Chapter 523 Seventh-level Monarch (first one)

Although tired, Su Li’s spirit is excited.

Originally he was worrying about how to upgrade quickly, but he didn’t expect these intestines of the abyss and countless zergs to appear.

The number of these zergs is simply appalling, and it seems endless. For Su Li, this is equivalent to an endless source of spirituality.

According to this speed, without accident, he rested well, and it only took about 40 minutes to harvest another 2500 spiritual sources and successfully promoted to the 8th level Sacred knight.

Fighting and fighting with this endless stream of giant worms, for more than half an hour, many people succeeded in breaking through, some retreated to rest, and more people rushed out to fight with these giant worms.

With the ascension of everyone’s strength and level, the special abilities of the profession mastered by various professions are slowly showing their power.

Just like Ge An who has been promoted to the 6th-level berserker, he can use three seconds of violent power every minute, triple the power of Ascension.

For example, there are many guardians among the crowd. When they are promoted to level 4, they can use their guardian power for two seconds every minute, which can increase the various states of everyone around them, ascension power, defense, and speed.

Another example is the power of the earth of the same level 4 Gunshield, which can make these giant insects enter a weak state. Although the same can only last for two seconds per minute, so many people continue to display the power of guardianship and the power of the earth. , It is almost equivalent to maintaining this state of increasing oneself and the team, and the enemy will always be in a weak state, without interruption at all.

Su Li stepped back to rest and looked at the corpses of giant insects in all directions. There were 5,000 soldiers. Although there were casualties, there were more injuries and very few people actually died.

In this half an hour, the actual number of Deaths did not exceed 20, and none of them was a leader-level powerhouse Death.

After resting for five minutes, Su Li’s physical stamina returned to its peak state, and immediately started the “Spider Walk”, rushing towards the oncoming swarms of giant insects again.

On the water, a large number of intestines of the abyss were destroyed, and the bodies of giant insects floating in the water were densely piled up like mountains.

The entire area of ​​water was completely dyed pink with a fragrant smell.

The intestines of the abyss can spit out this kind of strange scented pink substance, but this kind of scent is not poisonous to the human body. At first, everyone thought it was poisonous and did not dare to breathe. Later, they gradually realized that this strange substance would make giant insects hateful. , But for everyone, it is not harmful.

This is a very strange phenomenon.

The Intestine of the Abyss can change the environment and make its surroundings more suitable for the existence of the Abyss Zerg, but the pink substance it discharges is disgusted by the Zerg, which is full of a strange sense of violation.Su Li continued to enter the first form of “devil muscles”, with the black lightning thunder that the seven abilities merged into, he found groups of evil crystal giant insects, and fought with them.

The Shui Lin Beast screamed, changed its whole body, and exploded with a more powerful aura. Just now, it successfully broke through and was promoted to the seventh-level, with a huge body and a weight of about 230 kilograms.

Now its body shape, even among the lions and tigers, is considered to be the existence of large individuals, which has exceeded the level above the average line.

Compared with humans, it is promoted faster.

Su Li smashed into the crowd of evil crystal giant worms facing him. Ten minutes later, the number of spiritual sources he possessed had broken through 3,000.

At this moment, suddenly there was a sharp scream from a distance.

With this scream, the intestines of the abyss in the distance bulged upward, a large number of intestines of the abyss were pushed aside, and a giant insect appeared with this extremely sharp scream.

This scream and the giant insect that appeared from a distance attracted the attention of many people.

Su Li is no stranger to the appearance of this giant insect. It is exactly the same as the monarch of the Zerg that he has seen, the Titan giant insect, except that the Titan giant insect he encountered in Nanjiang City has a body length of fifty meters. , And the giant worm that appeared at this moment, although the appearance is the same as the Titan giant worm, its body shape is much smaller, its body length is only about 15 meters.

Could it be said that there is a small Titan Giant Worm? Su Li was curious, and while approaching the giant worm in the distance, he quickly opened the “Peep Rune” to observe its information, and a message immediately appeared in his mind.

