Chapter 480 Goddess of Nemesis (first one)

In the past few days, they have gained a lot. Gao Shengyi and Wen Ying have successfully promoted to Advanced 4, and among them, Gao Shengyi has gained the most.

The weapon he currently holds has been replaced with a rare-quality evil grievance thorn from a normal-quality bone-crushing stick. The biggest chance he got was that a group of people encountered a second-level larval monarch, and they joined forces. After slaying this second-level larval monarch, Gao Shengyi successfully grabbed the final blow and harvested a treasure.

This is also the only treasure that these people have obtained these days, making everyone’s eyes red with envy.

The treasure that Gao Shengyi obtained was called “The Nemesis”, which gave him a qualitative change in strength.

Gao Shengyi was relatively low-key. He obtained this treasure and rarely used it. Before Fulong came to provoke him, the Ding brothers and brothers and Luo Zhanjian couldn’t help but both shot them. Gao Shengyi was just watching silently and didn’t do it.

At this moment, encountering a group of Death gnomes, Gao Shengyi realized that something was wrong, and finally activated the effect of the treasure “Avenger”.

“The Nemesis” started, and above Gao Shengyi’s right shoulder, a floating Nemesis appeared.

This nemesis is holding a bow and arrow in her hand. It looks only half a meter high and has a pair of small wings. Under the control of Gao Shengyi, she pulls away the bow and arrow in her hand and flies towards the Death dwarf while launching her hand. Bows and arrows in the house.

With a squeak, the arrow in his hand hit the Death dwarf. This arrow was so powerful that it immediately pierced the Death dwarf’s body through a huge blood hole.

The Death gnome possesses superb self-healing ability. It can recover in an instant without destroying its confidant. It uttered a roar, swooped, and swooped at the floating nemesis.

This nemesis seemed very fragile, and was instantly broken into four pieces by the death dwarf’s flutter.

Gao Shengyi also backed away, pulling a distance. It seemed that he could not expect that the Death dwarf was so strong that the Nemesis could not withstand a single blow.

However, an incredible change took place right after the situation. The four pieces of the Nemesis’s shattered body changed in an instant, and they all became a new Nemesis. All of a sudden, they changed from the original Nemesis to four nemesis. goddess.

These four nemesis goddesses are slightly taller than the first nemesis goddesses, and the bows and arrows in their hands are a bit bigger.

The four big nemesis goddesses bent their bows and shot arrows at the same time, and the four arrows flashed, and four huge blood holes appeared in the Death dwarf’s body immediately.

The attacks of the four nemesis newly changed, not only did not weaken, but also much stronger than the previous nemesis.

This is the truly terrifying place of the treasure “The Nemesis”.

The nemesis that was first summoned is not powerful, but if she is destroyed by the enemy, the power of revenge will be triggered immediately. How many pieces of the body are destroyed, how many stronger nemesis will evolve based on the original reason.

By analogy, the more the number of destructions, the more the body is broken, the stronger the power of hatred will be, and more and more powerful nemesis will be born.In principle, this kind of power has almost no limit, as long as the conditions are right, countless infinitely powerful nemesis can be born.

Of course, this kind of “nemesis” also has strict rules and restrictions. For example, Gao Shengyi cannot destroy the nemesis himself, and whoever destroys the nemesis, the newly born nemesis, driven by the power of revenge, will only attack the destroyer. revenge.

Therefore, not only is Gao Shengyi unable to destroy the Nemesis himself to evolve a stronger Nemesis, even his friends or helpers cannot deliberately destroy the Nemesis to give birth to a stronger Nemesis, otherwise they will be attacked by the Nemesis.

The Death dwarf just destroyed the first revenge summoned by Gao Shengyi. The power of revenge has been fully aroused. Four more powerful nemesis newly born, began to besiege the Death dwarf frantically.

Before this Death gnome died, they were not controlled by Gao Shengyi, nor would they attack other enemies. Unless they were attacked by new enemies, they would move their hatred and revenge targets.

Gao Shengyi watched the four nemesis besieging the Death dwarf frantically, and the Death dwarf attacked and destroyed two of them.

The bodies of these two nemesis were broken apart from each other, and they were divided into two. As a result, four more powerful nemesis were born again, and there were six nemesis in the field.

