Chapter 501 Eagle Master and Guide (first one)

The guide suddenly approached Su Li, with five fingers on her right hand, a white circular circle appeared on her right arm, and began to rotate, her left hand quietly clenched into a fist, once the right hand cannot solve him, the left hand will be tight. Followed to give Su Li a fatal blow.

Su Li just activated the power of Sacred, barely gathered the remaining power in his body, and wanted to fight back. Suddenly there was a “bear” sound from above, followed by a terrible heat surging down, inserting the leader and Su. Between Li.

With a move in his heart, Su Li immediately kicked his feet on the ground, retreated with all his strength, and widened the distance from the leader. Sure enough, with the heat, a flame suddenly blocked in front of the leader, and the whole body was enveloped in a set. The person in the fiery red radiant armor appeared.

The man in the red armor who was called “Master Eagle” by Shi Dalong appeared again. In his tone, there was anger implied: “Bullying the small with the big, with irregular eyes, really think I dare not kill you?”

The man in the flaming armor was obviously really angry. He was holding a fiery red battle axe in his right hand. There were three rotating fireballs in the center of the axe. It looked extraordinary, and it was definitely not an ordinary spiritual source weapon at first glance.

Without hesitation, he waved the battle axe in his right hand and slashed towards the leader.

The guide’s eyes flickered slightly, and he didn’t dodge or retreat. Instead, his left hand moved up, his hands were put together, and two huge white circular magic circles appeared.

With a “boom”, the battle axe of the fiery red armored man slashed heavily in the air between the hands of the guide and opened the two white circular arrays, erupting a terrible shock, the entire ancient city And the top of the mountain shook violently.

For the fiery red armored man and the leader, this is like a casual blow, but the power that bursts out is far more powerful than the full blow of Zurich and the Champions League just now.

This is absolute level suppression. While retreating into the city, Zu Li looked at the fiery armored man with his third eye.

Since the third eye is so magical that it can be shielded by the other’s power and see the leader’s information, then, what about this man in red armor?

From this look, sure enough, a message appeared in his mind.

“Name: Paladin, Level: 20, Talent: Martial Dao, Treasure: Six Fingers of the Universe, Weapon: Fire·Ghost Rock Tomahawk, Evaluation of the same level of combat power: Superior.”

In response to this message, Su Li took a deep breath, and sure enough, the level of this fiery armor man also reached level 20.

A paladin of level 20.

Thinking that he was only a 6th-level Sacred knight, Su Li sighed secretly and retreated to the city.

The people in the ancient city also stepped back and evaded, fleeing into the city one after another.

When the fiery red armored man and the leader fought, it was earth-shattering, full of energy, and the power was too terrifying.

Those forgotten human races who had boarded the cracks were also busy fleeing back, jumping down the cracks to escape, and the cracks on the top of the mountain instantly turned into purgatory filled with terrifying flames and white light.

This fiery armored man obviously has a powerful flame power, and the ghost rock battle axe in his hand, with a casual wave, will have the power of shaking the ground.In an instant, the leader retreated continuously, and she continued to open up the white circular array, but she appeared vulnerable and was constantly smashed to pieces by the ghost rock battle axe.

Su Li doesn’t know what level of their strength has reached. The only thing that can be sure is that the strength of the fiery armored men and their guides are among the twentieth-level paladins or wizards, and they belong to the “superior”.

Of course, they are both “superior”, and they are also divided into three, six and nine levels. Now that the two sides fight, the fiery armored men immediately gain a crushing advantage.

He held the fire-red Ghost Rock battle axe in his right hand, seeming to swing it casually, and the ground was shaking every time the axe fell.

The leader’s hands kept releasing huge array after another, resisting the ghost rock battle axe of the fiery armored man, but it was constantly shattered, forcing the leader to retreat in succession.

Suddenly, she stomped her foot, and a circular magic circle appeared under her feet, emitting a huge white light, and the magic circle was spinning.

In an instant, from the center of the circular magic circle under her feet, within a radius of 100 meters, a circular magic circle pattern suddenly appeared one after another, all of which were rotating rapidly, shining white light toward the ascending, turning into a circle. Huge beam of light.

In the next instant, these huge beams of light, centered on the fiery red armored man, suddenly gathered and squeezed up where he was. Each beam of light of the magic array contained destructive energy.

