Chapter 514: Level 7 Sacred Knight (first one)

In order to make a quick decision and break through earlier, Su Li did not hesitate to turn on the overrunner, and his body suddenly accelerated with a whistle. In the next instant, his fist fell on the blood warrior’s head, from top to bottom, directly Detonate it completely.

A spiritual source appeared and submerged in his forehead.

“Level 6 Sacred Knight: Spiritual Source 39454000”

This blood warrior brought him 20 spiritual sources.

Su Li kept moving, and then rushed to the rear to appear another stronger blood warrior. The strength of this blood warrior was already able to match the seventh-level rare beasts.

With a long roar, Su Li kicked his feet, almost leaping over in the air, and his whole body was enveloped in the black thunder and lightning like a snake, and hit the blood warrior.

With a “bang”, the blood warrior was knocked into the air by him and flew up. Su Li kept on the ground, slammed forward, and hit the flying blood warrior in the chest with a right fist. , And then hit it hard on the ground from mid-air.

The ground that had been fragmented in large amounts immediately spattered pieces of lapis lazuli, and the body of this powerful blood warrior burst into the sky with a sound of Blood Qi.

A spiritual source appeared and sank into Su Li’s forehead.

“Level 6 Sacred Knight: Spiritual Source 39704000”

This blood warrior, who can be called a seventh-level rare beast general, brought him 25 spiritual sources.

Only the last 30 spiritual sources, Su Li kept moving, leaning out at an angle, his left fist fell, and another blood warrior shattered.

“Level 6 Sacred Knight: Spiritual Source 39854000”

This blood warrior is weak and has brought him 15 spiritual sources.

With a piece of Su Li’s right hand, thick black lightning bursts out, capturing a blood warrior on the right.

The whole blood warrior was swallowed by black lightning, shaking violently, and finally shattered with a bang, and a spiritual source appeared and flew to Zurich.

Su Li merged with this spiritual source, and in his mind, there was a sudden sound of messages.

“Level 6 Sacred Knight: Spiritual Source 40004000”

“Start promotion”

“Muscles begin to strengthen, bones begin to strengthen, internal organs begin to strengthen”

“Strength Increase, Defense Ascension”

“Basic strength Ascension reaches 10,500 catties”

“Basic Defense Ascension reaches 10500 Jin”

“Physical strength increased, and the basic duration of the outbreak was extended to 21 minutes”

“The vital capacity increases, and the basic suffocation time is extended to 21 minutes”

“Speed ​​Ascension, Vision Enhancement, Hearing Enhancement”


“Promotion complete”

“Level 7 Sacred Knight: Spiritual Source 05000”

“First Talent: Strengthen Care”

“Second Talent: Those who exceed the limit”

“Third Talent: Unknown”

“Basic Strengthening: Muscle Gain MAX, Super Heart Type Ⅶ, Steel Bone Type Ⅲ, Strong Lung Type Ⅰ, Violent Liver Type Ⅰ, Gland Control Type Ⅰ, Sacred Power Sixth Layer”

“Special skills: peeping rune, gluttonous tooth, spider walk, silver armor cover, hunting ghost claw, high voltage electric shock, shark king ghost step, liquefied muscle, super regeneration, thousand shadows, black mysterious light, black thunder energy, hidden breath, ten thousand Electric shock, power of darkness, self-healing of life, information shielding”

“The Art of Spiritual Origin 1: The Third Form of Devil’s Muscle”

“Spiritual Art 2: Devil Enchantment Third Form”

“Spiritual Technique 3: Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone First Form”

“Basic Strengthening Options: Super Heart Type Ⅶ, Steel Bone Type Ⅲ, Strong Lung Type Ⅰ, Violent Liver Type Ⅰ, Glandular Control Type Ⅰ, Sacred Power Sixth Layer, Stomach”

“Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone begins to comprehend the second form.”

Su Li felt the messages that appeared in his mind, and took a deep breath. He finally succeeded in being promoted to the 7th-level Sacred knight.

Following the message in his mind, the “Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone” he held began to be promoted from the original first form to the second form.

“Heavenly Demon sacred bone second form comprehension, enhances 5,000 pounds of strength and defense.”

With the successful comprehension of the second form of “Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone”, the original first form could only increase strength and defense by 1000, but now it immediately becomes 5000.

And by combining “Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone” and “Devil Muscle”, you can enter the real state of Heavenly Demon.

The first form of “Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone” combined with “devil muscles” can be transformed into a real body of Heavenly Demon up to two meters tall, adding an extra 10,000 catties of strength.

The second form of “Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone” combined with “devil muscles” can incarnate the real body of Heavenly Demon of two meters, adding an additional 30,000 catties of power.

