Chapter 481 Ice and Snow Envoy (second more seeking subscription)

She is about three meters tall, like a huge ice sculpture, holding an ice spear in her right hand, and a pair of ice eyes without pupils are faintly shining with cold light, watching the fight on the square.

Su Li’s “peeping rune” has captured her message far away.

“Name: Ice and Snow Envoy, Level: seventh-level rare beast general. Ice and Snow Envoy is a noble creature in the frozen continent. The body contains extremely powerful cold air, holding a cold spear, which is extremely terrifying. Existing, there is a very small probability that the Ice and Snow Envoy can evolve into the monarch of the frozen continent and become the queen of ice.”

Receiving this message, Su Li took a breath, and finally met the seventh-level rare beast tonight.

The information of the monsters that can be observed and seen before, the highest level of which is the rare beast of the sixth-level, whether it is the previous dark warlord, the gamma lord, or the double-headed iceman tonight, all are sixth-level rare.

Even the fifth-level monarch has seen several, but the seventh-level rare beast is the first time.

Regarding this seventh-level rare beast general, Zuri is also very curious, how much better it will be than the sixth-level rare beast general, and how does it compare with the fifth-level monarch?

The ice envoy was holding the ice war spear in his right hand, suddenly raised it, and pointed towards the square inside the city wall. Behind it, four double-headed icemen opened their mouths at the same time, screaming, and surrounded by the ice. Qi, volleyed in the air, and rushed towards the square. Behind them, groups of monsters continued to climb over the city wall and rushed towards the people in the square.

The monster siege tonight is finally coming to an end, this will be the last round of attacks.

Gong Xiao’s right hand shook, and the unburned fire in the unburned god spear rose completely, offering sacrifices to the feather snake god, and the terrifying flames surged from the surface of her body and turned into a huge flame giant snake.

This scene was very shocking, and many people couldn’t help being attracted by this giant snake and looked at her.

The Feathered Serpent God summoned by the Sacrifice Fire of Ember is more than 20 meters long and rises in the air, then bends down, and rushes towards one of the two-headed Frozen One.

Although the two-headed Frostman is a sixth-level rare beast, comparable to a strong “medium” general combat power, it is nothing to Gong Xiao now.

Ding Longyun let out a long scream, shook his hands with the golden battle axe in his hands, and activated the monarch skill “Golden Power”. A golden light rose from his battle axe, rendering his whole body into a golden color, just like the same one. The Golden God of War, took a big stride, surged, the ground vibrated, and rushed towards the other two-headed Frozen.

The twelve mist avatars of Jiang Shuijue’s incarnation fit into one, showing a real appearance, holding the blood and prison swords in both hands, followed by the one divided into three, three identical and fleshy Jiang Shuijue, holding the blood and prison double in their hands. sword.

This is the special ability of the big water droplets of the gods fused in her body. With this special ability of the big water droplets, not only her body can be perfectly transformed into three, including the spiritual source art she has mastered, various special Ability, even the rare quality double blood swords in his hand can be perfectly copied.

This kind of ability is called heaven-defying. What she is holding now is only a rare quality weapon. If she is holding a monarch weapon and it is copied by a large drop of water and turned into three, it will be a terrible battle. force?

Although there is no monarch weapon, no treasures and talents, Jiang Shuijue’s current combat power is still tyrannical. She is transformed into three, holding two swords in the blood hell, and encircling one of the two-headed Frozen from three directions. The two swords shook, and the “Fire Sword” and “Frost Shield” were activated at the same time.

The power of Agni and Frost merged into one, turning into a powerful and rare skill. Three Jiang Shuijue played rare skills at the same time, and the power should not be underestimated.Gao Shengyi controlled the nemesis he had summoned, and rushed towards the fourth double-headed Frozen.

Luo Zhanjian, Ge An, Ding’s sister and brother, and Shui Lin Beast one after another shot at the four double-headed Frozen.

On the contrary, it was the snow and ice messenger on the city wall, and no one took action against it.

Everyone could see that the strength of this ice and snow envoy should be the leader of these monsters tonight. In the eyes of everyone, they had already consciously handed it over to Su Li.

Everyone is very self-aware and will not compete with Su Li. In fact, it is impossible to get it. It is better to find a way to kill the double-headed Frozen, and perhaps get a piece of equipment.

