Chapter 515 Ancient Crystal (second more seeking automatic subscription)

At this moment, Su Li is in a state of invincibility for four and a half seconds. He understands that he has only these four and a half seconds. If he can’t solve this beautiful woman in these four and a half seconds, it is himself who will die.

He went all out, the two-meter-high Heavenly Demon body, the over-limiter, the over-limit state of the “devil muscle”, the third form of the “Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone”, the strongest sixty surging in his body Seventy thousand catties of huge force.

Su Limingbai’s special abilities, rare skills, or monarch skills are not enough to deal with this beautiful woman. The only hope to kill her is the stone tool in his hand that looks like an ancient stone adze.

On the surface of the stone tools, hair-thin blood strands continued to emerge. Su Li felt the destructive energy contained in it surging. It seemed that as long as the own thought moved, this destructive energy would be excited and destroy everything. .

But the speed of the beautiful woman was too fast, and the stone tool that Su Li was holding in his right hand had just been lifted up, and the beautiful woman suddenly appeared to his left.

Su Li opened the “Peeping Rune”, in the overrun state, it was directly transformed into the “third eye”.

This “third eye” completely locks in every move of the beautiful woman, and even she is about to move to the left. Zuli has completed the prediction through the “third eye” and wants to move the stone tool to the left. Unfortunately, he The attack speed cannot keep up with his “third eye” prediction.

This means that if an ordinary person faces a professional boxer, even if he knows that the opponent is going to punch him, he still cannot dodge or block.

When the beautiful woman moved, her hands were raised, and two huge white circle appeared in succession, which flooded Su Li. Although it hit Su Li, it seemed to hit the void and couldn’t hurt him at all.

She already knew that Zuri should be in a very special state, invalidating the own attack.

“Unexpectedly, he still has this ability.” After being surprised, the beautiful woman suddenly opened the distance from Zuli. She understood that the stronger the ability, the duration will not be too long, and generally after it is used, it will There is a certain interval, and there is no possibility of unlimited use.

She is now waiting for the end of the four and a half seconds of invincibility for Zuri.

Su Li frantically flew at the beautiful woman, using the fastest speed he could achieve with every pounce, holding a stone tool in his right hand, but he tried his best to suppress the terrifying energy burst in it, he understood , Unable to have a hundred hands and one hundred grasp the beautiful woman, the energy of this stone tool has not yet reached the time to explode.

Fortunately, he now has a wonderful feeling of blood and flesh connected with this stone tool. Under his suppression, the surging energy in this stone tool is getting more and more terrifying, but it is only slightly leaked, and it has not completely erupted.

Although it was only slightly leaked, the energy was still transmitted to his body along his right hand. Zuli could feel the heavy terrifying energy of First Stage impacting his body, but it was unable to cause damage to his body.

Sure enough, his previous guess came true. When he was in the invincible state of Sacred’s power, he used this stone tool, and the energy that penetrated from the stone tool would not cause damage to his body for the time being.

The eyes of the beautiful woman were cold, and she could feel the surging energy in the stone tool becoming more and more terrifying, and finally reached a level that even she could not imagine.”This stone tool is really a treasure. I am afraid that the energy in it is comparable to the power in my ancient crystal… It is simply unreasonable that he, an ant-like old human, can master it.”

The beautiful woman was silent in her heart, and she didn’t dare to be careless for a while, but she kept flashing her figure in a staggered way, and even dodges Su Li’s pounce, her figure was like a wisp of smoke, and occasionally stretched a finger out in the air. I want to test whether the invincibility state of Su Li is invalid.

Between these two or three seconds, Zuri has combined the “Spider Walk” and the “King King Ghost Walk”, and then combined with the “overrunner” state, turned into the ultimate “overrun ghost walk”, fast. It was like a phantom, barely touching the ground, in these short two or three seconds, he continued to pounce on the beautiful woman.

But the speed of the beautiful woman is faster. Around her body, there is a faint whirlwind blowing, and her body seems to be transformed into a whirlwind. Every time she dodges Zuli’s attack, she shoots her right hand and launches. An energy attack.

