Chapter 524 Glazed thorns (second more seeking subscription)

At present, the mainstream of the crowd is advanced level 4 combat power. The strength of everyone is not as good as this evil crystal giant. There is a certain degree of difficulty.

Only the strong with the strength of “medium” or above can kill the evil crystal giant worms with confidence in one-on-one situations.

As groups of evil crystal giant worms appeared, they surrounded them in a fan shape, and a group of the most powerful people led by Zuli rushed up. The group of evil crystal giant worms in front could not resist, but they surrounded them from both sides. The evil crystal giant worm posed a huge threat to other people.

The war broke out again, this time the situation is different from before. Before, it was mainly red acid giant worm and Vajra giant king worm. Although a group of evil crystal giant worms appeared later, they were mainly behind the Zerg army.

At that time, Su Li rushed into the rear of the giant worm army and massacred the evil crystal giant worms. These evil crystal giant worms were attracted by him and mainly attacked by surrounding him, so these giant worms did not cause heavy casualties to other people.

Now the situation is completely different. Neither the Crimson Acid Giant Worm nor the Vajra Giant King Worm appeared. At the beginning, there were groups of Evil Crystal Giant Worms. These evil crystal giant worms showed some signs of collapse, but the evil crystal giant worms surrounding them from both sides made it difficult for the thousands of soldiers behind to resist.

This evil crystal giant insect is a seventh-level elite beast general. The general advanced 4th-level warriors are not their opponents at all. Only the bosses who have reached the advanced 5th level can fight against them. .

It can be said that the strength of the evil crystal giant worms is approximately equivalent to that of the advanced level 5 bosses. Now the endless stream of evil crystal giant worms appears, which is equivalent to the appearance of countless advanced level 5 bosses. It is not the opponent of the main powerhouses like Su Li, but it is also not something that advanced 4th-level fighters can resist.

Among these thousands of people, the mainstream is Advanced Level 4, among which the leader-level powerhouses can basically reach Advanced Level 5.

However, at present, there are only three people who can reach advanced level 6 or above.

Su Li still enters the first form of “devil muscle”, in a state of double combat power, ascension, the seven abilities in the body are merged into one, and the red moon dragon slash in the right hand is added, and it is like a gust of wind sweeping into the face. Among the group of evil crystal giant insects.

Although these evil crystal giant worms can launch attacks through the two rows of evil crystals on their backs, they have no time to react to the speed of Zuli’s movement, let alone hit Zuli.

Su Li is constantly moving, and wherever the Red Moon Dragon slashes, the evil crystal giant worm will shatter.

With repeated screams, Ge An looked back and saw that the situation was not good. The main members of them all followed Zuli and rushed forward. Although the group of evil crystal giant worms were defeated, the evil crystal giant worms that came up from both sides were outflanked. However, it caused serious casualties to everyone, almost just a face-to-face encounter, and more than a dozen people died in the attack of the evil crystal giant worms from the sky.

“Everyone, go back to defense, we split into three attacks–” Ge An hurriedly called to Su Li and Fu Long.

The screams from the rear also caught Su Li’s attention. He stopped immediately, and then said to Ge An and Fu Long, “I am in charge of this!”

Then he continued to kill the group of evil crystal giant insects in front.

Fulong didn’t hesitate, and immediately shouted: “I’m in charge of the right side, brothers, follow me–” With the group of leader-level powerhouses under his own, he immediately changed direction and rushed to the right.Ge An chose the left.

Everyone understood that Ge An was in charge of the weakest on the left. He currently has not many leader-level powerhouses. The Ding brothers and sisters, Gao Shengyi and others immediately led a group of people to the left to help Ge An resist. Attack of the evil crystal giant worms surrounding from the left.

There is Su Li on the front, and everyone is relieved. He is almost ten people alone. With Jiang Shuijue, Gong Xiao, Ding Longyun, Xu Haihai, Qi Mengyu and other core members of the Tigers, it is enough to easily crush the frontal. The evil crystal giant worm that came up.

With the support of Fulong and Ge An and others on the left and right, they immediately stabilized the corners of the formation. These powerful men took the lead in the charge. The encircling evil crystal giant insects’ crazy momentum was suppressed. Relaunch the offensive.

