Chapter 482 Double Talent (first one)

At this moment, beside one of the buildings, two monsters were floating quietly.

One is a giant python with a golden ring, and the other is a giant tortoise.

They all appeared to be very quiet, and they could hardly see any movement. At first glance, they almost thought they were not living creatures with life.

On the roof of the building stood a Daoist shadow, dressed in a black cloak, covering his head and face. His figure was not tall, about 1.7 meters, and his figure looked very strong and heavy.

In front of him, with his hands hanging on his side and a respectful face stood a young man in his twenties.

“Lu Tingnan, yesterday in Abandoned Land, you performed very well. You killed the Mother of Abandonment, obtained the Spirit of Talent, and successfully activated the second talent…”

A gentle and pleasant voice from a woman came from the black cloak, with satisfaction in her voice.

“The vast majority of people have only one kind of talent. No matter how many talented spirits are combined, they can only activate one kind. Those who can activate dual talents are truly geniuses, very rare, and it may not be possible for 100,000 people. There is one.”

Lu Tingnan, who was listening quietly, knew at this moment that he could activate two talents. It turned out that there was only one probability in 100,000 people. He originally thought that as long as the spirit of talent was integrated, one talent could be successfully activated. Now I realized that this is not the case, most people can only have one talent at most.

There was a hint of curiosity in my heart, and I couldn’t help but say: “My lord, are there people with three talents in this world?”

“Three talents?” The gentle woman’s voice smiled faintly, and said: “A person with two talents is already a peerless genius. As for the three talents, it is almost impossible. I have seen a genius with two talents. Some, but three talents…”

She shook her head and said, “I haven’t seen it so far.”

When Lu Tingnan heard this, he nodded slightly, realizing that dual talents should be the limit of a person, and there is no such thing as a person with three talents in this world.

And he is a peerless genius with dual talents, which makes him feel strong confidence in his heart.

“For those with dual talents, it is very easy to achieve’superior’ combat power. If coupled with top-notch treasures and equipment, and with a strong combat awareness, they have the hope of becoming’superior’ combat power. The top power in China, Lu Tingnan, you have such hope.”

“Below here, there is a land of ancient relics. There are many descendants of ancient relics, which I discovered accidentally. Although it is useless to me, it is a rare opportunity for you.”

“I put a seal spell there, and most people can’t get in even if they find it.” This was wrapped in a black cloak, suddenly stretched out his right hand, pointed towards Lu Tingnan’s forehead, and saw a series of small spells. Appeared, poured into his forehead, disappeared.

“I have given you the key to unlock the sealing charm. You can open the sealing charm and enter the ruins after a while.”

Hearing this, Lu Tingnan showed a look of excitement on his face. He understood that this was another great good fortune given to own by the adult in front of him, and he would become stronger.”Thank you, sir!” Lu Tingnan respectfully saluted, his eyes full of gratitude.

“Lu Tingnan, I try my best to cultivate you, hoping that you can help me deal with an old human and don’t let me down.”

“Yesterday, I heard the lord talk about the old human, but the subordinates don’t understand. With your strength, if you want to kill an old human, you can’t use your own power. Why do you need to use someone else?” Lu Tingnan was indeed very worried. Some don’t understand.

With the strength of this one in front of her, what old humans can’t be dealt with by her? Why bother to cultivate yourself so hard to deal with this old man?

Correspondingly, if she is not even this old human opponent, can she deal with this old human?

“You don’t understand. This is because some high-level rules are involved. As a guide, it is not good for me to directly deal with the old humans. Otherwise, he would have died thousands of times.”

This woman’s voice faintly carried an unconcealed anger.

If Lu Tingnan had some enlightenment, he understood something in his heart. It seemed that the leader in front of her could not be without taboos. She also had certain rules that she needed to abide by. It seemed that this world was far more complicated than she had imagined.

“My lord, I just don’t know how strong this human is? How does it compare to his subordinates?” Lu Tingnan was very curious. This could offend the leader, and make her angry. Who is Sacred, and how strong is it?

