Chapter 508

Su Li sighed secretly, depleting the energy of this energy heart. It seemed that this third unknown talent wanted to fully reveal it and became more and more distant, but he did not regret it, but was full of excitement.

As the stone tool was filled with blood, the wound on his left hand healed immediately, followed him tightly and pulled the stone tool firmly.

With a crisp sound, the stone tool inserted into the giant door was pulled out and shaken by him. The cracks that were originally like spider webs immediately appeared more cracks again, and a large number of crack fragments began to fall. Drop.

Soon, Su Li picked up the stone tool and suddenly pulled it off the giant gate.

As he pulled it out, the giant gate, which originally showed a lot of cracks, finally fell into pieces with a crash.

Xu Xuehui backed away, pulling away, watching a large number of giant gate fragments scattered down, and Su Li picked up the stone tool and landed steadily.

Looking at the stone tool in his left hand, Su Li finally saw the whole picture for the first time.

This stone tool is very small, only sixty or seventy centimeters in length. The stone handle resembles the stone adze of ancient times. At this moment, the surface is covered with blood-red filaments, but at this moment, these filaments are slowly disappearing.

As the bloodshots of these stone tools disappeared, Su Li felt that the stone tool was very heavy in his hand. With his strength, he could feel the weight, which shows how amazing the weight of this stone tool is.

This stone tool is obviously different from spiritual source weapons or other treasures, and it is not integrated into Su Li’s chest. It seems to be completely different from spiritual source equipment or treasures.

Looking carefully and admiring the stone tool in his hand, Su Li took a deep breath. If it weren’t for the third talent and the heart of energy, the stone tool would completely drain the blood in his body just now, turning him into a corpse.

He could feel the terrifying energy contained in this stone tool, and this energy was devastating.

As for how powerful or destructive it can cause, it is beyond Su Li’s estimation, he does not know, the only thing he can know is that from the perspective he currently has, this power is irresistible.

However, it is not easy to use this stone tool to attack.

Because the energy contained in the stone tools is too strong, his current body is difficult to withstand, even if it is used reluctantly, it will cause great damage to his body, and it may even fail to hurt the enemy, and his own body will collapse first.

This is like a three-year-old baby. His strength is too small and his body is too fragile. Let him swing a giant axe to hurt the enemy. Maybe he hasn’t hurt the enemy before he was injured by the giant axe first.

Su Li sighed secretly. Even if he had entered the strongest Heavenly Demon state, it was still unknown whether he could swing this stone tool with one blow.

I was afraid that the power in this stone tool would explode, and his Heavenly Demon real body would be destroyed first.

After all, this stone tool only shook slightly that day, and it severely inflicted the Skeleton Monarch into the air. It is conceivable that the energy contained in it had reached a terrifying level.As soon as his mind moved, he opened the mirage, and took the stone tool in. This weapon was too terrifying. If it were not absolutely necessary, he would not want to use it, because once it was used, it might all die.

Seeing Su Li put away the stone tools, Xu Xuehui showed excitement on her small face and said, “With it, you don’t have to be afraid of that stinky woman.”

Su Li smiled bitterly: “This thing is too dangerous. I’m afraid I really use it. I haven’t been able to kill the enemy. My body collapsed first. I guess the best result is to drag the opponent to death.”

Xu Xuehui nodded and said, “Yeah, but you can use it to scare her.”

Su Li glanced at her, and her heart moved, and she knew what Xu Xuehui meant.

Who in this world is not afraid of death, that beautiful woman is in a high position, aloft, and sees herself and others like ants, and may be more afraid of death than herself. This stone tool may be like a nuclear deterrent. You don’t need to use it, you can use it to deter. Just live with her.

She didn’t want to really end up with herself, the ant in her eyes.

After thinking it through, Su Li smiled and said, “I hope I can really scare her.”

Thinking that she only needs to take out the stone tools and arouse them a little, she can naturally feel the destructive energy contained in it. As long as she is not too crazy, she will most likely be able to frighten her.

“I just don’t know what will happen if I use this stone tool in the invincible state of Sacred’s power.”

Su Li pondered, and suddenly thought of this question.

I dare not use stone tools now. The biggest problem is that I am afraid that my body cannot bear it and collapses first. Then, if I enter the state of invincibility for four seconds and then use this stone tool, can my body be immune to the load caused by activating the stone tool?