The power of this strike is earth-shattering.

This offensive was very fierce, and the man in the red armor had to be solemn. He paused slightly and stretched out his left hand, and a huge burning shield appeared, piled around the owner’s body, against the white beams of light that suddenly gathered. .

At almost the same moment, he suddenly noticed that the leader swept away like a bolt of lightning, unexpectedly bypassing him, and rushing towards the ancient city wall at full speed.

“court death!”

The man in the flaming armor gave out a drink. He never expected that he had already appeared, and the leader hadn’t given up on the previous idea. She threw herself away, this was to attack Su Li.

Obviously, the leader didn’t even think about separating life and death with him. Her real goal has always been Su Li.

At this moment, everyone in the ancient city retreated into the city one after another, relying on the solid city wall to resist the energy fluctuation impact of the two terrifying powerhouses fighting.

Many people gathered on the city wall. Observing from a distance, while returning to the city, Zuri began to strip away several pieces of rare equipment of his own, preparing to replace several pieces of monarch-quality equipment that he could use.

Today, he harvested eight pieces of monarch-quality equipment in one breath.

It seems that this effect can be much faster than finding monster dens every day and hunting monarch-level monsters.

Among the eight sovereign-quality equipment, there are three weapons, namely, the ice-bound rod with the ice attribute, the stinging snake spear with the poison attribute, and the wind-wing scepter with the wind attribute.

He didn’t need these three weapons, and he was already considering who to assign to them. Among the remaining five pieces of armor for the monarch, two of them could be used, namely the thunder glove with the thunder attribute of the left hand and the dragon shadow boots with the dragon attribute.

Su Li slowly stripped off the rare quality Dark Bone Gloves and Ghost Boots on his left hand that he was currently equipped with.

When he completely retreated to the city, the two pieces of equipment were completely stripped off, and then he equipped the thunder glove and dragon shadow boots on his left hand.

As the two pieces of sovereign-quality equipment merged into his body, he immediately felt the powerful energy released from these two pieces of equipment.

Thunder Thunder Gloves, the attributes are enhanced by 2000 strength and enhanced by 1000 defense.

Dragon Dragon Shadow Boots, attributes are enhanced 2000 defense and Ascension 20% speed.

With the integration of these two pieces of monarch equipment into the body, his strongest strength under normal conditions immediately reached 34,900 kilograms, defense reached 27,600 kilograms, and once again gained a considerable Ascension speed.

And the most amazing thing is undoubtedly that he already has five dragon-type monarch equipment on his body.

The five pieces of dragon-attribute monarch equipment are resonating, and each piece of equipment is releasing the power of a dragon. The power released by these five pieces of equipment is fused together, as if forming a whole in his body. There has been an amazing change.

At this moment, Su Li’s Red Moon Dragon Slash on his right hand, the scaled dragon shoulder armor covering his left shoulder, the Tyrant’s belt on his waist, the dragon shadow boots on his feet, and the black purgatory ring on his right thumb. There was originally a layer of shimmer, which was revealed by the dragon’s power covering the surface of the equipment.

At this moment, as the power of the dragon of the five pieces of equipment is combined, the power of the dragon is immediately doubled, and the gleam on the surface becomes much brighter.

On the surface of these five pieces of equipment, there was a beautiful shining light, which may not look very obvious during the day, but at night, this layer of shining light is very obvious.

Five pieces of dragon attribute equipment enabled him to activate the second layer of dragon power. The power of the Ascension 5% extra spiritual source art has now been directly increased by 10%.

Originally, he was in the state of Overrunner and Heavenly Demon, and his strongest strength was 400,000 catties. With the integration of these two pieces of monarch equipment into the body, plus the 10% effect of the extra Ascension technique, his current The strongest strength directly reached about 428,000 catties, which was infinitely close to 430,000 catties.

In addition to these two monarch equipment, Zuri also obtained six rings, two of which are rare quality.

One is a rare-quality skull ring, which adds 1500 kilograms of power, and the other is a rare-quality apocalypse ring, which also increases its attributes by 1500 kilograms of power.

Su Li equipped the skull ring and the apocalypse ring on own right middle finger and little finger one after another, and stripped off the rare quality fire ring worn on the tail finger of the left hand, and replaced it on the tail finger of the right hand.

