Chapter 502 Ancestral Witch’s Call (Second Guarantee, Seek Subscription)

With a level gap of ten fourth-level, Zuli looked like a child in her eyes.

With this palm shot, the rare-quality thousand-face helmet that Su Li wore on his head shattered, and then his head.

The speed is so fast that Zurich has no time to launch any defensive means.

Although Zu Li is in the most powerful Heavenly Demon body state, with a full defense of 380,000 jin, it can directly offset the opponent’s 380,000 jin of attack.

But the leader is too strong. It looks like this simple palm, but the actual palm contains a small white circle pattern. This power far exceeds 380,000 kilograms of power. Even if Su Li has the tyrannical Heavenly Demon body, Can’t resist.

His head shattered and white light shone from it. It was Heavenly Demon’s sacred bone shining.

Compared with the devil muscles, the Heavenly Demon’s sacred bones have a stronger endurance. Even after the terrible blow of the guide, they still don’t break instantly. It’s just that the flesh on the outside is shattered first, and the light skull inside appears, and then Numerous cracks appeared on the surface.

There was a different color in the eyes of the guide, and the tyrannical body of Su Li, especially the hard level of the glowing bone, far exceeded her imagination, and with the power of her this strike, it could not be destroyed in an instant.

However, the Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone only persisted for less than a second, because the guide’s right arm burst out a circle of white circular magic circles in an instant, and these white circular magic circles followed her right arm. Then, she collectively slid down to the edge of her right hand, and slammed down Su Li’s head.

This power, even the fiery armored person needs a solemn defense, not to mention Su Li.

This Heavenly Demon sacred bone, which claims to be able to withstand infinite power, finally reached its limit. In an instant, the entire head exploded, and there were countless sacred bone fragments, glittering, flying around.

The fire-red armored man swept across the city wall like a long rainbow, and saw his beloved mount, the Fire Feather Condor, which was bombarded by a huge white light, rolling in the air volleying in the air, the blood rained, and a large amount of fire feathers fell off. Flying all over the sky, only this strike, even if it is not dead, the Fire Feather Condor will be hit hard.

But Su Li was even more miserable, and the leader slapped his head to pieces.

“Today, I will kill you!”

The flaming armored man made a terrible low growl in his throat, the voice contained infinite killing intent, and a pair of eyes glowed with terrifying fire. This time, he was truly and completely irritated.

With this low roar, a terrifying energy aura exploded in the body, and the ground of the entire square shook violently, and then the ancient city was shaking slightly, unexpectedly suddenly causing a big earthquake.

He handed the Ghost Rock Tomahawk in his right hand to his left hand, a right hand wearing a flaming red glove, his right hand is unique, with six fingers long.

This is his treasure, completely fused with his right hand, turning into six fingers in the universe.

Using the six fingers of the universe, it means that the man in the red armor is really murderous, and the six fingers of the universe represent the six earth-shattering magical powers.

He stretched out the second index finger of his right hand, and his whole person was like a rainbow of light, attacking the leader.

The guide just smashed Su Li’s head with a palm, and the fiery armored man arrived, and she immediately felt that she was enveloped by an invisible force, her mind seemed to be locked, and she felt an extremely dangerous feeling.Knowing that it was not good, he did not care about completely destroying Su Li’s body, turned around abruptly, and one after another white circular magic formations rose up, and they gathered towards the fiery red armored men, trying to block him.

But this time, the white circle circle after another couldn’t be blocked. The index finger of the fire-red armor man’s right hand was shining. Wherever it touched, the circle circle was instantly destroyed. There was no stagnation at all, this shining index finger appeared in front of the guide.

Feeling the destructive energy contained in this index finger, more circular magic circles appeared all over the body of the guide, and each circular magic circle was glowing with white light, constantly rotating, layering on top of each other, protecting the body. All around.

With a “bang”, the glowing index finger of the fiery red armored man pressed against the layered white circular magic circle. The leader suddenly uttered an angry scream, and saw the white circular circle outside his body, which collapsed. Broken, her body directly volleyed back and flew out.

The black robe on the surface of the body instantly disappeared, revealing the heavy mechanical armor inside.

The man in the flaming red armor kept chasing her up like lightning, and the shining index finger locked her, seemingly immortal.

