Chapter 507 Mysterious Stone Tool (first one)

Su Li looked at her silently, wondering if what she was saying was true or false.

“Big Brother, you… don’t you believe me?” Xu Xuehui suddenly looked up at Su Li, her expression on her face became a little uneasy, she seemed very afraid that Su Li did not trust her.

Su Li smiled, stretched out his hand, gently rubbed her hair, and said: “How come, I just felt curious, it’s okay. By the way, this tree of broken boundary is also a treasure, I don’t know if it can be possible. Take it away.”

Su Li took a fancy to this tree, and if the tree could be dug away, he was going to pack it into the mirage and take it away.

As he talked, Su Li stepped forward curiously, hugged the broken tree and shook it slightly, but found that the tree took root on the ground, and it was rooted like steel. With his power, he couldn’t shake the slightest.

“This tree can’t be removed.” Xu Xuehui shook her head.

Su Li could only give up and said, “Girl, where should we go next?”

Hundreds of Realm Breaking Fruits were harvested all at once. This is a huge harvest, but although this Realm Breaking Realm is a treasure of the world, it does not actually have much effect for him now. After all, this is for those who are advanced to level 20. He was only a level 6 Sacred knight for breaking the realm, and he was too far away from that step.

I think that if the Six Ways of Mo and the beautiful woman pass the level of victory over themselves, pass the stone bridge, enter here, and see this broken tree, there is not even a fruit, and I don’t know how angry it would be, if Let them know that the two of them actually picked up all the fruits. Thinking about the consequences, Su Li had some scalp tingling.

“I just hope that they can’t get through the test and can’t enter here.” Su Li thought silently in her heart. Xu Xuehui once again took his sleeves, then walked around the broken tree and walked forward.

With hundreds of broken fruits being collected by Su Li into the mirage, this place full of brilliance has gradually dimmed and gradually appeared a little gloomy.

Su Li followed Xu Xuehui and saw a huge rock behind the tree. This huge rock was very large and had a radius of ten feet. Xu Xuehui followed this huge rock and climbed up.

The surface of the huge rock is not flat, there are many protruding edges and corners, with the help of these edges and corners, it is not difficult to climb with their skills.

Su Li followed her, and the two quickly climbed up.

Upon boarding the huge rock, Su Li immediately saw the huge gate erected above the huge rock. Looking at the huge gate, he suddenly thought of the second Holy Envoy of Qingshan City, Li Guang, who had been killed that day. Gu is the gate of The Underworld.

The giant gate that stood on the huge rock in front of me looked very much like the gate of The Underworld summoned by the Second Holy Envoy Li Guangbao.

This door is very magnificent, surrounded by the surging black mist. The doors on both sides are carved with the heads of evil spirits, and the heads of the devil are hanging above it, which is indescribably strange.

At this moment, a stone tool is inserted in the center of the giant gate. With this stone tool as the center point, there are long and thin cracks extending in all directions, densely packed, like a huge spider web.

Su Li didn’t expect this scene to be on top of the huge rock, and she couldn’t help being slightly startled.

Not only did this giant stone gate look familiar, but even the stone tool with its handle exposed, he was also familiar.

Before this stone tool was inserted in a large number of chains among the two stone gates in the inner city.

The last time the Skeleton Monarch was about to open the stone gate, the stone tool suddenly became powerful and shook the Skeleton Monarch out. After that, the agitation in the inner city calmed down.

But this time, the stone tool has disappeared mysteriously. When Zuri arrived, the two stone gates in the inner city had been opened, and the chains that originally entangled the stone gates were also broken, but I did not expect that they would be here. It was like In the giant gate leading to The Underworld, you will see this stone tool again.

He saw the power of this stone tool again, and there were cobweb-like cracks around the giant gate, which was obviously its masterpiece.

Although Su Li was surprised, Xu Xuehui seemed to have guessed it a long time ago. There was no strange expression on her face. She stared at the stone tool tightly with her big eyes, and whispered, “Sure enough, here.”

Su Li’s eyes fell on the handle of the stone tool. Hearing Xu Xuehui’s words, his heart moved slightly and said, “Girl, do you know what this stone tool is?”

