Chapter 503 Changes in the inner city (first one)

Even though Mo Liudao succeeded, he was uncomfortable. The giant hand of the Ancestral Witch patted it from behind, and he had no time to dodge, so he could only activate the “Shield Wall” magical powers.

The shield wall that had just been sacrificed shattered, and the giant hand of the ancestor witch hit him, Mo Liudao was also beaten into a somersault, and rolled out in the air.

The beautiful woman just hit the inner city wall, and with her strength, she couldn’t destroy the city wall. After spitting out a bit of blood, she fell down the wall, landed heavily, and stood up again in an instant.

The two squads who had guarded the inner city gate had already escaped far away. They didn’t dare to approach this kind of battle at all. Once they were involved, they would be wiped out.

Mo Liudao was hit by the giant hand of the ancestor witch, and he was also beaten to the ground. He turned to the ground, and wanted to continue attacking the beautiful woman, when he heard a thud.

The two stone gates in the inner city, which had been silent and covered with a large number of iron chains, seemed to have been hit by an object, and there was a loud bang.

The loud noise made Mo Liu’s Dao heart’s head shook. The magical power of “Broken Fa” he had originally wanted to hit stopped abruptly. He immediately turned his head and looked towards the two stone gates.

These two stone gates are full of iron cables. Several of them have broken and are hanging there quietly. At the center of a large number of iron cables, a stone tool is inserted, only half of the handle is exposed. No one knows the stone tool. What is the real appearance.

At this moment, the two stone gates suddenly made a bang again, like a terrifying monster, hitting behind the stone gate, trying to knock the closed stone gate open.

The sound of hitting the stone gate spread far, and many people were dull and shocked because of Su Li’s death. Hearing this sound, they trembled witly, and then they reacted.

Ge An raised his head and glanced at the direction of the inner city from a distance, then as if thinking of something, he rushed towards the center of the square, Su Li.

Regarding the death of Su Li, he was also full of shock.

By the headless body of Su Li, Ding Longyun knelt down all of a sudden, hissing, “Su Li–”

His eyes were completely red, he couldn’t accept it at all, and Su Li died just like that.

Gong Xiao was a little weak. Seeing Su Li’s headless body, her heart trembled and she couldn’t stand up. Xu Xuehui beside her suddenly reached out to support her and said, “The Big Brother is not dead.”

As soon as she said this, everyone trembled wittily, Gong Xiao hurriedly grabbed her arm and trembled: “Xuehui, what did you say? You said he wasn’t dead?”

Xu Xuehui gave a hum, a pair of eyes glowing with strange light, and said softly: “The Big Brother is not dead.”

They have always believed in Xu Xuehui’s words. At this moment, even Jiang Shuijue, who fell softly on the ground, heard clearly. A new force suddenly emerged from his body that had lost his strength. He struggled to get up and watch. Looking at Su Li, he found that his body was still covered with pieces of spiritual source equipment.

Yes, if a person dies, these equipment will disappear and be acquired by the opponent.

Su Li is still wearing a full set of spiritual source equipment, so there is only one possibility, he is not dead.

The Shui Lin Beast also understood the meaning of Xu Xuehui’s words, and stopped screaming.

Almost at this moment, a light was suddenly released from Su Li’s chest.

This light was all over the body in an instant, enveloping Su Li. The next moment, everyone saw that in this light, there was a ball of light surging in Su Li’s neck where he lost his head. extend.

This change made Jiang Shuijue and Gong Xiao both surprised and happy. Seeing Ge An, Xu Xuehui and others rushing towards here, they immediately formed a circle around Su Li, and no one was allowed to approach.

They all understood that Su Li’s body had undergone incredible changes, and he was now recovering, and they were afraid that everyone would interfere with him.

More and more people rushed over. At this moment, they also saw that Su Li was enveloped in a white light. Everyone was not a fool. They immediately understood something. They were surprised and happy, and realized that Su Li did not really die. , He is recovering.