“The strength of this old man is very strong, even in the’superior’ combat power, it is considered a strong one. Of course, your current strength is no longer below him.”

Although the leader said that his current strength was not lower than that of the old human, Lu Tingnan still showed a solemn expression.

He naturally understands how difficult it is to get an evaluation of “superior” combat power, let alone a strong one in “superior” combat power, that is even rarer.

He now has dual talents, plus top treasures and combat awareness, and he has only reached the level of the “superior” combat power. Of course, he will have another chance to enter the underwater relics. Able to obtain a great good fortune, he has the qualifications to attack the top power in the “superior” combat power.

“A human being in the old world is so powerful… incredible.” Lu Tingnan said, his eyes showed a look of excitement and enthusiasm.

For a genius like him one in 100,000, the most rare thing is a well-matched opponent. The leader’s words made him have a strong interest in this old human, and he can’t wait to find him right away, and the two sides will fight hard. .

“This old human is indeed not weak, but this time my arrangement is foolproof. Not to mention that this old human is currently only a high-level power in the’superior’ combat power, even if he is in the’superior’ combat power. The top powerhouse will undoubtedly die…”

The voice of the leader who covered his face with a black cloak was faintly confident: “I have personally guided many people before, among which three are the most outstanding. I have given them the title of first envoy. One is Wang Di, the first envoy of Qingshan City, the other is Xin Yuqing, the first envoy of Yudingshan, and the first envoy of Hantian City, UEFA Champions League.”

“These three first ambassadors all possess ‘superior’ combat power, and they are also people I value very much. They are all the ones I have decided to introduce to the ‘Holy Land’ in the future.”

Lu Tingnan’s heart shook slightly, and he will introduce “Holy Land” in the future? This has a fatal temptation to him, but he is very smart, knowing that it is not the time for him to interrupt, and he is just listening in silence with a respectful face.

“Unfortunately, Wang Di of Qingshan City was broken in the hands of this old man…I must repay this enmity.” She said this, gritted her teeth slightly, as for the old man who offended herself, punched her body with a pair of fists. Naturally, I can’t talk to Lu Tingnan about the most sensitive places.

Lu Tingnan was slightly surprised. He didn’t think that the original leader wanted to kill this old human so much, it turned out to be revenge for Wang Di, the first sage envoy of Qingshan City.

Unexpectedly, she had such a deep affection for the three first envoys he cultivated. Lu Tingnan suddenly felt a little moved, and he knew in his heart that he should be regarded as the fourth person cultivated by the leader in front of him.

“Originally, my plan was to let Xin Yuqing of Yudingshan and the Champions League Luo of Hantian City take action together. It should be possible to kill this old human… But I didn’t expect to discover you by accident the day before yesterday. You have better than them. As expected, he has successfully activated his dual talents and has the qualifications to be the strongest in his class.”

“The three of you work together, and that is truly foolproof. No matter how strong the old humans are, they cannot be your opponents.”

The guide’s eyes showed a satisfied look. This arrangement of hers can be said to be seamless. Since the high-level rules prevent her from dealing with the old humans, then she spent her energy to cultivate these three “superior” “A strong combatant can fulfill his wish for himself and kill the old human that offended his own.

Three “superior” powerhouses have joined forces, and among them there is even a peerless genius with dual talents like Lu Tingnan who is hopeful to attack the strongest at the same level. No matter how strong this old humanity is, it will be a mortal situation.

The more the facilitator thinks about it, the more he feels in a good mood.

“Lu Tingnan, your dual talents are very rare. As long as there is no accident, you must be qualified to enter the’Holy Land’ in the future. I have already given you the location coordinates of Longqiu Mountain. Before nine o’clock tomorrow, you and you People from Yuding Mountain and Hantian City have also notified that you will gather at Longqiu Mountain. There is an ancient city where old humans gather. Remember… the old humans in that ancient city. , Don’t keep one!”

Speaking of the last sentence, there was a hint of coldness in the original gentle voice of the leader, without the slightest emotional fluctuation.

Lu Tingnan’s heart shook slightly, but he respectfully bowed his cupped hands, indicating he obeyed.

