Chapter 513 Crown Giant

This is a cross made of rock, deeply inserted into the center of the palace.

On the ground in the center of the palace, there were very exquisite patterns carved, which seemed to be some kind of portraits of gods and demons, but being nailed into it by the cross at this moment, the patterns of the gods and demons, together with the ground of the Great Hall, were completely shattered.

This stone cross is very huge and stands tall. Except for the part that is deeply inserted into the ground of the Great Hall, it is exposed to the outside and it is nearly 20 meters high. The stone bar above it is also ten meters long.

At this moment, Su Li followed Xu Xuehui and stood quietly in front of the cross, looking at the people nailed to the giant cross.

A giant was nailed to this cross.

This was a giant about ten meters tall. He wore a simple and tattered crown on his head, and was draped with broken fine armor. Both his hands and feet were pierced by giant stone nails and nailed to the giant cross.

This giant has bronze skin, and his exposed body is like bronze. The armor and flesh on his chest have been cut open with a huge wound. In the wound, empty and empty, the heart has been taken.

The giant lowered his head, half of his face was covered by the crown, unable to see his face completely, motionless, and had lost his breath of life.

But from the huge wound on its chest, blood was surging, slowly permeating and appearing, along the bronze body, infiltrating bit by bit, and occasionally, a drop of blood would drip down the body. Come.

The drip of blood penetrated into the completely shattered gods and demons pattern below, and there was faint energy surging in those cracks, as if there was a terrifying energy reactor hidden below, as long as it was triggered a little, it would explode into earth-shattering Vaillant.

Seeing the crowned giant nailed to the cross, Su Li felt a huge depression in his heart, as if facing a mountain or a god, his soul was suppressed, and there was an urge to bow down and give in. It was instinctive. Not daring to look up, it seemed that it was an offense and blasphemy to look at him more.

Although this crown giant has been dead for many years, he is not like the previous ox head bones or horse face bones. The skin and flesh are rotted and disappeared, leaving only the bones.

Although this giant was dead, his skin and flesh did not rot, his heart was taken, but the Blood Essence in his body was inexhaustible, and occasionally a drop of blood would drip down, and every drop of blood seemed to contain terrible energy.

Su Li and Xu Xuehui stood in front of the crowned giant who was crucified. The stone rune that Xu Xuehui held in his hand reacted very violently this time, glowing with a faint buzzing sound.

Suddenly, it seemed to resonate with the stone rune pattern, and the blood that was originally flowing slowly inside the crown giant had an unusual change.

In the ancient city at this moment, the vibration of the inner city had already ceased. Many people stopped evacuation and gathered towards the inner city. In a short time, hundreds of thousands of people rushed in.

It’s a pity that all those who rushed in were caught in a magic barrier.

Except for Mo Liudao, the Beautiful Woman, and the Skeleton Monarch, only Su Li was awakened from the magic barrier by Xu Xuehui. Where other people have such abilities, it is too difficult for them to take the initiative to wake up from the magic barrier with their own ability.

Even if it is stronger than the Skeleton Lord, it is trapped by the False Tree in the second level. It is not easy to see Shattering Void in a short period of time and get out of trouble.And the third level is the need to overcome oneself.

This level trapped Mo Liudao and the beautiful woman.

Both of them are fighting with the own copy, and the copy is equal to their ego, possessing exactly the same strength as them, and they are indifferent to each other.

Mo Liudao is a level 20 paladin, and he also masters the talent of Martial Dao, which allows him to know any Martial Dao Cultivation Technique at a glance. Once he learns it, he can be superb, and even innovate, which can turn decay into magic.

In terms of various special abilities, spiritual source art and skills, this Martial Dao’s talents also play a huge role.

It is also by virtue of this top talent that Mo Liudao is also one of the top 20 superpowers, but at this moment, he also encounters a problem, just because his opponent is exactly the same as him, and he also has Martial Dao. The ability to communicate with the gods, two Mo Liudao kills in the dark, and the six god-tier controlled by the Qiankun Six Fingers exhausts them, and no one can defeat the other party.