Su Li is in an invincible state. He does not dodge her attack at all, but makes a full attack. It is a pity that she has been evaded in advance every time. In front of the beautiful woman’s speed much more terrifying than him, even if Su Li has the “third The predictive ability of “eyes only” has no effect at all.

The gap between the two parties is too big.

Su Li didn’t know how many thoughts had been turned in his mind, seeing that the invincibility time was about to pass three seconds soon, but he could not even touch the corner of the beautiful woman’s clothes.

Once again, she missed the air, the beautiful woman raised her right hand again while dodge, and an energy attack popped out, trying to test whether his invincible state was over.

Although Su Li was able to catch it in advance, he didn’t need to dodge, but this time, he suddenly kicked his feet and slammed to the side, almost avoiding the attack of the beautiful woman.

“Ha ha–”

The beautiful woman suddenly laughed presumptuously, and Su Li finally began to dodge her attack. There is no doubt that his invincible time is over.

Su Li not only dodges her attack just now, but also turned around, gave up the attack, turned and rushed towards the place where Xu Xuehui was on the other side.

“I want to escape now?” The beautiful woman smiled coldly, without seeing how she was acting, she suddenly approached behind Su Li, with a right hand, and a white circular circle appeared in her palm, blasting towards the back of Su Li’s heart.

At the speed of Zu Li, it was too late to turn around to fight back or block. In an instant, the white circular circle made by the beautiful woman hit Zu Li’s back heavily.

But he didn’t want this white circular circle to penetrate through Su Li’s body and flew over.

“Huh?” The beautiful woman’s heart shuddered, and she immediately understood that Su Li’s invincible time was not over, and everything he just did was to deceive herself.

Almost at the same moment, from Su Li’s back, an indescribable force of terror suddenly surged out. This force blasted into the white circular magic circle she had punched out, and the powerful circle instantly collapsed. This power is simply overwhelming and overwhelming, and it is immediately in front of the beautiful woman.

Even if she was a beautiful woman, she never expected that Su Li would do such an operation, occupying the power of the invincible Sacred. He first deceived the beautiful woman to be fooled, and then fled in the direction where Xu Xuehui was at full speed.

Of course, his escape was fake. He knew that the beautiful woman must attack, and even guessed that the beautiful woman might have a second-hand preparation, but none of this matters.

Because the stone tool he was holding in his right hand slammed into Own’s chest, using Own’s body as a cover, even a beautiful woman could not see his movements, and never thought there would be such a crazy move in the world, someone would use it. A devastating weapon attacked the owner’s body.

Su Limingbai’s characteristic of Sacred’s power uses a stone weapon to bombard his own body, bursting out the devastating energy inside, and then through his own body, attacking the beautiful woman behind.

He was in a state of invincibility for four and a half seconds. The stone tool passed on the owner’s body and immediately penetrated through. He was unharmed, and the round magic circle hit by the beautiful woman was the first to bear the brunt of the stone, colliding with the stone tool. It collapsed instantly, and then, the power in the stone tool was completely activated, and dense bloodshots appeared on the surface.

A horrible divine light shot out from the stone tool, passed through Su Li’s body, and immediately reached the beautiful woman.

The beautiful woman suddenly let out a scream, even if she has a much faster speed than Su Li, she still feels shocked and horrified at this moment, and some can’t react.

Even if she guessed countless possibilities, she even guessed whether Zuli would pretend to be invincible and the time was over, or if he had the ability to rebound his own strength, but she never guessed that Zuli would have such an attack. Can use own invincible state to attack oneself with stone tools, and then attack her with own body.

Unexpectedly, the beautiful woman, as an advanced 20-level wizard, in this moment of life and death, her reaction also reached the incredible Realm, and she tried her best to burst out two feet in her feet. With a whirlwind force, his body leaned abruptly, and his prepared left hand blasted past almost at the same moment.

She had already prepared with both hands, but she did not completely despise Su Li. After all, she suffered a big loss when she first met him that day, which made her impressed with Su Li.

