Chapter 525

They rushed towards Zuli, and several tens of meters apart, they suddenly opened their mouths collectively, emitting laser-like white rays, and strafing towards Zuli.

At the same moment, Su Li captured their information and a message appeared in his mind.

“Name: Dead Light Green Giant Worm, Level: eighth-level elite beast general, Dead Light Green Giant Worm is an excellent long-range attack expert in the Abyss Zerg. The body is full of violent death light energy, which can be killed by special mouthparts. The light energy is emitted, with great power and extremely terrifying cutting ability. It kills the light green giant worm, and has a very low probability of comprehending and obtaining a’dead light ray’.”

At this moment, this dead light green giant worm collectively launched a “dead light ray” towards itself, and Su Li’s face immediately showed a solemn expression.

The eighth-level elite beast generals are stronger than the fifth-level rare beast generals. Even if they are stronger than Zuli, they have to pay attention to the death green giant worms that appear in groups.

If these dead green giant worms rush into the crowd behind, I’m afraid it will cause a lot of casualties immediately.

With a movement of his mind, the “Devil enchantment” was activated, and the six-armed Devil phantom descended, holding six weapons, and rushing toward the Death ray that was strafing over.

Su Li followed closely. When the six-armed Devil phantom could not resist the death ray burst and collapse, Su Li had entered the second form of “devil muscles”, the muscles swelled, and the devil faces behind his chest appeared. The physical energy was quadrupled and the combat power tripled. Ascension, with a scream, his body accelerated sharply and inserted into the gap of the staggered Death rays, tens of meters away, swept away.

Nine special abilities merged into one, holding the Red Moon Dragon Slash with both hands together, these nine abilities blasted out along the Red Moon Dragon Slash, turned into a blade of light, and slashed.

The light of the knife passed by, and the big head of a dead green giant worm rolled and flew out together with the jet of white light, and a message appeared in his mind.

“Level 7 Sacred Knight: Spiritual Source 48215000”

Killing a dead green giant worm, harvested four spiritual sources, Su Li was in a good mood, rushed into the swarms of dead green giant worms, and slashed.

The most terrifying thing about the death light green giant insect is the death light ray of long-range attack. Now it is rushed into them by Zuli, and they are in close combat. Although they are also very powerful, it is difficult to exert the power of the death light ray, let alone Said to pose a threat to Zurich.

One by one, the dead light green giant worms were killed by Zuli, and one could only harvest four spiritual sources, and ten would be forty. The number of spiritual sources owned by Zuli was growing at an alarming rate. Soon there were 4900 breakthroughs, which was getting closer and closer.

Feeling the constant change of the number of spiritual sources in his mind, with a long roar, Su Li folded his hands and shook the Red Moon Dragon Slash, and slashed out again, slashing a dead light green giant insect from it. , Terrible green juice and white light gushing on both sides, and Su Li once again harvested four spiritual sources, and the number of spiritual sources he possessed finally reached 5,000. Following that, a series of various messages sounded in succession.

“Level 7 Sacred Knight: Spiritual Source 50005000”

“Start promotion”

“Muscles begin to strengthen, bones begin to strengthen, internal organs begin to strengthen”

“Strength Increase, Defense Ascension”

“Basic strength Ascension reaches 11,000 jin”

“Basic Defense Ascension reaches 11,000 Jin””Physical strength increased, and the basic duration of the outbreak was extended to 22 minutes”

“The vital capacity increases, and the basic suffocation time is extended to 22 minutes”

“Speed ​​Ascension, Vision Enhancement, Hearing Enhancement”


“Promotion complete”

“Level 8 Sacred Knight: Spiritual Source 06000”

“First Talent: Strengthen Care”

“Second Talent: Those who exceed the limit”

“Third Talent: Unknown”

“Basic Strengthening: Muscle Gain MAX, Super Heart Type Ⅷ, Steel Bone Type Ⅲ, Strong Lung Type Ⅰ, Violent Liver Type Ⅰ, Gland Control Type Ⅰ, Sacred Power Seventh Layer”

“Special skills: peeping rune, gluttonous tooth, spider walk, silver armor cover, hunting ghost claw, high voltage electric shock, shark king ghost step, liquefied muscle, super regeneration, thousand shadows, black mysterious light, black thunder energy, hidden breath, ten thousand Electric shock, power of darkness, self-healing of life, information shielding, glazed spikes”

“The Art of Spiritual Origin 1: The Third Form of Devil’s Muscle”

“Spiritual Art 2: Devil Enchantment Third Form”

“Spiritual Technique 3: Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone Second Form”

“Basic strengthening options: Super Heart Type Ⅷ, Steel Bone Type Ⅲ, Strong Lung Type Ⅰ, Violent Liver Type Ⅰ, Glandular Control Type Ⅰ, Sacred Power Seventh Layer, Tongue”

Promoted from a 7th-level Sacred knight to an 8th-level Sacred knight, because it can neither comprehend the new spiritual source art nor change the form of the spiritual source art, the Ascension is limited, and it can only be regarded as a small amount of Ascension.