“Name: Titan Giant Worm, Level: seventh-level, the most noble existence in the Abyss Zerg with Titan bloodline, is the descendant of the Titan God, is the supreme monarch of the Zerg, it controls the power of magma, and magma is stored in its body, It can control magma and has terrifying destructive power.”

Receiving this message, Su Li suddenly understood that this was also the Titan Giant Worm, a seventh-level monarch, and the one he had encountered in “Nanjiang City” had a body length of fifty meters. Titan Giant Worm is very likely to be of a very high level, because at that time he could not see the information of that Titan Giant Worm at all.

Su Li beheaded fifth-level and sixth-level monarchs, but the seventh-level monarch met for the first time today. He was a little excited, and immediately accelerated, rushing into the oncoming swarms of evil crystal giant insects, killing Out of a bloody path, approaching the Titan Giant Worm that just appeared.

He is now a 7th-level Sacred knight, so naturally he is not afraid of the seventh-level monarch.

However, for monarch-level monsters, Su Li didn’t dare to be careless, and quickly entered the third form of “devil muscles”, and then activated the second form of “Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone”. Mier’s giant entered the Heavenly Demon state, kicked his feet and jumped up in the air, and leaped towards the Titan giant insect.

In the rear, there are also many people who are quickly approaching here, wanting to hunt this Titan giant insect. Many people are interested in this monarch-level monster.

The Titan worm roared. It was a seventh-level monarch. It didn’t see Su Li and the humans in front of him. The body was spewed with fiery red magma, rushing towards ascending, and it quickly turned into a powerful one. The magma bomb volleyed towards the approaching Su Li.

Su Li stretched out his left hand and combined the black thunder of seven kinds of energies. After a distance of tens of meters, he accurately hit the magma bomb that was shot over, and it erupted with an earth-shattering loud noise.

Following this magma bomb, five more magma bombs rose up around the body of the Titan Giant Worm, which shot towards Zuli.

Su Li launched “Spider Walk” and “Ghost Walk”, and his body flashed like a ghost. Although he did not enter the strongest state of “Overrunner”, but with his current strength, he can deal with the monarch of the same level. , Entering the 2m2 Heavenly Demon’s true body state, it is enough to cope. This is Su Li’s confidence in his own strength.

The ability that the left hand holds, from the just seven kinds of Ascension, has reached as many as ten kinds, and the power that bursts out becomes more and more powerful, and thick black lightning strikes into the oncoming air.

The magma bombs that rushed over were not yet approached, they were struck by lightning and exploded in mid-air.

Su Li kept approaching, and soon rushed into the Titan Giant Worm within 20 meters. With a long scream, his left hand suddenly held the Red Moon Dragon Slash with his right hand, and the black lightning formed by the fusion of ten abilities immediately followed. With the Red Moon Dragon Slash extended, it turned into a blade of light and shot out quickly.

In order to kill the seventh-level monarch with one blow, Zuri launched the “Dragon’s Fury”.

The Red Moon Dragon Slash seemed to come alive in an instant, and the half-red and half-blue dragon roared and appeared immediately. The dragon’s body tens of meters long swung into the air and reached the top of the Titan Giant Worm.

This giant dragon is surrounded by huge thunder lights. This is the combination of the dragon’s fury and ten special abilities, as well as the power of Heavenly Demon’s real body. Press down towards the Titan Giant Worm below.

The power of the dragon shrouded all directions, and even if the Titan Giant Worm wanted to evade, it was too late, only to carry it hard.

A large amount of fiery red magma gushes out of its body, and this magma contains terrible energy. It launches with full force to spray out all the magma stored in its body, turning it into a fiery red shield, and meets the pressure. The dragon coming down.

With a “boom”, the flaming red magma was pressed by the dragon’s claws, and it shot in all directions, splashing onto the surrounding intestines of the abyss, making a sneer, and the dragon’s first blue dragon claw was blocked by the flaming magma. , Followed by the second crimson’s dragon claw appeared, followed by grabbing into the fiery red magma.

The magma controlled by the Titan Giant Worm began to be unstable, showing signs of collapse, and Su Li had descended in front of it like a demon, holding the Red Moon Dragon Slash with both hands together, blasting a sword light that was one or two feet long. It smashed from top to bottom, and instantly split the red fire shield that showed signs of collapse, and fell on the back of the Titan Giant Worm, then cut its body, split into the water below, arousing dullness The sound, splashed two huge waves.

