Chapter 510 The Key to Open the Underworld

When Su Li heard it, she understood that this was the spiritual source art she would comprehend after she was promoted to level 5 Psion. Obviously one should be ice attribute and the other should be fire attribute. As for the effect, from the name, it should be similar. , It can be said that which one to choose should not make much difference.

Thinking that she already has two pieces of ice-type monarch equipment, with additional ice element damage that can be Ascension 5%, if you choose Ice Eye, you can Ascension damage, then she said: “Ice Eye, just right with your hand The Frozen Rod is matched.”

“Yeah.” Xu Xuehui listened to him very much, nodded immediately, and chose “Ice Pupil”.

As the ice pupil understood and mastered, she immediately used it, and in a pair of large eyes, there was a faint icy air, and she rushed towards the own desolate ghost. Suddenly, the desolate ghost was stared at by her, and she seemed to suffer. Upon the terrible attack, the surface of the body immediately began to freeze.

Su Li looked in her eyes and was slightly startled, this ice pupil was a bit terrifying, this monster was frozen by her just looking at it?

Xu Xuehui stepped forward, and the ice-bound rod in his right hand hit it, smashing the desolate ghost frozen into a popsicle, and harvesting spiritual source.

Su Li felt that the use of Red Moon Dragon Slash was not as fast as the use of black lightning. He put away the weapon, and his hands were fused with six special abilities, each holding a large thunder beam that was fused into one by the six abilities.

Where he pointed his hands, the thunder light extended to where, under a single strike, the monster skeleton was instantly chopped into coke.

Every time you kill a giant skeletal desolate ghost, you can harvest 15 spiritual sources. Feeling the number of spiritual sources in the body is constantly beating, Su Li is a little excited. At this speed, he is not far from breakthrough.

Soon, he killed seven giant skeletal desolate ghosts in a row, harvested 105 spiritual sources, the number of spiritual sources he now has increased to 2,220.

Xu Xuehui has mastered the third kind of spirit source technique, the pupil of ice, the pupil of ice combined with the celestial talisman, plus the staff of ice, and she is a hidden special occupation. Unknowingly, she already has a medium war. force.

Su Li killed seven giant skeletal desolate ghosts in succession, and then looked forward, and found that twenty or thirty giant skeletal desolate ghosts appeared in the vast ruins facing him, all of which were uttering Wudi roared and rushed towards them.

After Xu Xuehui was promoted to level 5, she killed the desolate ghost again, and for every one she killed, she could only harvest 15 spiritual sources. Because Su Li was one level higher than her, she had to harvest 5 less spiritual sources.

Su Li launched the “Spider Walk” and handed the much weaker desolate ghosts to Xu Xuehui, and he took the initiative to rush up against these more powerful giant skeleton desolate ghosts.

Between his hands, he constantly releases powerful black lightning attacks, and every blow contains terrible energy. Although these giant skeletons are eighth-level monsters, their strength is only close to fifth-level rare beasts. , Not as good as the real fifth-level rare beasts, unable to withstand the attack of Su Li, one after another was split apart.

While fighting with these monsters, the two slowly approached the depths of the ruins. The number of spiritual sources owned by Su Li gradually exceeded 2,500.

When they were about to reach the end of the ruins, with a sharp hissing sound, a dilapidated building was overturned, and a white bone monster that was twenty to thirty meters long and shaped like a centipede appeared. It was formed by a large number of white bones. With a shot of the giant tail, it swept towards Su Li and Xu Xuehui in the air.

This centipede-like white-bone monster is much stronger than that desolate ghost and giant skeleton desolate ghost, and even the underworld general who was killed by him before is not as powerful as it.At almost the same moment, Su Li captured the information of this giant bone monster.

“Name: Desolate King, Level: ninth-level, Desolate King is the king of these desolates, and holds the power of terrible desolation. It is borrowed from a special monster in the depths of the underworld. This kind of power is transformed and born, hiding some secrets about this underworld, and killing the Desolate King, may be able to see some hidden secrets about the underworld.”

In response to this message, Su Li’s heart moved slightly. The Desolate Ghost King borrowed a certain power from the depths of the underworld and killed it. Is it possible to obtain some secrets about the underworld?

This message made Su Li a little curious, and with a thought, he summoned the six-armed Devil phantom to descend, resisting the giant tail waved by the Devil King, and at the same time pulled Xu Xuehui back quickly, pulling away from it.

