Chapter 509 Desolate Ghost Village

Su Li didn’t dare to be careless, and immediately entered the “devil muscle” state, power and speed Ascension, the red moon dragon slashed a row of sword lights, and the frontal collision with the general’s earth magic blade, erupted with a huge and ear-piercing sound.

Feeling the vibration of the Red Moon Dragon Slash, the power from the magic blade of this earth was like a tide, one by one more intense.

Su Li was secretly surprised, and immediately activated the “Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone”, his body swelled and grew, turning into a two-meter giant, entering the state of Heavenly Demon’s real body, and his strength was once again ascension.

With a “zheng” sound, this time the Red Moon Dragon slashed the Earth Demon Blade, the general hummed, and the Earth Demon Blade in his hand flew out.

It feels bad, and the most powerful demonic power bursts out of its body. The black magic energy lingers all over the body. When it stretches out its hands, it seems to stretch out a pair of magic claws from the black turbulent magic energy, and it grabs both sides of Zuri. The shoulders lifted him up, tearing his body away from it.

The speed was so fast that even Su Li was a little caught off guard. In surprise, he immediately entered the invincible state of Sacred’s power, immune to everything, and the Red Moon Dragon on his right hand slashed in his palm.

With a sneer, the pair of demon claws that grabbed his shoulders were cut off from it and fell off, Su Li let out a low whistle, and Red Moon Dragon Slash slashed head-on.

The general of the underworld uttered a wild roar, and his body suddenly split from it, exploding the billowing black mist in the sky, with a terrifying momentum.

Killing the general of the underworld with a slash, the spirit source appeared, submerged in Su Li’s forehead, and a message immediately appeared in his mind.

“Level 6 Sacred Knight: Spiritual Source 8384000”

Killing the general of the underworld, harvested a full 20 spiritual sources, which is equivalent to the number of spiritual sources obtained by killing the monarch of the same level.

Of course, the strength of this underworld general is far from reaching the level of the sixth-level monarch, but it is stronger than the sixth-level rare beast general.

After this spiritual source, another thing appeared, immersed in Su Li’s chest, and then another message appeared.

“Name: Summoned by the evil demon. After the general of the underworld was killed, the power of the evil demon was out of control. It absorbed the flesh and blood essence of its corpse and turned it into a treasure to summon the evil demon to come.”

Su Li was a little surprised. He didn’t expect to behead the general of the underworld and actually harvested a treasure.

But Su Li already had a treasure, and everyone could only fuse one kind, so he was not particularly surprised to get this treasure.

The underworld general was beheaded, and the remaining underworld ghost soldiers began to disperse. One underworld ghost soldier represents the five spiritual sources. Of course, Zuri can’t give up, and immediately unleash powerful thunder and lightning for range attacks, as much as possible. The harvest spiritual source.

Soon, these hundreds of underworld ghost soldiers were killed by him and Xu Xuehui.

Xu Xuehui holds the ice-bound rod, and cooperates with the precious green worm talisman. Her current strength is quite strong. With every shot, there are cyan runes faintly appearing. The power is very terrible, even the ghost soldiers of the underworld can hardly stop. one strike.After killing these underworld ghost soldiers, the number of spiritual sources that Su Li has obtained has broken through a thousand, which makes him feel good. Although the spiritual sources of the underworld ghost soldiers and the generals are not as exaggerated as the descendants of the ancient relics, they are also It is more profitable than killing ordinary beasts.

Confirming that the hundreds of ghost soldiers from the underworld were dead, Su Li and Xu Xuehui came to the end of the cave. In front of them, there were huge holes.

Su Li looked at Xu Xuehui, and he could only listen to Xu Xuehui’s suggestion as to which one to choose to enter.

Xu Xuehui looked at these entrances, and chose the entrances where the underworld generals and underworld ghost soldiers had come out.

“Go!” Su Li held the Red Moon Dragon Slash, and summoned the six-armed Devil phantom to lead the way. He followed closely behind and entered the entrance of the cave.

The entrance of this cave was a huge passage. Just less than ten meters after entering, I saw two ghost soldiers from the underworld brandishing their swords, making a weird hissing from their mouths, and rushing up.

Su Li stretched out his left hand, and two thick bolts of lightning smashed down, smashing the two ghost soldiers into coke.

The next two followed the giant passage and found that they encountered ghost soldiers from the underworld from time to time. Zuli continuously released black lightning and lightning to attack from the air. When he walked out of this giant passage, at least this way was killed. Forty ghost soldiers from the underworld.