Originally, he thought that the chance Xu Xuehui was talking about was the three or four hundred broken fruits, but the broken fruits didn’t actually have much effect on his current level. It could only strengthen his spirit and spirit, and it would not be useful in the future. It is too easy to be affected by hallucinations as it is now, but overall, it does not really help his strength Ascension.

Now it seems that perhaps Xu Xuehui’s chance is not referring to the fruit of breaking the realm, but the stone tool in front of him.

Thinking of the power of the stone tool that day, he easily shook the Skeleton Monarch away. For the power contained in this stone tool, Su Li had seen it with his own eyes.

Xu Xuehui said: “This stone tool…” When she said this, she looked at Su Li and said: “It needs blood to feed, but…” She said that, she hesitated.

Su Li hurriedly said, “But what.”

He wanted to pull out this stone tool last time, but it was a pity that he didn’t move at all at the time, but now he knows that this stone tool needs to be fed with blood.

“But it’s dangerous… I don’t know… what will happen…” Unlike before, Xu Xuehui was obviously hesitant this time, looking at the stone tool inserted on the giant gate, and then at Su Li.

Su Li took a deep breath and said, “You mean that if I feed it with blood, it is possible to take it as my own? But there is a big risk?”

“Yes.” Xu Xuehui said, then looked at Su Li again, and said: “But, there is hope, because of you…”

She stopped in the middle of her speech, as if she wanted to speak again.

Su Li also looked at her, but didn’t want to wait for a while and didn’t hear her say why.

“Girl, what do you think, should I give it a try or give up?”

While talking, Su Li walked to the front of the stone tool inserted on the giant gate, and raised his head. The giant gate was ten meters high, and the stone tool was inserted in the center, about five meters above the ground. He could only raise his head. Watch.

Xu Xuehui thought for a while, and finally said: “You can give it a try.”

Su Li grinned and said, “Okay, I will listen to you.”

Thinking of the power and horror of that beautiful woman, if this trip to the inner city, I did not get enough opportunity, even if I left, I would not escape death. In fact, I have no retreat at all, even though I just got it. There are a lot of breakthrough fruits, but they are not very useful for the current self.

Therefore, he can only fight for it. Even if he knows that there is a great danger, he has to gamble. If he wins the bet, if he can really get this stone tool, he may have the capital to fight against that beautiful woman, and he loses the bet. Just killed him.

Anyway, she has been targeted by that beautiful woman, and she can’t break this mortal situation, just like she’s going to die.

With this thought in his heart, Su Li’s mentality calmed down, and smiled at Xu Xuehui, holding the Red Moon Dragon Slash in his right hand, turning around, the glove on his left palm disappeared, revealing his left hand, and the palm suddenly appeared. A line of blood had already been cut by Red Moon Dragon Slash, and at the same time, it left Red Moon Dragon Slash aside, stomped and slammed, and jumped up into the sky.

At a height of five meters, he jumped up instantly, stretched out his right hand, grabbed the exposed stone handle, and then grabbed it with his left hand.

There was blood flowing from the wound he had just cut on his left hand. At this moment, he tightly held the handle of the stone tool, and the blood immediately stained the handle of the stone tool.

As the blood was contaminated, I immediately felt like a sucking force was emerging from the handle, sucking the wound of his left hand. Suddenly, the blood in his body was like a river without a bank, rushing from the wound of his left hand. The inside surged out, rushing into this handle.

Such a situation would occur, which was completely beyond his imagination. The sucking ability of this stone tool was too strong, and it was almost just a breathing effort. Su Li felt that the blood in his body had been reduced by half, and he had lost too much blood, even if his body was tyrannical. Stratum, also feeling dizzy, busy activating the “super regeneration” and “life self-healing” abilities.

With the blood sucking speed of this stone tool, as long as one or two more breaths, the blood in his body will be sucked clean, and he will lose his blood.

Su Li was shocked, too late to think about it. While thinking about letting go, he used his two special healing abilities to heal the wound on his left hand and restore the blood lost in the body.

