Chapter 506: The Fruit of Breaking the Realm

“Name: The Tree of Falsehood, a bridge that connects the real and false worlds. Once attracted by the False Tree and enters the False World, you may be lost between the truth and the false forever. Only by hitting the Shattering Void can you see the truth. .”

Receiving this message, Su Li’s heart shuddered slightly. Xu Xuehui had already turned him around and said in a low voice, “Don’t look at that tree too much, it’s dangerous.”

“Yeah.” Su Limingbai, this skeleton monarch should be attracted by the tree of vain. At this moment, its soul consciousness is trapped between vain and reality. If it can’t see Shattering Void, it will be trapped in it forever. Can’t come back again.

“Go.” Su Li didn’t dare to get close to the Skeleton Monarch and the weird tree of vain, he began to feel that the world in this inner city was a little weird.

First, the cracks and black fog that can make people fall into the magic barrier trapped everyone in the magic barrier, and I was awakened by Xu Xuehui.

Now this vain tree appeared again, and even such a powerful Skeleton Monarch was trapped there.

However, Mo Liudao and the beautiful woman were not here. It seemed that they had seen through the tree of vain and entered deeper into the inner city.

From this detail, the Skeleton Monarch is inferior to them.

First, the demon barrier trapped the vast majority of people, and then this vain tree trapped the Skeleton Monarch, and Su Li’s palms were faintly sweaty. If it weren’t for Xu Xuehui, he wouldn’t be able to get here at all, let alone seek opportunities. .

Su Li didn’t dare to look at the seemingly inconspicuous tree of vain. He went far away and reached the end of the ruins of the inner city. The wall that was originally tens of meters high broke apart from here. The cracks seem to be forcibly destroyed by people with terrible force, and a large number of broken bricks are scattered around the ground.

In the crack, there was a cloud of darkness, and Su Li could only faintly feel a cold undercurrent surging. Even if he opened his third eye, it was difficult to catch what was inside.

Xu Xuehui seemed to know what was inside, and rushed into the crack first.

Su Li held the Red Moon Dragon Slash in his right hand and was busy summoning six-armed Devil to protect Xu Xuehui in case she had an accident.

Su Li was covered with spirit source equipment, still feeling a cold attack, making him shiver wisely.

Entering the crack, the surrounding light suddenly dimmed, and Su Li heard the terrible sound of fighting.

This is a huge and gloomy space. At the center, there is a cloud of black mist, floating in the air, in which a pair of unfathomable eyes can be vaguely seen.

Just now, Su Li glanced at the black mist, her heart stunned, and she was about to open the “Peep Rune” to take a closer look. Suddenly she realized that she was being pulled by Xu Xuehui and said, “Don’t look.”

Su Li immediately looked down at her.

Xu Xuehui shook her head towards him, and motioned him not to look at the black mist surging in the center, and not to come close, so she pulled him and walked far along the black mist.

Then he saw the beautiful woman.To put it right, they are two beautiful women who look exactly the same, and they are fighting together. They are magnificent and the scene is very tragic.

Su Li saw that they had both summoned a huge giant hand, these two giant hands were clenched into fists, fists to the flesh, they were hitting in midair.

Every impact shakes the surroundings, and a deafening sound erupts.

The bodies of these two beautiful women were shrouded in white light, and the soles of their feet and the tops of their heads showed circular formations, from which Su Li felt the devastating energy surge.

Feeling the power of this horror, he was deeply aware of the huge gap between himself and this beautiful woman, but at this moment, why did two beautiful women appear exactly the same, and they were fighting each other.

The terrible sound of fighting he just heard came from here.

Seemingly knowing why Su Li was puzzled, Xu Xuehui dragged him far and walked around, while whispering softly: “The fog, you can’t see, let’s go.”

Su Li looked at these two beautiful women who fought very violently, and finally saw that they still had some differences. One of the beautiful women’s body was covered with a faint layer of mist, but it was very thin and did not look closely. It’s hard to notice.

Thinking that Xu Xuehui wouldn’t let herself look at the mist and couldn’t get close, he understood that this beautiful woman with a faint mist on the surface of her body should be the black mist that was transformed from this truly beautiful woman, possessing exactly the same shape as her. The appearance and strength of the two sides are now fighting together, which is almost equal to fighting with oneself.