This battle was much more tragic than the previous one. The left and right sides in charge of Fulong and Ge An were under great pressure. Even if they were led by them, they still felt it was difficult to support them.

Although Su Li was frantically slaughtering the evil crystal giant insects in front of him, he was also paying attention to the changes in the situation. Under his order, Zhang Haohao and Luo Zhanjian, who were originally behind him, were sent to the right to support Fulong. Those people, Wu Feng, Jiang Xiaodong, Wen Ying and others were sent to the left to support Ge An and others.

On the front, there are people like him, Shui Lin Beast, Jiang Shuijue, Gong Xiao, Ding Longyun, Xu Xuehui, Xu Haihai, and Qi Mengyu, who are enough to crush the evil crystal giant insects.

Su Li has consciously cultivated the people these days, and now the results have finally emerged. They are less than ten people united, and the lethality is more terrible than a hundred leaders or even a thousand soldiers. The evil crystal giant insects facing on They couldn’t break through their linear defenses at all, but they were defeated by them.

The only shortcoming is that the physical strength is difficult to support everyone in the long fight. After fighting for a period of time, you must retreat and rest for a few minutes to recover your physical fitness.

Zuli is only in the first form of “devil muscle”, the physical loss is not serious, and can easily fight for 30 to 40 minutes.

The message reminder in his mind kept ringing, and soon, the number of spiritual sources he possessed broke through 4000.

Su Li’s spirit is getting more and more excited. He feels that in this state, he can rest for five minutes every half an hour to recover his physical strength, and then continue to fight, he can maintain it for a day without any problem.

Of course, the premise is that the battle situation does not change, and I hope that the monarch-level monster will not appear too early.

Before looking for the monster’s lair, I wanted the monarch to appear earlier, so that he could hunt the monarch and obtain equipment. Now, Su Li’s mentality is just the other way round.

I hope that the monarch will never appear, as long as the monarch does not appear, these monsters will not easily collapse, and they will have enough monsters to hunt.

Although the core powerhouses of the ancient city are divided into three groups, there are still people who die from time to time in the team, and even the leader-level powerhouses are not immune. The offensive of these evil crystal giant insects is getting more and more fierce. In a short time, at least there will be Hundreds of people lost their lives, and the team of thousands began to show signs of retreat.

Su Li looked in his eyes and frowned slightly. He thought that if he took out the stone tool at this time and entered the invincible state, he would stimulate the magic light of the stone tool, and swept across these endless evil crystal giant insects, for fear of under a single strike. , It can kill countless evil crystal giant insects.

But he just gave up on this idea after thinking about it.

The so-called treasures move people’s hearts. The more powerful the stone tools are, the more exciting they are. With their current ability, they are not enough to hold the stone tools.

If it was not absolutely necessary, he would not dare to take out the stone tools casually, so as not to expose it.

I thought that the guides are all super-powerful, who can be sure that behind this battle, there are no guides peeping secretly?

If oneself took out the stone tools in front of so many people, if they were exposed, which guide would see the stone tools, then it would be a disaster for oneself.

Now he can see that the so-called guide obeys the rules and cannot take action against humans, but the rules belong to the rules, which does not mean that all the guides will completely abide by it.

This is like the introduction of laws by the country, but it does not mean that everyone will really strictly abide by the law. There are always individuals who violate the law for one reason or another, or even commit a crime deliberately. Now it seems that these guides are similar.

Just as the beautiful woman would rather risk being punished, but also to kill herself, for the high above her, killing herself is only punishment, but for herself, it is a loss of life.

As his strength became stronger and his horizons gradually broadened, Su Li also realized that perhaps what he really needs to beware of is neither these increasingly powerful monsters, nor other humans or Forgotten Human races. Power and strong, and these so-called leaders who are superior.

Even for Mo Liudao, Su Li was full of fear and caution.

Although it seems that Mo Liudao has no malice towards him, these human beings should be regarded as the one protected by him. He also fought a beautiful woman for himself, but the premise of all this is that he is in his eyes, maybe It’s just a good seedling worthy of being cultivated.

If he suddenly discovers that this good seedling has hidden treasures and values ​​that even his heart is attracted to, will Mo Liudao still be like this?

