Chapter 522 The Battle of Giant Insects

When Su Li came to the central area of ​​the floating island, he noticed that the hundreds of berry trees and the flowers on the fruit trees had faded and began to bear fruit, but it would take a while before the fruit matured.

He wanted to take the Broken Boundary Tree out and plant it on this floating island, but he knew that it was not yet time.

Su Li took Ge An, Ding’s sister and brother, Gao Shengyi, Zhang Haohao, Jiang Shuijue, Gong Xiao, Ding Longyun and others on the high steel wall at the edge of the floating island, looking at the intestines of the abyss that was approaching.

Now the water on the east side that everyone can see with the naked eye is almost covered by these countless intestines of the abyss.

One after another, long-range attack squadrons have gathered on the high steel walls in front of and around the floating island, waiting in full battle.

As he approached within a hundred meters of the Intestine of the Abyss, Ge An gave an order, and this long-range squadron began to take action. Many people shouted, all kinds of powerful long-range attack spirit source techniques, whistling. Away.

Loud bangs rang out, and the intestines of the abyss at the extreme edge were immediately blown to pieces, and there was a large amount of pink liquid flowing out, dyeing the waters into pink with a faint fragrance. .

Ding Longyun launched the treasure “Green Clam Talisman”, he spit out an “air missile”, split into eight air missiles in midair, each air missile has a faint green charm floating in it, the power of this missile is increased. The power of the Ascension Talisman was more than doubled, and it was launched, and there were eight loud bangs in an instant. The large intestines of the abyss exploded into fragments in the sky, and they lifted one after another over ten meters. The high waves show how amazing the power of this air missile, which combines the power of the “green talisman”, is amazing.

As for the more powerful “air-burst bomb”, it would be even more unimaginable if the power of the green talisman was combined.

With the green talisman, the monarch-level golden battle axe he holds, and a complete set of rare equipment, his current combat power at the same level has undisputedly reached the “medium” level.

Su Li controlled the floating island, unabated, and rushed towards the large intestines of the abyss that was exploded on the face. The distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer, and soon, there was a strange noise in the intestines of the endless abyss. .

One by one, giant insects squeezed out of the gaps in the intestines of the abyss that covered the surface of the water, climbed up the intestines of the abyss, opened their mouth organs, and uttered strange howls.

Su Li saw two familiar giant insects at a glance, both of which he had encountered before in Nanjiang City.

Open the “Peeping Runes” to observe their information, one is called Crimson Acid Giant Worm, and the other is Vajra Giant King Worm.

The last time I encountered them in Nanjiang City, the Crimson Acid Giant Worm was the fourth-level Beast General, and the Vajra Giant King Worm was the fifth-level Beast General, and they appeared again today, and they were both ascension-level.

The Crimson Acid Giant Worm evolved to the sixth-level, and the Vajra Giant King Worm evolved to the seventh-level.

Compared to human beings, they evolve faster. It is important to know that the current mainstream level of fighters in the five brigades is only Advanced Level 4.

Of course, although the level of the Crimson Acid Giant Worm and the Vajra Giant King Worm is very high, they are just ordinary beasts after all. In terms of strength, the Crimson Acid Giant Worm is weaker than the mainstream fighters in the five groups, and the Vajra Giant King Worm’s strength is comparable to these mainstream advanced 4th-level fighters, and even stronger.The emergence of giant insects in groups still poses a great threat to the five teams.

However, the Crimson Acid Giant Worm and the Vajra Giant King Worm can only threaten ordinary fighters. For those who have reached the leader level or even the medium combat power, they are nothing.

Su Li’s chest burst out with energy, and he stretched out his right hand, cutting out the Red Moon Dragon from it. Although the energy attack can kill several giant worms at once, the energy attack consumes more physical energy. It is not as good as direct. Cut with a knife to save energy.

He had no feeling for the sixth-level Crimson Acid Giant Worm, and he directly focused on the seventh-level Vajra Giant King Worm. These giant worms can bring him effective spiritual sources.

As the floating island approached the intestine of the abyss, the oncoming whistle continued to sound. In the blink of an eye, countless giant worms surged, and this zerg army from the abyss appeared.

Su Li’s figure flashed, and no one was as fast as him, and instantly fell on the dense intestines of the abyss covering the surface of the water, and the figure was like electricity, actively rushing towards the Vajra giant insect in it.

