Chapter 512 Cross (second more for completeness)

“Name: The Crystal of Resurrection, which is transformed by the energy remaining after the death of the bull-headed ghost, has the powerful effects of life and death, fleshy bones, no matter how badly it is injured, the crystal of Resurrection is also restored to normal in an instant, and the crystal of Resurrection belongs to The number of consumable items that can be used varies according to the degree of injury. The more severe the injury, the more energy will be consumed to resurrect the crystal.”

“Name: Bull Head Ring, Attribute: +1000 Strength, Skill: Bull Head Clash.”

The bull head ring is of ordinary quality, which Su Li can’t appreciate, but the surviving crystal is a good thing, which makes him happy.

With this surviving crystal, no matter how severe the injury is, it can heal and recover instantly. The only regret is that it is a loss item like the nucleus. The heavier the injury, the more energy is lost. I don’t know this survivor. How many times can the crystal be used in total?

Having just received a rare quality ghost pawn ring, Su Li took down the normal quality Fengming ring on the tail finger of his left hand and replaced it with this rare quality ghost pawn ring.

Compared with the ring of Fengming, the ring of ghost soldiers can increase the power by 500 more, and the power of rare skills is much more powerful than ordinary skills.

After the ghost soldier ring was replaced, the strongest strength that Zuri had under normal conditions reached 44,400 kilograms. If it was in the strongest state of the Overrunner and Heavenly Demon’s real body, the strongest strength reached 491,040 kilograms in one fell swoop, a real breakthrough. At 490,000 catties, it is infinitely close to half a million catties.

Seeing that all five bullhead ghosts were killed, Xu Xuehui took the stone rune and walked to the giant bullhead skeleton on the ground.

This bull-head skeleton just glowed, and its stored energy turned into five powerful bull-headed ghosts, and at this moment, the light on its surface was dimming.

Xu Xuehui suddenly put away the glove on her left hand, revealing her fingers, and with a light bite, blood came out of her fingers.

She smeared the blood on the broken stone rune.

Her blood slowly penetrated into the stone rune pattern and disappeared. On the surface of the stone rune pattern, the lines on the surface seemed to have come alive. Then, gradually, the light of blood shone out from it and touched the ground. The giant skeleton touched, and the giant skeleton began to weather and disappear.

Su Li watched this scene and couldn’t help but walked over. In a short time, it was like an invisible wind blowing a lot of wind and sand. The speed of this giant skeleton was weathering faster and faster, and a faint image came from it. A sigh.

This sigh seemed true and illusory, and Su Li was shocked, busy trying to listen carefully, but could not hear anything.

“rest in peace……”

The voice in Xu Xuehui’s mouth was barely audible. In the end, this giant bull-head skeleton disappeared completely, leaving only a cloud of indeterminate white light submerged in this stone rune.

As the white light merged in, Su Li saw the stone rune pattern slowly recovering, and the small cracks on the original surface were closing.

When the white light on the stone runes disappeared, Xu Xuehui’s mood also seemed to become very depressed, without saying anything, just lowered his head, holding the stone runes, and continued to walk forward.

Su Li looked at Xu Xuehui’s back and thought of the sigh that faintly came from the giant bone just now. It seemed to be full of endless sadness and despair, but also seemed to have a certain expectation. He could not describe the complex taste of that sigh. It’s just that the doubts in his heart are getting bigger and bigger, and Xu Xuehui is also getting more and more mysterious in his mind.Maybe she has many secrets hidden in her body. Can you take a look at it this time?

Su Li did not speak, but followed Xu Xuehui silently. The two of them passed through this area full of columns and arrived at a palace.

This palace is very magnificent, covering an area of ​​one or two acres, but it was cut off by some kind of force. Most of the upper part of the palace is gone, and only a small part below, which looks like a The open maze is very strange.

At this moment, the two of them are standing in front of the remaining small palace. Zu Li looks ahead. There should be the entrance of the palace. There are two giant stone statues on both sides, but the stone statues have also been cut off by half, leaving only the small half and the base. .

Judging from the rest of the younger half, this should be two statues of gods and demons.

There are two strange beasts under their feet, which are like dragons. According to ancient legends, the gods and demons who can step on the dragons are naturally not simple roles.