These days, Zurich has established prestige in the hearts of everyone and won the respect and love of many people. Seeing that he did not really die, everyone is happy for him from the heart. Of course, some people secretly sighed, some Disappointed, but this kind of people only accounts for a very small number.

At that time, Su Li was hit by a beautiful woman, and his head was shattered in an instant. Even the extremely hard Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone could not support it for a second.

At that time, he only felt that his eyes were dark, and then he didn’t know anything.

At that moment, he thought he was dead, and the beautiful woman shot too fast, so that he had no time to react.

But soon he regained consciousness, feeling like opening his eyes again in the dark, as if he was in an infinite ocean of light, with messages constantly popping up in his mind, he suddenly understood.

This was the treasure that he had obtained before, and the fearless light was at work.

This “fearless terror light” is a one-time consumable treasure. When its owner is in danger of Death, this “fearless terror light” will be activated immediately to protect the owner’s Hun and Po, and then be reborn.

Not to mention that Su Li just had his head shattered, even if his body was broken to pieces, this “fearless light” could regenerate his body.

It’s a pity that this “fearless terror light” can only be used once, after which all energy is exhausted, and it will completely disappear.

Under the white light, Su Li regained consciousness, the head that had been shattered and disappeared was growing again.

At this moment, the drop of true dragon blood in his body suddenly reacted and surged toward his growing head.

This drop of real dragon blood came from Lu Tingnan. Lu Tingnan relied on this real dragon blood to strengthen his body. Only then did he have the qualifications to fight Su Li, but this drop of real dragon blood contained something. The energy was too strong, and Lu Tingnan didn’t completely consume it, so he kept it in his body forever.

After being beheaded by Su Li, this drop of true dragon blood, which had not been completely consumed, arrived in Su Li’s body.

Just after beheading the Champions League Luo, Zu Li merged this drop of true dragon blood into the outsider, losing some of its energy, but there is still some energy remaining.

I don’t want to be in the process of re-growth of his head at this moment, the remaining true dragon blood suddenly reacted, rushing towards his head, and began to merge with his growing flesh and blood.

The energy in this drop of true dragon’s blood was absorbed and fused by his growing flesh and blood, and he could sense that the various indicators of his own body were changing drastically.

This is a drop of the blood of an ancient true dragon. Even if most of the energy has been lost before, the remaining energy is still amazing. At this moment, because Zu Li is recasting his body, the energy of this dragon blood is absorbed and merged, causing his body to appear earth-shaking. The change.

Whether it is strength, defense, physical fitness, bones, and internal organs, they are all strengthening.

Sensing the astonishing changes in the body, Su Li suddenly felt the deepest part of the body, suddenly a terrible suction force, sucking the heart of energy in.

This heart of energy is transformed by Lu Tingnan’s second talent. Only extremely powerful talents have a certain possibility to turn into treasures. Zuli successively beheaded several powerful talents with talents, but only Lu Tingnan’s “Energy Heart” talent was successfully turned into a treasure and was acquired by him.

This energy heart contains pure energy, which is extremely powerful. He has just merged the energy heart into the outsider and hit that terrible blow, but it only lost very little energy, and at this moment, for some reason, his body is deep. Chu actually produced a huge suction force and swallowed the heart of energy.

When the energy heart was swallowed, Su Li’s mind suddenly became clear, and he finally captured own’s third talent.

From slaying the Unknown Mother, the message in his mind reminded him to obtain the third talent, but everything is unknown, even he can’t sense this third talent at all, and he doesn’t know what this third talent is.

Until this moment, he finally felt for the first time what the deepest part of his body was that swallowed the heart of energy, that was the third talent of own, and this was the first time he clearly sensed this talent.

In an instant, he understood something.

own does have the third talent, but this talent needs extremely terrifying energy to truly appear. It was just this third talent that suddenly swallowed the heart of energy, released a trace of aura, and was sensed by Su Li.

The heart of such a powerful energy was swallowed by this third talent, and then disappeared without a trace.

As the energy heart was swallowed, this third talent appeared a ray of breath, and Su Li was able to vaguely sense, but other than that, he still knew nothing about this mysterious and unknown talent.