“Except for Heart’s Demon, breaking true arrogance, defeating oneself… only if it is possible, breaking the realm.”

Xu Xuehui seemed to be very familiar with this place, and knew a lot, and dragged Su Li to walk swiftly into the distance around the black mist.

Soon, Su Li saw two Mo Liudao. Like the beautiful woman, there were also two Mo Liudao wearing fiery red armor. They fought fiercely with each other. If you look closely, you can see one of them. On the surface of Liudao’s body, a faint layer of black mist loomed around. Obviously, this Mo Liudao was transformed by a pair of black mist with giant eyes hidden in the center.

Su Li has already understood that the test of this level should be to defeat oneself, as long as you get close to the black fog in the center, or watch the black fog carefully, everything about own will be copied by the black fog and become an own opponent. Defeating this opponent who is almost exactly the same as himself is considered a pass.

But Xu Xuehui seemed to bury everything in advance, pulling him far away early, preventing him from paying attention to the black fog in the center.

Although Mo Liudao and the beautiful woman are both super strong, they are also trapped by this level at the moment. They are currently undergoing a very fierce life-and-death fight. They have no flaws in taking care of the intruders Su Li and Xu Xuehui.

For Xu Xuehui, Su Li became more and more curious about her identity, and why is she so familiar with everything in this inner city?

Looking at her familiar feeling, it was like returning to own home.

There were many doubts in his heart, but Su Li did not take the initiative to ask, but silently let Xu Xuehui lead him. The two of them avoided the black fog and the beautiful woman and Mo Liudao in the fight, and arrived at the end of this huge dark space. A bottomless abyss appeared here. Under the abyss, it was dark and dark with a boiling black mist. It was stronger than Su Li. As soon as it approached, there was a sense of fear in my heart. It seemed that there was hidden in the darkness of this abyss. Some kind of terrifying existence.

Above this abyss, there was a suspended stone bridge only one meter wide. It passed through the abyss and led to the far end. The end was also shrouded in black mist, and it was impossible to see where the stone bridge led to.

Su Li’s brows wrinkled slightly in such a dangerous place. It can be said that he walked on the stone bridge without paying attention. If he slipped down, he would fall into the abyss and be swallowed by the darkness below.

Xu Xuehui was not afraid, and ran straight up.

Su Li sighed secretly and looked at Xu Xuehui’s back. He has become increasingly unable to see her origin and identity. The only thing that makes him feel at ease is that Xu Xuehui seems to be very good to herself, at least so far. She didn’t do any harm to own, and everything she did was to help herself.

He followed Xu Xuehui behind and boarded the stone bridge on the floating void.

Although it looked a little scary, and there was a bottomless abyss below, Su Li calmed down and silently followed Xu Xuehui behind. The two figures were gradually swallowed by the clouds and disappeared.

The stone bridge didn’t know how long it was. Su Li followed Xu Xuehui and gradually entered the clouds and mist. The fog around him became thicker and thicker. The two rushed along the stone bridge.

I don’t know how long I have been running, Su Li estimates that at the speed of two people, it is more than ten or twenty kilometers, but the stone bridge is still like no beginning and end, without end.

My heart gradually became anxious, and suddenly, Su Li realized that at some point, Xu Xuehui in front of him had disappeared.

On this stone bridge that looked like no beginning and no end, there was only one person left.

Surprised, Su Li hurriedly stopped.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a huge eye appeared in the oncoming clouds, which stared at him and released a light.

Su Li shuddered, and instinctively squeezed the Red Moon Dragon Slash with his right hand. At this moment, Xu Xuehui’s voice heard in his ears, which sounded very close and very far away.

With a sudden shock in his mind, Su Li woke up and realized that he was standing on the ground, where there were stone bridges and clouds, and under his feet, he could not see the unfathomable abyss.

Xu Xuehui is standing in front of own.

Different from the dark space before, it looks like birds and flowers, full of brilliance, in the brilliance, there is a big tree growing on it, and the tree is full of fruits, about the size of a grape, and the brilliance is exactly Hanging down from these fruits, covering all directions.