For the first enhancement, Zuri was still used to strengthen the power of Sacred, and ascension to the eighth level.

The power of Sacred on the eighth layer has been extended to four seconds in duration.

Every minute can enter the invincible state for five seconds. For the power of Sacred, Zuri likes it more and more. It is precisely because of the existence of this invincible state that he can create miracles. A mere 7-level Sacred knight can wield stone tools. So that the advanced 20-level wizard, that beautiful woman was wiped out in ashes.

Without the power of Sacred, even if he gets the stone tool, he will not be able to use it at all.

For the second strengthening, Su Li continued to strengthen the heart. He wanted to strengthen the heart to ten times as soon as possible. According to the special abilities that can be obtained from the previous ten times of muscle strengthening, once the heart is strengthened ten times, it is very likely that he will also gain He is looking forward to the special ability related to the heart.

With the evolution of the super heart to type IX, his heart has now been strengthened nine times, and his physical fitness has been extended to 96 minutes, which means that even if he is in the strongest state of the “overrunner”, he can continue to fight for a long time. It has been extended to two and a half minutes.

As for the strength, defense, and speed of the Ascension, which is only a small margin, overall, the enhancement is not particularly obvious. This began to make Zuli aspiration to become a stronger 9th-level Sacred knight.

Compared to the level 8 Sacred knight, once he becomes a level 9 Sacred knight, he will be able to comprehend the third form of the “Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone”. With the Ascension of the “Overrunner” status, there must be a greater strength. leap.

To become a level 9 Sacred knight, you need 6,000 Spirit Sources, an increase of 1,000 more than before, but Su Li is not surprised, and hardly thinks about it, he is still slashing and killing these dead green giant insects madly.

It’s just that with his promotion, now only two spiritual sources can be harvested by killing a dead green giant worm, and the speed of obtaining spiritual sources is immediately slowed down.

On both sides of the team, the death green giant worms began to appear one after another. They were hidden in the evil crystal giant worms, and they continuously launched long-range attacking death rays, slashing toward the crowd, this powerful death rays concentrated When he got up, even ordinary defense was difficult to resist, and it caused a lot of casualties at once.

Su Li heard the screams screaming afterwards, and when she turned her head, she realized that the situation was a little serious.

Thousands of people have become chaotic, and many people have already begun to flee backwards, and countless ways of powerful death beams continue to fire at the crowd.

This Dead Light Hulk has a powerful long-range attack method. Although Zuli is strong, it is impossible to block all the Dead Light Hulk appearing around, and the team of thousands of people began to rout.

This kind of defeat is like being contagious. When one or two people start to flee, they will soon infect ten people, and ten people can infect a hundred people. When a hundred people start to flee, the entire team will collapse and begin to collapse across the board.

Even if Fulong, Ge An and others screamed and screamed, they couldn’t stop this kind of team from collapsing across the board.

In a short period of time, it was the death of two or three hundred people. Faced with this almost indestructible death light attack, everyone had lost their fighting spirit and fighting spirit and fled back.

This battle is different from the monster siege every night. The monster sieges the city. Everyone has no way to retreat. If you don’t fight to the death, you can only sit and wait. But today’s battle is different. At least in the eyes of many people, this Fighting can be avoided. After all, the intestine of the abyss has not yet approached Longqiu Mountain. Even if it does reach Longqiu Mountain, everyone can abandon the city and move, not necessarily guarding the ancient city.

Therefore, when everyone faced a large number of casualties, they simply didn’t have enough desperation to die.

Seeing the large forces collapse across the board, Ge An sighed secretly, and could only shake his head to order everyone to retreat in an orderly manner, so as not to cause more casualties.

Su Li successively killed each of the dead green giant worms, and then began to slowly retreat.

Although he is not afraid of these giant insects, he is still limited in physical strength. He can only escape from here if he fights for half an hour by himself.