Immediately afterwards, Shui Qilin, Jiang Shuijue, Gong Xiao, Ding Longyun, Xu Xuehui, Fulong, Ge An, Ding’s sister and brother, Xu Haihai, Qi Mengyu, Wen Ying, Xia Zhihan, Luo Zhanjian…

A large number of powerful men swarmed in, shouting and killing all around. On the floating island, more than 5,000 warriors, armed with various weapons, began to rush into the intestines of the oncoming abyss.

The battle between humans and these zergs from the abyss broke out immediately.

Su Li holds the Red Moon Dragon Slash in his right hand, and his left hand emits black lightning from time to time. The Red Moon Dragon Slash seems to be invincible, almost one at a time. The black lightning strikes several Vajra giant insects at a time.

He drove straight in, rushed straight into the swarms of giant insects, and slashed frantically.

In order to maintain his stamina, he did not use the super-limiter or the devil’s muscles, but in a normal state, combined with treasures, and fused with the four special abilities in his body, he could kill these Vajra giant insects with a force of destruction.

As for the crimson acid giant worms, he simply couldn’t look at them.

Shui Qilin kept chasing him closely and was also killing among the giant insects.

In a short period of time, among these thousands of strong men, there was a gap in strength.

The most prominent among them were Su Li and Shui Qilin, and there were several others, all of them crushed all the way and rushed into the densely packed giant insects.

Among these people, there is Fulong who has entered the state of transforming dragons. His strength, properly “medium” top strength, can easily break through to become a “superior” strong if he obtains a treasure.

Then Jiang Shuijue.

When she turned into three, three Jiang Shuijue, all holding the weapon of the monarch, launched the treasure of “Evil Summoning”, and at the same time summoned three giant demons with a height of ten meters to follow her in the battle.

She has replaced the nucleus and replaced it with the newly acquired treasure “Evil Summoning”, plus she has been promoted to a level 4 guardian, and she understands the third spiritual source art she has mastered, “The Snake of Mist” “, you can summon a haze snake that follows her.

These forces are combined, and among the people, her strength has changed the most, and she has a real “superior” combat power.

Although she has no talents, the special abilities that Big Water drop has made her “one into three” can be said to be no less inferior to the top talents, plus the treasure “Evil Summoning”, plus three pieces of monarch equipment, plus big Water drop has strengthened her body’s comprehensive physical fitness, as well as her absolutely not weak combat consciousness, all of which combined, made her truly become a “superior” combat power.

Then Gong Xiao and Ding Longyun.

Needless to say, Gong Xiao has made another leap in strength, harvesting a second piece of fire attribute monarch equipment, allowing her fire attribute ability to gain an extra 5% power Ascension.

In addition, after she was promoted to a level 5 Berserker, two spiritual source techniques appeared. One of them still continued the previous characteristics, similar to the attributes of the storm shield and the wind gear, and belonged to the wind attribute. The art of spiritual origin is called Storm.

According to Gong Xiao’s guess, it is possible that the summoning storm is coming. Looking at the name, this spirit source technique should belong to a powerful range attack.

What surprised her was that another spiritual source technique that she could choose, turned out to be the “fire pillar” of the fire attribute, which surprised her very much.

Previously, when the spirit source art could be selected, it was all wind attributes, and this was the first time that fire attributes appeared.

Gong Xiao guessed that it was very likely to be related to the energy of the mysterious drop of blood that he merged into. The attribute of this blood was very likely to be of the fire attribute.

Gong Xiao didn’t think too much, and chose the “pillar of fire” for the third spiritual source technique.

Now that drop of blood in her body may be of fire attributes, plus the feather snake god, the two monarch equipment, all of which are fire attributes, compared to these, the fire attribute “fire pillar” may be more suitable for her.

With the comprehension and mastery of the third spirit source art “Fire Pillar”, with the feathered serpent god and the unburnt fire she now possesses, the power of this fire superimposed, making her current strength more and more powerful.

The swarms of giant worms that stood in front of her fell into a sea of ​​flames as soon as they faced her. They were burned with a scream, and soon turned into a pile of black coke.

And Ding Longyun obtained the Green Talisman, and his breakthrough easily reached the middle level. In addition, he was promoted to Advanced Level 5, and the third spiritual source technique he mastered was “Qi Blast”, which gave him his melee strength. Ascension by a large margin.

