Chapter 511 Bull Head (first one)

Seeing these dilapidated giant columns, Xu Xuehui stopped, looked around, and then looked at the stone runes in her hand.

When Su Li looked at these columns, he could imagine the magnificence of these columns, but I don’t know what happened here, but all the columns were destroyed.

Xu Xuehui paused, then passed through the broken columns and continued to dash forward.

Su Li was right behind her, but she was always on guard, ready for the sudden emergence of danger.

Suddenly, a giant skeleton appeared in front of him.

This huge bone crushed a large number of columns, and even the ground faintly collapsed into a deep pit.

This is a human-shaped skeleton. Looking at the height, I am afraid that it is ten meters high. Looking at the skeleton, it looks like a human, but the head is very strange, with horns, and it looks like the head of a cow.

This has the skull of a cow, the giant bones of the human body, but it is not intact. You can see that many of the bones are broken at a glance.

There was a faint glow at the fractured bone, and Su Li felt a strong energy fluctuation.

Although this giant ox head bone has many fractures, let alone how long it has gone through, it still contains extremely amazing energy. It can be imagined how powerful this ox head bone was before it was alive?

Xu Xuehui stared blankly in front of the giant ox head bone, and Su Li opened the “Peeping Rune”, wanting to peek at the information on the ox head bone.

But he didn’t want his “peep rune” to lock the bull’s bones just now, and there was a sudden “buzz” in his mind, as if he had been hit by an invisible force, and his head seemed to be split at this moment, painful. His face changed drastically, and he instinctively backed away.

Su Li never expected this giant bull bone to be so terrifying. Even if I didn’t know Death for many years, only this dilapidated skeleton still contained such terrifying power. I just wanted to peek at its information and materials, just like Offended it and suffered a heavy blow, causing a crack in the center of his forehead, and a stream of blood flowed out.

In shock, Su Li immediately activated the “life healing” ability, causing the wound on his forehead to heal in an instant. Looking at the giant bones, those fractures burst out with a lot of dazzling light, and even Xu Xuehui backed away. .

In this dazzling light, this skeleton was shining, and the energy in it was surging like a huge wave.

“What the hell was this monster before his death, it was so terrifying.”

Su Li was shocked to watch these turbulent energies constantly changing around the giant bones. Soon, one of the energy fell and turned into a giant monster about five meters high.

This monster has a human body and is covered with super-developed muscles. The neck is a cow’s head. It has two large curved horns on its head. It opened its mouth and suddenly made a sound of a cow, right hand. As soon as it stretched out, a huge black fork appeared.

It held a huge fork, and took a vertical step. The huge fork carried the wind and whistling, and stabbed towards Zuli.

“Unbelievable…” Su Li did not expect that the giant skeleton that was alarmed not only bounced back to the own peeping rune, hurting herself, and the remaining energy surging, turned into a powerful one. The bullhead monster attacked himself, and he became more and more curious about the identity of this giant skeleton.This huge fork volleyed, surging with energy, and both speed and strength reached an astonishing level. With the power of this fork, the strength of the phantom bullhead monster was definitely not below the previous Devil King.

What’s more terrifying is that around the giant bones, a group of similar energies are falling to the ground, beginning to transform into a bullhead monster.

Seeing in his eyes, Su Li cried out secretly.

One needs to know that the oppressive feeling of the bull-headed monster in front of him is no less inferior to the fifth-level monarch. If all the energy of this group is transformed into this exact same bull-headed monster, wouldn’t it be equivalent to a group of fifth-level monarchs?

A group of fifth-level monarchs surrounded him. Although he was not afraid, Xu Xuehui couldn’t resist it.

Knowing that it is not good, it must be a quick battle, Su Li let out a long scream, “Overrunner”, “Devil Muscle” and “Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone” were activated at the same time, instantly incarnate in the most powerful Heavenly Demon physical state.

Although he has grown to two meters, he is considered a giant to the average person, but in the face of this five-meter-high bullhead monster, he is more than half shorter.

Facing the huge fork that came over, Su Li felt the surging strength of 480,000 jin inside his body. One after another, special abilities in his body rose and merged together, kicking his feet and flying into the air. Rising up, facing the black giant fork, Su Li hit with a right fist.

