Chapter 521 Abyssal Creatures

After experiencing the demon barrier just now, although everyone was obsessed with everything experienced in the demon barrier, after calming down, they all felt sore and weak, their feet were standing numb, and they understood the horror.

If it hadn’t been for Su Li’s destruction of the magic barrier flower, I’m afraid that everyone would be trapped in the magic barrier forever. Standing here like this, without eating or drinking, in a few days, everyone would slowly become a corpse, and eventually become this magic barrier flower. The nutrients.

Following Su Li’s instructions, I heard that there were even more terrifying False Trees inside. Once trapped, they would never be able to get out. Everyone was afraid to leave the inner city one after another.

If anyone doesn’t listen to persuasion and wants to go inside, Zuri can be sure that they will be trapped in the False Tree. With the current strength of everyone in the ancient city, once trapped in the False Tree, they will die for ten years.

He took Jiang Shuijue and others, and also began to leave the inner city. For those who did not listen to persuasion, he still wanted to venture in at this time, and he did not want to force them to stop them.

Soon, everyone walked out of the inner city one after another. For the vast majority of people, they just experienced a bizarre and weird barrier, like having a lifelike dream, but for Su Li, it was like a world away.

Recalling what happened within that giant gate, Su Li still had lingering fears.

The sky outside was completely gloomy, leaving the inner city, everyone felt hungry in their abdomen, unknowingly, they had been trapped for a day, even the sky was dark.

Outside the ancient city, the three armies of the forgotten have already dispersed. Some of the people who had evacuated stayed in the ancient city, and many people gathered outside the city and at the foot of the mountain. There were people everywhere. The whole day, it can be said that it was a human heart. Frightened, the dragons have no leader, and no one knows where to go.

Those forgotten were also at a loss because of the loss of the leader. The three leaders died, and the leader disappeared.

After discussing with each other, the remaining ambassadors finally decided to leave here temporarily, return first, and then look at the situation.

A group of people in Su Li walked out of the inner city, and Ge An was busy gathering the people and let them all return to the ancient city.

Su Li knew the situation in the inner city best. He knew that the hidden danger was temporarily relieved, and now only the Skeleton Sovereign and Mo Liudao remained in the inner city.

The sky was completely dark, and the people who had originally evacuated returned to the ancient city one after another.

The soldiers of each brigade were reorganized by Ge An. Although too much happened today, it will be 7 o’clock in a while, and I don’t know if there will be any monsters tonight, but they must do well. Prepare.

Su Li returned to his residence, took out the fire snake belt, and gave it to Gong Xiao.

Gong Xiao already possesses a fire-attribute unburned god spear, and now adding this fire-attributed fire snake belt can activate an additional special effect, Ascension 5% fire element damage.

For Gong Xiao, who has the abilities of Ember Fire and Poisonous Armor Fire, this Ascension is quite impressive.

Then took out the yellow sky armor of the earth attribute and gave it to Jiang Shuijue.

After that, he took out three treasures, namely Mask of Pain, Evil Summon and Ecstasy.

Choose for Gong Xiao, Jiang Shuijue, Ding Longyun and Xu Xuehui.Gong Xiao was very satisfied with the Quetzalcoatl he had, and hadn’t thought about changing the treasure, Xu Xuehui’s face was hesitant.

Jiang Shuijue now has a monarch-level weapon, which can play a huge role in conjunction with the nucleus, but this nucleus is a consumable treasure and will not be used for long, so she must choose a replacement treasure. Ding Longyun has no treasure. Naturally, I want to have more.

“Ding Dage, you pick first.” Jiang Shuijue smiled.

Ding Longyun grabbed his hair. He didn’t have a treasure. He thought that there was only one treasure. Now three kinds of treasures suddenly appeared. For a while, he didn’t know which one to choose.

“This pain mask is very powerful, it can ascension your body’s comprehensive abilities in all directions, and it may even be the most powerful of these three treasures, but there is a certain price when it is used, it is to use pain to stimulate the potential of the body. .”

“This treasure summoned by demons can summon demons to come and help oneself fight. It is a summoning type, while Ecstasy is the Hun and Po spirit that directly affects people. It is the strangest of the three treasures.”

Gong Xiao moved slightly in his heart and said, “Most of the spiritual source art that Xuehui masters are also related to the human soul spirit. Is this ecstasy fork more suitable for her?”