Forty ghost soldiers from the underworld represent 200 spiritual sources.

Su Li now has 1,238 Spirit Sources. Of course, it is far from the 4000 required for breakthrough promotion.

Breaking out of the passage, what you can see is a ruin.

It used to be a prosperous and prosperous town, but now, a large number of buildings have been shattered, and the ground is full of giant criss-crossing cracks. It is very similar to the scenes seen in the inner city of Zurich just after entering the inner city. It seems that they have suffered very badly. The battle of the whole prosperous town vanished overnight.

Looking up to the top, the upper part is covered by thick jet black, and you can’t see how high it is. Zuri doesn’t know if this is another independent space. He can only vaguely see the towering rocks in the distance. The upper part of the wall is swallowed by black, it looks like it is more like a cave, but the space of this cave is too big, it is unimaginable, it can build a town here, so at first glance, it seems like entering another Independent space.

Not far in front of them, a stele was erected with three characters engraved on it. When Su Li looked over, it was the three characters “Desert Ghost Village”.

The surface of the stele also showed small cracks. Zuli walked over slowly and saw some dense bones pressed among the large pieces of rubble facing him.

It seems that this town was destroyed that year, and many residents of the town failed to escape, and they were all suppressed by the collapsed buildings. After countless years, the residents of these towns have become bones.

“Girl, do you know exactly what this place is? Just now it was the underworld general and the underworld ghost soldiers. There is no way to really lead to the underworld, right?”

Su Li showed a wry smile, thinking that the underworld is just a folk myth, does it really exist? Just looking at the scene in front of him, first the underworld generals and the ghost soldiers, and now there is a desolate ghost village turned into ruins, making him really doubt that they are really going to the underworld in folklore?

However, if this place is really an underworld, the defensive force here is not particularly strong, far inferior to the difficulty of going to the Broken Boundary Tree before.

If it hadn’t been led by Xu Xuehui before, and just the first level of the magic barrier, Su Li would not know how long it would take to wake up, let alone the vain tree that was trapped by the Skeleton Monarch.

Compared with the dangers and difficulties of going to the Tree of Broken Boundary, after breaking through the giant gate and entering here, it became easier. The ghost soldiers of the underworld were not at the sixth-level, and their strength was not much stronger than that of the ordinary sixth-level beasts.

The only one who is stronger is the underworld general, who is slightly stronger than the sixth-level rare beast general, but still far from being comparable to the monarch-level monster.

Xu Xuehui shook her head and said, “This was once suppressed by stone tools…it shouldn’t be a good place.”

Su Li thought that she didn’t say this answer. It seems that she didn’t know it, or she knew it and didn’t want to say it.

Su Li slowly stepped into the “desolate ghost village” turned into ruins, and suddenly heard the sound around, but saw the bones that were crushed under the ruins of the building, they were shocked.

The two immediately stopped, watching these bones faintly shining, peeling away the bricks and rubbles on their bodies, one by one, shaking, and slowly stood up.

“Skull tribe?” Su Li frowned, watching the changes of these white bones and getting up, not particularly surprised, but opened the “peep rune” to observe and capture the information of these white bones.

“Name: Desolate Ghost, Level: seventh-level, Desolate Ghost is the low-level creatures wandering around the underworld. If you don’t enter Samsara, you can’t be superborn, and your status is slightly stronger than the underworld ghost soldiers who belong to the puppets of the underworld generals.”

“It seems that although they are all skeletons, they are not skeletons, but desolate ghosts. No wonder it is called Desolate Ghost Village. It turned out to be called this name because of their existence. It seems that this place must not have been this name before.”

When Su Li said this, suddenly his heart moved slightly, that is, who erected this stone monument with the words “Desperate Ghost Village” inscribed?

At least after the town was turned into ruins, and these bones turned into desolate ghosts, the stele would appear.

It’s not that the underworld general built them for them, right?

Thinking of the appearance of the underworld general just now, he couldn’t even speak human language, how could he know how to engrave the three characters of Wild Ghost Village.

In a short period of time, this desolate ghost village was full of bone desolate ghosts, and the two of them were heavily surrounded.

This desolate ghost is first-level higher than the underworld ghost soldier, and its strength is much stronger than that of the underworld ghost soldier. The number of spiritual sources obtained for each kill is double that of the underworld ghost soldier, reaching ten spiritual sources.

Su Li held the Red Moon Dragon Slash, stepped on the “spider walking”, and rushed forward on his own initiative.