The terrible black lightning exploded, and Su Li’s punch was a combination of ten special abilities, plus more than 480,000 catties of great power, only to hear a deafening loud boom, the giant fork was beaten fiercely. The ground shook, the bullhead monster let out a roar, his right hand immediately shattered, blood was splashed, and the giant fork flew out.

Su Li stepped to the ground, and his left hand blasted out. In order to be able to fight quickly, in this punch, in addition to the ten abilities of the fusion, he also activated the skills in a blood ring in his left hand to remove the blood. The energy of the crystal cannon was charged in.

In the black thunder light, there is a faint layer of blood, and the power of this punch is even more terrifying.

Su Li’s punch came too fast, and the bullhead monster had no time to dodge, so he could only carry it hard with both hands.

The hands of the bullhead monster rammed with Su Li’s left fist, and immediately broke and burst into rotten meat. Su Li’s fist continued to come and hit the bullhead monster’s belly firmly.

A loud and earth-shattering noise exploded, and energy mixed with flesh and blood splashed.

Although the bullhead monster in front of me was transformed by the energy of that giant skeleton, it turned out to be real, full of flesh and blood.

Su Li’s punch was too powerful, and directly blasted the fifty-meter-high bullhead monster’s body into an explosion, and the remaining body rolled and flew out.

Thousands of black lightning exploded and swallowed its remnant body. In the harsh explosion, the remnant body of this bullhead monster was chopped into pieces of coke.

Su Li opened the “Peeping Rune” at the same moment, and this time he did not receive a counterattack again. Although he could not capture the data of the giant skeleton, he peeped into the information data of the bullhead monster.

“Name: Bull-headed ghost soldier, transformed by a wisp of remnant soul, possessing the power of fascinating souls. The level is unknown. Due to the interference of special energy, more detailed information cannot be peeked.”

Sensing this information, Su Li’s heart shuddered slightly.

Before I could think about it, a few terrible roars rang out, but I saw that around the giant bones, four identical bull-headed ghost pawns had been born again, holding the huge fork, and began to surround him and Xu Xuehui.

At the same moment, a spiritual source appeared and submerged in his forehead.

“Level 6 Sacred Knight: Spiritual Source 30504000”

Killing a bullhead ghost pawn, unexpectedly harvested a full 50 spiritual sources.

Immediately after this spiritual source, another energy light flashed and sank into his chest.

“Name: Ghost Soldier Ring, Quality: Rare, Attribute: +1500 Strength, Skill: Ecstasy.”

Unexpectedly, it was a pleasant surprise to kill this bullhead to harvest a rare quality ring.

The four bull-headed ghost pawns, carrying the terrible sound of cows, held a huge fork, two of them pounced on Su Li, and the other two pounced on Xu Xuehui.

Xu Xuehui stepped back and opened the giant pupil behind her.

Facing this bullhead, who was comparable to the fifth-level monarch, she was a little nervous.

To kill this fifth-level monarch, at least one needs to have superior combat power to have hope. Xu Xuehui was a little nervous, showing a look of fear.

Su Li was afraid that she might be wrong, so he didn’t care about attacking the two bullheads that pounced on own. Instead, he stepped on the “spider walking” and leaped out abruptly, avoiding attacking the two bullheads of own, and he was immediately intercepted. Between Xu Xuehui and the other two bullheads who attacked her.

In order to be able to kill with one hit, Zu Li once again launched the second blood crystal cannon, which was fused with ten abilities. Two bull-headed ghost soldiers each held a huge fork and volleyed at him, and Zu Li greeted him with double fists. These two huge forks.

With a “boom”, he slammed both fists on the two huge forks at the same time, and the two huge forks shook violently, and immediately took off and flew out.

Su Li’s coming is unfailing, his feet have not yet landed, and the “silver ring” on his left middle finger appeared, mobilizing the power of silver and fusing into his fists.

A white silver light flashed, and the power of Su Li’s double fists gained another level of Ascension. The two bull-headed ghosts realized that they were not good, and they roared with both hands out, trying to resist.