The giant worms that had gathered around showed signs of retreat. The giant giant worm’s body was almost cut in half by Zuri. As a large amount of juice gushed out from it, a spiritual source appeared and sank into Zuri. In his forehead, a message rang.

“Level 7 Sacred Knight: Spiritual Source 31355000”

Killing the monarchs of the same level, Su Li harvested 20 spiritual sources in one go.

Immediately after this spiritual source, another fiery red energy appeared, which sank into his chest, and then a message appeared.

“Name: Fire Titan helmet, quality: monarch, attributes: +2000 defense, sight and hearing Ascension 20%.”

Receiving this message, Su Li took a breath. He didn’t expect to be able to harvest a monarch-level helmet. It was a surprise. He immediately began to peel off his rare quality Thousand Faces helmet, and then he continued to move towards The oncoming evil crystal giant worm rushed up.

He had already seen it, as the giant worms were killed, the surrounding giant worms showed signs of disintegration. This was not what he wanted to see. He still wanted to continue hunting these giant worms to advance.

It’s a pity that the giant worm appeared, and he had to take action, otherwise, once the giant worm rushed to everyone, it would cause serious casualties.After all, it is a seventh-level monarch, except for him, no one can be said to be able to kill 100%.

The Thousand Faces helmet was successfully stripped off, and Zuri outfitted the Titan helmet that he had just obtained.

With the Titan helmet equipped, Zuri’s current defense power under normal conditions immediately reached 39,300 kilograms, which was close to the 40,000 mark.

In all directions, swarms of giant worms were retreating and fleeing, and Zuli chased them all the way, harvesting as many spiritual sources as possible, sensing the constantly ringing messages in his mind, and quickly broke through 3200 and then 3300.

However, the evil crystal giant worms he could kill were getting fewer and fewer. The vast majority of giant worms got into the gaps in the intestines of the abyss and disappeared into the water.

Suddenly, the endless stream of giant worms retreated completely. Zuri chased them for several kilometers, and finally stopped, because in front of him, there was no longer a living giant worm, the original giant worm. The army, all scattered and fled.

Su Li frowned. Originally, he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to harvest a wave of spiritual sources and at least be able to break through to become a Sacred knight of level 8, but he didn’t expect these giant insects to retreat.

Seeing the army of giant insects retreating in all directions, everyone stopped one after another.

Su Li quickly calmed down. Now that these giant worms have dispersed, they will attack the intestines of the abyss that covers the surface of the water. Thousands of people have been mobilized. The next goal of everyone is to destroy as much as possible. These deep bowels.

Thousands of people returned to the floating island. Everyone gathered around the floating island. Then, Zuri took control of the floating island and rushed toward the intestines of the abyss. Everyone from all sides shot together and bombed the surrounding abyss. Intestines.

In a short while, everyone cleared the intestines of the abyss within a few kilometers, and everything floating on the water was pink.

However, these substances will slowly dissolve in the water and will eventually disappear slowly, which does not seem to have much effect on this water area.

In this way, the intestines of the abyss that appeared on the surface of the water were continuously cleared. About half an hour later, the army of giant worms that had disappeared finally appeared again.

A smile appeared on Su Li’s face. He had originally guessed that if the intestines of the abyss were continuously destroyed, the Zerg who had hidden and escaped might be forced out again. Now it seemed that he had guessed correctly.

Although the seventh-level Titan giant worm was killed by himself, causing this giant worm army to flee, but according to the situation of his last trip to Nanjiang City, this Zerg is not just a monarch, at least he has seen it. The terrifying giant insect with a body length of fifty meters may be the real monarch.

The giant worm he just killed might also need to be surrendered to the real monarch.

The giant worms that reappeared this time, without the crimson acid giant worm and the Vajra giant king worm, are all evil crystal giant worms.

A group of seventh-level elite evil crystal giant worms suddenly appeared from a distance and quickly gathered here.

For Su Li, this is a good thing, which means he has hope for promotion, but for thousands of fighters, it is a huge pressure.

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