Su Li’s figure was like electricity. When he rushed under the city wall, the snow envoy floating on the city wall had already floated down, holding the ice war spear in his right hand, and slammed into the oncoming crowd.

A flash of ice flashed on the ice war spear.

“Chuck” continued with a crisp sound, and a group of people opened up various defenses. The moment they touched the ice light, they were frozen and then shattered.

Su Li also summoned six-armed Devil at the same moment.

The six-armed Devil phantom with six weapons appeared, roaring like nothing, and blocked the falling ice and snow envoy.

The ice war spear held by the ice messenger pierced into the phantom of the six-armed Devil. The phantom was instantly rendered into white frost, and then shattered from it.

Su Li strides, “Devil Muscle” third form, “Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone” first form, incarnate into a two-meter Heavenly Demon real body, eight times the physical energy, four times the combat power Ascension, holding the Red Moon Dragon in both hands Slash, the five special abilities of the Outlaws merged into the Red Moon Dragon Slash, and slashed in the face.

The black lightning burst out with a huge and piercing sound, which was blocked by the ice war spear of the ice envoy, and the terrifying cold air surging out from it, wherever it extended, it would freeze wherever it went.

Su Li felt the Red Moon Dragon Slash tremble, and after a try, he understood that this seventh-level rare beast general is much stronger than the sixth-level one, and a strong man with “medium” ordinary combat power. , You can fight with the rare beasts of the sixth-level, but the rare beasts of the seventh-level, the ice and snow envoy in front of you, are already close to the top powers in the “medium” combat power.

Although Zuli did not enter the strongest state of the “overrunner”, the Heavenly Demon body formed by the third form of “devil muscle” and the first form of “Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone” possesses about 180,000 jin of power. The upper five abilities merged into one, combined with the Red Moon Dragon Slash, and slashed down with one knife. The ice war spear held by this ice envoy could not resist, and countless small cracks immediately appeared on the surface, and it sounded.” “Cack” the crisp sound.

Su Li’s figure was like electricity, watching this ice envoy burst out with an incomparably strong ice air, he suddenly approached, and took the initiative to rush into the ice air that can freeze people into popsicles and enter the “power of Sacred.” Invincible state, his left hand punched in the past.

The Ice and Snow Envoy obviously did not expect that someone could take the initiative to rush into the icy air that erupted with all his strength and still not be affected in the slightest.

Caught off guard, he received this punch in his belly, and black lightning burst out from its belly. With a loud bang, the ice and snow messenger was directly hit and flew out of the sky.

What powerful power does this punch contain? With the belly as the center, cracks stretched out in all directions. Soon, the body of the snow envoy who was rolling and flying into the air was completely shattered, bursting into a large number of ice cubes.

A spiritual source appeared, submerged in Su Li’s forehead, and a message appeared in his mind.

“Level 5 Sacred Knight: Spiritual Source 23523000”

Killing a rare seventh-level beast, Zuli obtained 18 spiritual sources at once.

“It seems that the seventh-level rare beast generals are far inferior to the fifth-level monarch. This monarch-level monster is indeed powerful…”

Su Li whispered to herself, watching the ice and snow messenger shattered into pieces and burst into ice in the sky. After watching the spiritual source, another white light flew over and sank into his chest.

“Name: Ice War Spear, Quality: Rare, Attribute: +2000 Strength, Rare Skill: Ice Breath.”

A rare quality weapon, but unfortunately, Su Li looks down on it.

As the Ice Messenger was killed by him, the other four double-headed Frozens were also killed by everyone. The monsters that had flowed like a tide began to retreat, and tonight’s monster siege was finally over.

After all the monsters flee, it was already 8:30 in the evening. The monsters tonight attacked the city, a full half an hour longer than before.

There was a dedicated person responsible for cleaning the battlefield. The soldiers of the three brigade participating in the battle tonight began to leave the field. Compared with the monster siege of the previous nights, there were almost no casualties. More than 20 people died tonight. The injured are countless.

This also sounded a wake-up call for everyone, although they are constantly growing stronger, the monsters are also constantly strengthening.

If you can’t continue to grow stronger, the weak will soon be eliminated. This is the cruel reality.

Ge An found Su Li and discussed the reorganization of the two brigades.

This time Tianjingfeng merged more than two thousand people, plus the original large number of reserve soldiers in the ancient city, even if some weak people responsible for logistics were deducted, two more brigades could still be formed.

Zurich agrees.