In this way, the five rings he wore on his right hand were all rare or above quality rings.

They are the monarch-quality black hell refining ring, and the rare-quality black death ring, skull ring, apocalypse ring and fire refining ring.

On the tail finger of his left hand, he picked a Fengming ring from the remaining four rings of ordinary quality and equipped it. Now, he is equipped with ten rings and three more rings. .

The right hand is all rings of rare or higher quality, and the left hand is all rings of ordinary quality.

Three rings have been added, and his power has increased by four thousand Ascension. His current power has reached 38,900 jin.

If he is in the strongest Heavenly Demon real body state, his strongest strength is Ascension reaching 454,740 kilograms.

The strength of more than 450,000 catties was a full increase of 50,000 catties compared to the previous 400,000 catties. This Ascension made him feel quite satisfied.

After all, as the power gets stronger and stronger, it becomes more and more difficult to get a large Ascension again.Su Li returned to the ancient city and just put on two pieces of monarch’s equipment and three rings. As for the leader, he didn’t worry about it. After all, there was a fiery armor man blocking it. This was a battle and dispute between their top leaders. At the current level and strength, there is no qualification to intervene.

After all, this is a tenth-level gap.

However, he did not expect that he retreated to the city, and suddenly saw a figure high above the city wall, flying past the heads of a group of people on the city wall, and then fell to the square in the city with a loud crash, not far from him. Ten meters.

The leader who was enveloped in the circular circle appeared again, with a right hand, and suddenly grabbed it towards him.

To deal with Su Li, who is only advanced 6th level, with her 20th-level wizard, she has absolute strength and level suppression. There is no need to use any powerful or special means at all. With a simple grasp of her right hand, she can kill. Die him.

The flaming armor man was obviously irritated by the leader’s actions, and his implied angry howling came from behind, just like a giant beast roaring.

However, he was still a step slower, seeing that he could not block this strike for Su Li.

Suddenly, in the void, a fiery red light fell like a meteor, as if feeling the master’s anger, the fire feather condor suddenly appeared from above, swooping down, and the whole body was burning like a strong flame, like a huge incomparable The fireball smashed towards the leader below.

This Fire Feather Eagle is a mount of fiery red armor. Similarly, it also has a very high level and extremely powerful strength. This swooping blow is amazing.

“Flat-haired beast, look for death!”

The guide just wanted to kill Zuli for the first time, and was blocked by the fiery armored man. Now he finally got the fiery armored man to be careless, and then threw him away. It is about to completely end Zuli, and I don’t want the fire feather condor to appear again to stop her. .

This made her furious. She raised her left hand, flexed her fingers violently, and bounced up in the air.

A huge white light blasted out in an instant, hitting the Fire Feather Condor in the air from bottom to top.

Her right hand also flicked towards Su Li, about to emit an infinitely powerful white light.

Su Li was still in the state of being overrun. With the third eye open, she caught her movement, but it was too late to dodge, and the “Sacred Power” had just been used and could no longer be used.

The only way is to borrow the power of Gun’s Tears again, show it from the palm of his left hand, and stretch out his left hand to face the leader’s attack.

Just like last time, as long as the leader’s power destroys his left hand, it will inevitably hit Gun’s Tears. With her power, it can cause Gun’s Tears to counterattack.

But soon Su Li’s third eye suddenly caught the leader’s new movement, which was the movement of his body tilting slightly to the side.

With a sudden heart jump, Su Li yelled badly and wanted to turn around to dodge. Unfortunately, although he used the third eye to guess that the leader’s attack on own was a false move, his body response could not keep up with his thoughts.

The guide suddenly bypassed him, avoided his left hand, appeared beside him, stretched out his right hand, and patted Su Li firmly on top of the head.

Last time the guide suffered a big loss in Qingshan City, she had already guessed that Zuli had some special means. However, she did not guess that it was a god like Gun’s Tears, but guessed that Zuli possesses the ability to live in A special ability to instantly rebound an attack, such as the mirror rebound ability that Zhang Haohao mastered.

So just now she flicked her right hand towards Zu Li, seemingly about to release a huge white light that would attack the Fire Feather Eagle, but in fact it was just a flicker. Seeing Zu Li really stretched out her left hand to block it like last time, she immediately became stunned. Around, stretched out his right hand, and hit the top of Su Li’s head.

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