Xu Xuehui’s strength also had Ascension. The new treasure of Ecstasy appeared on her head, and under her control, it flew quickly in the air. Which giant insect was stabbed by the Ecstasy, and the giant worm trembled. After the sound, his soul had been destroyed by the Ecstasy Fork and disappeared.

It can be said that this is an extremely terrifying and strange treasure, and this kind of soul attack is impossible to prevent.

In addition to them, Gao Shengyi, Luo Zhanjian, Ding’s sister and brother, and Ge An all rushed into the giant insects, like a sharp blade, inserted into this endless army of giant insects, and drove them Torn apart.

Although this Vajra giant insect can only bring him one effective spiritual source, but the number is large, and Zuri is not anxious, just continuously hacking and killing, and soon, he killed nearly a hundred of them. The Vajra giant insect has 500 spiritual sources.

However, he only completed one-tenth of the 5,000 required for promotion.

If he wants to rely on killing this Vajra King Worm to advance, it means that he needs to kill another 4500 Vajra King Worm.4500, what is this concept?

Su Li was a little anxious, relying on this speed, in the fifteen days, he did not know how many levels he could Ascension, and the distance to advancement was 20 levels, I am afraid it is far away.

With a secret sigh, Su Li quickly adjusted his mentality and continued to rush in.

After a while, he rushed the fastest and encountered a third type of giant insect, which was also the evil crystal giant insect that had been seen in Nanjiang City.

The Evil Crystal Giant Worm that I have seen in Nanjiang City is the fifth-level elite beast general, and the Evil Crystal Giant Worm that appears at this moment has also been ascensioned by two levels and evolved into a seventh-level elite beast general.

For Zuri, killing one Evil Crystal Giant Worm can harvest two spiritual sources, which is twice that of the Vajra Giant King Worm.

Although the power of the Evil Crystal Giant Worm is much stronger than the Vajra Giant King Worm, these are not a problem for Zuri. The special ability Ascension integrated is directly divided into seven types. Relying on the current normal state, it is combined with Ascension to seven types. With special abilities, it can still easily kill this evil crystal giant insect.

“Well, killing this evil crystal giant insect is much faster. You can only get two spiritual sources. You only need to kill more than two thousand to be promoted.”

Su Li is looking forward to encountering more powerful giant insects, so that every time you kill one, you can harvest more spiritual sources.

Su Li’s speed is getting faster and faster, watching the endless evil crystal giant worms appear in front of him, he is like being alone in a sea of ​​countless giant worms, but this seventh-level elite giant worm cannot be threatened. To him.

In order to harvest more spiritual sources as quickly as possible, Su Li entered the first form of “devil muscles”, with double loss of physical energy, double Ascension of combat power, and countless thick black lightning strikes in all directions and merged. The black lightning thunder light with seven abilities is huge, far exceeding the power of rare skills, and can easily smash this evil crystal giant insect.

In one breath, more than ten evil crystal giant worms were smashed to death, and twenty spiritual sources were harvested. As they entered the state of “devil muscle”, Zuli further Ascension, regardless of the speed and power of the shot. The black electric light continued to slash in all directions, and the speed of harvesting giant insects was obviously Ascension.

Soon, the number of spiritual sources he possessed reached 700 breakthroughs.

More and more giant insects emerged in all directions. Thousands of people began a brutal fight with these giant insect army. Soon, Ge An let out a roar, and finally succeeded in breaking through. He was promoted to advanced level 6 and became Jisu in the entire ancient city. After Li and Fulong, the third level 6 powerhouse.

In this battle, Su Li didn’t know how many giant worms he killed. With the power he now holds, in the midst of giant worms, his speed at hunting giant worms is astonishingly fast, almost two seconds on average. When it comes to killing a giant insect, even faster, it can kill 30 or 40 giant insects in one minute, and harvest 60 or 70 spiritual sources.

Because of Zu Li’s tyrannical performance, more and more evil crystal giant insects gathered around him, which made him hunt faster. An endless stream of black lightning was released in all directions, swarms of giants. The worm was chopped into coke in the scream.

Many people were secretly horrified by his performance in their eyes, and Su Li’s strength was indeed getting stronger and stronger.

After half an hour, the number of spiritual sources owned by Zurich had reached a breakthrough of 2500.

Then, his figure flashed, and suddenly he began to back away.

Even with his abundant physical stamina, under the first form of “devil muscles”, he still feels exhausted, and he needs to retreat and rest after using various powerful abilities.

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