“What is this ability?” The leader screamed, with a faint shock in her voice. She never expected that the defensive circle she had set up with all her strength would be so vulnerable to a single blow, and it would be collapsed when touched.

The flaming armor man didn’t say a word, but locked the leader. The outstretched index finger was invincible. No matter the leader was connected to the first stage and first stage defensive array, it was not able to withstand a single blow, and could not stop it at all. he.

There were tens of thousands of people in the entire ancient city, either hiding in buildings or watching from a distance. No one dared to approach it at all. In the entire square, only the headless corpse, Su Li, fell to the ground, motionless.

“Su Li–” Jiang Shuijue saw from a distance, his liver and gallbladder split, desperately rushing up crazy.

Then there were Gong Xiao, Ding Longyun, Xu Xuehui, and Shui Lin Beast.

In addition to them, including Ge An, including the Ding’s siblings, Xu Haihai, Zhang Haohao, Gao Shengyi, Fulong, Qi Mengyu, Jiang Xiaodong, Bai Wenwei, Zhou Li, Wang Shixian, Geng Yanan, Lin Feng, Luo Zhan Jian, Jing Mingxuan…

Too many people were shocked, almost everyone was stunned, with a look of horror and horror on their faces.

So strong, Su Li, just died like this?

Seeing that Su Li, who had become a headless corpse, lay quietly in the center of the square, everyone had a feeling of being in a dream, all of which seemed so unreal.

Jiang Shuijue rushed up first and looked at Su Li’s headless corpse. His eyes went dark, his legs softened, and he fell straight down.

Gong Xiao’s pretty face turned pale, there was no trace of blood, and his eyes were broken. The whole person was like stepping on cotton, one foot high and one foot low, and suddenly one foot in the air, fell to the ground and followed closely. He shuddered again and got up again.

With her current strength, she was able to fall down because of running, which shows that the panic and panic in her heart has reached the extreme.

Suddenly, the Shui Lin Beast let out a long and screaming sound, and the howling sound was extremely stern, and the terrifying golden lightning exploded suddenly all over its body, and thousands of lightning bolts enveloped it.

Its whistling sound is constant, full of tragic and desperate.

“Boom” there was a loud, earth-shaking noise, carrying the leader’s muffled hum.

The two sides collided head-on again, and the leader was lost. The body turned upside down and flew out, swept across the square, hitting a palace at the end of the square, making a “crash” sound.

Although the palace had a strong bearing capacity, it could not withstand the impact of the leader. Suddenly, a large number of bricks shattered and fell down.

With the eruption of the power of the leader and the fiery armored man, even a hundred-story skyscraper would collapse and collapse in an instant when hit by her, but at this moment, only the top of the palace was slightly damaged.

It is conceivable how tough the building materials of this palace are. This is by no means a palace that can be built by ordinary human technology.

The figure of the man in flaming red armor kept on, the six fingers of his right hand, fused with the treasure, turned into six divine powers. The supernatural power represented by this thumb is the “shield wall”, which has absolute defense, and this index finger represents supernatural power To “break the law”, can destroy Wanfa, has the most powerful destructive power.

The leader even sacrificed all kinds of powerful magic arrays, all of them were broken, the mechanical armor on the surface of the body was shattered and it was charred, and the body hit the top of the palace behind, crushing a large number of bricks and tiles. The face was revealed, it was a beautiful face with no flaws in sight.

Only at this moment, this beautiful face was a little embarrassed, but also a little angry, and a ray of blood slowly flowed down the corners of the red lips.

She was hurt by the “breaking method” just now.

With a “boom”, the fiery armored man was almost half a second slower than her, and rushed to the top of the palace, but the guide, the beautiful woman, moved away first, swept out, and landed on the top of another palace behind. She raised her eyebrows and scolded: “Do you really want to start an all-out war?”

She had already killed Su Li, satisfied with her thoughts, and didn’t want to fight to death with the fiery armored man.

“You provoked this first. I said that you will die today. I will speak without fail!”

Mo Liudao, the man in the red armor, could not hear a trace of emotion in his voice, and possessed an unquestionable will. He made up his mind to kill this beautiful woman today.

Almost at the same time as he finished speaking, his body rushed into the air again, and once again played the terrifying “Breaking Magic” magical powers.