In the over-limit state, the second form “Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone” that has been understood, immediately Ascension becomes the third form.

The third form of “Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone” combined with “devil muscles”, his Heavenly Demon body has grown again, reaching a height of 2.5 meters. Because of the growth of the body, the muscles of his whole body are not stretched. It’s as exaggerated as before, but you can still see the swelling of muscles all over the body.

The 2.5-meter Heavenly Demon’s body is extremely domineering, and the most amazing is undoubtedly the Heavenly Demon’s real body, which has grown to 2.5-meters, which can increase an extra 50,000 catties of power.

The extra 50,000 catties of extra strength, coupled with the power that Su Li himself has mastered, after six times the Ascension of the “devil’s muscles”, the power he now masters has reached the appalling Realm.

Feeling the terrifying power boiling in his body, Su Li did not hesitate to strengthen Sacred’s power first.

Strengthened to the seventh layer of Sacred’s power, the invincibility time has been extended to three and a half seconds, and in an over-limit state, the time will become four and a half seconds.

As the invincibility time gets longer and longer, the effect of this Sacred’s power becomes more and more amazing. After all, for a strong man like Su Li, four and a half seconds can do a lot of things.

The second type of strengthening, Zuli continues to be used to strengthen the heart.

The super heart is strengthened from type Ⅶ to type Ⅷ, and the super heart type Ⅷ can increase physical fitness for an additional 24 minutes and an additional strength of 800 catties.

Now, Su Li’s strongest physical energy has reached 92 minutes, the strongest strength under normal conditions has reached 52,000 jin, and the defense has reached 38,000 jin.

In the strongest state of the overrun, the combat power is six times the Ascension, the dragon-attributed monarch equipment has been activated for the second-level effect, and the power of the spiritual source art is increased by 10%. At this moment, whether it is speed, strength, Defense and physical stamina have reached unprecedented levels.

His 52,000 jins of power, plus the extra 50,000 jins of the 2.5-meter Heavenly Demon’s real body, reached 102,000 jins. After six times the Ascension and 10% additional excitation, the strongest strength was reached in one fell swoop. 673200 catties.

With a force of 510,000 jins just grasped, breakthrough reached a force of 670,000 jins. Su Li took a deep breath, fists out, and strode forward suddenly, with a thud, and one just took shape. The blood warrior was blasted by him instantly. This time, he only gained level 10 spirit source.

It seemed that as he was promoted to breakthrough level 7, the number of spiritual sources that could be harvested by killing the blood samurai was also decreasing.

As the blood warrior was bombarded and killed by him, a blood swallowing blood rushed out of the broken god and devil pattern below.

Like a beam of blood-colored light, it lasts for a long time.

In this blood-colored light beam, a giant blood warrior is slowly taking shape.

And this blood Qi rising up into the sky also attracted the beautiful woman who had just passed through the large number of broken columns.

She suddenly raised her head and saw the soaring Blood Qi appearing in the distance. Her eyes flickered, and the figure flickered. Suddenly, she rushed forward at a terrifying speed. Soon, she saw the one that was cut horizontally in front of her. Dropped most of the palace, and then rushed in.

At this moment Xu Xuehui was retreating in succession, and the blood warriors all around disappeared, leaving only this soaring Blood Qi, in the Blood Qi, a giant blood warrior appeared.

The blood warrior that appeared grabbed both hands, and two giant blood swords appeared in his hands.

This monstrous Blood Qi oppression, the sense of pressure given to Zuli, has surpassed that of the fifth-level monarch.

“Awesome, this blood warrior is afraid that it can rival the sixth-level monarch.”

Su Li felt this sense of oppression, and was not afraid, but showed a look of excitement.

Now he is a 7th-level Sacred knight. He has just gained a great Ascension. He has successfully killed the sixth-level monarch before, let alone now?

Now he is in the state of the strongest Heavenly Demon of 2.5 meters, carrying a huge power of over 670,000 catties in his body, and the special abilities in his body are sacrificed one by one, and they are merged by the treasures outside the law. As one, ten special abilities were quickly merged into one, with a power of 670,000 jin, facing the two blood swords that the giant blood warrior had smashed, with his fists facing the blood sword.

“Boom boom boom—”

In an instant, the “Thousand Shadows” started, and Su Li was in a breath, hitting hundreds of punches, one punch was more terrifying than one punch, and one punch was heavier than one punch. When he finished his hundreds of punches, he merged into the two punches. There are fifteen special abilities.

Even if this giant blood warrior possesses the strength of a sixth-level monarch, it can’t resist it. A pair of blood swords broke apart and exploded into pieces and flew quickly. Zuri completely suppressed it. Even if this blood warrior wanted to dodge and retreat , But where is it faster than the current Zurich?