Then, he was shocked to realize that his left hand seemed to be attached to the handle of the stone tool, and could not be removed at all. The ability of “super regeneration” and “self-healing of life” could not restore the wound on his left hand, just because there was a wound on the handle of the stone tool. This kind of terrifying suction force suppressed these two healing abilities, making his left hand wound like a cracked baby mouth, unable to heal.

Of course, the blood in his body started to recover under the action of these two special abilities, but the speed of the recovered blood was far behind the blood sucking speed of the stone tool.

With another breath, Su Li lost two-thirds of the blood in his body. His eyes turned black for a while, and he felt collapsed and his head buzzed. The whole person couldn’t support it, so only his left hand was stuck to the stone tool. On the handle, hung in mid-air.

Xu Xuehui widened her eyes a little nervously, watching the changes in Su Li, her small face was full of tension.

“Big Brother… insist… you must… you can…”

She murmured in her mouth, as if cheering on Zurich or cheering herself.

Within a few seconds, Su Li felt the blood flow faster and faster in his body. As a terrible suction appeared in the stone tool again, all the blood remaining in his body was finally completely squeezed out, leaving no drips.His face completely lost its blood color, became pale as a piece of paper, and his cheeks collapsed deeply, invisibly like a corpse.

When Su Li realized that something was wrong and wanted to activate the “Sacred Power”, she suddenly realized that this “Sacred Power” was ineffective for the state he was in now, and could not prevent the loss of this blood.

It seems that the “power of Sacred” is not absolutely invincible, but also has some limitations of own, like this one actively feeds the stone tools with blood, and now it loses the effect when the blood is sucked by the stone tools.

Of course, it is also possible that this stone tool is too heaven-defying, and its ability to draw blood from his whole body is beyond the scope of immunity of “Sacred’s Power”, so “Sacred’s Power” has no effect on it.

Even the invincibility state of Sacred’s power is invalid, and Su Li is useless. Just when he is about to lose the last point of consciousness, a strange energy suddenly gushes from the deepest part of his body.

As soon as this energy appeared, it actually began to transform into his blood, which filled Su Li’s body with nourishment, causing him to tremble sharply, and the consciousness that was about to be unconscious was awakened again.

Then he felt the vague third talent again.

He had never expected that at the last moment when he was about to die because of excessive blood loss, this third talent would actually show off, and vomit the energy of the energy heart that had been swallowed before.

Moreover, after the energy of this energy heart was spit out, it was obviously an incredible change. It could directly turn into billowing blood in his body, not only moisturizing his body, but also continuously providing it to the stone tool, letting it go. It draws.

Seeing this, Xu Xuehui, with a nervous look below, finally smiled.

Patting his own chest lightly, like a sigh of relief.

Su Li felt the earth-shaking changes in his body and watched the energy heart being continuously fed back. He still didn’t know anything about this third talent, but the only thing that is certain now is that it was at the most dangerous moment just now. Saved myself.

This energy heart was transformed into a massive amount of blood, and it was like a rushing river, frantically rushing towards the stone tool.

On the surface of this stone tool, bloodshots began to appear on the original stone handle. The bloodshots grew more and more and slowly extended in all directions. Zu Li’s left hand was closely attached to the stone tool, and the blood that was constantly pouring in through his left hand , He and this stone tool suddenly felt a sense of blood and blood connection.

Then, he felt a kind of joy, this stone tool seemed to be joyful.

This stone tool is not like a weapon, nor is it like a dead thing, it is actually like some incredible living thing, but this form of existence has exceeded the scope of his imagination and understanding.

Gradually, the speed at which blood gushes out of the body is slowly changing, and the surface of the stone tools he can see is already covered with countless tiny bloodshots, just like countless capillaries in the human body.

When he held the handle of the stone tool tightly in his palm again with his left hand, this feeling of flesh and blood became more and more profound, and the stone tool seemed to have become a part of his body, an extension of his left hand.

Finally, the blood sucked by the stone tool became weaker and weaker, and the massive amount of blood transformed by the energy heart in his body finally fed it.

His unknown third talent, because the heart of energy that had been swallowed was fed back again, and it disappeared again, and even the vague breath that could be sensed was gone.

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