Like Mo Liudao, the beautiful woman and the copy of herself have been fighting for a long time, and both sides have been injured. Whether it is talent, treasures, various magical powers, skills, and treasures, the beautiful woman can’t hurt each other. , Just because what she took out, the other side also took out something, the two sides are exactly the same, there is no difference between high and low.

In the end, she was forced to take out a crystal.

This crystal is a very special treasure. The seal in it stores a very ancient power. It is the treasure at the bottom of the beautiful woman’s chest and her last means of life-saving. She will only use it when her life is threatened. Last resort.

You have to know, with the power she currently holds, what level of strength the opponent has to make her feel the threat of Death?

Ordinary life-saving methods are basically ineffective. This crystal was given to her by some big person behind her to save her life. It is said that the power stored in it comes from an ancient era. Once activated, it is basically invincible in the world.

At this moment, the beautiful woman couldn’t win with all the means, and finally took out the crystal in anger.

Sure enough, the beautiful woman who was copied on the other side couldn’t get the exact same crystal as her.

The ancient power stored in this crystal is too powerful, and it exceeds the upper limit of the ability of the black mist in the center to replicate. Therefore, it is impossible to replicate this crystal with ancient power.

Unleashing the ancient power in the crystal, the beautiful woman finally defeated her opponent, and the duplicated beautiful woman disappeared.

With just one blow, the ancient power stored in this crystal was lost by a third, but the beautiful woman is not particularly painful, anyway, even if the ancient power inside is really exhausted, she can find another one. The big man, just refill the ancient power in the water.

Taking a look at Mo Liudao who was still fighting frantically on the other side, the beautiful woman put away the ancient crystal, her face showed a trace of pride, after all, she was ahead of him.

He swept away and left here.

After that, the beautiful woman saw the suspended stone bridge through the clouds and the bottomless abyss below.

She did not stop, walked in along the stone bridge that was only one meter wide, and slowly disappeared into the oncoming clouds.

In this cloud and mist, the beautiful woman was trapped for a long time. She didn’t know how far she walked along the stone bridge, but found that the stone bridge never had an end, and there was no end at all.

I finally realized that, instead of continuing to walk, I sat down in the Lotus Position on the stone bridge and entered the Meditation.

When she wakes up from the Meditation, and then opens her eyes, she can no longer see the bottomless abyss, the stone bridge, and the sky full of clouds.

When she opened her eyes, she saw the huge broken tree.

She was ecstatic when she caught the information of this broken tree, and rushed to the tree, but suddenly she was dumbfounded. On this big tree, she didn’t see a broken fruit.

After the rejoicing, she was extremely disappointed. The mood swings were so severe that she couldn’t accept it for a while. It took a long while before she uttered a slight hoarse curse.

“Is there no fruit of breaking the realm? Or is it that the fruit has been picked?”

The beautiful woman sensed Xu Xuehui’s remaining aura here, and carefully checked the broken-border tree. Finally, she could confirm that there were a lot of fruits on the tree, but it was only picked, and it hasn’t been a long time since the tree was picked. The remaining fruits on the leaves can be clearly judged.

“I understand…” The beautiful woman gritted her teeth slightly, full of anger, and quickly raised her head, swept her body, and arrived in front of the huge rock behind the Tree of Broken Boundary. After that, she boarded the huge rock and saw the end of the huge rock towering. The dilapidated giant door.

Following the remaining breath of Xu Xuehui, the beautiful woman entered the giant gate.

Su Li has been in a state of hiding her breath. Even a beautiful woman can’t catch his breath. She can only catch Xu Xuehui’s breath.

After entering the giant gate, the beautiful woman saw a large number of corpses of the underworld ghost soldiers, and she became more sure that someone had taken all the fruit of the broken boundary and destroyed the giant gate that resembled the gate of The Underworld. Enter here and kill This large number of underworld ghost soldiers died.

The more beautiful woman thought about it, the more angry she got, and she quickly came to the end. Then, based on Xu Xuehui’s aura, she chose one of the entrances, entered the passage, and then saw the ghost soldiers corpses all over the road, and finally exited the passage. Came to the Desolate Ghost Village.

As long as she walked past the desolate tree and passed through the large number of damaged columns, she could see the palace where most of it had been cut off, Su Li and Xu Xuehui, in the center of the palace.

