Chapter 504

“Let’s leave here first.” Xu Haihai couldn’t help but speak, his face was pale. He thought that Su Li was dead just now. The scene was too shocking for him. Now that Su Li has recovered, he is pleasantly surprised. Feeling the fear, thinking of the terrible Mo Liudao and the leader, and seeing a loud noise coming from the direction of the inner city, I thought about leaving the ancient city temporarily, and then it depends on the situation.

Su Li was about to answer. Suddenly, she felt something. She turned her head to look behind her. She saw a black figure suddenly appeared, traversing the city wall, like a black changhong, rushing away at an astonishing speed. , I crossed the square in an instant, jumped over the oncoming palace, and then disappeared on the palace.

The black figure is too fast, but Su Li can still see clearly that this is the black crystal skull.

“It really came.” Su Li thought of the last time the inner city changed. The black crystal skeleton appeared. Later it seemed to have suffered a big loss and disappeared. Now the inner city has once again undergone an unusual change, this black crystal skeleton. , Appeared again.

Its goal is very clear. It is not interested in the people of the ancient city at all. Its only goal is the inner city.

The vibration of the ancient city is becoming more and more obvious. The entire ancient city seems to have caused an earthquake. The front of the inner city is blocked by palaces. No one knows the current situation there. Only more and more violent rumbling noises can be heard. The crackling sound of the chain breaking.

The chains wrapped around the two stone doors are breaking one by one.

No one knew what was going on in the inner city, let alone what would happen if the two stone gates were really opened.

Seeing the black crystal skull disappearing above the palaces at the end of the square, and hearing a loud bang again from there, Zuli made a decisive decision: “Go, let everyone evacuate here first!”

Ge An had this idea long ago. Seeing that Su Li had made a decision, he immediately shouted and ordered to go down and let everyone in the ancient city evacuate.

The shaking of the ancient city has long caused people to panic. With the issuance of this order, the logistics personnel who originally hid in various buildings swarmed out. Many people who originally belonged to the fifth brigade gathered on the square and the city wall. He immediately rushed out along the city gate, and many people jumped directly down the city wall.

The core leaders such as Su Li, Ge An, Fulong, Jing Mingxuan, and Ding’s sister and brother also retreated outside following the crowd, but they were not fast, and while leaving the city, they were paying attention to the situation in the distant inner city.

The vibration of the entire ancient city became more and more intense, and the sound of hitting the stone gate in the inner city became louder and louder, and the momentum became more and more alarming.

Outside the ancient city, the three Forgotten Human Races that had attacked had already retreated from the crack at the top of the mountain. However, they did not stay away. Although the first leaders of the three parties were dead, the remaining holy envoys are still there, and now they are the guides. They were also at a loss without giving an order. They didn’t know whether to continue attacking the ancient city, or leave here immediately.

After that, the ancient city shook and saw a large number of humans rushing out like a tide. They didn’t even know what had happened. They all waited in full battle, and the great sages gathered together.

Su Li took Jiang Shuijue, Gong Xiao, Xu Xuehui and others, followed the crowd, and quickly withdrew from the ancient city where the current situation is unknown.

Just after the battle, he had lingering fears, and he knew that he was still too far behind the advanced 20th level existence of these guides, unless he could get some kind of adventure, and he could quickly Ascension level in a short period of time.

Leaving the ancient city along the city gate, Xu Xuehui suddenly turned her head, looked far in the direction of the inner city, and pulled Su Li’s arm.Su Li looked back at her.

Xu Xuehui reached out and pointed towards the inner city, and said, “There is an opportunity.”

Su Li’s body shook and suddenly stopped.

In front of the inner city, many of the chains that were originally entangled on the two stone gates have been broken.

The shaking of the two stone gates became more and more intense. Mo Liudao had stopped fighting with the beautiful woman. His eyes were fixed on the two shaking stone gates, revealing a strange look. Obviously, he was affected by the situation inside the stone gate. Attracted.

Immediately afterwards, the giant hand of the ancestral witch summoned by the beautiful woman appeared, and did not attack Mo Liudao, but volleyed towards the two stone gates fiercely.

