The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4783: , key issues (2)

With the increasingly frequent contact between the Holy Light Holy See and the known cosmic coalition, Luo Ji could feel that he and Ye Qingxuan were being monitored to a certain extent.

There is no doubt that these surveillances are mainly from the Holy See Nation of the Holy Light.

Obviously, the issue of Cyrelia being able to communicate smoothly with the coalition forces has indeed aroused a certain degree of suspicion.

But as mentioned earlier, the Holy See Nation of Holy Light has annexed many civilizations, and these civilizations basically have their own main languages.

Under this premise, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan gave Cyrelia a 'prisoner of war' status in advance, and then set her as a diplomat before she became a prisoner of war. After setting her as a diplomat of a certain country, Cyrelia has excellent negotiating skills , and mastering multiple languages ​​makes sense all at once.

Of course, in response to this, Holy Light Holy See Nation obviously does not believe what they say, otherwise they will not come to monitor them.

But it doesn't matter, the winged people really lack talent in surveillance work. Those winged people who are responsible for monitoring them, their every move is currently under the control of the 'dark web'.

Anyway, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan didn't plan to do anything in the near future.

During this period, the information brought back by the winged people was also reported to Rodlin and Thomp Best, and the two six-winged holy winged species reported it to their 'God' in person.

"He's actually dead?"

Obviously, even this 'god' of the winged people was shocked by the news of the insect king's death.

Although this 'god', his tone and posture are full of arrogance, he undoubtedly admits the power of the insect king.

He never thought that in this universe, other than him, there is no one else who can kill the insect king...

"Go and find out who killed that ant."


Compared with the insect king, the 'God' is definitely not a belligerent, and at the same time does not pursue a powerful battle.

He is interested in killing the existence of the insect king because he has a sense of crisis and believes that this existence has the ability to pose a threat to himself!

Of course, at the moment when the Void Zerg has not yet collapsed, the 'God' is not planning to do anything for the time being.

After all, he is not stupid. Although the strong are self-willed, compared to the insect king, the 'God' is a peak powerhouse, but he also attaches great importance to his country, or his own rule. .

Because in the concept of 'God', this itself is an important part of him as a 'God'.

In fact, he did absorb the power of faith from these countless believers and turned it into his own power.

This is also the fundamental reason why he attaches great importance to the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light.

The reason why he ignores government affairs at all is not so much ignoring, but rather because he knows that he is not good at doing this, so he simply leaves it to believers who are good at it. This way of doing things is undoubtedly correct.

In any case, at this moment, the two sides jointly encircled and suppressed the Zerg. This consensus has been successfully reached.

The coalition forces and the Holy See Nation of the Holy Light, combined with each other, formed a situation that even Balsa had lost.

Although he also installed a lot of spies in the coalition, but when all the forces in the coalition have completely divided the war zone and fought each other, the role that those spies can play has been greatly reduced.

During this period, he tried to let the spy repeat the same trick, and found an opportunity to pass on false orders to transfer the troops of one of the forces to attack the troops of the other.

However, due to the fact that the war zones are clearly divided, there is already a gap between them. This gap allows the attacked party to obtain relatively sufficient reaction time.

In addition, the forces of the coalition forces have long lost trust and have been on guard against each other. At the same time, it has long been agreed that troops from any other forces can open fire directly once they enter the theater of operations that their forces are responsible for.

Therefore, under the deception and guidance of the parasite, the special unit that launched the special operation was not even able to get close to the target, and was directly destroyed by the target!

As the representative of the force that was inexplicably launched a move that violated the order, and then was inexplicably destroyed by the force next door, his mood was definitely not very good, and it could even be said to be extremely bad.

What's worse is that in this state, he has to bear the condemnation from the forces next door.

After the quarrel between the two sides, blood surged for a while, and almost got into a fight, but fortunately, the fight didn't happen in the end, and was stopped in time by Deerk in the name of Zhong Mo.

In fact, after calming down and thinking about it, isn't this a solution?

Why were the various forces killed by the parasite's espionage operation before?

The fundamental reason, to put it bluntly, is because they don't know who is a spy, so they don't dare to launch an attack easily.

After all, according to the alliance's covenant, attacking friendly forces is a serious crime, and the consequences will be very serious if it is investigated.

But it's different now, just hit UU reading directly!

Those spies don't seem to be able to mobilize large-scale troops, and even if they can mobilize, the actions of the large troops will soon be detected by the commander-in-chief, and they will be stopped in time.

As for some small-scale troops, under the premise of direct fire on the opposite side, they cannot pose much threat at all.

At most, the party who was trapped by the spy had to pay some losses.

During this period, Delke also advocated more than once that representatives of various forces should make a clear statement directly to their respective armies, so that the soldiers should not trust any secret operations.

In this regard, Delke does not know how many power representatives are willing to follow suit.

After all, even if there are no spies, Delke knows that many representatives of these forces are doing small things...

But no matter what, the point of destroying the zerg first has not wavered.

This made their coalition's offensive not hindered much.

At the same time, it also made Balsa clearly realize that he continued to use espionage methods, which would only make the infiltrating parasites sacrifice one after another, but there was no way to achieve the same effect as before.

Because there is no cooperation on the side of the coalition forces. They were originally divided and fought each other. They have already been destroyed. How else do you want to provoke them?

The latest round of intelligence feedback has made the despair in Balsa's eyes even more intense. In the current situation, he has really reached the end of the road.

But what Balsa didn't know was that, as a **** he cast in his early layout, the parasites who got into the back of the known universe were about to turn the known universe upside down...


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