The only certainty is that own does have the third talent, and this talent has been sleeping in the deepest part of own body, but the energy of the energy heart is still not enough to make it truly manifest.

“What kind of talent is this in the end, it can’t fully reveal the huge energy in the heart of energy that has swallowed it…” Su Li was secretly shocked, and at the same time, there was a kind of surprise. They are two powerful talents, and they only need to integrate the spirit of talent, and they will appear immediately.But this third talent requires such a huge amount of energy. There is only one possibility, that is, this third talent, which is very likely to be extremely powerful, so it needs to draw a huge amount of energy.

At present, it has devoured the heart of energy, and only a vague aura appeared, but it made Su Li feel at ease. At least he can be sure that this third talent does exist. In the future, I only need to find a way to get more energy-type treasures. It swallows, and sooner or later it swallows enough energy, and it will naturally manifest itself.

Su Li is increasingly looking forward to his unknown third talent.

The light shrouded on the surface of the body gradually disappeared, the energy of the fearless light of the treasure was completely consumed, disappeared from his body, and Su Li’s body recovered, and he stood up with a slight jump.

Seeing him standing up again, everyone around was surprised and happy, Jiang Shuijue still had tears on his face, so he rushed into his arms. At this moment, she could no longer care whether all her surroundings were full of people.

Su Li stretched his arms, hugged her gently, and then heard a loud bang coming from the inner city.

Li Ran was taken aback, and understood that the current situation was precarious, and it was not the time to entangle the children’s personal affairs.

The drop of blood of the true dragon just now merged into the regeneration of his body, making his current body stronger, especially the regenerated head, which is even more tenacious. After all, in this regeneration of flesh and blood, but With the blood of real dragons.

Now, his basic strength and defense have reached 10,000 catties, plus various basic enhancements to obtain the power defense Ascension, coupled with the increase in the attributes of various defenses, rings, and weapons, the current state of Zurich is the most The strength and defense reached 43,900 jin and 33,500 jin respectively, which means that if he is in the strongest state of the Overrunner and Heavenly Demon, the strongest strength and defense he can exert will be 487,740 jin and 419,100 jin, respectively.

The strongest strength is close to 490,000, and the defense is close to 420,000. In addition, his vital capacity and physical stamina also have a large Ascension. His basic physical stamina was originally 13 minutes, plus super heart and glands. With the enhancement of control and various spiritual source defenses, its physical limit reached 81 minutes.

And now, his basic physical fitness has grown up to 20 minutes, and a one-time Ascension has taken 7 minutes, which brings his current physical fitness limit to 88 minutes.

Combining the energy remaining in that drop of true dragon’s blood, Su Li obtained a rather amazing Ascension.

Releasing Jiang Shuijue, Su Li turned his head and looked towards the inner city where the loud noise was coming. He thought of the leader’s blow. If he hadn’t had the fearless light, he would have died now. Unfortunately, the fearless light can only Use it once.

At this moment, another loud bang came from the inner city. This loud bang shook everyone’s eardrums. The whole ancient city seemed to vibrate slightly, followed by a crisp cracking sound, which came from far away. , Su Li, Ge An and the others looked at each other, and their faces showed very ugly expressions.

They heard that this should be the sound of the chain breaking around the two stone doors.

Thinking of the female leader, Su Li’s eyes glowed with terrible light. If he could kill her now, he would rush to the inner city without hesitation and kill the woman himself.

However, there is a ten fourth-level gap between the two sides. Although they have just had Ascension, they are still far from this female opponent.

“What should I do now?” Ge An looked at Su Li, and was at a loss for a while, not knowing whether to leave here immediately or go to the inner city to take a look.

Even Ge An is like this, let alone the tens of thousands of people in the ancient city. They are all at a loss. Listening to the terrible noise from the inner city, they shudder at the scene of the female leader hitting Zuli with one blow. .

Fortunately, Mo Liudao, who was wearing a set of fiery red armor, was obviously on the side of everyone. Now the two were fighting and hitting the inner city. Everyone didn’t dare to look closer, not knowing what happened there.

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