He still clearly remembers that he once wanted to pull out the stone tool from the two stone gates in the inner city that day, and he was in an invincible state at that time, and he was indeed not affected by the stone tool.

But just now, the blood from his whole body was about to be drained by the stone tool, and he also activated the power of Sacred, but it was invalid to this state, and it seemed that it could not affect the stone tool to continue to draw own blood.

From this point of view, it seems that the power of Sacred has no effect on stone tools.

“This is really a headache. Looking at the last time, Sacred’s power seems to have an immune effect on stone tools, but the situation just now seems to be ineffective. What is the reason?”

Su Li frowned slightly, could it be said that there is a sequence between the power of Sacred and the power of stone tools?

It used to be effective because I activated the power of Sacred and then pulled out the stone tool, so it was effective, but today it is invalid, because the special ability of the stone tool first activated, sucking own blood, and then activated the power of Sacred, so it is invalid?

This is a relatively reasonable explanation that Su Li can find at present. Of course, this is only his guess. He is not 100% sure of the specifics.

“If this is the case, I just need to activate Sacred’s power first, and then cooperate with this stone tool to attack within four seconds of Sacred’s power. Isn’t it really invincible?”

The more Su Li thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, and his heart became faintly excited, and some wanted to try it immediately. Now he couldn’t wait for the beautiful woman to appear in front of own, and then give her a try with this stone tool.

But soon he calmed down again.

“No, I still think too simple, this woman is too high level, the gap between me and her is too big, even if I can really use a stone blow in the invincible state, but it may not be able to hit her, even this No matter how powerful the stone tools are, if they fail to hit, then everything is a waste.”

Thinking that this woman is a twentieth-level wizard, she has such an astonishing speed, even if she enters the strongest Heavenly Demon body state, the speed is six times Ascension, she is still far inferior to her.

As long as she is on guard, it is too difficult for her to attack her, and she can avoid it in advance.

Unless she was caught off guard, or under certain special circumstances, forced her to confront her head-on, in order to hurt her.

“Sure enough, the level is everything. I only have the level of Ascension, so I can really fight her. It is still too difficult to kill her now. The best result is to use stone tools to scare her and make her temporarily stop. Dare to attack me, just give me time…I will be able to catch up.”

Su Li thought that although this woman is a 20th-level wizard, she is naturally much stronger than herself, but obviously this level is a threshold. It seems that she needs to break through the realm if she wants to be ascension again, which means that she can’t successfully break through the realm as long as one day. Just one day I was stuck at the 20th level and couldn’t make an inch. This gave myself a chance to catch up with her.

His eyes shone sharply again, and then he looked at the shattered giant door in front of him.

This weird giant gate like the gate of The Underworld was completely shattered by stone tools, and it looked dark and deep inside, as if it were a huge gloomy cave.

Seeing that Xu Xuehui was about to walk into this door first, Su Li immediately summoned a six-armed Devil phantom to protect him in the forefront to prevent Xu Xuehui from having an accident. Then he stretched out his right hand and it turned into a red energy that returned to his chest. Yuelongzhan was pulled out by him again.

With a weapon in his right hand, Su Li followed Xu Xuehui and walked in.

Passing through this huge gate like the gate of The Underworld, what you see is a gloomy huge cave, and the cave is silent.

This time Xu Xuehui also showed the equipment of her whole body, took out the gamma laser gun, her small face showed a trace of tension.

Su Li saw the equipment in her whole body, thought of the few extra monarch equipment she had now, and stopped her.

“Girl, I have some extra monarch equipment on my body, now I’ll give it to you.”

Then he took out the ice-bound rod of ice and the ice-bound armor of ice and snow, and handed them to Xu Xuehui.

Two pieces of monarch equipment with the same attribute can activate additional effects, so two pieces of ice attribute are specially selected for Xu Xuehui.

Xu Xuehui showed joy on her small face, and hurriedly took it down.

Replaced the gamma laser gun in his hand, replaced it with a monarch-level ice-bound rod, and then stripped off his body armor and replaced it with an ice-type ice armor.

Two pieces of ice-attribute equipment appeared on the body and hands, gaining additional effects, and each attack incurred 5% ice-attribute damage.