It’s a pity that the two punches of Su Li, in addition to the ten abilities and 480,000 kilograms of power, have successively integrated the blood crystal cannon and the power of silver. Such terrifying energy is concentrated in the double fists. , How amazing is this destructive power?

With both fists out, the arms of the two bull-headed ghosts shattered like paper, and then they hit their bodies.

The monstrous energy exploded, and the bodies of these two bullheads with the strength of the fifth-level monarch exploded directly from the inside.

This scene was very shocking. Seeing the bodies of these two bull-headed ghosts were blown by his own fists, Su Li let out a sigh of relief.

After landing, his body kept spinning, and suddenly he rushed to the other two bullheads again.

Two spiritual sources appeared and submerged in his forehead one after another, killing two bull-headed ghost pawns, harvesting 100 spiritual sources, and the number of spiritual sources he possessed suddenly became 3150.

After these 100 spiritual sources, two more energies sank into his chest, followed by two messages one after another.”Name: Hooking Fork, Bullhead Ghost Pawn After Death, its fascinating ability merges with the treasures transformed by the spiritual source, and using the Ecstasy, it will have the ability to seduce the soul.”

“Name: Energy Crystal, a crystal transformed from the remaining energy after death. The energy crystal contains the purest energy and has many uses.”

After killing these two bullheads and ghosts, he harvested a treasure and an energy crystal. The information of this energy crystal aroused Su Li’s interest, and he did not expect to have such a treasure.

Just about to feel it carefully, I suddenly felt a suction suddenly appearing in the deepest part of his body. This energy crystal had just formed in his body, it was sucked in by this suction and disappeared instantly.

Su Li’s heart shook slightly, and he sensed a familiar breath. He understood that this was his unknown third talent and activated it again, swallowing this energy crystal, just as it swallowed his energy heart before. .

The energy crystal was sucked away in an instant, and then the third talent fell silent again, and there was no reaction.

Su Li shook his head secretly, now there are still two bullheads and ghosts left, they are rushing towards him from left to right.

At this moment, the energy of the two blood crystal cannons and the power of silver has been exhausted, but the energy exploded from his body is getting stronger and stronger. This time, he did not use the skills in the remaining rings, but mastered himself The special abilities of the same are merged in the same way.

He wanted to know where the limits of his outsider were.

He had already incorporated ten special abilities, and most of the rest were auxiliary abilities. The energy he actually possessed was not strong, and he rarely used it, but no matter how strong it was, it was energy after all.

At this moment, he merged one after another, and soon reached as many as fifteen. Only “Spider Walk” and “King King Ghost Walk” were not merged.

Because of these two abilities, he still needs to use them.

The energies of the fifteen abilities merged into one, launching the “Spider Walk” and rushed up in the air. The two bullheads roared and attacked, and Su Li’s feet interlaced, and suddenly the “Spider King Walk” was launched.

Now his speed has crushed the fifth-level monarch in all aspects. These two bullheads had no time to react. Su Li had already jumped up in the air, with a long roar, his right fist was swung out and hit one of them sideways. On the head of the bullhead.

With a scream, the head of this bull-headed ghost burst open.

This fusion of fifteen abilities, plus his own 480,000 catties of great power, the power of this punch, not to mention the flesh and blood of this bullhead, even if it is cast from the hardest Vajra stone. The head, that also has to be shattered in an instant.

One punch smashed the head of one of the bull’s heads, Zuli landed, stomped his feet and slapped his feet, the ground showed a spider-web-like crack, his body leaped out, the last remaining bull-headed ghost Reluctantly lifting the huge fork in his hand, before it was too late to fork it out, Su Li’s left fist carried a terrifying energy light and hit it hard on its chest.

Roads of energy exploded in all directions, and the head of the last bull-headed ghost pawn, together with the upper body, completely exploded.

Only then did Su Li land and withdrew from the state of the Overrunner and Heavenly Demon’s real body, her body quickly shrank and became smaller.

With a “boom”, the remaining bodies of the last two bull-headed ghosts fell back to the sky, making a huge noise, and two spiritual sources appeared, submerged in his forehead.

There are another 100 spiritual sources, and the number of spiritual sources he currently has has become 3250.

Behind these two spiritual sources, there were two energy lights, which sank into his chest, and two messages appeared immediately after him.

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