Su Li gave a hum, looked at Xu Xuehui, and said, “What do you think, girl? Will this ecstasy complement your abilities? Can you exert stronger power?”

Xu Xuehui thought for a while and said, “I’ll try it.”

After that, she stripped off her current treasure, the green worm talisman, and then picked up the ecstasy fork and merged it into it.

Then above her head, a huge black fork hung upside down suddenly appeared. Under her control, the huge black fork flew out in the air, seemingly real and imaginary, and passed directly through the wall, but it did not damage the wall at all.

After that, the black giant fork flew back through the wall silently.

Everyone watched this ecstatic fork flying all over the room under Xu Xuehui’s control, and all kinds of substances couldn’t stop it, and it seemed to exist as an illusion.

Everyone understands that the Hun and Po, which directly affects humans, is simply impossible to guard against. From this point of view, this treasure is probably the most terrifying of these treasures.

After trying for a while, Xu Xuehui showed joy on her small face and said, “This suits me.”

Xu Xuehui took the Hooking Fork, and now the remaining three treasures became the mask of pain, the Evil Summoning, and the Green Talisman.

Ding Longyun immediately took the green worm talisman.

This green talisman can be regarded as a comprehensive rune, which can be used for the defense, strength, and speed of the Ascension people, and the most important thing is the power of the Ascension people when they can perform special abilities or the magic of the spirit source.

Although the pain mask is the most powerful of these treasures, it needs to pay a certain price. Ding Longyun does not want to suffer every time he uses it.

“This green talisman is very suitable for me, hehe.” With this green talisman, every time he casts the “air missile”, there is the power of the talisman, and the power Ascension is great. For him, this green talisman is indeed very suitable.

Jiang Shuijue chose the demon summoning.

She has a special ability that is divided into three. With the Evil Summoning, she can summon three demons to come at once. In contrast, the treasure of the Evil Summoning is very suitable for her.

In the end, there was only a mask of pain left without a choice.

Su Li called Xu Haihai and Qi Mengyu over.

Except for Jiang Shuijue, among the rest, the closest to him are Xu Haihai and Qi Mengyu.

Even in the ancient city, Qi Mengyu is strong enough to join the Tiger Guard, but she still takes care of Zu Li in every possible way. Based on this alone, Zu Li is still very grateful to her.

Now that there are remaining good things, she is naturally indispensable.

He still had two monarch-level weapons left, a poisonous sky stinging snake spear was given to Xu Haihai, and a wind wing scepter was given to Qi Mengyu.

After obtaining two monarch-level weapons, Xu Haihai and Qi Mengyu were surprised and could not help themselves.

Thinking that Xu Haihai had been obedient and loyal to herself, the treasure of the mask of pain was given to him.

With the treasure of this pain mask, plus the Skysnake Spear he has now obtained, it can be said that Xu Haihai’s strength will have an astonishing Ascension. Not surprisingly, he is now at least a strong man with “medium” combat power.

After that, Su Li took out a lot of rare equipment and distributed it to everyone. Before, he slaughtered those superior combatants. The worst of them were rare equipment.

Soon Xu Haihai and Qi Mengyu turned into a full set of rare equipment, and they gained a great Ascension.

But Jiang Shuijue not only has rare equipment, and even she and Gong Xiao each have three monarch equipment.

After distributing the equipment, it was already 7 o’clock in the evening. Neither Mo Liudao nor the Skeleton Monarch appeared from the inner city, but an army of monsters from afar descended and surrounded the ancient city violently.

Tonight’s monster siege begins.

Su Li is under the pressure of a beautiful woman. He must be promoted to breakthrough as much as possible, but he is now a 7th-level Sacred knight. The monsters that appear tonight, he can kill not many effective spiritual sources, although today The late monster siege lasted for an hour and a half, and Su Li also desperately sought suitable monsters, but still only harvested about 400 spiritual sources.

This made him understand that with his current level, if he wants to get promoted quickly, he must go out and look for powerful monsters. It is almost impossible to count on monsters to siege the city every night.

Because most of the monster levels that appear in monster siege now are not big compared to the mainstream level of warriors in their ancient city, they are more suitable for their promotion, and it is not very useful for Su Li, who has reached advanced level 7.

After the monster siege was over, Gong Xiao, Jiang Shui Jue, and Ding Longyun, who were about to break through, successfully broke through and promoted to advanced level 5.

