liudao said this, he suddenly let out a low whistle, followed by an eagle roar in response to him, only to see the fire feather condor reappearing.

The Fire Feather Condor was hit hard by the beautiful woman before, but now it has clearly recovered completely. It appeared from a distance and soon reached the sky above Mo Liudao’s head.

Mo Liudao stood up and landed steadily on the back of the Fire Feather Eagle. The Fire Feather Eagle carried him and went away instantly.

Su Li looked up, looking with some envy at the leaving one person, one eagle, and a mount that could fly. It was really cool.

Around the ancient city square, many people were paying attention to this side, watching Mo Liudao talking with Su Li, but everyone did not dare to approach, let alone talk nonsense.

For everyone, the existence of Mo Liudao is aloof. Although it is not a god, it is almost not much different from a god. He controls the life and death of everyone, offends or offends him, and can easily be wiped out by his strength. Everyone here.

Although Su Li is very strong in everyone’s hearts, after all, his strength and everyone are still at the same latitude. As for the strength of guides such as Mo Liudao or the beautiful woman, it belongs to the category of another latitude.

Until they watched Mo Liudao leave, Ge An, Ding’s sister and brother, Zhang Haohao and other talents were busy and relieved, and gathered around the city wall, all wanting to know what Mo Liudao and Su Li said.

Su Li jumped down from the city wall and saw Ge An surrounded by a large group of people. Knowing what they wanted to ask, Su Li said: “Please go down and let everyone gather in the square, not just from the fifth team, but also Including those who are currently responsible for logistics work, I have something to announce.”

Seeing that Su Li was so solemn, everyone immediately understood that something major must have happened. It seemed that when Mo Liudao came to Su Li, there must be a very important thing.

Su Li’s order was passed down, and the five brigades and all the logistics personnel put down their work and began to gather in the square.

Ge An anxiously said, “What the hell is it?”

Seeing that everyone looked curious, Su Li didn’t hide it, so he gave a brief overview of what Mo Liudao meant.

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