The right fist blasted over like lightning.

This blood warrior deserves to have the power of a sixth-level monarch. Between life and death, he finally managed to react, stretching his arms to cover his head and face.Su Li hit the blood warrior’s arms with this punch, and immediately exploded his arms, losing the body of both arms, and flew out in the air.

Su Li was about to make up for a blow when suddenly a huge white light came from a distance.

This white light was so powerful that it hit the flying blood warrior with a thud.

This blood warrior had no resistance, burst into Blood Qi in this white light, and disappeared into ashes.

Feeling the terrifying power of this white light, Su Li’s face changed drastically, and he opened the mirage almost without even thinking about it. As soon as he stretched out his right hand, he took out the mysterious stone tool.

The person who appeared suddenly was a beautiful woman. She was separated from a very long distance, and she just popped a finger, a huge white light, and instantly wiped out the blood warrior with the strength of the sixth-level monarch.

Seeing the beautiful woman suddenly appear and coming from a distance, Su Li’s face changed.

The beautiful woman looked at the giant cross and the crown giant crucified on it, with a trace of unconcealable surprise in her eyes, but she quickly put them down for a while, staring at Su Li and Xu Xuehui with her eyes stretched out. With only his right hand, he said in an empty space: “Hand over the Breakthrough Fruit.”

Although she didn’t know why they were able to find the Boundary Breaking Tree faster than herself, she was already certain that the fruit of Boundary Breaking on the tree should have been plucked by Su Li and Xu Xuehui.

Seeing this beautiful woman approaching, Su Li felt unprecedented pressure. Although the stone tool was tightly grasped with her right hand, she still wondered if she could scare this beautiful woman. Right now, she can only try and slowly sense the stone tool, that kind of flesh and blood. The feeling of connectedness reappeared.

“What kind of fruit?” Su Li was also preparing to pretend to be confused, thinking whether he could use the fruit to bargain with her.

It’s a pity that the beautiful woman didn’t give him any chance at all.

“Death!” With a scream, her face suddenly sank, and the beautiful woman’s eyes were full of murderous intent: “This time, I see who else will rescue you.”

As soon as he lifted his right hand in the air, he stretched out a finger, like a bolt of lightning, suddenly approaching Zuli, and the finger from the right hand hit the center of Zuli’s forehead.

With her means, with a single blow with her finger, Su Li can easily get a headshot.

Because she was afraid of the rebound method that Zuli used last time. Of course, she didn’t know that it was the cause of Gun’s Tears. She thought that Zuli possessed some special ability to rebound, so she didn’t pop up like the blood warrior she just killed. A huge white light approached Su Li personally and attacked.

She also noticed the stone tool that Su Li was holding tightly in her right hand and felt the terrifying power contained in it, but she sneered.

No matter how powerful a weapon is, it needs people to use it. Given the difference in strength between Zuli and her, even if he is given a powerful weapon, it cannot threaten him. On the contrary, as long as you kill Zuli, this stone tool will It will fall into her hands, whether it is the Broken Realm Fruit or this stone tool, it will ultimately be in her bag.

The appearance of this stone tool not only failed to frighten her, it also made her more determined to kill Su Li.

Originally, Su Li wanted to use this stone tool to scare the beautiful woman, at least it could make her jealous, but she never expected that the other party was so fierce and didn’t want to talk to herself more, so she suddenly shot it.

In the blink of an eye, he approached Own’s face, and the finger almost reached Own’s forehead.

Before he could think about it, Su Li let out a stern shout, and he had been prepared for it and immediately entered the invincible state of “Sacred Power”.

The finger of the beautiful woman was originally a fake move. The slapping of the left palm was the killing, but she didn’t want Su Li to evade at all. When she was slaughtering her index finger, she realized that she was like slaughtered into the air. The stone tool that faintly exudes a frightening aura drew towards her.

“Innocent!” There was a mocking look on the beautiful woman’s face.

The aura contained in this stone tool is indeed terrifying, even if it is stronger than her, she feels shocked, but no matter how powerful a power or divine tool is, it needs to attack her in order to have an effect.

Su Li is in the most powerful Heavenly Demon real body state, six times the speed of Ascension, and after 10% additional excitation of the monarch’s equipment, his speed can be said to be amazing, but this amazing speed is like a beautiful woman. In the eyes of the 20th-level wizard, it was a joke.

Regardless of the speed of movement, dodge speed, attack speed, including the speed at which Su Li picked up the stone tool, in the eyes of the beautiful woman, it was not much different from slow motion.

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