Xu Xuehui mobilized the power of the Treasure Talisman. This Talisman not only strengthens her attacking power, but also protects her body. It is a versatile treasure. With the blessing of the Talisman, her speed is also Ascension, every rod of the ice-bound rod in the right hand was struck out, carrying the power of the green talisman. These desolate ghosts couldn’t resist, and when the rod was struck out, he heard a crackling sound and immediately fell apart.

Xu Xuehui is now only a level 4 Psion, and she gets three times the number of spiritual sources for killing a desolate ghost.

Before Su Li killed the sixth-level underworld ghost soldier, one can get 5 spiritual sources, while Xu Xuehui kills one underworld ghost soldier, and he can harvest 15 spiritual sources.

Just killing the ghost soldiers from the underworld, she harvested a lot of spiritual sources, plus the number of spiritual sources she had previously, she now has 1,000 spiritual sources.

And now that kills this desolate ghost, every time Su Li kills one, he can harvest 10 spiritual sources, and Xu Xuehui kills one, and he can obtain 30 spiritual sources.The number of spiritual sources she obtained is growing at an astonishing rate. Kill ten desolate ghosts to obtain 300 spiritual sources.

She is now only one thousand spiritual sources short of promotion, which means that she only needs to kill thirty-four desolate ghosts to make a breakthrough.

With the treasure power she now holds, with the monarch-level weapon in her hand, it is not difficult to kill thirty-four desolate ghosts.

Although Su Li can only harvest ten spiritual sources from killing a desolate ghost, he hunts a desolate ghost much faster than Xu Xuehui. If Xu Xuehui kills one, he can basically kill two or three. Now, the speed at which Su Li obtained the spiritual source was almost not much slower than Xu Xuehui.

When Xu Xuehui successfully killed 34 desolate ghosts, possessed 2,000 spiritual sources, and successfully broke through and promoted to a level 5 Psionic Warlock, Su Li had killed nearly a hundred desolate ghosts and possessed up to the number of spiritual sources. After 2,000 pieces, looking around the ruins, there are still endless sources of desolate ghosts appearing, which made him see the hope of breakthrough.

Unlike the small Ascension from level 5 to level 6, once the breakthrough from level 6 to level 7, you will be able to master the second form of “Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone”. The strength will definitely have a huge Ascension. For level 7, Zurich is full Look forward to.

Suddenly, a roar of Ruoyouruowu sounded from the depths of the ruined desolate ghost tree, and immediately afterwards, Su Li saw a building that had collapsed on the face and shattered with a violent bang. The masonry splashed everywhere, as if the rear was hit by gravity.

As the building shattered from it, a giant bone monster rushed out of it.

This monster was pieced together from a large number of white bones, and could not see what kind of creature it belonged to.

At the center of Su Li’s forehead, a vertical-eyed “peep rune” appeared, and the monster’s data was immediately captured, and a message appeared in his mind.

“Name: Giant Skeleton Desolate Ghost, Level: eighth-level. Giant Skeleton Desolate Ghost is an advanced desolate ghost evolved from ordinary desolate ghosts. It is much stronger than ordinary desolate ghosts and has the qualification to evolve into Desolate Ghost King.”

This giant skeletal desolate ghost rushed forward, no matter its speed and strength, it was much stronger than ordinary desolate ghosts.

After all, it is the existence of eighth-level, which is two levels higher than the current Zuli. From the eyes of Zuli, the strength of the giant skeleton in front of him is about equivalent to a fifth-level rare beast. Not easy to deal with.

With a grip of his left hand, he merged the special abilities of the six attack shapes into a giant lightning, just like a black giant python, slapped the giant skeleton desolate ghost.

The six special abilities merged into one. This is the limit of energy that Su Li can withstand in a normal state. After a blow, a dazzling spark emerges from the bones of the giant monster’s body, and the original bones immediately become a mass of bones. Scorched, then swayed and scattered.

With just one blow, the eighth-level giant skeletal desolate ghost was killed.

This eighth-level giant skeletal desolate ghost brought him 15 spiritual sources.

Now the number of spiritual sources he has has reached 2015.

Now he is still close to two thousand spiritual sources before he can be promoted.

After the giant skeletal desolate ghost appeared, there came Ruoyouruuowu roars, but one after another giant skeletal desolate ghosts that reached eighth-level appeared, and they leaned forward towards him and Xu Xuehui. Rush.

Xu Xuehui has now become a level 5 psychic, comprehending the third spiritual source art, and sensing the two spiritual source art acquired, she quickly came to Su Li and said: “Big Brother, Ice Eye and Which one does Eye of Fire choose?”

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