With a “boom”, the six-armed Devil phantom was swept away by the Devil King’s white bone giant tail in an instant. The strong wind that carried it blew up the rubble and gravel on the ground. All of a sudden, sand and rocks were flying away, and the momentum was extremely high. amazing.

The giant tail of the Desolate Ghost King slammed into the air, and Su Li pulled Xu Xuehui to avoid it. It screamed like nothing, and its huge body suddenly rose into the air.

With a solemn expression on Su Li’s face, he immediately entered the two-meter-high “Heavenly Demon” state, and faced the Demon King who had collided with him, with both fists out.

With a loud “boom”, Xu Xuehui retreated to the distance and saw that the Desolate Ghost King was hit high and turned upwards, but Su Li was even more miserable than it, and his body just rolled upside down and flew out heavily. Smashed on a ruin tens of meters away, the ruins of the dilapidated building immediately exploded and was knocked out of a pothole.

Just now the two sides collided, and Su Li actually lost to the Desolate Ghost King and suffered a big loss.

The breath in his chest surged, Su Li turned his body, stood up again, and let out a low growl in his mouth. The original two-meter-high body swelled again, and he had already turned on the Super Limiter and entered the strongest state.

With just one blow, he understood that the strength of the Desolate Ghost King in front of him is terrifying, even more powerful than the seventh-level rare beast generals, and almost not inferior to the fifth-level monarch monsters. Even if it is Su Li, he needs all his strength. go.

Entering the strongest state, the most powerful force in the body has exceeded 480,000 kilograms. Within the body, “black energy thunder”, “high voltage electric shock”, “ten thousand volt electric shock”, “black mysterious light” and “dark power”. “Thousand Shadows”, the six special energies merged into one, Heavenly Demon was really surrounded by black thunder light, kicked on both feet, rose in the air, and once again rushed towards the Demon King.

“Come again—”

Su Li whistling low, the Desolate King in front of him is comparable to the fifth-level monarch. After replacing him, facing the fifth-level monarch, he needs to use all means, even the monarch’s skills, to kill.

But now Zurich is much stronger before. The amount of Internal Energy has increased from the original 400,000 jin Ascension to 480,000 jin. Combined with the six special energies, I am confident that I can fight the Desolate King.

The Desolate Ghost King swung his body, with a strong desolate power flowing in his body, facing the rushing Su Li, with his head formed by gathering white bones, it slammed into him.

Xu Xuehui didn’t intervene, she was full of confidence in Su Li, and just killed those wild ghosts who were close to her on the side.

As she was promoted to level 5, her strength Ascension made it easier to kill these desolates.

There was a “cack” in mid-air. Su Li collided with the Desolate Ghost King, and fisted in front of him. The thick thunder light burst out with a crisp sound of “clap”. The ghost king swallowed and stretched along its head to the whole body.

Suddenly a lot of fire burst out of the body of the Desolate Ghost King, and the whole skeleton seemed to be on fire.

This is the power of thunder and lightning that is too powerful, and the flame exploded from hitting the body of the Desolate Ghost King.

With fierce flames appearing all over the body, Su Li stepped on the “spider walking” and rushed around the huge Desolate King. His fists continued to blast past at super-high speed, and every fist carried a wave. The black lightning flashed, and the fist fell, and there was a burst of bones splashing out.

When Su Li circled the Desolate Ghost King, he punched at least a hundred punches. The special abilities he mastered changed from six to seven or eight, and more and more abilities merged into it. The power is getting stronger and stronger.

The huge body of the Desolate Ghost King was shaking violently, a large number of bones turned into charred black, and even flames appeared.

Su Li suddenly let out a low growl, and his whole body was enveloped in the terrifying black thunder light, just like the same god, stepping forward suddenly, his fists once again hit the Desolate Ghost King.

At this moment, the special abilities integrated in his fists have reached ten types.

Ten special abilities merged into one, coupled with the 480,000 catties of power he possessed in Heavenly Demon’s real body, how terrible the burst of power was.

With this final blow, there was only a harsh bang, and the Desolate Ghost King’s body was completely swallowed by the terrifying black lightning, and then completely violently dispersed.