The surface of the ice-bound rod and the ice armor on his body has a faint glimmer of ice and snow. It looks very beautiful in this dark world. Of course, the bright light on the surface of the five dragon-attributed equipment in Zuli’s body is even more obvious. Now, it looks like he is shrouded in a ball of bright light, looking very gorgeous.In addition to the two monarch equipment, Su Li took out a few rare quality equipment and replaced the rest of the ordinary equipment on Xu Xuehui’s body.

In this way, Xu Xuehui’s entire body is also equipped with rare quality equipment, and there are two other monarch equipment, which gives him a great Ascension.

“Go.” Su Li first walked toward this dark cave. After the two had just walked about ten meters ahead, they heard the sound of rustling footsteps coming from the oncoming distance.

Su Li looked up and saw the dark holes at the end of the face. At this moment, a figure appeared from one of the holes.

This is a giant about two meters and three meters tall, covered with a layer of dark brown armor, with a skull mask on his face, and I can’t see what it looks like. The skull mask is painted with dense symbols and patterns. , Like a kind of spell, holding a black curved bow about one meter long in his right hand, judging from his figure, this black scimitar looks very delicate.

Seeing such a black armor giant suddenly appeared in the darkness at the end, Su Li immediately opened the “Peep Rune” and a message appeared.

“Name: General of the Underworld, a creature from the depths of the Underworld. His duty is to guard the gate of The Underworld. He sleeps in the depths of the Underworld on weekdays. Once the gate of The Underworld is opened, it will be awakened from its deep sleep. The land demon blade, kill the invaders. The underworld general is very powerful and possesses the talent of the power of the evil demon. It will use the power of the evil demon to corrode opponents and turn them into own puppets, ghost soldiers of the underworld, next to each general of the underworld, There will be hordes of ghost soldiers from the underworld to follow.”

Receiving this message, Su Li’s heart was slightly awe-inspiring, but he saw the heavy armored general of the underworld, holding the magic blade of the earth, striding towards him, and suddenly a group of people burst out of the hole behind it. The short black figure, also wearing armor, holding various weapons, or spears, or knives and guns, rushed towards them.

Su Li opened the peeping rune and saw that these were all ghost soldiers from the underworld.

Groups of underworld ghost soldiers supported the underworld general to rush up. Xu Xuehui held the ice-bound staff in her right hand and gently waved it, and ice mist appeared on the staff.

As soon as Su Li stretched out his left hand, strips of thick black lightning struck through the air.

In the blink of an eye, at least hundreds of underworld ghost soldiers rushed up, black lightning carried a crackling sound, and five underworld ghost soldiers were hit by a single face.

The black lightning of Su Li gathered four special abilities. It was powerful and could be called a rare skill. Although the strength of this underworld ghost soldier was not weak, how could it withstand it, and the five underworld ghost soldiers were instantly chopped into coke.

The five spiritual sources appeared and sank into Su Li’s forehead.

Messages appeared one after another, each of the underworld ghost soldiers brought him 5 spiritual sources, and the five underworld ghost soldiers allowed him to harvest 25 spiritual sources.

Su Li’s heart moved. This underworld ghost soldier was not strong enough. Every time he killed one he could harvest 5 spiritual sources. This made him a little excited. He immediately attached the powerful black lightning thunder with his left hand, and the red moon dragon in his right hand tightened. Followed to cut the past.

Xu Xuehui held the scepter in her right hand and waved it at will, and the ice mist was released. When the ghost soldier of the underworld was touched by the ice mist, frost appeared all over his body immediately, and he was quickly frozen into a popsicle.

The two rushed into the hundreds of ghost soldiers from the underworld, and the number of spiritual sources owned by Su Li quickly broke through 800.

With a roar of Ruoruuowu, the underworld general who was supported by this group of underworld ghost soldiers at the center suddenly stepped forward, holding the Earth Demon Blade in his right hand, and slammed into Su Li in a volley.

With the blow of this magic blade, a devilish energy surged, faintly transformed into a hideous Devil form, and ate towards Su Li.

Compared with the underworld ghost soldiers, this underworld general is much stronger, and the power of this strike is definitely not inferior to the sixth-level rare beast generals, and even stronger.

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