The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4784: , **** mode

The Dark Iron Empire plotted to recapture its own citizens, and at the same time attacked the fleet of the Elf Kingdom and the notarized Union Committee ships, causing them to be completely wiped out. All these actions undoubtedly ignited the fuse of this war.

In this process, few people know that, in fact, a small episode occurred.

That is, in this part of the exchange of citizens between the two parties, Mia, the notary of the meeting, proposed that the alliance committee provide ships to go to the Dark Iron Empire and the Elf Kingdom to receive citizens of the two countries, and then send these citizens to the two countries separately. back to their home countries.

However, Mia's proposal was rejected by Ye An, who is now the chairman of the committee.

The statement given by Ye An was 'inappropriate'.

But Mia knew in her heart that Ye An simply didn't want to take risks and responsibilities.

Due to the special status of the Ye's Chamber of Commerce in the Seven-Star Alliance, under normal circumstances, the chairman of the Alliance Committee is basically held by the previous presidents of the Ye's Chamber of Commerce.

Ye An is naturally the same.

But since Ye An came to power, there have been a lot of troubles. Coupled with the constant outbreak of various incidents on the front line, the problems of various countries have been stimulated, and Ye An, the chairman of the committee, has to be dealt with.

However, Ye An did not handle it very well, which not only made the leaders of various member states feel dissatisfied, but also made them doubt the ability of the chairman.

In the past few years, within the Seven Star Alliance, the voice of voting for the re-election of the chairman has never disappeared.

This undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on Ye An.

At this juncture, the Dark Iron Empire and the Elf Kingdom happened again.

If this matter can be handled well, then while gaining the trust of the Dark Iron Empire and the Elf Kingdom, it will also be able to prove some of his abilities.

With such thoughts in mind, Ye An was quite concerned about this matter.

But at the same time as he was concerned, Ye An was also a little worried about this matter. If he did something wrong, it would make his situation even worse.

So while mediating, he wants to avoid risks as much as possible.

To put it simply, one of the effects Ye An wants to achieve is 'Even if something happens during this mediation process, he doesn't need to bear the blame! ’

Taking this as a premise, Mia's proposal will greatly increase the risks and responsibilities they need to take.

The leaders of the Dark Iron Empire and the Elf Kingdom have just died, and these two leaders are also the fathers of the current rulers. At this juncture, the ghost knows these two princes, what would they think?

Taking this into consideration, Ye An rejected Mia's proposal.

And after the incident of the Black Iron Empire broke out, Ye An naturally slapped the table and said, 'I knew something would happen! ' posture.

They even wish to publicize their "prescient" to let everyone know that their chairman is still very wise.

Of course, he still didn't do it in the end, after all, the idea was not honorable.

In response to this matter, Ye An's annoyance and anger at the Black Iron Empire's move was also a little bit more.

As the chairman of Ye's Chamber of Commerce and the chairman of the Alliance Committee, this move of the Black Iron Empire is not only provoking him, but directly slapping him in the face!

In order to save face, Ye An immediately made a public statement, calling on the entire Seven-Star Alliance, and even the entire known universe, to impose sanctions on the Black Iron Empire.

Although the reactions of various countries were somewhat less than Ye An's expectations, they still sent troops for the time being, which was considered a face.

Of course, for this move, Ye An's deeper purpose is to divert internal attention and contradictions in this way.

And the Black Iron Empire jumped out at this juncture, and even did such a thing, it can only blame you for being unlucky.

In the face of the alliance committee that began to exert its strength, even a powerful country like the Black Iron Empire could only be immersed in anxiety and panic.

During this process, Ye An, the chairman of the committee, also started a new round of calculations in his heart.

Thinking about how to make good use of this incident, while allowing himself to completely restore his reputation, and at the same time sit firmly in the position of chairman.

As a result, all the troops of various countries have assembled and are ready to go to the second universe to support the Elf Kingdom and conquer the Dark Iron Empire.

On the front line, the information of the armies of other countries has also been passed back one after another.

Needless to say, as soon as this wave of information came back, it immediately caused an unprecedented shock in the entire known universe.

The leaders of various countries urgently ordered to terminate the support plan, and began to gather troops to the border, ordering the border troops under their respective command to enter a wartime state!

This situation caught Ye An by surprise.

Although, compared to most of the universe countries, their Ye's Chamber of Commerce obtained the information from the front line faster, but in fact, other countries were not much slower than them.

This time, Ye An's original plan can be said to be completely ruined!

And this is just the beginning. UU reading

As the chairman of the alliance committee, although the initiator of the alliance was Ye Tianxiong, the former chairman and former chairman of the Ye's Chamber of Commerce, Ye An and Ye Tianxiong were both Ye family members.

After all, Ye An himself was the heir of Ye Tianxiong. Now that something happened to the frontline coalition forces, the leaders of various countries would naturally be the first to approach Ye An and ask for an explanation!

Although in this position, Ye An has been sitting for some years.

But considering the situation in the known universe over the years, Ye An's succession at this point in time can basically be defined as **** mode.

Therefore, considering it comprehensively, without ten or twenty years, or even twenty or thirty years of experience, it is almost impossible to be like a duck to water in this **** mode.

And now this **** mode has undoubtedly increased the difficulty for him.

As soon as this wave of difficulty increased, Ye An had an urge to die.

At this moment, in the face of the scolding from the leaders of all parties, Ye Anguang was calm, and he was about to do his best without scolding on the spot!

"Ask! Ask Nima?! How does the labor and management know what's going on with your group of dogs?!"

After holding back his temper and temporarily responding to another national leader's questioning, Ye An's office undoubtedly suffered another disaster.

For this situation, his secretary and guards have become accustomed to it.

At the same time, it can also show some understanding.

In fact, even as bystanders, they could see how terrifyingly enormous pressure Ye An was under during this period.

If you don't find some way to vent it, then you won't be crazy?


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