Because there was no other person to help him resist the giant insects, he had no chance to retreat to rest and regain his strength.

“After killing so many, I can almost go back to rest.” Su Li did not force it. Now he has successfully promoted to level 8. In his eyes, the gap between himself and the guides such as the beautiful woman and Mo Liudao has been widened. Take it a step further.

As everyone from all sides began to retreat, the large group fled to the floating island. Soon, Zuri also retreated to the floating island, controlled the floating island, and began to approach Guanyue Peak.

This area is full of floating giant insect corpses, and a large number of the intestines of the abyss covering the water are destroyed. When they exit the area covered by the intestines of the abyss, these giant insects will not chase after, but start to eat. Your companions and human corpses who died in battle.

The floating island was carrying everyone and fled back to Guanyue Peak. Many of them were pale with lingering fears.

In this battle, the number of Deaths exceeded 400. It can be said that this battle was the heaviest casualty in these days.

Of course, many people’s gains are also huge, especially some of the core members headed by them.Xu Xuehui has gained a lot of spiritual sources from the inner city. She is the fourth person in the ancient city to successfully break through to level 6 after Su Li, Fulong and Ge An. In addition to her, Luo Zhanjian and Jiang Shuijue , Gao Shengyi, Gong Xiao and Ding Longyun also succeeded in breakthrough promotion to level 6.

In today’s battle, because there are enough monsters, and the monsters are strong enough, it can be said that the speed of everyone’s promotion is completely equal to their strength. Zuli hunted the most monsters, and has become an 8th level. Sacred Cavaliers, and the best performer among them is undoubtedly Jiang Shuijue.

With the monarch weapon, plus the treasures and the special ability of dividing into three, she can hunt monsters the fastest except for Zuri, and even Fulong can’t match her. She now has the number of spiritual sources. , Slowly catching up with Ge An.

Then Gong Xiao, Ding Longyun and Fu Long.

Although the strength of the Ding brothers and sisters is not weak, but because they want to be promoted, they need double the spirit source, now Ding Hui’s level has only reached level 5, and Ding Yang is still level 4.

Everyone got off the floating island and returned to the ancient city one after another. After fighting for so long, everyone was hungry. Su Li returned to the ancient city and couldn’t help but look in the direction of the inner city again.

From entering the inner city to the present, the Liudao and Skeleton Lords seemed to have disappeared like mysterious, and they did not appear again without a sound.

Regarding the skeleton monarch, Su Li also felt strange. Although it appeared several times, it was all aimed at the inner city. I don’t know whether it was because of any special agreement between these super powers. The Skeleton Lord didn’t even see the humans like them in the ancient city at all, so he was too lazy.

It appeared several times, and then disappeared. It didn’t even massacre the people of the ancient city, otherwise, with its strength, the people of the ancient city would have been completely cleaned by it.

Even if I now know that the Skeleton Monarch might still be in the inner city, Zuri does not have a feeling of fear, and even a feeling that even if the Skeleton Monarch walks out of the inner city, he will not attack humans like them. .

In comparison, the real danger to him is the beautiful woman who is the guide.

After eating dinner, Su Li took a rest, then came to the city wall and once again looked at the intestines of the abyss on the distant water.

Although they had a great battle in the morning, they destroyed many areas of the intestine of the abyss, but for the intestine of the abyss that occupies a vast area, it is almost not a loss. It only takes half a day to restore the intestine of the abyss on the water. , And it continues to expand in the direction of Longqiu Mountain.

Seeing this, Su Li wanted to shoot again.

Although the giant worms that appeared today caused serious casualties to everyone, they were nothing to him.

“You don’t need to work hard to move the crowd, just organize some elites. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

Su Li pondered slightly, and he was about to summon some of the most elite powerhouses in the ancient city, especially those whose strength had reached “medium” or close to medium, to continue hunting down the giant insect clan.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a flash of fiery red light in front of him, and his heart slammed. He turned around hurriedly, but found that there was already a fiery red figure on the wall five meters away.

The figure Huaiwu, with Mo Liudao in a set of fiery red armor shrouded in his body, appeared.

Seeing Mo Liudao finally appeared, Su Li was a little nervous for some reason, but still respectfully saluted.

He didn’t know what would happen if Mo Liudao suddenly appeared.

On the city wall, there were some people who originally stood on guard and patrolled. At this moment, they suddenly saw Mo Liudao appear. They all felt nervous and afraid.

Mo Liudao ignored the others on the wall, just stared at Su Li.

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