There was a loud and earth-shaking noise, and the two stone gates shook violently, and there was also a terrible crashing sound inside. Suddenly, several chains broke apart in the chain on the surface.

The beautiful woman made a slight whistle in her mouth, and under her feet, the circular magic circle glowing with white light reappeared, and it continued to expand outward. This circular magic circle affected more and more areas. The giant hand struggled out of the circular magic circle, and then the wrists, forearms, and arms. The vibration became more and more intense, and the entire arm of the ancestor witch completely stretched out of the circular magic circle. , Five fingers clenched into fists, and volleyed Shimen hard.

Mo Liudao stepped back, giving away a certain distance, watching the two stone gates follow the ancestral witch’s giant fist, and suddenly another chain collapsed on the surface. The stone tool inserted in the center remained silent. The impacts of slashes became more and more frequent, and with each impact, one or two of the outer chains had to be broken.

With more and more broken chains, the vibration of the two stone gates became more and more intense.

Suddenly, a black figure appeared, Mo Liudao turned his head and saw a black crystal skull falling from above a palace behind him.

This black crystal skeleton approached the two stone gates in one step. A large amount of dark power had already been gathered above its head, shaped like a dark cloud cover, and it rushed toward the stone gate at this moment.

This dark cloud formed by the power of darkness covered this area and flooded two stone gates. The giant hand of the ancestral witch controlled by the beautiful woman once again clenched into a fist and smashed it heavily.

Mo Liudao, who hadn’t done anything before, finally made a move at this moment. He did not attack the beautiful woman anymore, but reached out his right index finger, played the “breaking method” magical powers, and hit the two stone gates in a distance.

The black crystal skeleton, the beautiful woman, and Mo Liudao, the three suddenly joined forces to strike together, and a loud crash broke out in the stone gate at the same moment. The two stone gates seemed to be unable to withstand their joint this strike, and suddenly shocked.

The crisp sound of cracking sounded continuously, and there were still unbroken chains on the two stone gates, and at this moment, all of them broke.

A monstrous black mist suddenly surging out from the two stone gates, and like thousands of demons rushed out of The Underworld.

This scene was shocking, and even everyone who had left the ancient city looked back and could see that the sky above the end of the ancient city was swallowed by black clouds in an instant.

In this black cloud and fog, vaguely visible visions of howling ghosts and wolves, like the hideous grimace of thousands of Devil.

Su Li, who had just left the ancient city, heard Xu Xuehui’s words, and instinctively looked back, and then saw this appalling scene. After that, the black cloud disappeared, the terrifying voice disappeared, and everything seemed to be back to normal again. The sound of the impact and the vibration of the ancient city all disappeared.

From the original violent sound suddenly became silent, many people felt weird and couldn’t help stopping, and then turned their heads to look inside the ancient city.

“what happened?”

“Suddenly fell silent.”


Everyone was talking about it, and no one knew what was happening in the inner city at this moment. Just now everyone could hear the sound of hitting the stone gate. After the violent shaking of the mountain just now, it was quiet.

“Girl, did you say there are opportunities?” Su Li had always believed Xu Xuehui’s words, she said that suddenly, she must have seen something.

“Yes, the inner city… is opened.” Xu Xuehui looked into the distance with her eyes, and whispered: “There is a chance, you can’t miss it.”

Hearing what Xu Xuehui said, Su Li finally understood the reason for the violent shaking of the ground just now. It turned out that the two stone gates in the inner city were actually opened.

Now there was silence. It was conceivable that the black crystal skull, the beautiful woman and Mo Liudao might have all entered.

Su Li looked at Xu Xuehui, and Xu Xuehui nodded towards him.

A hint of hesitation appeared on Su Li’s face.

The blow of the beautiful woman just now smashed the head of Owner. It can be said that if there is no treasure, the fearless light, I would have died, and now the fearless light is gone. If you touch her again, she will come again. This strike, I’m really dead.

Now that beautiful woman is very likely to be in the inner city, is she really going for this still uncertain opportunity?

Although Mo Liudao is also there, but for these top powerhouses, if a beautiful woman wants to kill herself, Mo Liudao may not be able to protect him.

Just now it was a clear example. The beautiful woman left Mo Liudao and suddenly rushed into the city. Although Mo Liudao followed closely, she was still a step late.