Among the entrance of the palace and the two remaining statues of gods and demons, one on the left and the other on the right, there are two bones lying on the ground.

However, Su Li came closer and quickly understood that this was not two bones, but one bone. It was just that he was chopped in half by some kind of force from his waist during his lifetime, and the upper part fell on the statue. On the right, the lower part of the body fell to the left of the two statues.

After countless years, the flesh and blood that had been cut apart had long since rotted and disappeared, leaving only the skeleton. So at first glance, I thought it was two skeletons lying on the ground.

The bones of the lower body on the left half resemble humans, but are much larger than humans, at least four or five meters long. The upper body on the right is also human-shaped, and it is also four or five meters high, but the head is not human, but resembles a horse. Or the skull of a donkey-like creature.

Seeing this skull, Zu Li’s mind flashed with thunder and thunder, and he thought of the legend of “Tau Tau Ma Mian”, and his heart couldn’t help but burst.

The atmosphere became a little weird. Su Li silently looked at the giant bones on the two sides. If they were not separated and joined together, the height of the giant bone would not be less than ten meters, but if this is really the legendary “bull head horse face”, How could it end so miserably?

The bull’s head was turned into a giant skeleton, and the horse face was cut to pieces alive?

Su Li felt that Own’s thinking was a little confused, so he could only shake his head and put aside these distracting thoughts. With the lessons learned just now, he was a little afraid to observe the giant bones on the ground with “peep runes”. The taste of the blow just now was very different It feels good, his head seemed to split in an instant, which made his memory especially fresh.

Xu Xuehui took the stone rune in her hand and walked towards the giant upper body bone on the right. The stone rune in her hand was shining slightly, perhaps inspired by the light, this giant upper body bone Immediately there was a reaction, a white light appeared at the fracture, followed by a surge of energy, and soon, this energy was transformed by creatures.

Su Li immediately stepped forward and understood that just like just now, this giant skeleton with a horse face was also transforming a creature.

Soon, three identical monsters appeared.

These three monsters are five meters tall and have a strong human-like body, but with a long and narrow horse face.

Su Li opened the peeping rune and took a look. The names of these three monsters were Horse Face Ghost Soldiers.

Su Li was in front of Xu Xuehui, and once again entered the most powerful Heavenly Demon real body state. Now the strongest power he can explode has reached 490,000 catties, combined with the fifteen kinds of fusion in the body. Ability, the most powerful burst of power, is almost one punch.

The strength of this horse-faced ghost pawn is equivalent to that of a bull-headed ghost pawn, possessing almost the strength of a fifth-level monarch, but facing the current Zuli, even the fifth-level monarch can hardly resist his punch.

With a leap, with crushing strength and speed, Zurich could not dodge this horse-faced ghost. The first punch smashed the head of one horse-faced ghost, and the second punch hit the other horse-faced ghost. The chest, and when Su Li hits the third punch, the person has already circled behind the last horse-faced ghost pawn, and this punch hits it firmly on its back, and the horse-faced ghost pawn from behind Smashed.

Killing three horse-faced ghost soldiers in one breath, Zuli received a total of 150 spiritual sources, and now has 3,400 spiritual sources.

He will be able to break through and advance to the next level with a shortfall of 600 spiritual sources.

In addition to the 150 spiritual sources, three energy lights appeared in the corpse of the horse-faced ghost, and they all plunged into his chest. Following that, three messages rang in succession.

“Name: Spiritual source crystal. Spiritual source crystal is a kind of crystal formed by a large number of spiritual sources after special treatment and high compression. It contains the purest spirit source power. Spirit source crystals can be directly fused to draw spiritual source.”

“Name: Fusion Crystal, Quality: Monarch, Attribute: Dark, Position: Jewelry, Jewelry Fusion Crystal, which can fuse six kinds of ordinary jewelry or three kinds of rare jewelry to form a monarch-quality jewelry.”

“Name: Horse Face Necklace, Attribute: +1500 Strength, +1500 Defense, Skill: Horse Face Shield.”

Sensing the three weapons of war that he had harvested this time, what made him most delighted was the fusion crystal of this jewelry category. The most curious thing was that there was a spiritual source crystal, and the most unexpected was a necklace.