Su Li showed a wry smile. It seems that after breaking into the stone bridge, his consciousness was fascinated again, and now he was awakened by Xu Xuehui, otherwise, he is still running wildly on the stone bridge.

This made Su Li deeply realize that his own mind is too weak, the power of the mind and consciousness is not strong enough, and it is easy to be affected and confused by external forces.

It can be said that if it were not for Xu Xuehui’s leadership, let alone breaking into this place, even the first level of the magic barrier would not be able to be solved.

It seems that I will have to find a way to strengthen this strength in the future. It can be said that this will be my biggest weakness at the moment.

Xu Xuehui was a little excited and said, “This is the last level. After crossing this bridge, you can see this broken fruit tree.”

As she talked, she rushed to the big tree in front of her excitedly, watching the tree full of white fruits exuding white light, picked one at hand, and ate it.

“Broken Boundary Tree?” Su Li’s heart moved slightly, and he opened the “Peep Rune”, and immediately caught a message.

“Name: The Boundary Tree, which is transformed by a tree species in the chaos, contains some information in thousands of rules, and the fruit of Boundary Break contains a lot of fragments of the rules of heaven and earth. If you eat the Boundary Fruit, you can Comprehending these fragments of rules can help others to break the barriers of breakthrough rules and successfully break through. It is a rare strange fruit between the world and the earth, and it is impossible to find.”Receiving this message, Su Li watched Xu Xuehui eat the fruit that broke the realm, but saw that her whole body was shining with white light, and these white lights fell down one by one, very mysterious.

“Big Brother, come soon.” Xu Xuehui took another one and handed it to Su Li.

Su Li knew that this was the treasure of heaven and earth. Although he didn’t know how it would help him now, he still ate this fruit, and then looked at the fruit on the tree. At a glance, there were hundreds of them.

Su Li put the fruit in his mouth, and with just a light bite, the fruit was broken, and a large number of white fragments burst out of it. Thousands of fragments of broken messages appeared in my mind, but they were very messy, and it was difficult to digest them completely for a while.

From the surface of his body, there were streams of white light gushing out, and then hanging down, like an umbrella cover, covering his whole body in the white light.

Xu Xuehui picked another broken fruit, and kept picking the fruit in her mouth while plugging it, and handed it to Su Li, gesturing to let him put it into the mirage.

Su Li naturally understood the preciousness of this fruit, so he hurriedly opened the mirage, followed her, and began to pick these broken fruits.

Soon, most of the hundreds of fruits were picked by them, and all of them fell into the mirage of Zurich.

Xu Xuehui ate two fruits in succession, the whole body was full of white gas, and Su Li also swallowed two, feeling light and refreshed all over, and there was a lot of information flowing in his mind, but unfortunately he couldn’t understand it. The meaning of these messages can only be digested and remembered first.

Soon, these hundreds of broken fruits were picked off by them, and Su Li put all of them into his own mirage, to say nothing, there were three or four hundred.

For ordinary people, a Boundary Breaking Fruit is something you can never find, even if you are in the background of Mo Liudao and a beautiful woman, or the power and strength of the Skeleton Monarch, you can’t ask for it.

But now, there are three or four hundred in the mirage of Su Li. Thinking of this, Su Li is also a little excited.

On the surface of the body, the white light that hung down like an umbrella cover slowly converged and disappeared.

“This broken fruit… doesn’t seem to be of any special use. It just feels that the whole person is a lot lighter, girl, how do you feel.” After eating two of them, Su Li found that his body did not change much.

Xu Xuehui said, “This fruit… is mainly used to break through.”

“Ordinary people will have a strong mind when eating, and will not be easily confused by hallucinations.”

Su Li’s heart moved, his biggest weakness now is that he is easy to fall into illusion. Since this broken fruit still has such an effect, he is going to eat a few more.

Immediately opened the mirage, took out a few broken Realm from it, and said: “Since we can strengthen the god-tier soul spirit, then we will eat more.”

Xu Xuehui shook her head: “It’s useless to eat more, just two.”

Su Li finally couldn’t help it, and said: “Girl, why are you so familiar with these?”

Hearing Su Li’s question, Xu Xuehui was stunned, and then thought about it seriously, before saying: “I don’t know, just suddenly…this knowledge was in my mind.”

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