Ge An said: “The problem now is that Fulong, what kind of attitude should we use to face him? He seems to have been hit hard, but he still needs his cooperation to re-organize the brigade.”

Su Li smiled slightly and said, “This person is not stupid. I just received too much shock today. I can’t accept it for a while. I guess he will be back to normal tomorrow. If he is a smart person, he should be able to cooperate with you. Cooperate……”

Su Li paused, and continued: “For the ancient city to have today’s scale, harmony and unity are indispensable, and it must not be destroyed by anyone. I believe he is a wise man.”

When Su Li said this, she smiled slightly and looked at Ge An.

Ge An also laughed and nodded: “Yes, he can gather so many people under his hands and become the leader of a force. Naturally, he can see the situation clearly. If he is really going to be stupid, then the ancient city will not be able to accommodate him. ”

With Su Li’s support, Ge An felt much more at ease. Fulong’s strength is indeed strong, and he is also a strong presence in the “medium” combat power. At present, the entire ancient city, I am afraid that only Su Li can suppress him.

Su Li really guessed right. Early the next morning, Ge An found Fulong and expressed his own views. He wanted to reorganize the personnel and build two thousand-man brigade. The strength of the ancient city was strong. Fulong not only did not oppose it, but made great efforts. support.

The night passed, and he came to his senses from the original decadence and dazedness, and strong fighting spirit loomed in his eyes.He is able to live to this day and become a leader. He is naturally a tough-minded person. The shock last night was too big to accept, so he calmed down completely today.

He is very smart, knowing that in this world, everything is fake, and only strength is everything.

As long as Own’s strength can surpass Zuli, it can regain everything that belongs to Own, replace Zuli, and become the true leader of all humans in this ancient city.

Fulong summoned a group of main members who originally belonged to Tianjingfeng, and asked them to cooperate with Ge An to carry out the reconstruction. After that, he handed over the specific reconstruction and reorganization to Ge An to take full responsibility. He didn’t ask anything about it, just with Some core members left the ancient city, mounted the own dolphin beast, and headed for the distant water.

He couldn’t wait a moment, he was going to find the monster, he wanted to be stronger.

There are many people who have similar ideas to Fulong. Now in the ancient city, some major members have formed an own team. For example, Gao Shengyi and Wen Ying have formed a team, Ding’s sister and brother, Lin Feng, Chen Mo, Li Fatty and Chen Jian, Hua Shantai and others also formed a team.

Zhang Haohao, Luo Zhanjian, Dong Wenlu, Sun Fangchao and others also formed their own team. Jiang Xiaodong, Gu Mingfeng, Wu Feng and others formed a team. Xu Haihai and Wen Mengyu, Bai Wenwei, Yu Enyuan, and Tang Ledong formed a team.

Gu Mingfeng tried to follow Jiang Shuijue several times, but she refused.

Now that she and Su Li are together, she understands that Su Li does not want to see Gu Mingfeng, so naturally she can no longer show mercy to Gu Mingfeng. Although Gu Mingfeng treats herself very well, Jiang Shuijue flatly refused.

After two times, Gu Mingfeng also understood something. He got drunk and then mixed with Jiang Xiaodong, Wu Feng and others. During the day, he basically formed a team with them, went out to explore, looking for monsters and opportunities, and never again. Never came to find Jiang Shuijue.

Among the teams that went out for expeditions, the team in Zuri had the least number of people, with only five people and one beast, plus four mounts that had evolved to the leader level.

Although they have the fewest number, they are the most gorgeous.

Seeing Fulong and the people of Tianjingfeng fully cooperate with the reorganization and reconstruction, Fulong took some people to leave the ancient city. Su Li somewhat understood his mentality, smiled, and made sure that he would not cause trouble. This brought Jiang Shuijue. A few people with Gong Xiao left the ancient city.

Their purpose today is still to find a suitable monster lair.

In addition to wanting to obtain monarch equipment, Zuri decided to be promoted to a level 6 Sacred knight today.

He has only needed more than 600 spiritual sources to be successfully promoted, and today he has broken through to level 6, with great hopes.

Five people and one beast, riding on four mounts, left Longqiu Mountain and headed for the distant water.

When Zuli and his entourage left Longqiu Mountain to look for the monster’s nest in the distance, on the water surface about 150 kilometers in a straight line from the northwest of Longqiu Mountain, there were a few buildings out of the water.

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