“Opportunity is very important.” Seeing that Su Li was hesitating, Xu Xuehui repeated it again in a hurry, her small face showed some anxious expressions, it seemed that she wanted this opportunity very much, or she hoped that Su Li could get this opportunity.

“I understand.” Su Li gritted his teeth lightly. He has always believed in Xu Xuehui. It was the first time she saw her want to go to the inner city so urgently. It seems that this opportunity is very likely. Very unusual.Fortunately, he can now use the “Sacred Power” again, with a four-second invincible state, even if the beautiful woman really does it on herself, four seconds is enough for Mo Liudao to come over and stop her.

Moreover, after the beautiful woman went to the inner city, she never reappeared, let alone chasing after herself again. The greater possibility was that the inner city attracted her, so it was calculated that she was safe for the time being.

With a decision in his heart, Su Li looked at Jiang Shuijue and Gong Xiao who had been following him, and said, “Go, let’s go to the inner city to meet chances.”

After speaking, she rushed towards the gate of the ancient city. Jiang Shuijue, Gong Xiao, and Ding Longyun, like him, trusted Xu Xuehui very much. Now she said eagerly that she could enter the inner city to get a chance, and this chance is very important, Lian Su Li Du decided to go to the inner city, they naturally had no objection, and immediately led Xu Xuehui to follow Su Li towards the ancient city.

Shui Lin Beast also followed closely.

Now the ancient city suddenly fell silent, and many people had stopped and looked inside and suddenly discovered that the people from Zurich had rushed into the ancient city again.

Gao Shengyi’s heart moved, he took a deep look at Su Li and Xu Xuehui who was following him, and followed the first few people around him in a low voice: “Go, let’s go see what happened.” He also followed into the ancient city. Rush away.

When Gao Shengyi moved, the cronies and subordinates who followed him, the first day of the junior high school, Li Haihui, Tian Hongyou and others immediately followed.

Everyone is not a fool. Seeing the people from Suli and Gao Shengyi and rushing back to the ancient city, Zhang Haohao, Ding’s sister and brother, Ge An, Wen Ying and others immediately understood the reason. They were originally They all suspected that there must be something hidden in the inner city, and now after the violent shaking just now, it suddenly became silent, I faintly guessed the reason in my heart, and immediately wanted to pick up something cheap.

Although the beautiful woman was powerful, she had also attacked Su Li at the moment, and did not harm other people, and Mo Liudao was suspected to be on their side, so naturally she would not hurt them.

For these reasons, Zhang Haohao brought a group of people, the Ding brother and sister also brought a group of people, and a group of Ge An. As more and more people returned to the ancient city, Fulong did not know the inner city. , But at this moment also followed everyone back to the ancient city.

He could feel that there must be some great changes in this ancient city, so everyone would be so anxious to return.

The Zuli group was the fastest, rushing towards the end along the square.

Soon they bypassed the palace buildings. Sure enough, the two stone gates in the inner city had been opened. As for Mo Liudao, the beautiful woman and the black crystal skeleton, they all disappeared. They should have entered. Inner city.

Inside the opened stone gate, clouds were vaguely surging, and it was impossible to see the true appearance inside.

In front of the stone gate, broken chains were scattered on the ground. The stone tools that were originally inserted in the chains have disappeared, and it is unknown whether they were taken away, damaged or disappeared.

Su Li was instinctively relieved not to see the beautiful woman.

“Go.” Su Li summoned the six-armed Devil phantom, let it rush into the surging clouds and mist of the inner city first, and made sure that there was no danger. Then he followed along, and at the same time stretched out his right hand to pull the Red Moon Dragon. Cut it out.

Jiang Shuijue, Gong Xiao, Ding Longyun, Xu Xuehui and others followed closely, followed by a group of Gao Shengyi, a group of Zhang Haohao, a group of Ding brothers and sisters, and Ge An and a group of people. more and more.

Everyone is in the heart of the crowd. Seeing that more and more people gather in the inner city, those who originally wanted to evacuate the ancient city have changed their minds and kept coming towards the inner city. The ancient city, as a result, has now become a swarm of people rushing towards the inner city.

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