One of the nemesis shot out with an arrow, and with a thud, the Death dwarf’s body burst into meat sauce, and it shattered along with its heart.

Witnessing the amazing blow of the nemesis, Gao Shengyi didn’t feel too happy, but sighed secretly.

After killing this Death dwarf, the six nemesis suddenly converged into one, transformed into a small nemesis again, flew towards him, and returned to the original appearance.

The revenge is complete, the power of vengeance disappears, and the goddess of vengeance is restored.

Gao Shengyi looked at the nemesis who had come back and had become smaller again, with a look on his face that couldn’t say anything.

In some respects, this ability can be said to be infinitely powerful, but on the other hand, it seems to be infinitely weak.

According to the Nemesis’s ability, if the enemy destroys this Nemesis and fights with this Nemesis, the stronger enemy will eventually be killed by more and more powerful Nemesis.

However, if the enemy sees through the Nemesis’s ability and has a way to avoid and not destroy this Nemesis, but instead locks himself to attack, then the Nemesis’s ability is just like a display and it is difficult to play a role.

This complicated and contradictory psychology made Gao Shengyi love and hate this “Vengeance”.

The major leaders and some core members, everyone tried their best to stop this group of Death gnomes and prevent them from rushing into the people behind, so as to avoid a large number of casualties.

This kind of sixth-level leader beast general, every time Zuli kills one, he can harvest eight spiritual sources, and integrates several kinds of energy into the Red Moon Dragon Slash. With each blade cut, the black lightning and lightning burst out. Being able to explode the heart of this Death dwarf makes it too late to develop their self-healing ability.

Every time Su Li attacked, he could kill a Death gnome. Soon he killed more than twenty Death gnomes. These death gnomes that rushed in in groups were washed away by him. The spirit he now has The number of sources has exceeded 2,200.

Xu Xuehui activated the treasure “Green Clam Talisman”, and a cyan rune appeared on the surface of the gamma laser gun she was holding, and a faint cyan charm appeared in the gamma rays shot from it.

With the blessing of this “green talisman”, the power of this gamma ray is doubled. Ascension, these monsters immediately fly in flesh and blood under the blast, and even the fourth-level or even the fifth-level elite beasts can’t resist it.

Soon, she was successfully promoted and made a breakthrough to level 4 Psion.

After the Death gnome who rushed in this round was killed by everyone, the monster attack tonight has lasted about an hour. According to previous experience, the monster attack every night basically lasts about an hour.

Su Li sighed softly, feeling a little tired, and stepped back to rest again. This is already his second rest. He needs to maintain adequate physical fitness at all times, because no one knows what will happen until the last moment. You need to have enough physical fitness to cope with possible changes.

Just when he just killed the Death gnomes, he killed more than 30 Death gnomes in succession, and finally successfully realized the special ability of “life self-healing”, which made him a little excited.

He originally possessed the special ability of “super regeneration”, and now he understands “life self-healing”. Both of these are the ability to restore and heal the body. Combining them together, the effect is bound to double Ascension.

Su Li retired to rest. This round of Death gnomes were basically killed by everyone. One hour has passed, but the monster army has not retreated, and no stronger monsters have appeared, but there is still an endless source of plague. Dogs, Mist Killers, and Torn Bear appear.

But the Frostman and Asa Condor appeared in the sky gradually becoming scarce.

The situation tonight is obviously a bit abnormal.

“Strange, these monsters are not going back? Tonight’s monster attack lasted so long?” Ge An also frowned, he also felt tired, and stepped back to rest for a while.

Looking at the time, it was already 8:10 in the evening. Compared to before, the monster siege tonight has lasted one hour and ten minutes.

Su Li’s physical strength completely recovered, and once again held the Red Moon Dragon to cut his hand.

He also realized that tonight’s monster siege time has been extended. The greatest possibility he can think of is that the number of people in the ancient city has broken through to 10,000, and their strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the monster’s corresponding attacks seem to be getting stronger and stronger. , The difficulty is increasing.

But this is also a good thing for Su Li, he can harvest more spiritual sources.

Now he is getting closer and closer to the 3000 spiritual sources needed for breakthrough promotion, and he already has the hope of hitting the 6th-level Sacred knight.

The Red Moon Dragon Slash swung out, continuously harvesting the lives of one monster after another, whether it was a plague dog or a mist killer, or a tearing violent bear, or an Asa condor that plunged down from mid-air. Can’t hold back his blow.