“Well, you go down, I hope you can get a good fortune and become stronger.”

When the leader said this, he didn’t see how she acted, and suddenly disappeared on the roof of this building and appeared on the back of the giant tortoise.

This giant tortoise carried her, breaking through the water, very fast, and soon turned into a small black spot in the distance on the surface of the water.

Lu Jinnan watched the leader and the giant tortoise leave, took a deep breath, and muttered: “In order to kill this old man, did three people with’superior’ combat power be dispatched? The leader is really true. I care about this human being, but… he should be proud of being able to die in my hands.”

When he said this, his hands slowly formed into fists, his eyes glistened, and he looked towards the water beside the building.

“The land of the ruins, is the descendant of the ancient relics? I hope to bring surprises to me, the top power in the’superior’ combat power…the strongest in the same level…Only I, Lu Tingnan, deserves this title. ”

When he said this, on the surface of his body, a piece of very gorgeous spiritual source equipment suddenly appeared, covering the whole body, slammed one by one, volleyed from the roof of the building, pierced into the water together, like a torpedo, It disappeared instantly, which was gone.

Su Li took Jiang Shuijue and rode the fearless shark, leaving Longqiu Mountain and heading in the direction where he went yesterday, because he remembered that when he returned all the way yesterday, he saw a lot of monster dens sporadically on the way.

Ding Longyun rode behind the black giant shark beast.Now the four mounts have evolved to the level of the sixth-level leader, both in strength and speed are greatly Ascension, everyone riding on it looks majestic.

Gong Xiao and Xu Xuehui were sitting on the backs of the Fire Feather Turtle, while the Shui Lin Beast lay lazily on the back of the giant crocodile turtle.

Less than 30 kilometers away from Longqiu Mountain, I saw a monster lair far away.

From a distance, the monster’s lair looked like a cloud of black fog. In the black fog, some buildings were faintly visible.

Such an abnormal place suddenly appeared on the surface of the water now, without guessing, it must be a hidden monster, and it should be a new monster lair.

“Suri, go there!” Ding Longyun exclaimed with some excitement.

Everyone tasted the sweetness yesterday, and today they are thinking about finding monster lairs, hunting the monarch, and harvesting the monarch’s equipment or treasures.

Su Li gave a hum, and was about to change the direction of the fearless shark beast and head towards the black fog in the distance. Xu Xuehui suddenly said, “No!”

It’s rare for Xu Xuehui to speak suddenly, and Su Li takes it very seriously. He glanced at her and said, “Girl, what’s the matter?”

“Danger, you can’t go there.” Xu Xuehui widened her eyes, looking at the place shrouded in black mist from a distance, and said with certainty.

When she said that, Su Li, Jiang Shuijue, Ding Longyun and Gong Xiao looked at each other, thinking of the special eyes of Xu Xuehui, she suddenly said that, I was afraid that the place covered by the black mist would be very dangerous, it is very likely. Hidden monsters they couldn’t deal with.

Su Li didn’t hesitate too much. He believed Xu Xuehui’s words firmly and nodded and said: “Let’s go, change to another place.”

Immediately shoot the fearless shark beast, let it change direction, and continue to go in other directions.

Jiang Shuijue said: “Xuehui said it is dangerous, we better not go.”

Then all the way to the southwest, after about 20 kilometers, everyone found a second monster lair.

This is an unnamed hill above the water, with a radius of about two to three hundred meters. There are some trees growing on the hill and a lot of bushes.

Xu Xuehui saw a trace of a monster here from a distance, and pointed towards it.

This time she didn’t talk about danger anymore, everyone no longer hesitated, and immediately rode on their mounts and rushed towards here at full speed.

As they approached, Su Li soon discovered the monsters moving on the unknown hill.

This is a creature that resembles a fox. When they arrived at the edge of the hill with five people and one beast riding on four mounts, a large number of fox-like creatures appeared on the hill, among the trees and in the bushes. With a pair of fox eyes, with cold light, staring at these uninvited guests very unkindly.

Su Li opened the “Peeping Rune” early and caught their message.

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