Fulong has been promoted to advanced level 6, which is the only level 6 in the entire ancient city except for the 7th level of Zuli. Now the mainstream level of warriors in the ancient city has gradually become advanced level 4.

The next night was exceptionally quiet, and there were no abnormal changes in the inner city. Although the pressure was high, Su Li still slept soundly.

His sleep quality has been good.

Early the next morning, he made preparations. First, he went to the inner city to take a look. He didn’t see any changes. The two stone gates were still open. Ge An also arranged two teams to guard and prohibit outsiders from entering. Mo Liudao and the Skeleton Monarch who entered did not respond either. Su Li didn’t know if they were still in it or if they had already left.Understand that super powers like them are out of sight, and it is normal if they have already left.

In this inner city, there is no value. Even the broken tree has been collected into the mirage by himself. If Mo Liudao crosses the stone bridge and finds no gain, he will definitely leave.

“It’s a pity that the tree of broken realm cannot be taken out at the moment, let alone made public, otherwise it will be troublesome.”

Su Li originally thought about whether to move out of this eventful ancient city, but suddenly realized that for these super-powerfuls, no matter where they moved, it would be difficult to escape them, especially now that they are with Jiang Shuijue and the others. At the same time, unless you act alone and use the means of “hiding your breath”, there is still a ray of hope of escape.

At the moment, Su Li feels that the temporary situation is not so bad that he needs to leave everyone and flee alone. He can stay here for now and see the situation later.

“Within fifteen days, I can still stay here. After fifteen days, if I can’t deal with that damn woman, I need to find another way. I have to leave everyone, and I can’t stay here and wait for death, otherwise I will aim. Too big.”

After thinking about it, Zuli decided to stay in the ancient city for a while.

Still bringing Jiang Shuijue, Gong Xiao, Ding Longyun, Xu Xuehui, and Shuilin Beast, of course, it’s not just their team who is going to leave the ancient city to find the monster’s lair, but also Fulong’s team, the team of Ding’s sister and brother, Ge An. The team of Xu Haihui, Gao Shengyi and others.

Everyone left the ancient city and looked into the distance. Su Li suddenly realized that the giant skull that had been floating in the distance was gone. On the water in the distance, dense snakes and pythons appeared.

No one else had seen it. After seeing it from a distance, they were all surprised and astonished. Su Li saw it in his eyes and was immediately taken aback. He recognized that it was the “gut of the abyss”.

A few of them went to Nanjiang City that day, and they had seen this kind of intestine of the abyss everywhere in Nanjiang City. They never expected that they would see this dense intestine of the abyss on the remote water surface of Longqiu Mountain this morning.

Seeing everyone’s astonishment, Su Li explained: “It’s called the intestine of the abyss. It is a product from the abyss. It can change the surrounding environment and make it more suitable for the survival of abyssal creatures. It expanded from Nanjiang City all the way to here.”

Gao Shengyi pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose, her face changed color and said: “Nanjiang City is more than a hundred kilometers away from here. If it expands at this speed and distance from every direction, the area occupied by the intestine of the abyss now is already It’s hard to imagine.”

Everyone’s complexion became very ugly.

Ge An looked at Su Li and said, “Brother Su, what do you think? Looking at this speed, the intestine of the abyss will soon reach us.”

Once I thought that the water surface around Longqiu Mountain would be covered by the intestines of the abyss, everyone felt a little scalp numb.

Su Li blinked with a terrifying look, and said: “Assemble five brigade to destroy these abyss intestines as much as possible.”

Thinking of the intestines of the abyss, those abyss zerg will naturally follow, he just needs enough spiritual sources, and now these abyss zerg have come to the door, he can’t ask for it.

Hearing what Su Li said, Ge An nodded and said: “That’s the only thing we can do right now.”

Soon, the Lions Team, the Tigers, the Panthers, the Bears, and the Sirius Team were assembled, leaving the ancient city, down the top of the mountain, and all boarded the floating islands at the foot of the mountain.

Su Li showed the blood ring, and induced the blood crystal earth mother, the floating island slowly left the foot of Guanyue Peak, and began to move towards the far intestine of the abyss.

This Abyssal Intestine is now less than ten kilometers away from Guanyue Peak. With the expansion speed of Abyssal Intestine, it may be able to surround Guanyue Peak by tomorrow. Everyone can only fight to the death and destroy as much as possible from the abyss. Terrifying creatures, preventing them from continuing to expand here.

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