One by one, the spiritual source submerged into his forehead. Gradually, the number of spiritual sources he possessed reached 2,300, which was only 700 spiritual sources short of breakthrough.

Suddenly, there was a scream from the sky, followed by a chill, and from among those dwindling frosts, a giant frosted person suddenly threw out and went straight down into the air.

With a “boom”, this heavy pounce tore open the defenses supported by everyone under the Third Stage and pounced on one person.

The person who was beaten was Zhang Huaning. He once belonged to Zhang Haohao’s “Doom Club”. He was regarded as one of his core members. He possessed the strength of the leader and was also one of the three leaders of the first long-range squadron of the Tigers.At this moment, he turned into a giant blood wolf and just exploded the head of a plague dog. Unexpectedly, such a terrifying monster suddenly threw out in the air, and even the Third Stage defense supported by the defense squadron around him was torn apart.

Before he could react, he was grabbed by an ice sculpture-like claw, shaking his whole body wit, and suddenly his blood and muscles were frozen into popsicles.

The paw caught Zhang Huaning, who was frozen into a popsicle, and threw it towards the group of people on the other side.

With a “bang”, Zhang Huaning smashed over with his body sideways, hitting the open shield, bursting into a large number of ice cubes and breaking apart.

This scene surprised many people. You must know that Zhang Huaning was not weak, and he was killed by this monster in a face-to-face encounter.

Su Li saw her eyes, her body was slightly short, and she rushed over like a bolt of lightning.

This giant frosted man was twice as big as a normal frosted man, with two heads, and Su Li had already captured its information in an instant.

“Name: Two-headed Frostman, Level: sixth-level rare beast, it is evolved from elite frostmen, masters the power of ice, has the ability to freeze the lake instantly, rare at sixth-level Among the beast generals, there are extremely terrifying existences.”

The sixth-level rare beast general means that it has the strength to match the dark military divisions. No wonder it can kill Zhang Huaning, who is not weak in one strike.

Almost at the same time it killed Zhang Huaning, Su Li rushed forward like lightning, and with a wave of his left hand, a powerful black lightning blasted over in the air.

The double-headed ice-bound person hovered one by one, and two blood basins and big mouths spewed ice mist at the same time.

Suddenly, the two-headed Frozen One spread his wings, rushed out of the ice mist in the air, covered in heavy ice mist, stretched out his claws, and attacked Zuri with the momentum of the goshawk attacking the rabbit.

Su Li didn’t say a word, and the Red Moon Dragon Zhan held in his right hand suddenly swung out from bottom to top.

He is in the state of Heavenly Demon’s real body, the outsider has merged five energies and shot out along the Red Moon Dragon Slash.

With a “chih”, the two-headed Frozen Man suddenly opened his two mouths and let out a screaming roar. The huge body suddenly split from the middle, and the terrifying black thunder and lightning exploded from it. The harsh sound broke this into The body of the two-headed Frozen who fell in two halves was scorched black.

After slashing the double-headed Frozen, Su Li seemed to have done a trivial thing. He turned around and rushed towards the other side, because he saw the wall of the city and had already appeared on a more powerful existence.

The double-headed Frostman is a sixth-level rare beast general. In terms of strength, it is never under the dark military divisions that have appeared before. Now in Zurich, there is no need to use the monarch skills or the strongest state of the transcendence. Combining the five abilities of the Outlaws, combined with the Red Moon Dragon Slash, it can be easily slashed with a single slash.

Killing the Double-headed Frozen One, in addition to obtaining 12 spiritual sources, he also obtained a rare piece of armor. Su Li’s figure kept on opening the “Peep Rune” to observe the few monsters that had just appeared on the city wall.

He understood that tonight the monster siege was finally coming to an end, and the truly powerful monster finally appeared.

On the city wall, four double-headed Frozens fell. They converged their wings, surrounded by icy mist, opened their mouths, and screamed, as if they were demonstrating, and they seemed to be directing monsters to attack more wildly. .

Between these four double-headed icy creatures stands a feminine humanoid creature. She has a pair of translucent ice and snow wings. These beautiful ice and snow wings are flapping, causing her feet to lift off the ground and float slowly. Above the city wall.

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