This time, the beautiful woman did not retreat. Under her feet, a huge circular magic circle suddenly appeared. The circle rose with white light and rose into the sky. Soon, there was a roar from this circle. It came out from the Xingfa formation.

“Who… summons… I…”

This sound seemed to span endless time and space, descending from the distant ancient times, a huge hand suddenly broke away from the circular circle that released the white light below, and stretched out from it.

This hand is extremely huge, with five fingers and palm, it is ten meters long, which is bigger than a house, and there are very conspicuous black hairs growing on it, and each black hair is half a meter long.

The giant hand was like a bird’s claw, thin and dark, and suddenly blocked the second magical power that Mo Liudao had hit.

The magic-breaking supernatural power was blocked by this ghost-claw-like giant hand, and there was a loud bang, the giant hand was shaking violently, and a trace of surprise flashed across Mo Liudao’s eyes.

How powerful is his second magical power “breaking the law”, but at this moment, he was blocked by the giant hand of ghost claws that suddenly appeared from the magic circle.This is the treasure of the beautiful woman, “Ancestral Witch’s Summoning”. She successfully brought the ancestral witch that only existed in the ancient times, through a circular magic circle, to the modern age, although it is only a palm of the ancestral witch, it has been prepared. With unpredictable power, Mo Liudao’s “breaking method” is strong, but it can’t break the giant hand of this ancestor witch.

Immediately afterwards, the giant hand of the ancestor witch clenched into a fist, and this huge fist hit Mo Liudao with one blow.

“This is…” Mo Liudao’s eyes were stunned, but he stretched out his right thumb without hesitation, and activated the “Shield Wall” magical power.

Giant shields with flames burning side by side appeared, stacked together to form a strong defense.

With a “bang”, the ancestor witch’s giant fist hit the “shield wall” and immediately broke Mo Liudao’s first supernatural power.

The giant shields on this side shattered in an instant.

Mo Liudao’s index finger stretched out, once again activated the second magical power to “break the law”, and the third finger following his right hand was finally stretched out.

The third magical power contained in this third finger was activated.

In all directions, on the surface of the palace buildings, weird substances resembling rattans suddenly appeared. The whole body was yellowish yellow and resembling yellowish yellow pythons. They stretched out to make a beautiful woman in the blink of an eye. Entangled with the giant hand of this ancestor witch.

This is the third magical power he holds: the bondage of the earth.

This is a kind of bondage magical power, once it is used, it is immediately entangled by the earth.

The giant hand of the ancestral witch was entangled and stagnated slightly. Mo Liudao jumped into the air, like a goshawk, and swept over from the giant hand of the ancestral witch. The beautiful woman behind.

The beautiful woman stepped back again, twenty to thirty meters away, her eyebrows frowned slightly, and she suddenly looked towards the distant square.

From crushing the head of the old human to the present, there has been no spiritual source. For them, whether it is the only criterion for judging the death of a human or a monster, it is the spiritual source.

If there is no spiritual source, there is only one possibility, and that is that this human or monster has no real death.

“Could it be…”

The beautiful woman was distracted and looked into the distance of the square. Mo Liudao seized the opportunity, breaking the magic and supernatural powers to bind the supernatural powers together, and wanted to kill the beautiful woman in this strike.

Even if this is the leader from the Holy Land, Mo Liudao will kill her. For this reason, she will not hesitate to provoke an all-out war. What’s more, she broke the rules set by all parties that the leader needs to abide by, and killed Zuli, herself. If you see it, you have the right to kill her.

Naturally, Mo Liudao would not miss this opportunity.

The power of the bound giant hand of the ancestral witch is too powerful, but with a relaxed effort, it immediately smashed the strips of matter like an earth-yellow python wrapped around it, with five fingers, this giant His hand slapped viciously from behind and patted Mo Liudao.

With a “boom”, there were white lights rising up around the beautiful woman’s body, and Mo Liudao’s “Breaking Technique” shattered the white light.

The beautiful woman snorted. She had just been distracted to pay attention to Su Li in the distant square. In such a battle of the strong, this distraction immediately had no time to dodge, and the white defense of the sacrificed circle could not resist Mo Liudao’s. He attacked, opened his mouth, spit out a mouthful of blood, and flew back dozens of meters, hitting the towering inner city wall behind the row of palaces.

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