So her first round of attacks was a magic circle attack with her right hand. If Zu Li really had some special means, she would make a half circle in an instant, slanting to Zu Li’s side, with her left hand long ago. The prepared powerful attack will immediately blast over, ensuring that he will be killed when he is caught off guard.

Now although Su Li’s attack was completely beyond her imagination, she still reacted in an instant, and while slanting to dodge, her left hand stretched out at the same time, and a white circle suddenly appeared on her left arm.

These circular magic circles circled her left arm, layer upon layer, and suddenly flew out through her left hand.

There was a bang, and in an instant, at least a dozen layers of white circular arrays blasted above the divine might that erupted from the stone tools.

With the help of the two whirlwinds appearing on the soles of her feet and the counter-shock force of the left hand, her body was pulled up by an invisible force, moving three feet horizontally to the left.

The divine light of the stone tool rushed out in the air, devastating, and the lapis lazuli ground became vulnerable to a single blow, and it shattered like paper, and only half of the remaining palace walls were hit by the divine light. Silently shattered and shattered.

The dozens of circular magic circles that were extremely powerful in the extremely beautiful women’s shots all collapsed.

Almost at the same time that dozens of circular formations in the left hand were hitting out, the beautiful woman bent the fingers of her right hand, trying to follow up and launch an attack. Suddenly, she saw a huge eye.

This phantom eye appeared in front of her very abruptly.Even if she was stronger than the beautiful woman, she was taken aback at this moment.

Although she reacted in less than half a second, Su Li had already turned around in less than half a second, and the stone tool held in her right hand rotated along his body and swung it sideways. Smashed at the waist of the beautiful woman.

I don’t know when, Xu Xuehui has appeared silently, and as soon as she shot, she sacrificed all the three spiritual source arts.

“Different pupil technique”, “Giant pupil”, “Ice pupil”, the three spiritual source techniques are exhausted, all of which are pupil techniques.

The “different pupil technique” can directly affect a person’s soul and spirit. Once it touches her eyes, it is as if the soul is about to be sucked away, and the person’s spirit will be instantly confused.

Now this “different pupil technique” has been blessed by the “giant pupil” and turned into a huge and incomparable giant eye shadow. Even if it is a powerful woman, it is suddenly recruited, although she reacted in an instant, But Su Li grasped this for less than half a second, and the stone tool had reached her waist.

The beautiful woman reacted and wanted to dodge again. Suddenly, she felt frost suddenly appeared all over her body, and she was frozen at this instant.

“Chuck”, even though Xu Xuehui’s “Ice Eye” can easily freeze those monsters, how can it completely freeze level 20 wizards?

Just frozen the beautiful woman, the ice on her body immediately shattered, allowing her to recover again.

However, after experiencing the attacks of “different pupil technique”, “giant pupil” and “ice pupil”, he was stronger than the beautiful woman, and it was a step too late after all.

When she shattered the ice on the surface of her body and regained her freedom of movement, the stone tool that Su Li was holding had already hit her waist heavily.

The layer of mechanical armor with powerful defensive capabilities outside the body burst immediately, and it was turned into thousands of fragments.

Xu Xuehui tried all his abilities and finally grasped the best opportunity to make this fatal attack. Although it only delayed the beautiful woman for less than a second before and after, it took less than a second. For the strong, It determines the success or failure of life and death.

The stone tool was strong and hit the beautiful woman. The beautiful woman opened her mouth and issued a sharp and terrifying scream. The heavy armor on the surface of her body was shattered in an instant, revealing the naked body inside, and she was stoned. When hitting the waist, a crystal suddenly appeared.

This is her last and strongest means of life-saving, ancient crystal.

The legend in this crystal stores a power from the ancient times. Until life and death, the beautiful woman will never use it at will.

She was forced to use it once in order to break through her self-breakthrough. The mysterious power that could perfectly replicate her was also unable to replicate this power from the ancient times. It is conceivable that the level of this ancient power is terrifying. .

Later, with the help of this ancient force, she easily destroyed the copy of herself, and successfully passed the self-level test before reaching here.

And the remaining power in the ancient crystal could be used twice. At this moment, she finally felt the breath of Death. In panic, the ancient crystal was naturally activated and emerged from her waist.

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