So far, he has killed a mirage and obtained a rare quality mirage necklace. This is the second necklace he got, but the horse face necklace is of ordinary quality, and its various attributes are not as good as the mirage necklace.

Su Li looked to the left, but saw that the left lower body also showed a surge of energy, and soon turned into two horse-faced ghost soldiers.

The two horse-faced ghost soldiers rushed towards him and Xu Xuehui.

Xu Xuehui ignored the ghost pawn, but took the stone rune in his hand and used it to touch the giant bones on the ground.

She knew that with Su Li, these two horse-faced ghosts couldn’t hurt her.

Su Li took the initiative to meet these two horse-faced ghost soldiers, killed them again, and harvested a hundred spiritual sources.

In addition to this one hundred spiritual sources, he once again obtained two war weapons.

“Name: Horse Face Ring, Attribute: +1000 Strength, Skill: Horse Face Attack.”

“Name: Energy Crystal, a crystal transformed from the energy remaining after the death of a horse-faced ghost soldier. The energy crystal water contains the purest energy and has many uses.”

This energy crystal had just appeared in his chest, and an invisible suction appeared again deep in his body, and the energy crystal was sucked in and disappeared instantly.

The vague aura unique to the third talent became clearer as the energy crystal merged into it.Su Li’s heart is slightly happy. If he gets a few more similar energy crystals, I don’t know whether this third talent can absorb enough energy and truly manifest.

Sensing the spiritual source crystal just obtained in his body, Su Li was curious and tried to fuse.

When he merged this spiritual source crystal, he immediately felt a powerful spiritual source energy, which was continuously absorbed by his body, and then, a message appeared in his mind.

“Level 6 Sacred Knight: Spiritual Source 36004000”

After sensing this message, Su Li realized that this spiritual source crystal can be directly fused, and then increase the number of spiritual sources he possesses. The effect is to be like a hunted monster. The essence is not very complicated. This spiritual source crystal is He draws it, which is directly equivalent to possessing 100 spiritual sources.

“Unexpectedly, there are such treasures. If you have a large number of spiritual source crystals, can you not directly merge spiritual source crystals to advance to breakthrough?”

Su Li was amazed, but this kind of spiritual source crystal must be very rare, at least so far, he has encountered it for the first time.

With a dark-attribute jewellery fusion crystal, Zuri began to add the three extra rings he had previously made, plus the peeled off Fengming ring, as well as the bull head ring and horse face ring that he had just obtained, a total of six. Rings of ordinary quality are fused into this dark attribute fusion crystal together.

Soon, a ring of the dark attribute of monarch quality appeared.

“Name: Dark Ring of the Great Ghost Soldier, Quality: Sovereign, Attribute: +4000 Strength, Sovereign Skill: Sword of the Great Ghost Soldier.”

Feeling the ring of this great ghost soldier, Su Li was in a good mood. A monarch-level ring was quite amazing for his Ascension strength.

He took off the earth rock ring he was wearing on the ring finger of his left hand, and then merged the big ghost ring into it.

As the Ring of the Great Ghost Soldier was equipped, the strongest force in the strongest state of Su Li immediately broke through from the original 490,000 to 510,000.

Strength once again Ascension, Su Li’s strength can be said to have advanced by leaps and bounds, but for him, facing the threat of a beautiful woman, in this case, he still feels that this strength Ascension is still too slow, and he needs to be stronger. .

Like the ox head bones before, the giant bones that were divided into two halves in front of them were slowly weathered under Xu Xuehui’s stone runes, and finally disappeared into the air. The stone piece she was holding on her right hand The runes, however, became brighter and more complete.

Then, Xu Xuehui holding the stone rune pattern, walked in along the entrance of the palace facing him.

The palace looks very complicated, but now there is only a small half left, and there are broken walls everywhere. It seems that there have been very tragic fights and battles here. Entering it, Zuri can see the palace grounds are all cracks.

The floor of this palace was paved with extremely hard lapis lazuli, even if Su Li used the Red Moon Dragon to cut a crack.

But now, these extremely hard lapis lazuli were all shattered, and Su Li was secretly shocked when he saw it.

He understood that in the distant past, a terrifying battle had erupted here, and the level of this battle was far beyond his thoughts.

Soon, they arrived at the central area of ​​the dilapidated palace, where a huge cross was erected very strangely and unexpectedly.

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