At this moment, the two of Su Li did not know that the beautiful woman had chased the Desolate Ghost Village, and was constantly approaching them. The distance between the two was getting closer and closer.

Su Li was completely stunned by the crown giant on the cross in front of him. Seeing the blood flowing down his body, he was sensed by the stone runes in Xu Xuehui’s hand, and he reacted unexpectedly. The blood was violently surging. There were terrible energy fluctuations.

Afraid of danger, Su Li immediately pulled Xu Xuehui back, but saw Blood Qi soaring into the sky in the blood, and suddenly turned into a warrior wearing a heavy armor and holding a huge sword.

These warriors were all the blood remaining in the crown giant being inspired by the stone runes, and the energy in the blood turned out.

In an instant, at least ten heavy-armored warriors appeared, shooting an extremely powerful Blood Qi in their bodies, holding the giant sword in their hands, neatly and uniformly, and rushed towards Su Li.

Behind them, in the cracks with the patterns of the underground gods and demons, there is a more terrifying Blood Qi surging, and one after another, larger warriors are transforming.

Su Li was busy opening the “Peeping Rune” to observe, and immediately captured the information of the ten heavy armored warriors in front of him, and a message appeared in his mind.

“Name: The blood warriors are transformed by the blood of their masters. They are the incarnations of Blood Qi, with only a ray of remnant souls left, and they still fight endlessly.”

In response to the message in his mind, ten blood warriors have rushed up.Su Li was slightly relieved when he saw the speed and strength of their rushing up. Fortunately, although they were large in number, in terms of strength, they were not as difficult to deal with as the bull-headed ghosts and horse-faced ghosts.

For that matter, Zuli still entered the third form of “Devil Muscles” and the first form of “Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone”, and entered the two-meter Heavenly Demon state. Of course, he did not use the strongest state of transcendence. .

The strength of these blood warriors is not enough to make him enter the state of transcendence.

When the figure flickered, Su Li took the initiative to greet him, with both fists out, carrying the power of the fusion of six abilities, almost one punch at these blood warriors.

“Bang, bang, bang—”

There were five punches in an instant, and the five blood warriors on the right almost flew out at the same time, and were bombarded to re-explode into Blood Qi and disperse.

Every blood warrior brought him ten spiritual sources.

In an instant, 50 spiritual sources were harvested, and the number of spiritual sources currently owned by Su Li reached 3650.

Killing five blood warriors first, stomping their feet, and then rushing to the other five blood warriors on the left, still solving one with one punch, and one face to face, killing these five blood warriors. The number of spiritual sources he now has has reached 3700 pieces.

These ten blood warriors were defeated, and more blood warriors appeared around the cross.

The newly-appearing blood warrior has a huge body and an ascension of strength. When Su Li wants to kill them, it is not as simple as just now.

Su Li immediately merged into two abilities, and the energy he merged into his fists now became eight kinds.

The strength and speed were once again ascension to a level, this time he bombed the new batch of blood warriors, every time he killed one, he could harvest 15 spiritual sources.

There were too many blood warriors, Xu Xuehui held the ice-bound rod, opened the ice pupil, and began to take action.

The blood warrior who was swept by her ice pupil immediately froze into a popsicle, and then was smashed to pieces by her ice rod.

Soon, this new group of powerful blood warriors were killed by Su Li.

One harvest 15 spiritual sources, ten blood warriors, and 150 spiritual sources. The number of spiritual sources owned by Zuri has reached 3850, which is only 150 away from the 4000 required for breakthrough, which means killing ten more powerful ones. Blood Warrior, he will be able to successfully promote breakthrough.

For the Sacred knight who broke through to become the 7th level, Su Li was full of expectations.

Soon, he felt that the strength of the blood warrior appearing in this blood was constantly increasing. Every newly born blood warrior had a larger body, and its strength would also have a large Ascension.

Even Su Li started to feel the difficulty slowly.

Soon, he killed five blood warriors again. Now, the number of spiritual sources he possessed has reached 3925.

With a roar, another powerful blood warrior was born from the surging Blood Qi below. It held a huge sword in both hands and slashed towards Su Li.

The strength of this blood warrior is not inferior to the sixth-level rare beast, and even stronger.

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