Seeing the twenty or thirty meters long Desolate Ghost King completely fall apart, Su Li let out a sigh of relief, stopped, and slowly condensed the thunder light on the surface of his body.

Before wanting to kill a fifth-level monarch, he needed to be in the state of Heavenly Demon, combined with various special abilities, combined with the power of skills, to kill, but now, with Heavenly Demon The real body and ten special abilities merged into one, and finally succeeded in killing the Desolate King, who was almost no inferior to the fifth-level monarch.

A spiritual source appeared, submerged in his forehead, and a message appeared in his mind.

“Level 6 Sacred Knight: Spiritual Source 25454000”

Killing the powerful Desolate King in front of him, he harvested 40 spirit sources. After the spirit source, another light appeared, and it fell into his chest. In his mind, a new one appeared. message.

“Name: Stone piece rune, the key to unlock the real dungeon. Unfortunately, it has been damaged and its other uses are unknown.”

Receiving this message, Su Li was stunned, and hurriedly stretched out his right hand. There was something slowly floating in his chest, and he quickly took it into his hand.

This is a piece of stone about the size of a half palm. It is irregular in shape and looks incomplete, but incomplete. The surface has very fine lines and very complicated runes.

Although Su Li can’t understand these runes, he still knows that this stone rune is a key to the real dungeon by comparing with the information just obtained, but it is now broken. I didn’t expect to get this kind of thing by killing the Desolate King. .

Although the Desolate King was dead, the surrounding desolate ghosts and those giant skeletons did not completely disperse.When Su Li saw the desolate ghosts and giant skeletons coming towards her, she opened the mirage, threw the stone rune into it, and rushed to face the desolate ghosts. The giant skeletal desolate ghost is cleared.

With his strength, it is not difficult to kill these desolate ghosts and giant skeleton desolate ghosts.

It took about ten minutes, and all the desolate ghosts and giant skeletons that could be seen were finally cleared by him and Xu Xuehui, and no desolate ghost wandering around was seen anymore.

The number of spiritual sources that Su Li possessed has reached 3000 from the original 2545 in one fell swoop. Xu Xuehui has also gained a lot. After being promoted to level 5, she now has five to six hundred spiritual sources.

Looking at the broken bones on the floor, the two of them were a little tired. They found a place to sit and rest. Zuli opened the mirage and took out the stone rune from it.

“Girl, this is the stone rune I got from killing the Desolate Ghost King just now. It is said to be the key to the real dungeon. It’s a pity that it’s damaged now. I don’t know if it has any effect.”

Su Li always felt that Xu Xuehui had a certain relationship with this place. She seemed too familiar with all of this, so he decided to show her the stone rune.

Xu Xuehui was startled when she saw this stone rune, and then hurriedly took it, then gently stroked this small stone, muttering: “Unexpectedly…”

“Can’t think of anything?” Seeing her reaction, Su Li’s heart moved, busy asking.

Xu Xuehui seemed to be thinking about something. She lowered her head slightly and had no response. It seemed that this broken stone rune made her think of something.

When Su Li saw this, she didn’t speak, just silently accompany her on one side.

After a long while, Xu Xuehui raised her head and said: “With this, the guidance…maybe…find the real netherworld.”

After she finished speaking, she stood up, her depressed mood was swept away, and a faint look of excitement appeared on her small face.

Su Li also rested well, stood up with her, and said, “If you say that, can it be said that there are really folklore underworlds in this world?”

I thought that if there is a netherworld, is there also the legendary King Yama and judge? The more I think about it, the more I feel that this is too mysterious and hard to believe.

But looking at Xu Xuehui’s current performance, it seems that she can really lead herself to find the so-called netherworld, and then just enter and see the truth.

Xu Xuehui was stunned, as if she didn’t know how to explain, she could only shook her head, looked at the stone rune pattern on her hand, as if she was observing something, then raised her hand, pointed in one of the directions, and said: “Should… …In that direction.”

While talking, she took the stone rune and started walking in that direction.

Su Li followed her. Seeing Xu Xuehui walking faster and faster, she almost ran up in the end. Her eyes were getting brighter and brighter, as if she had seen something faintly.

Soon, they passed through the ruins. In front of them, a large number of giant columns appeared. These columns were very large, with a diameter of more than two meters, but they basically collapsed, and most of them only left some bases. The tallest column is no more than ten meters.

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