Su Li didn’t dare to gamble at all. He didn’t want to use malicious intent to guess at others, but in this perilous world, he couldn’t help but be careful, because everything is possible.

This world is full of uncertainty, and it also makes him feel the crisis all the time, without the slightest sense of security.

These guides appeared one after another, making him feel uneasy deep in his heart.

Therefore, even the Boundary Breaking Fruit, he didn’t dare to give out a gift to Mo Liudao, for fear of causing unnecessary trouble.

This is the sorrow of the weak.

At this moment, although he wanted to take out the stone tools, he estimated that a single blow could kill a large piece of evil crystal giant insects and harvest massive spiritual sources, but unfortunately, he did not dare to take them out casually.

This feeling of aggrieved feeling depressed Su Li’s heart and made him fight more desperately. He just wanted to gain more spiritual sources, break through earlier, and have the strength to control his own destiny earlier, at least in the face of these. When guiding, there is no need to sigh on others.

Su Li followed the hordes of monsters to the right and rushed all the way to relieve the pressure on the people led by Fulong on the right. He rushed into the hordes of monsters on the right, and immediately caused the chaos of these evil crystal giant insects, and then let everyone on the right. The pressure is greatly reduced.

After that, Su Li rushed to the left again.There are more and more spiritual sources in his body, and Su Li can’t remember how many giant worms he killed. The number of spiritual sources in his body has gradually broken through 4,500, and the number of spiritual sources required for promotion is getting closer and closer.

Suddenly, after slaying an evil crystal giant insect, besides the spiritual source, an energy filled with glass light appeared and flew into his chest, followed by a message.

“Comprehension of the special ability’Liu Li Sudden Sting’.”

Receiving this message, Su Li was slightly taken aback.

This evil crystal giant worm is an elite beast. Killing it has a very small probability of comprehending the special abilities “healing inhibition” and “glazed thorn”, but in the probability of Zuli, this so-called minimum probability is almost equal to zero. So he never thought about getting special abilities.

But I don’t want him to kill so many evil crystal giant insects today, so that he actually encountered this extremely small probability, and realized the eighteenth special ability “Glass Spike” he possessed.

This “glazed thorn” is an offensive special ability, fused together, the power that can be exerted is much stronger than the general non-aggressive special ability.

Now, the special offensive abilities that Su Li mastered have reached nine kinds.

They are “Glutton Tooth”, “Demon Hunting Ghost Claw”, “High Voltage Electric Shock”, “Thousand Shadows”, “Black Xuanguang”, “Black Thunder Energy”, “Ten Thousand-Volt Electric Shock”, “Dark Power” and “Glass Spike”.

This kind of offensive ability, fused together, can burst out extremely powerful power, and it is also the several abilities mainly used for fusion in Zurich.

As for the other nine types, there are some special abilities of auxiliary type, defense type and status type. Because they are not aggressive, the effect after fusion is not particularly good, the power that can be enhanced is not large, and it is not a special case. use.

And now Su Li has also integrated the “glazed spikes” that he has just mastered, plus the other eight offensive abilities, and the nine abilities have been merged into one.

As the “glazed thorns” merged into the original black thunder, a glazed luster faintly appeared, turning it into a black glazed thunder, and its power immediately reached a level of Ascension.

As the number of spiritual sources gradually approached the 5,000 mark, Su Li was in a good mood. Now even if everyone else retires, he will continue to stay here and fight, as long as these giant insects do not retreat, he is not going to leave.

Suddenly, there was a terrible roar from afar, and a new kind of giant insect appeared from behind these evil crystal giant insects.

They drilled out of the cracks in the intestines of the abyss, and then let out a screaming sound. They were very fast, squeezed in from the swarms of evil crystal giant insects, and immediately approached Zuri. .

Maybe it’s because Su Li’s performance was too conspicuous, which shocked them and made them lock Su Li as their target.

Su Li opened the flawless level “Peep Rune” from a distance, and immediately caught the information of this newly-emerged giant insect. He did not see this giant insect last time in Nanjiang City, and this is the first time he has seen it today.

This giant insect, about ten meters in length, looks like a green cauliflower insect magnified countless times from a distance. In its open mouthparts, a white light can be sprayed. This white light possesses extremely terrifying cutting ability.

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